Exciting encounter [Guzma x R...

De jackmack123

14.2K 307 313

(Y/n) didn't always have a peaceful life, but now that she does, she's bored of it! On her way back home she... Mai multe

Rude awakening
Party crasher
Nightmares and reunions


2.6K 53 60
De jackmack123

You fell asleep in the grunts arms, you did have a busy day after all. While you rested you dreamed of your family having dinner together. Your mother had made your favorite dish, your father and little brother were  setting up the table, and Growlithe was pulling you by the pants to hurry and sit down. You were so happy seeing your family together again, that is until you looked up from your plate and saw you were alone at the dinner table.

 "I cant live with you anymore sis!" Looking toward the front door you see your brother. "Huh?" was all you could huff out. "I hate living here..." Your brother continues. You stay quiet and watch as your brother slams his fist on the wall. "Don't just sit there staring at me! I cant stand you... I hate you most of all!" Your brother turns his back to you and leaves. 

The scenery around you begins to fade leaving you alone in the dark until you hear a low whimper and see Growlithe sitting in front of you. "You wont leave me?" You ask and extend your hand. He rubs his head against it. The warmth from your beloved Growlithe fills you with happiness and the house becomes bright again.

You woke up and noticed you were on a king sized bed. Sitting up you saw a trunk full of crystals. "Finally awake?" Turning toward the voice you see Guzma sitting on a large purple chair staring at you. "Is that suppose to be your throne or something?" You chuckle out. Guzma clicks his tongue at your question. You get up and place your hands on your hips. "So what did big bad boss Guzma bring me here for?"

"Ain't it obvious?" Guzma waves a hand in the air. "You said you would stop my grunts from working. So I decided if your here you cant do any harm to them out there." Guzma chuckles at his plan. You let out a sigh and cross your arms over your chest. "Did you forget Arcanine and I totally destroyed you last time?" You laugh and point a finger at Guzma "Just because you brought me to your hideout doesn't mean we can't do it again! I'll beat you again and escape this place with Arcanine." You try to reach for your pokeball only to find it missing. "Huh? Where is it?" 

Now its Guzma's turn to laugh. "Your a brave one. No one has the guts to talk to me like that."  Guzma gets up from his chair and gets uncomfortably close to you. "Besides, beating me is gonna be a little hard without your pokemon. Dont'cha think?" Guzma Crosses his arms over his chest and laughs in your face. The smile you wore a few seconds ago had faded away and you stare down at the ground. The large man in front of you has cast a shadow over you, making you feel small and alone. "Arcanine..." You say in a low voice. "Now then" Guzma starts. "If your a good lil girl and agree to never bother my grunts again i'll give ya back your precious pokemon and let you leave. Whaddya say?" You glare up at Guzma. "Whoa no need for the dirty look, Ya boy Guzma is always true to his word." Guzma smirks.

Suddenly you hear a knock on the door. "Yo boss foods ready!" The grunt yells from behind the door then leaves. "Sounds like its time for dinner. You can give me your response after we eat." Guzma taps your shoulder as he walks past you. Before he reaches the door you tug on his sweater. "What? You got something to say now? Hurry i-" You punch him, knocking him down, then open the door. "I'm not a little girl." You glare down at Guzma, his cheek turning red from the impact. "My name is (Y/N), and i'll play along with your plan until i get my Arcanine back." You turn your back to him "But let me tell you this... If you hurt my Arcanine i'll be the one that beats you down and wont let up!" 

With that warning you walk out of the room slamming the door behind you. Guzma stays behind rubbing his cheek with wide eyes still staring at his door. "(Y/N)"

In the hall you lean against a wall with your head in your hands. "I can't believe I just punched the man who's holding my Arcanine hostage!" you whimper. "No! He shouldn't  have taken him from me anyway! This is all his fault." You slump down into the fetal position. "Ugh...What do I do now? Their really gonna let me have it now that I punched the boss. Still..." You put your hand up to your chest to feel your heart thumping. "...I've never felt like this before, i'll admit its kind off exciting!"

