The Freezing Singer

goodbyelonetea által

3.5K 134 58

High school scomiche Mitch has always been self conscious when it comes to singing. But what happens when he... Több

Chapter 0
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Authors Note

Chapter 5

255 13 3
goodbyelonetea által

"Mitch, time to wake up." Esther said quietly and lightly shook me awake. It took me a little bit to realize what was going on. I opened my eyes to see her smiling down at me and Avi behind her.

"How long was I asleep?" I asked, closing my eyes and snuggling back into Scott's now warm body.

"You slept for several hours. We didn't want to wake you because you seemed so happy lying there." Avi said.

"It's time for you to go home, Mitch." Esther said.

"No!" I don't wanna leave his side. I didn't want to wake Scott up, but I had no way of knowing, other than his heart rate. I peeked up and watched the monitor. It was beating at the same rate it was last night when Avi said that he loved me. Must be awake. "I didn't mean to wake you up, Scotty. Sorry." I snuggled into his side, resting my head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat.

"I know you don't want to, but you have to. Your parents are worried and you need to do your homework." Esther said, trying to get me to leave.

"I don't wanna leave." I said plainly.

"I'm sorry, Mitch. But you've gotta go. We have to run some tests on him and make sure he doesn't get sore from laying there for five days." Avi said.

"Can I stay with him for that? Or no?" I want to stay with him until he wakes up. Avi and Esther looked at each other, probably thinking about my question.

"If your parents allow it." Esther finally said.

"Can I call them?" I asked hopefully.

"Of course. I don't know what they'd say, but by all means, go ahead." Esther said. I grabbed my phone from my pocket and called my mom. And lemme tell ya, she wasn't too happy with me wanting to stay, but she reluctantly agreed to me staying until visiting hours are closed. Midnight. I thanked her with everything I had and ended the call.

"Alright Mitch. But don't come to me tomorrow if you're too tired to continue your day. You still have to do homework too." Esther said.

"Thank you." I told them and snuggled back into Scott. He was so warm and cuddly. I heard a chuckle and a door close. I looked up and they left. I gave Scott a quick peck on the cheek and snuggled into him again.

"Scott, you're probably awake right now and bored out of your skull, but I don't really have any ideas on what to do to pass the time. I don't really know what to do or what you want to do, shit you can't answer that. Dammit. Um. I'm probably just gonna keep blabbering on and on, but that's okay, right?" I looked at his lifeless face sadly. "I miss you Scott, even though you're right here. I miss your hugs, your laugh, your protectiveness of me, your stares. You. I miss you." I felt a tear go down my cheek as I laid down on top of him. I buried my face in his neck and kissed it. "I love you Scotty." I start crying into his neck, even though I never would unless he can be there for me, and he can't now. I was crying into him for a few minutes, then I felt something wet by my ear. I was confused so I looked up towards the ceiling. No leaks. I wiped off the droplet of water and looked back at Scott. His cheek had a tear stain and water was accumulating by his eyes. "No, Scotty, don't cry, please." I wiped away the tears from his face, but they kept coming. "I know, I miss you too. You've got a little over three days left. I'm pretty sure. I hope it's earlier than that. But it's not too long. Before you know it, you'll be able to hug me again, and I'll hug back. We can cuddle together, we can make memories together. Not that we already have, but we can make more. More happy ones at that. Three days can't be that long, can it?" I asked no one in particular. I snuggled back into Scott's side, breathing in his scent. Masculine, yet soothing. I smiled and snaked an arm towards his leg, bringing it closer to me. I moved him as much as possible so we'd be as close as molecules. I rested my head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. I wasn't tired, but I wanted to stay with him for as long as I could.

I heard the door open. "Okay, Mitch, you're gonna have to sit over here so we can do what we need. Sorry." Avi said as he entered. I nodded slowly and got off of him and sat on the chair next to him. I grabbed his hand from under the covers and held it. Avi took off the blankets and placed them in the corner. He went back over to his computer and typed away.

"Hey, Mitch? Can you move his limbs a little so they don't get sore?" Avi asked me without looking at me.

"Sure." I stood up and started with his arms. I moved them a little, being careful not to hurt him. Then I moved his legs up and down. I got an idea.

"Can I give him a massage?" I asked Avi.

"Of course! Need me to help you flip him over?" He asked and turned towards me.

"That'd be great, thanks." Together, we flipped Scott over, and I shifted his arms and legs so he's more comfortable. I turned his head towards me while Avi went towards the door.

"I'm gonna grab a few things so I can test his blood pressure and a few other things. Is that alright?" Avi asked me.

"Go ahead." He left. I started to work on his shoulders, but it didn't work very well, so I straddled his ass. It was much easier to get the right amount of pressure on his shoulders. I'm sure if he could say something, he'd be moaning under my touch. I worked down his back, making sure to get every inch of him.

"I see you're getting down to business." Avi said with a slight chuckle as he entered the room.

"I'm not that strong, and this was the easiest way to do it effectively." I said as I moved down to his lower back. He chuckled.

