Entwined by Destiny

De Em-square

256K 31.3K 7.9K

As humans, we all make plans but Allah is the best of planners.Four cousins thought they had their lives all... Mai multe

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
*Not an Update but pls read*
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter Twenty-three
Chapter Twenty-four
Chapter Twenty-five
Chapter Twenty-six
Chapter Twenty-seven
Acknowledgements 🌹🌹🌹
Chapter Twenty-eight
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-one
Chapter Thirty-two
Chapter Thirty-three
Chapter Thirty-four
Chapter Thirty-five
Chapter Thirty-six
Chapter Thirty-seven
Chapter Thirty-eight
Chapter Thirty-nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-one
Chapter Forty-two
Chapter Forty-three
Chapter Forty-four
Chapter Forty-five
Chapter Forty-six
Chapter Forty-seven
Chapter Forty-eight
Chapter Forty-nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-one
Chapter Fifty-two
Voting Polls
Dua Solicitation
New Book

Chapter Twenty-nine

4K 535 114
De Em-square


Hahahahaha Dan Allah ku karanta kusha dariya 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂  Bayan na gama Shiryawa zan fita office sai Amaryata ta fito da shagwaɓa ta rike hannun jakar dake rataye a kafaɗa ta tace "Darling yau a gida zaka zauna kayi min kitso ko" sai na juyo na dubeta tareda dafa kafaɗarta nace " amaryata kiyi hakuri sai na dawo" cikin lallausan murya tace "to My Dear" na tafi har naje bakin kofa sai naji tace " HONEY". Juyowar da zanyi sai tayi min wani kallo mai karya zuciya. Bansan lokacin dana saki jakar dake hannuna ba, nan take nayo kwana, na zauna abakin doguwar kujera nace "zo inyi miki kitson" na ture dan kwalin dake kanta na kama lallausan gashinta ina ja tareda shafawa. Ban ankara ba... Saidai naji saukar Mari,Raassss! na mike a firgice ashe wai mafarki nakeyi, Gemun yayana (Uztaz) da muke maleji a katifa ɗaya na kama inata ja. SADIQ wane irin iskanci ne wannan zaka dinga jamin Gemu ina barci? Yayi ta fada a fusace. Kwana nayi cikin takaici ni ban gama mafarkin ba kuma nasha mari 😂😂😂 Gwauranta batayi ba kuje kuyi Aure.

This chapter is dedicated to an anonymous fan of C.J whose nickname is also C.J.Wherever you are ,C.J sends his regards, Ceejay😁

Fateema was clad in her hijab,in sujood position crying out her heart to Allah on the praying mat after performing morning nafl prayer (walha).After a prolonged time, she finally sat down,wiped at the tears and picked up her phone to search the Email box for the umpteenth time.

It has been two days--forty-eight and a quarter long,agonizing hours since she sent him that letter but uptill now,there has been no reply whatsoever from him.Not even a message to acknowledge he had received hers,nothing just plain,unendurable silence.

Fateema knew what that meant--he had given up on her and no longer loved her after knowing her past.In actual sense,she ought to be relieved that at least she'd gotten him off her case and move on with her boring life but alas,she felt quite the opposite.

Her heart bled and it hurt more than anything had ever hurt her before. Not even what the chameleon and his accomplice (Sughra) did to her hurt as much.She had already recovered from the pain of their betrayal but the pain of losing C.J......she wasn't sure she was quite up to it judging from the feelings in her bleeding heart.

As she wiped at the unending tears,Ikram came running into the room after Fateema answered her 'salaam'.

Quite used to seeing their eldest sister in tears, Ikram was unfazed as she said,"Adda,Malam Ilu said I should tell you someone from Abdallah's school is looking for you outside the gate.That he has a very important message to convey to you."

At first,Fateema's first impulse was to send her back to the guard to tell him to just receive the message on her behalf but her motherly instincts kicked in as a part of her urged her to go since Abdallah is involved. She didn't bother washing her reddened eyes,just tied her niqab and strolled out.

The person she saw panting and heaving his chest as if he had run all the way from his abode to hers,shocked the daylights out of her.

"C.J???!!!"she exclaimed just as he rushed forward, his arms wide spread as if to hug her,muttering "Oh Zahra,oh my Zahra!"

Moving backwards abruptly, Fateema shouted at him,"What are you doing?!Okay, now you know I've been sampled so you've come to have your own taste?"

"What?exclaimed a shocked C.J,"No,no,no my love I swear to God I wasn't about to take advantage of you.I came here as soon as I could....I got delayed by the office and the flight arrangements but this is as fast as I could make it to come and hug you.To give you a shoulder to cry on and drain out the miseries. May I?I promise I won't do anything stupid. I just want you to drain it all out once and for all."