 "Hey, what are you doing here?" You hear a voice ask you. Looking up you see a girl with pink and yellow pigtails and a bored expression. "Oh!" You quickly stand up and wave. "Alola. I suppose i'm the new prisoner. My names (Y/N). Nice to meet you." The girl glares at you for awhile before responding. "Hey. Names Plumeria, just think off me as teams skull's older sister." She walks past you swaying her hips as she walks. "Dinner is downstairs follow me." "Yes. Thank you." You follow Plumeria to the dinning room.

upon entering the dinning room you see a long table with Grunts sitting on both sides. You sit next to Plumeria. The Grunts are all loud and rowdy until Guzma walks into the room. All the grunts stare at the red mark on his cheek. "B-boss how did you get that mark?!" a grunt yells out. Guzma glances in your direction, but you quickly turn your head. "It's not important." Guzma says as he takes his seat at the table. Slaming his fist on the table Guzma yells out "Wheres the damn food?! i'm starving!" "Coming up boss!" A grunt runs into the kitchen and comes back with a cart full of...something. Placing a plate down for everyone the grunt then takes his seat.

Looking at your plate you see what seems to be a steeped on Goomy? You poke it and swear it moved. "This has a life of its own..." You whisper. looking up You see all the grunts look at their plates with disappointment. "well, let's dig in." you hear Guzma say. "NO!" You shout out slamming your hands on the table getting everyone's attention. "D-don't eat this! What the hell is this anyway?!" "Meatloaf." A grunt yells out. "MEATLOAF?! THIS?!" You can't believe what that grunt just said. 

"Well what do you expect? None of us can cook." A female grunt says. "I can't believe this..."You get up and point at a grunt. "I refuse to eat this Goomy. You, show me to your kitchen!" "Yo yo, why should I? You ain't my boss!" The grunt yells back. "show her." Guzma commands. "Boss?" "Lets see how this turns out." Guzma shoots you a glare. "Is he testing me?" You think to yourself.

The grunt shows you to the kitchen but to your surprise there isn't anything! "What the hell? Why don't you guys have anything in your kitchen?" "No one can cook so whats the point?" The grunt answers. Luckily you see your grocery bag on the counter. "Aha!" You hug the bag. "Get out of the kitchen." You command the grunt. "Go throw away that crap you called meatloaf and get ready for a real meal!" You shove the grunt out of the kitchen and get to work.

"I haven't cooked for a group for awhile." You smile down at the food your making. "Look at me getting excited to feed the people that kidnapped me. I really am weird." A flash of your family eating together goes through your mind. "...I hope it comes out good."

"TADA!" You say as you present the food you made. You serve everyone a plate of spaghetti. "Dinner is served!" You watch everyone waiting for them to dig in but no one touches the plate. "Yo, ain't this girl a prisoner here? What if shes trying to poison us so she can leave?!" A grunt yells out causing the others to shout too. "Even if i wanted to poison you guys I couldnt. You people don't have anything in the kitchen! Eat the food I slaved over and be quite!" You argue back. The grunts continue to be rowdy until Plumeria tells everyone to shut up.

"As your big sister i'll test it out first." Plumeria says as she takes a bite of spaghetti. Everyone watches her in anticipation. "Delicious." Was all she said as she began to scarf down all the spaghetti on her plate. Seeing her feast everyone else started to gobble down their food. "This is amazing!" A grunt says. Everyone seems to be happy eating the food. You even glanced at Guzma who was practically inhaling his plate. Seeing everyone happily eating your cooking gave you a warm feeling in your chest. Eating with the grunts was fun even though they argued like children.

When dinner was done the grunts all thanked you with tears in their eyes.  It seems like they haven't had a real meal in quite some time. You chatted with Plumeria for awhile before Guzma called you back to his room.

