Afraid to Fall ▷ Stilinski

By simplystiles-

1.1M 31.7K 13.7K

In the eyes of the alumni of Beacon Hills High School, Kennedy Martin is the picture perfect girl. She has be... More

Afraid to Fall
Chapter 1. The Beautiful Cousin Conjecture
Chapter 2. Not Just Some Guy...
Chapter 3. Danny Boy
Chapter 4. Catching
Chapter 5. Superhero's Always Get The Girl
Chapter 6. Bowling Buddies
Chapter 7. The Dark Knight Brings People Together
Chapter 8. The Notebook and a Bone Saw
Chapter 9. Mall Invitation
Chapter 10. Mountain Lion
Chapter 11. I'm Her Peeta and She's My Katniss
Chapter 12. Beacon Hills High... After Hours
Chapter 13. Derek Hale Wants To Kill Me?
Chapter 14. Never Letting Go
Chapter 15. Drunken Slurs and Proposal Idea's
Chapter 16. Sharpies, Kissing, and Danny
Chapter 17. Ping Pong Balls and Fighting
Chapter 18. Papa Stilinski and Peter Hale
Chapter 19. Madigan to the Rescue!
Chapter 21. The Betrayal
Chapter 22. The Truth Comes Out
Chapter 23. Questions and More Questions
Chapter 24. The New Alpha and More Apologies

Chapter 20. Parental Issues

34.8K 1.1K 544
By simplystiles-


"What do you mean your mom went out on a date with Peter?" I hissed into my cell phone as I maneuvered through the dark street. 

Scott sighed impatiently on the other end of the line, "I mean she's on a freaking date with him, Stiles!" 

"How does that even happen?" The question was nothing but rhetorical, considering I've learned to stop wondering how things so outlandish can happen in an instant. 

My phone had started ringing the second that my dad passed out and it was Scott telling me that Peter had asked his mom out and he had basically threatened to bite her so she would turn and join his pack, thereby having Scott join the pack to be with his mom. In order to prevent this from happening, he then asked me to get in my jeep and follow his instructions so I could delay that particular love bite from happening. 

"Okay I found them, they're on Ebony Street." Scott breathed out nervously. I jerked the steering wheel to the right in order to make the turn, I had almost zipped right by Ebony Street. What are the odds that they would be on the street that means dark, irony never ceases to amaze me. 

A silver Honda was pulled off to the side of the road and when I squinted my eyes I could see the back of Melissa's head, her dark brown curly locks were a dead give away. "I see them! What do you want me to do?" I asked quickly, the space between our vehicles was getting smaller and the fact that we had no plan was now starting to dawn on me.

"Think of something!" Scott yelled out in a panic. 

I sighed as I flung my phone in the passenger seat and slowed my car down to about twenty miles per hour, I then "attempted" to break but due to how close we were and how fast I was going, my front end hit the bumper. I jolted in my seat slightly and my phone slid to the floor, the incessant beeping noise telling me that the call with Scott had been dropped. 

Melissa climbed out of the car and the moment she saw the hood of my jeep her face went red, "Oh are you kidding me! Stiles!" 

Awkwardly, I clambered out of my jeep, putting on one hell of a poker face. "Mrs. McCall?" I questioned, I even squinted my eyes a bit. 

"Yes!" She snapped as she shot me a look. Peter then decided to climb out of the car at the moment, I took a step back when he smirked at me in amusement. I hate that guy.

"Wow, this is... this is just crazy! What a coincidence, huh?" I stated as I flung my arms around for show, I assume Scott is somewhere around here. I glanced the surrounding area for him, but I couldn't pick him out.

Melissa laughed mockingly as she flung her arms over her chest, "What the hell are you doing?"

"I mean, I do not know what happened you guys just came out of nowhere." I said with a shrug, god she's gonna kill me. I glanced at the front bumper of my jeep to see that it was dented and the radiator was emitting steam. Not only that, it was now drizzling and I don't even have on a jacket. 