Surveying their surrounding, Fateema's eyes fell on the abandoned house next door--Sughra's old family house.That house held painful memories in it but right now she had no choice if she didn't want to risk being seen by any member of her family. Muttering "Follow me",she hurriedly walked into the empty,dilapidated house.

Standing against a wall,she said,"First and foremost let's get this straight. Thank you for your kind offer of a shoulder to lean on but I can't take up
on that.You and I can't hug each other. It's unacceptable in my religion."

C.J slowly nodded his head in understanding, his eyes which were filled with love,compassion, sympathy and other emotions she couldn't name,fixed intently on hers.

Before her courage eluded her, she asked"So you took the trouble of getting permission from office, travelled over seas,oceans and land just to come and hug me?"

Taking a deep breath, C.J said,"That's not all Zahra.We need to talk.Seriously talk May I....can I take you somewhere we could talk?Is it acceptable?"

Sighing, Fateema replied,"I am afraid this place would have to do.I can't go anywhere without my parents' knowledge and I don't want to have to explain to them."

C.J heaved a sigh of defeat as he looked around until he saw a block which he picked up and placed it beside Fateema,saying "Please take a seat then.I don't want your legs to get sore."

Smiling even though he couldn't see behind her niqab,she replied,"Only if you'd sit down too."

"Fair enough"he replied with a smile as he got another block and sat down facing her.

Looking around, he asked,"This is the betrayer's old house,right?"

Shocked, Fateema said,"How did you know?"

"I know you Zahra.I saw the look in your eyes before you made up your mind to enter.Besides,you told me in your letter that she lived next door."

At that,Fateema's eyes misted,remembering all those jolly,happy, carefree times spent in this particular house with her two-timing friend. All those sweet memories.....

"They're not worth it you know. All those tears,hurts and pains all for the two backstabbing,conniving deceivers and betrayers of trust.No,they definitely donot deserve your precious tears and valuable time wasted in wallowing over their induced grief.That will make them the winning team while you lose.That was what they planned to achieve in the first place--to see your downfall,to see you wallowing in pains and agony and to destroy your very beautiful life but am sure my Zahra will not give them that satisfaction.'

"The Zahra I know is a very strong,confident,willful and determined young lady who would never let any obstacles like two mere conniving bastards to stand on her path of victory.She always,always strives to be at the top and never fails to do so.I know you can do the same this time around, I trust you completely. Show them your power and ability. Show them you're the Zahra that extinguished Dr Iza-a-wuta 's fire to mere ashes.Cyack them like you cyacked me up,my beloved Zahra".

Like he wanted,that prompted Fateema to break out in laughter as she said,"You have come back and started again,ko ?"

"Yeah,C.J is back!Just as I want my real Zahra,the one hidden beneath the shell to emerge back. Put your enemies to shame by being your true friendly,jovial and cheerful self.In fact,if you happen to stumble across them in future since it's a small world afterall, just behave nonchalantly. Be your normal self around them.Show them they do not possess the ability to crush a tough nut like you.... wacce ko Iza-a-wuta yayi yayi ya gaza !(even Iza-a-wuta has tried and tried but couldn't)" which earned him a playful glare from Fateema.

He laughed with her before becoming serious and adding"That would prove to me that you really are the Zahra I know, the never-say-die lady who always win in any challenge or endeavor. Be the winner in this as well and let the two devils wallow in the dark hole of misery they dug by themselves."

Without warning, the dam got loose as her tears started gushing out like water from an open tap.

In panic,C.J abruptly got up and hurried to her,forgetting all she said about non- acceptability of their touching as he opened up his arms to comfort her.

Fateema quickly dodged and amidst tears, said "Please C.J kindly help me and keep your hands to yourself cos if you dare touch me.....I'm afraid I won't be able to summon the courage to push you away.I know I'd completely melt in your arms and absorb all the comfort you have to offer which is totally wrong!Save me from myself C.J,please!.Please don't ever attempt touching me again.I've sinned enough. I don't even know what to say when I meet the Supreme Judge.I'm a sinner,C.J--the mother of a bastard!Run away from me,run as fast as your legs could carry you and never turn back."

"First and foremost,you're not a sinner,Zahra.I may not know your religion but I know God won't punish you for a sin you never committed. Secondly, don't ever,ever make the mistake of calling Abdallah what you just did.There's only one bastard in this and that's the sperm donor in Abdallah's conception.He's not even fit to be called his father.And lastly,don't ask me to run from you cos I can never do that.My whole life is pitch dark without you,Zahra.You're the only light that can illuminate my gloomy life.I love you soooo much words cannot portray it.How then can I crawl away, talkless of running?"