You entered Guzma's room and saw him sitting on his chair. You feel the rage from before build up in you when you looked at him. He's the man who took your precious Arcanine. You stared at the man sitting on the chair. "I wanna ask you somethings." he said. "What?" You asked while taking a seat on the floor. "Since were going to be keeping you here for awhile i might as well ask who you are." He said looking down at you. "I've said it before, but i'm (Y/N). I'm just an ordinary trainer from Melemele island." You stated. "Got any family?" That question made you tense up and he saw it. "N-No." You said while averting your eyes.

Guzma walked over to you and cupped your chin, forcing you to look at him. You blush at how close he got. "You say your an ordinary trainer, but I can tell there's more behind that. You have a story and I want you to share it." Guzma stares into your eyes for awhile before getting up. "I wont rush you. You can tell me when your ready." Guzma flashes you a smirk and laughs. "I mean your going to be here awhile, you'll open up eventually."

You get up from the floor but before you can say anything Guzma tells you your punishment. "As punishment for bothering my grunts, I've decided to make you our new cook for awhile. The grunt haven't had anything good to eat for awhile." "If you want me to cook I will. Until I get my Arcanine. But I'll need things to cook with and I don't know if you've seen your kitchen." You cross your arms over your chest as you respond. "Don't worry about that. I'll get the kitchen filled by tomorrow." You didn't say anything else and just put your arms down in defeat. You wondered how long it would be until you would be reunited with Arcanine.

You saw Guzma sitting on his bed and knew that it was getting late so decided to ask "Hey where do I sleep?" "In my room." Guzma replied plainly. "What? But where am i supposed to sleep?" You were embarrassed at the thought of sharing a room with a man. "My bed is big enough for two people unless you prefer the floor." Guzma smirked. "Floor it is. Goodnight." You laid on the floor with your back to Guzma. Choosing the floor over him really got on his nerves. 

You felt yourself being lifted into the air, Guzma was carrying you. "What are you doing?!" Guzma didnt answer he just threw you on the bed then crawled in with you. You squirmed to the far end of the bed. Since it was a king sized bed there was plenty of space between the two of you. "I might be a bad guy, but i cant let a girl sleep on the floor." Guzma says as he turns his back to you. "So why don't you sleep on the floor?" "I ain't that nice kid, besides, this is my bed!" you let out a loud sigh. "You don't seem to like this very much." "Of course not." You respond. He replies with a chuckle. "Good. Think of this as a punishment for your action earlier. Anyway shut up and go to sleep. I'll have a bed for you soon enough." You wanted to say more but decided to keep quiet. You turned around and tried to sleep.

You couldn't stand Guzma because he took Arcanine, but even though you wanted to hate him it was like you couldn't. Something about the man made your heart thump. It felt like you wanted to know more about him. This feeling was completely new to you and because of that it made you excited. "Even though I've been thrown into this new environment with all these weird people, I have to admite, I really am excited to see what happens next!" You clench your shirt. "Arg stupid heart, this is no time to be excited. I have to figure out a way to leave this place!"

While you try to sleep you notice the bed rocking and look at Guzma. It looks like hes having a hard time sleeping. "Is he having a nightmare?" You remember your brother use to move around a lot when he had nightmares. Guzma rolls over and you see his face. It almost looks like hes in pain.

"I wonder if this will work?" You hold Guzma's head to your chest and stroke his hair, like you used to do with your brother. "Its okay. Its okay." You whisper to Guzma. After awhile Guzma seems to have calmed down. You try to move back into your corner but are pulled into an embrace. Guzma's arms wrap around you holding you in place as he nuzzles his head into your chest. You blush at his actions, but continue to stroke his hair. "This is exciting, my heart is beating like crazy..." You smile down at Guzma. "You said you wanted to hear my story, but it seems like you have one as well, and I certainly can't wait to hear it."

You fall asleep in Guzma's arms

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