"I'm gonna take his blood pressure real quick." He said and strapped on an arm band on him. I hate those things. I started on Scott's free arm.

"So, when you started singing, about what time was it?" Avi asked curiously.

"Well, I started singing at around 12:37, and probably was riffing by 12:38. Why'd you ask?" I asked.

"Just curious. So he's gonna wake up, hm." He paused to think. "He's gonna wake up around 12:38 on Saturday." He concluded as he took off the thing on Scott's arm.

"I'm guessing a lot of people are gonna be there?" I said sadly. I was hoping I'd be the only one there so I could do what I want when he wakes...

"Sure, well, I mean. It's his decision, but he can't say anything. So, now it's yours because you're the closest to him. Who would you want to be there when he wakes?" He asked me, genuinely caring about me. I'm gonna have to keep this guy around. Not like that, he's way too old for me. (sorry mavi shippers)

"I'd prefer it to just be me, then others can come. If that's okay." I asked quietly.

"That's perfectly fine, I understand. No worries. I just won't say what time he'd wake, so you can do what ever you want. I think I already know." I couldn't see him, but I heard the smirk in his voice.

"Avi!" My cheeks went red. I went to Scott's other arm.

"Hey, it's true! Right? I won't say anything." He said.

"Yeah." If my face could go any redder.

"Don't be embarrassed, its fine. I mean, if it really is true love, than you deserve to be the first person to be here when he wakes." He did have a point. "Can I ask you something?" He asked.

"Sure." I shuffled so I could do Scott's legs.

"How long have you two known each other?" He asked. I'm not sure if he's doing anything anymore.

"We've known each other since second grade. So about ten years." I said, not really paying attention to anything else other than Scott beneath me.

"Wow. That's a long time. How long have you known you've liked him? If I may ask?" And he's being polite? Can I keep him?

"I've known ever since freshman year. I had a lot of anxiety and he helped me with it. That's when I fell in love with him." I forgot that Scott could hear, but I didn't really care. He deserves to know.

"Aw, that's cute. Well, I hope you two get along pretty well, saying you guys have been friends for this long."

"Best friends." I corrected him.

"Even better." I finished his legs.

"Can you help me flip him back over?" I asked Avi.

"Of course." We flipped him back over and I lightly kissed him on the cheek.

"This is so cute it hurts." Avi commented.

"Shut up Avi." My face went red.

"I'll leave now. Just make sure you're ready to go a few minutes before midnight." He said as he walked toward the door.

"Okay, thanks." Avi closed the door and I lied down next to Scott. I opened his eyes so he could see me. "Do you wanna watch a movie? I have Netflix on my phone." I pulled it out and opened the app. "What do you wanna watch? Oh, wait. Sorry. Um, why don't we watch Frozen again. I know you love that." I tilted his head so he could see my phone. We ended up watching the whole thing, without falling asleep on each other, well, at least I think. I looked at Scott, and his eyes were closed. I swear I opened them. I guess not. I kissed his forehead lightly. "Goodnight Scottie."

"Time to go, Mitch." Avi said quietly. I didn't even know the door opened.

"Alright." I brushed his hair away from his face and got up. I looked back at him once more, then turned off the lights as Avi and I left.

"You guys are really cute together by the way." Avi said, earning a blush from my cheeks.

"Thanks." I hid my face in my hands, trying to suppress the blush and a smile.

"Hey, it's true! I support you two, no matter what." He said and hugged my shoulder lightly.

"Thanks." He had a large smile on his face.

"I can tell you and my sister are pretty close." I nodded. "She's told me about you before, she just never told me your name. She's really excited to start this year again because that means she can spend more time with you, legally." He chuckled slightly.

"Yeah, I'm excited too." I said as we neared the waiting area. I saw my dad standing there. I ran up to him and hugged him as tightly as my scrawny arms would allow.

"I missed you too, son." He hugged back. "I'll see you tomorrow Dr. Kaplan." He said.

"Bye Avi."

"See ya around Mitch!" He waved and went back into a room out of my sight. My dad escorted me out of the hospital, going into the nearly empty parking lot. I got in the car in the back seat.

"You okay there, Mitch?" He asked, concern thick in his voice. He started the car.

"Not really. I just want my Scott back." I said, tears threatening to spill.

"You'll get him back soon. Do you know when?" He asked.

"No." I lied. I know the exact time on Saturday. I smiled.

"Whatcha smiling about?" Shit.

"Well, Kirstie's awake." That wasn't the real reason, but definitely one.

"That's true. I'm guessing you're tired?" He asked me.

"Kinda." I yawned. Great timing. Thanks body.

"Kinda?" He laughed a little bit. "We're almost home anyway." He said as he turned a corner.

"Mitch, come on, time to get to bed honey." My dad said, slightly shaking me awake. I groaned and got out of the car, sloppily standing on my feet. He had to help me stay balanced. The rest of everything was a haze, but all I remember was seeing a nice "goodnight babe" text from Kirstie. That angel. What would I do without her?

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