Love At First Joke | Sal Vulc...


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Cassie was an ordinary 35 year old girl from the UK. She's always wanted to find love, however, has never bee... Еще

Epilogue: 3 Years Later


532 16 0

"I've lost him, Joe" Cassie cried, burying her head into her hands. "Why was I so stupid?! I love Sal...and only him! He's everything to me and I betrayed him." She sobbed, resting into Joe, as he had his arms wrapped around her shoulders, comforting her.

"Shh, come on Cassie. Sal loves you, he just needs space. Just stay here for the night and I'll invite him over tomorrow so you two can talk this out." Joe spoke in a calm voice.

"Thank you." Cassie said, through her tears.

Joe laid some pillows and blankets out for Cassie, so that she could sleep on the couch. He bid her goodnight as he returned to his bedroom.

Cassie laid on her back, staring at the ceiling. Her mind was constantly re-living that moment she saw Sal's face fall to the floor. That moment she witnessed his heart break into a million pieces. Cassie cried herself to sleep that night, hating herself for what she had done to the man she loved. Why, was all she could think.


Cassie woke to the sound of Joe walking down the stairs. He was carrying Milana on his hip.

"Good morning" he said, approaching Cassie who was laying on the couch. Milana waved, causing Cassie to smile.

"Morning Joe, thank you for letting me stay the night." She replied.

"Hey no problem at all. Bessy is going to take Milana out for the morning so Sal can come over and you two can sort this out." He gave a small smile before entering the kitchen.


Sal woke up, to find that he had fallen asleep on the floor, leaning against his bed. In his hands were photos of him and Cassie, all the memories they had shared together. A tear fell from his eye and landed on the photo.

Sal let out a broken sigh, as he went to get ready for the day. His phone let out a chime as he reached the door to the bathroom.

Hey bud, Cassie stayed at mine last night. She's broken about what happened. Please come over so you two can sort this out. Loves ya bud,

Sal threw his phone onto the bed without replying. He went to shower. I need her back but how can I trust her again. I expected something like this from Q, but Cassie? Why? Sal thought to himself.

As he re-entered the bedroom, he held out his hand and grabbed his phone, typing a reply to Joe.

I'll be there in an hour. I just want her back Joey. Hell, I need her back...but how can I trust her, man?

Within a short while, a reply came through from Joe.

Sal, she loves you. I can hear it in her voice when she speaks about you. I can see the love in both your eyes when you look at each other. You two were made for one another. You need to sort this out buddy. I know that she deeply regrets what she did last night. It'll work out bud, I promise it will.

Sal sighed deeply as he continued to get ready. He didn't want to face Cassie but it was his only choice if he wanted to get her back.


Sal knocked on the door, looking down at his shoes.

Joe opened the door and let Sal in. He hugged Sal and patted him on his back for support.

Sal walked through to find Cassie sat on the couch, with her head in her hands. He could hear he sniffling and crying.

"Cas...Sal's here." Joe quietly said before leaving them to it.

Sal walked over to Cassie and sat down beside her. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder. Instantly, she cradled into him, crying uncontrollably.

"Shh...come on Cas." Sal whispered, rubbing her back.

"Sal...I'" Cassie spoke, in between breathes. He cradled her in his arms as he gently rocked back and forth. Tears forming in his eyes.

"I-I know..." Sal stuttered. Cassie broke away from the hug before looking at Sal.

"I don't know what came over me...I-I wasn't thinking. It was the alcohol. I love you Sal, and only you! I never want to hurt you ever again. Please forgive me." Her eyes full of regret, as she stared into Sal's emerald eyes.

He let out a sigh. Sal took ahold of Cassie's hand and looked deep into her eyes.

"If this was with anyone else, I'd leave them without a seconds thought. But you are my world Cassie. That ring on your finger means something and I can't just break away from all that. I must be stupid to forgive you but you are mine and I don't ever want to lose you, baby." His tears began to break free, as they streamed down his face.

They both sat there, embracing each other, as they let out their cries. Sal placed a soft kiss to the top of her head and rocked her back and forth, consoling his love.

Joe peeked round the corner and smiled. He put his thumbs up to Sal, who simply replied with a nod.

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