She rolled her eyes in disbelief, "Came out of nowhere? We were parked on the side of the road, Stiles."

"How crazy is that?! I mean, we should probably call the cops, you know, do like an accident report thing." I laughed nervously as Peter came and stood beside Melissa, directly in front of me. 

"I don't think that's necessary." Peter said simply. 

My eyes widened slightly, "Are you sure? I think I'm feeling a little whiplash." I stated and then rubbed at the back of my neck, wincing and moaning for added effect. 

"Whiplash? You hit us!" Melissa shrieked impatiently. 

I continued to rub at the base of my neck methodically, "I don't know there is definitely something wrong with my neck." 

"Oh my god, I can't believe this!" Melissa yelled, throwing her hands up in exasperation. I rolled my eyes in agreement, you and me both.


I sighed loudly as slammed The Hunger Games shut and tossed the book onto the floor. I can't focus, even on The Hunger Games. That's how serious this is. Why won't Stiles text me back? I told him about the color of my dress so he knows what color tie to wear, and he hasn't responded. Does he even want to go with me anymore? God, I'm going to throw up. I'm so beyond nervous. What if Lydia said something to him and now he hates me? 

Maybe some food will take my mind off of all of this nausea, that sounds like a total fool proof plan. I slid off my bed and made my way down the stairs, my mom was gone, shocker. She hasn't spoken to me since our little argument at breakfast this morning. I don't even want to talk to her right now anyway, she's being so stupid. I don't care if she dates, but of all the people in this town to go out with she had to pick my Chemistry teacher? 

The fridge held a monumental disappointment of food. I honestly scanned everything, lowered my standards, and then checked again. This went on for a total of ten minutes before I gave up with a huff of annoyance and a slam of the door on the fridge. Three quick knocks sounded on my front door and I highly considered just ignoring it, thinking it was someone for my mom, but instead I walked over and yanked it open. 

"Stiles," I gasped loudly as my eyes went wide. He was standing on my doorstep with a small smile on lips. His hair was wet and he didn't have a jacket on, he was wearing a shirt sleeve red and white plaid shirt over a gray t-shirt. He must be freezing. 

He rubbed at the back of his neck awkwardly, "Hey... uh, I'm really sorry. I was going to call you or text you but I was already out and my phone died so I just...uh, came over. Is that okay?" 

I had no idea what to say to him. I never thought that he would actually show up at my house, like-- ever. Different responses were swirling around in my mind and for some reason I couldn't settle on one just yet, I should be kind of aggravated at the fact that he has ignored me for the past day and a half, but I'm not. I'm just entirely too happy to see him. 

"More than okay, come in." I insisted before grabbing his forearm and gently tugging him into the house. His eyes darted to my hand on his arm and another smile tugged at the corners of his lips. 

His beautiful hazel eyes then looked around my house, and I already knew was was going through his head. This house was huge and lavish and entirely too much space for two people. I have never actually felt embarrassed for having such a crazy expensive house, but I sure as hell do right now. 

"Wow... your house is... nice." He chuckled awkwardly. 

I sighed and released his arm, "I know it's a lot." 

"I like it though," He said quickly, shooting me another award winning smile. 

"My mom had to have the best, she's shallow like that.. um, do you want something to drink or... well, not that I'm not glad to see you or anything, but why are you here?" I stammered out awkwardly, not really knowing how to phrase my question without sounding like a complete jerk. 

He chuckled again and shoved his hands in his damp jean pockets, "I'm sorry for not getting back to you, I've been so busy and I thought about calling you but every time I did something else came up. I'm really sorry." 

Well I feel like an idiot. Here I thought he was just ignoring me when he actually had important things to do. God, I feel like a right bitch. I pulled my hands up over my face and groaned, "Oh my god. I'm sorry! I thought you were mad and I--" 

"Hey, Kennedy, it's fine. Don't apologize." He cute me off before I could even get out the most embarrassing part of my confession.

