How To Win The Soul of A Drag...


25.6K 777 67

Alexa Cornwell and her dragon, Thunderlight, were said to be dead. Everyone saw them die when they saved Alex... Еще

Chapter 1
Chapter 2 (F)
Chapter 3
Chapter 4 (F)
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 (F)
Chapter 7
Chapter 8 (F)
Chapter 9
Chapter 10 (F)
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 (F)
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26


2.6K 62 11

A/N: Hi! This has been in my drafts for quite some time and I finally got the courage to publish it in this website. I'm actually really nervous because I know how big this platform is and I also know that there are all sorts of people here, so I'd be lying if I told you that I'm not expecting some hate comments. But I also accept constructive criticism as long as it's written in an objective and calm way.

Also, before you start reading, I want to explain some things. 

1-My first language isn't English, it's Spanish so there might be some grammar mistakes in the story, if you find any please correct them in the comments nicely and calmly.

2-There are 2 types of chapters in this story: the first one is something that happened before Lexa 'died' (HTTYD) and the second one is something that happens after her death, meaning it's happening like right now (HTTYD2). In order to distinguish them, the ones that happened in HTTYD will have this is in the title: (F) which stands for flashback.

3-I've got nothing against Hiccstrid, I think they look really cute together. Just in case anyone's wondering.

Did anything I write made sense? I don't even know.

Anyways, enjoy the story!

"He's up!" yelled Astrid as Hiccup and Toothless emerged from the ground and up to the sky.  Thunderlight and I flew towards The Red Death to distract it, but, somehow, the beast ended up in front of Astrid and the Nadder about to swallow them whole, while her dragon tried, in vain, to fly away.

I was about to go towards them and help them, but a blast of plasma hit the beast; plasma I would recognize anywhere.


And that was when I realized, she wouldn't need help anyways. Toothless was fast, he never failed his shots and he had a great rider; the blast of plasma pushed Astrid off her dragon, while the beast got momentarily stunned, so that gave them a chance to escape.

After rescuing the girl, Hiccup and Toothless flew to the clouds and then dived down. Toothless shot a blast of fire to the beast's wings, making it fall. I landed next to Astrid to see what was happening clearly.

The beast spread its wings and started to follow them. It was obvious that the creature hadn't used them for, probably, the last fifty years, because they were all covered in huge amounts of dust that flew everywhere; that was the good thing, the bad thing was that they worked perfectly.

Hiccup and Toothless started to fly while dodging some rocks, similar to the ones we used for our races, but the beast couldn't do the same because of its size, so it hit some of them.

The hunter and the pray flew in front of us as we all cheered for Hiccup and Toothless.

Hiccup then said something to the Night Fury; I had a sharp eye so I could see his mouth moving. Sadly, I didn't have a sharp ear, so I couldn't hear what was it he had told him, the only thing I knew it's that they flew up and, suddenly, we couldn't see them anymore.

We all started to look up frantically, not even my eyes could see through the cloudy sky.

But then, the gigantic beast flew up, while trying to grab a black thing who couldn't be anyone but Toothless. I sighed in relief, as did the others, but it didn't last for long; the beast closed its jaw, as if it was trying to eat something, and now indeed the dragon and his rider couldn't be found anywhere.

"Where are they?" asked Astrid looking at the sky. Several minutes passed, and yet no sign of them. I knew that in my heart I should have trusted Hiccup, because he certainly had a plan, but my head believed something else.

I hopped onto Thunderlight's saddle and flew above the crowd of people, trying to see them. The adults lowered down because of my dragon, they weren't used to them flying right above their heads, but the teens were underneath me on the ground, asking questions.

"Can you see them?" questioned Fishlegs. I shook my head, trying to visualize any dark shadow but the clouds didn't seem like letting me.

"Stupid clouds!" I muttered to myself as I flew up a little bit more.