Crying profusely, Fateema spread her arms wide as she said,"Can't you see?.You and I are not meant to be.We are two poles apart.You're Christopher and I am Fateema....two very different people. It can't work,it can't!"

C.J clamped his reddened eyes shut,clutching his hands into fists as the sudden urge to hold her in his arms and comfort her overcame him but he had no choice other than to honour her wish--no touching.

"Just tell me one thing Zahra and because of the God you worship don't hide the truth from me.Your eyes tell me something but I want your mouth to confirm it.Do you share my feelings?.Do you love me?."

Yes,oh yes!More than words could say,more than you could ever imagine.Her heart sang but as Fateema,her head always ruled so she said,instead,

"That doesn't matter.Whatever I may feel towards you will not change anything. There's nothing that can come out of it except heartbreak and both you and I have had enough heartbreaks to last a lifetime."

"Just answer the question please I beg you Zahra,just the plain non-sugar coated truth.Do you love me?"

Sighing in defeat,Fateema locked gazes with him as she whispered,"Unfortunately, yes!"

That prompted a very,very deep sigh of relief and the most exultant smile she had ever seen to emerge on his face as he said,"Thank you Lord!!And this is the very best fortune in the whole wide world so please take back that 'unfortunately' .You and I love each other and that's all that matters."

"No!Definitely not!protested Fateema as the dam broke loose again,"I won't allow history to repeat itself. I didn't tell you everything about my past in the letter.Mahmud and I are twins.We were born......."

That was how she filled him in on her origin,from their biological parents' meeting to their marriage and separation.C.J listened attentively with a blank expression and didn't say a word till she finished.

"To be honest with you I don't really blame your dad.The guy was really in love but his greatest mistake was getting into marriage without mutual understanding. I love you beyond every imagination but if you'd have me,I'd rather we reach a consensus.You're a devout,faithful Muslim while I am a steadfast christian but still our hearts have united as one in love.Is that not a big sign to us,Zahra?It shows us love has no boundaries, no barriers or limitations. You can be you and I can still be me while our hearts are united in love.If you'll have me either now or in the near future in marriage, our hearts,bodies and souls would be united as one even if our faiths are divergent."

That prompted Fateema to give him a very long,hard stare before she slowly shook her head and wiped at her tears as she spoke in a low,dejected time "Just accept what I said earlier; we're not meant to be,C.J.Even if I am not apprehensive of repetition of history,my religion forbids me to marry a non-Muslim.And I would prefer to die out of heartbreak of losing you than going against the doctrine of Islam.I will never,ever change or deviate from my faith for you C.J and likewise you.I would never accept you if you convert or deviate just to have me,no that will not happen.Just go back to UK,concentrate on your work which by the way you neglected by traveling few days after returning.Face your life and before long,Debbie or some other girl will come and sweep you off your feet and you'll forget you ever crossed paths with any Zahra.Besides,one wise person said 'if you love something, set it free.If it's yours,it will surely come back to you and if not....."

"Kut! Wallahi tallahi karyane! Whosoever said that is crazy!Which Kain madness is that?set you free? mahaukaci kawai,makaryacin banza makaryacin wofi!" (It's a white lie!Mad man,stupid liar!).

Despite her jumbled emotions, Fateema didn't know when she bursted into laughter,"So... so dama haka ka iya Hausa kaman jakin Kano?" (So you can speak Hausa so fluently?).

He ignored her question cos he had more pressing issue at stake,"Tell me you're joking Zahra.Tell me,you'll give us a chance."

Abruptly, her face turned sullen as she gave him a bittersweet smile,"No C.J.We've said goodbyes before but this is the real one.Am setting you free;if we're meant to be,God will surely provide a way if not,remember this; Ice ninja will never, ever forget Dr Iza-a-wuta who put her into his fire and melted all the ice off her thus changing her into a new,warm and better person. Thank you so very much and remember me in your prayers cos your Zahra will forever include you in hers."

With that,she hastily got up and before C.J realised what she was about to do,ran out of the house as fast as she could, wiping at the torrents of tears in her eyes.

Salam,everyone. Thanks uncountable times for your amazing duas to my beloved parents. I was overwhelmed with joy my lovelies;I felt loved and honored🙌🙌😍😍😍😍😍😍I didn't know how to make it up to you so you'd know how much I appreciated your duas and kind words and so I decided to squeeze time and come up with this.Hope you like it.Jazakumullah khairan and Allah bless🙏🙏🙏😍😍🌹🌹🌹🌹

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