I hesitantly pulled my hands away from my face, "So you still want to go to the Winter Formal with me?"

His eyes widened, "Did you think that I didn't? Oh, I didn't even... god I'm such an idiot! I'm sorry! I want to go with you, so bad. Yes, yes yes, like yes. I'm going to get a silver tie because you got that white dress and I even have a suit." He was rambling like crazy and his face was all red. 

I gently grabbed a hold of his shirt to silence him and the instant that I tugged on the fabric he shut up. His eyes met mine and he let out a breath he had been holding as he rushed out his ramble, "I'm sorry... sometimes I just lose the ability to shut up."

"We have apologized to each other a total of six times in the past two minutes." I chuckled, smiling again at how cute he was. 

"You kept track?" He questioned in confusion. 

I nodded, "Yeah I remember everything that y-- I mean, it was a rough estimate, mostly." I stammered. If I told him that I remember every single thing that he has said to be in the past 19 days then he is going to think I'm a complete and total stalker. 

"Well, I'm going to make it a total of seven times because Kennedy I really am sorry about not calling you." He stated, his hands made their way to my wrist and he grabbed then gently. I wanted to freeze this moment because it was so intimate and warm and happy and safe. 

"You're forgiven." I whispered, the ability to speak any louder seeming to have escaped me. 

He bit down on his bottom lip as if he was pondering something, "You went to the game last night, right?"

"Yeah, I went to watch you play, remember?" I replied whilst raising an eyebrow, did he think that I didn't actually go?

He sighed, "Okay make it eight times, I'm sorry that I missed the game." 


"Did you talk to my dad while you were there?" He cut me off again, the urgency in his tone was a little unsettling. 

I racked my brain to try and remember if I had said anything to Mr. Stilinski that could have been weird and off putting. Why else would Stiles ask if I talked to his dad? The only thing I really remember from that conversation is that fact that Mr. Stilisnki had said that I was the girl.

"Yeah... why?" I asked quietly.

"Uh, I was just wondering... he mentioned you, and I didn't know when you had talked to him, is all." He mumbled awkwardly. 

I nodded slowly, "Okay.. well do you want to go to my room or something? I mean, unless you want to stand by the front door the entire time.."


Her bedroom? Did she seriously just ask me if she wants to go to her bedroom? Hell yes I want to go to her bedroom. Stiles wants to go to Kennedy's room and kiss the hell out of her and ask her to be his girlfriend so that he can kiss her and show up randomly at her house like this whenever he wants. 

Deciding on paraphrasing that response I mumbled out, "Yeah that's fine."

I followed behind her up the large staircase, this house was huge. I could fit like two of my houses in here. I don't think that she has realized yet that she isn't dressed up like she usually is, she's actually wearing some yoga pants and a large shirt with that damn bird from The Hunger Games printed on it. And her hair is pulled up out of her face, but she looks just as beautiful if not more than she usually does.

When she pushed the white door open and I was allowed access to her room, I don't know what I had expected. Maybe for like an extravagant chandelier or something but her room looked like... well like her. There were several strands of those twinkly lights hung on the walls and ceilings, there were hundreds of photos of anything and everything all neatly placed together in a sort of collage on one wall, her desk was in front of it and her laptop was placed in the center. Her wall was a pale pink color and all of the furniture was white wood. Her bed was a queen size, and placed in the middle of the back wall, two small stands on either side with books on them. 

"Welcome to my room," She said nervously, obviously afraid of how I would feel about her room. I love it to be completely honest. It's different and unlike Lydia's room, there isn't a lot of expensive unnecessary decorations. 

I smiled as I walked over to her picture wall, "This is really cool."

"Thanks.. I really like pictures, as you can tell." She giggled, I mean literally she giggled and my heart melted at the melodious sound. 

There were several photos of her and Lydia as they grew up scattered around, but there were also photos of the school and of her house, even random trees and snapshots of the sunset. "Why do you like pictures so much?" I asked curiously. 