"How about now?" yelled Snotlout. I tried again, doing my best to stay calm, but nothing.

"There's no sign of them!" I replied looking at the teens; they looked at each other worried as I focused back on seeing through the clouds. Then, I saw something moving out of the corner of my eye, and heard a flap of wings. I cocked my head to the right, and saw a shadow between the clouds; it was a distant shadow, that was flying back to The Red Death. I followed it with my gaze, until I could see clearly who it belonged to.

"There they are!" I yelled to the teens. They looked at where I was indicating, just in time to see a blast of plasma hitting The Red Death, and then another one, and then another one. The only thing the people in the ground could see were sudden lights appearing from time to time; it was the blasts of fire and the beast's shadow, but I could see clearly where they were.

Then, the beast blew what seemed like a spiral of fire, and Toothless' wing was set on fire; I covered my mouth with both my hands and gasped loudly.

"Lexi, what's wrong? What's happening?" yelled Astrid from the ground. I wanted to answer, but the words didn't come out.

But then, Toothless went back to the beast, and that's when I realized that Hiccup indeed  had a plan; he wasn't the kind of person that goes to confront a hideous and violent beast that could eat you alive without something planned out, remember I told you earlier that I should have trusted my heart? That is what I was talking about.

Both of them started to fly in different directions, trying to confuse the beast, and then swooped down, the Red Death following them. Hiccup told Toothless something else, the stayed silent for some more minute, and then he shouted I don't know what, but it seemed like a signal, because Toothless turned back, facing the creature, and shot a blast of plasma right into its mouth. The beast's wings started to disintegrate, it was kind of horrifying, I admit, and then it hit the ground, setting it on fire and creating a loud explosion. Vikings and dragons all went to the ground, trying to protect themselves from the sparks and smoke; I moved to my right to protect myself, too, but Hiccup and Toothless couldn't be found anywhere.

I flew up, the higher I could, making sure no one could see me; I didn't want them to worry, although I was too much worried myself, and started to look for them in the calmest way I could. They had to have a plan.

After some minutes, the calm was replaced by the storm as my eyes went teary, not because of the smoke the explosion had caused, but because they had vanished into thin air; I couldn't find them anywhere. I didn't know what to do. Did I have to go back to the ground? Should I get into the ring to look for them? Should I stay put? Honestly, my mind was a mess, and it felt like my brain was about to explode.

Just when I was about to lose hope and let the tears fall, Thunderlight growled looking down to my left. I followed his gaze and saw them, but they were in danger: Toothless no longer had the prosthetic tail, and they were falling to the fire. There was no time for second thoughts.

"C'mon, bud!" I said to Thunderlight, and we rushed down to the ring of fire. As I got closer, I could see everyone as far as they could from it, and they were looking at us in horror. I could make out some faces: Astrid covering her mouth with both her hands, Ruffnut and Tuffnut with their mouths opened wide, Stoick's worried face, and the one that broke me: Hiccup's. He was falling, while looking at me desperately.

"What are you doing?!" he shouted frantically, getting closer to the ground. Did he really have to ask that question when he was on the verge of death?!

"Saving my best friend and his dragon!" I replied, shouting too. Toothless was trying to reach him, but he wasn't fast enough. Not with half a tail.

"Lexa, don't!" he said. His voice was about to break down, and it hurt to think that I could never hear it again; only one of us could survive that fire, and it wasn't going to be me.

"Shut up!" I screamed, smoke filling my lungs "How can you speak when you are about to die?! " I coughed "I'm not listening to you this time!" I yelled. I wasn't going to let him die; he still had a whole life to live. Me? I didn't even know who I  was and what I wanted. Another cough, seemingly the last one I would ever have, and my last words:

"Thunderlight, NOW!" my dragon roared and, with all the strength he had left, he pushed both, Hiccup and Toothless, away from the fire.

"LEXA!" I could hear his voice before falling into the ring, and, then, everything went black.

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