She plopped down on her bed and tucked her legs underneath her small body, "Because even though the things and people in them change, in a photo they stay that way forever." 

I turned around to glance at her with wide eyes, "That was... really deep." 

"I can be a pretty deep person, Stiles." She said with a grin. 

For some reason I just wanted to go through her entire room and commit it all to memory. She has told a story through all of this stuff and I want to read every single piece of it. I hesitantly sat down beside her on the bed and she held up a black paperback book to me, I took it in my hands and started laughing when I read the title. 

"Do you want me to read this that badly?" I asked her. 

Kennedy gasped, "Do you not want to read it? Have I not done it justice when I've talked about it?" 

"I would much rather just listen to you talk about it." I said as I sat the book in between us on the mattress. The book barely fit and it touched both of our legs, it was then I realized that we were totally in each other's personal space. 

She began to lean her face towards mine and I eagerly followed, her right hand pressed against my chest and I grabbed at her waist to tug her closer, but just as our lips were about to touch, her bedroom door flew open. 

"Whoa, I'm sorry." 

My eyes snapped to the doorway to see the Kennedy's mother. She was in a pin-striped skirt with a white blouse tucked inside. Her dirty blonde hair was curled and fell down past her shoulders, her eyes were identical to Kennedy's. 

Kennedy groaned and pulled away, "Did you need something?"

"I just got back from work and I wanted to check on you." Her mom said with a smirk, I don't like the tension that I'm feeling between them at the moment... did they get into a fight or something? 

Kennedy nodded, "Okay well you checked and I'm fine."

Her mom then glanced at me, "Who do we have here?" 

"Um, Stiles. It's nice to meet you Mrs. Martin." I greeted awkwardly, my face felt like it was on fire at the moment. 

She smiled and crossed her arms over her chest, "It's nice to meet you as well, sweetheart, but shouldn't you be getting home? It's almost midnight." 

Kennedy gasped and stood up, "Seriously?" 

"As I said, it was nice to meet you Stiles." Mrs. Martin stated before walking down the hallway. 

I glanced at Kennedy who was practically shaking, she looked beyond angry. I have no idea what to say or do, but I need to leave before her mom comes back and personally escorts me out of the house. 

"Well... I guess I'll see you tomorrow. Thanks for showing me all of this, it's incredible." I said quickly as I stood from her bed. 

She sighed and ran her hands over her face quickly, "I'm sorry she's such a bitch. You know she's sleeping with Mr. Harris and has the nerve to bring him here thinking that I wasn't home but then when I have the one guy that-- ugh. I'll walk you out." She muttered before stalking out of her bedroom. 

I followed behind her, desperate to for her to finish that sentence, but knowing that she wouldn't do it. I'm the one guy that-- what? What is is that I do? She has to like me, I mean that's the only explanation as to why she would try to kiss me, right? I didn't imagine her leaning in or grabbing my shirt. That actually happened.

Kennedy pulled the door open and shot me an apologetic smile, "I'm gonna make it ten times because I'm sorry again. Thank you for coming over, I really missed you this past day and a half." She chuckled lightly. 

I smiled, "Well I'll make it eleven because I'm sorry that I couldn't stay longer and listen to you talk about The Hunger Games." 

"Goodnight Stiles." She shook her head from side to side, chuckling to herself. I grinned as I walked out of her house, the moment the door was closed I let out a frustrated groan and I kicked at a rock in their driveway. I have no idea what the hell is going on in my life anymore, all I know is that I'm pretty sure I love this girl more than I did when I got here ten minutes ago.


DOUBLE UPDATE. WOO. This was a fun chapter to write because it was pretty much all my own Stennedy fluff. How cute are they? I love them. So they almost kissed... That's pretty big. Kennedy's mom got her little revenge for Kennedy walking in on her and Mr. Harris. Yeah, Kennedy just isn't having any luck with her family at the moment. Sadly. 

So be sure to fan, vote, and comment! xx

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