Hiraeth //S.S.// ➸ Book 2

بواسطة briboo4142

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Hiraeth: (n) a homesickness for a home you can't return to, or that never was. I miss the old Beacon Hills... المزيد

17 Again
Miguel is Back
Freshmen Star
New Beta
Professional Assassins
No More Death
36 Million
Scott's Horrible Plan
Is It Really Over?
Back To Mexico
Goodbye Derek
A Familiar Face
A New Kanima
Masked Men
A Secret Death
Bad Memories
The Hard Truth
Just Trust Him
Aubrey Q&A Answers
Beyond The Veil
I Won't Give Up
The Beast Of Gevaundan
Saviors and Betrayal
The Plan
Failure Is Not An Option
The Beast Is Reveled
She Saved My Life
Memory Fade
New Faces
Thunder and Lightning
I Promise
Ghost Town
A Perfect World
No Escape
Silver Lining
Into The Woods
Peace and War
A Day Full Of Lies
Zoo Shenanigans
Familiar Faces
Two Halves Equal A Whole
It's Been A Glorious Ride

A New Found Trust

679 27 0
بواسطة briboo4142

"Aubrey, i've done some research about what you had experienced the other night." Deaton said as I leaned up against the table. 

"It seems as you created some sort of force field." He stated as I nodded. "So this is a good thing?" 

He nodded. "Seems like it." He answered. "That barrier protected everyone else from Lydia's high-pitch scream, which could've killed them." 

"But Parrish also had a barrier." I said as Deaton nodded. "Parrish is the guardian of the supernatural. It is his duty to protect them. Your barrier on the other hand I believe, was to protect your pack." 

"How can I trigger this barrier?" I asked. "Does it come out of nowhere or what?" 

Deaton shrugged his shoulders. "It seems like the barrier is triggered when Scott or someone important to you is in danger. Like a natural reaction." 

I nodded, standing up from the table. "Thank you." 

He flashed me a smile. "Anytime Aubrey." 

After leaving The Clinic, I headed back to my house, where everyone was meeting up. As I walked into the house, I entered the kitchen where everyone was surrounding the table. 

"So, what's the plan?" I asked as I walked up next to Stiles, standing next to him. 

"We don't have one yet, but my dad's got an APB out.." Stiles replied as Kira raised her eyebrows. "For a 5'8" 16-year-old?" 

Stiles shook his head. "I recommended nine-foot tall rampaging werewolf." I shook my head, chuckling to myself. 

"It still might not be him." Liam stated, looking up at us. The room went silent for a couple of seconds as we all stared at Liam. 

I couldn't imagine what he was feeling right now. His best friend was the biggest monster in Beacon Hills. 

Liam sighed, breaking the silence. "But, Hayden's at the school looking." 

"I can keep checking the woods." Malia said as we nodded. 

"My mom can check all the hospitals in the county." Scott's voice echoed into the room as he entered, holding his helmet. "We can find him." 

"What happens then?" Liam asked as Scott set his helmet on the table. 

"We figure out a way to save him." Scott replied as Liam nodded. "Okay. Where else could we look?" 

Scott walked past Stiles, towards the wall. "Let's ask Corey." He reached onto the wall, grabbing the air. 

Corey appeared out of nowhere as Scott let go of him. "Wait." He stammered. "It's not my fault. They took him and I couldn't do anything." He said. "They took him." 

"Who?" I questioned, crossing my arms. "The Dread Doctors."

As everyone dispersed from the house, Scott, Liam, and I stayed behind. 

"Aubrey, we need a favor." Scott sighed. "And you might not like it very much." 

I crossed my arms, furrowing my eyebrows. "What?" 

"We need you to call Theo." He said as I sighed. "Why?" 

Scott shook his head. "We don't want to hurt him. We need him." 

I raised my eyebrows, stifling a laugh. "You need him? I thought you hated him." 

"We do-" Scott glared at Liam. "We need his help to find Mason. This is the only thing we can do to find him." Scott shook his head. "I wouldn't be asking if it wasn't critical." 

I sighed, taking a deep breath. "Fine. But you better keep your word." I muttered, taking out my phone, clicking on Theo's contact. 

I pressed the phone against my ear as it rang. 

"Aubrey. Nice to hear from you." Theo's voice said through the speaker as I shook my head. 

"Hey, Are you busy?" I asked as Scott and Liam watched me. 

"No, why?

"Can you meet us in the locker room at the school?" 

"Us?" He questioned. "Scott, Liam, and I." 

He chuckled. "They're not going to try and kill me are they?

I rolled my eyes. "No, I made sure of that. We need your help finding Mason." 

"Okay, we'll see you there. This better not be a setup." He said before the line went dead. 

I took the phone down from my ear, shoving it in my pocket. "Happy?" Scott slightly nodded as I rolled my eyes. "Good, let's go." I said, walking out the door as they followed me. 

"How stupid are we to be doing this?" I heard Liam sigh as I followed Scott and him down the hallway. "We're not stupid." Scott replied. "We're desperate." 

"How desperate?" 

"Incredibly desperate." I rolled my eyes as Scott opened the locker room door, reveling Theo and Tracy. 

"I told you we'd end on the same side."  Theo chuckled as Scott shut the door. 

"How about I punch you in the balls to remind you we're not?" Liam grunted as I held my hand up. "Easy tiger." 

Theo chuckled, resting his arm against the lockers. "I love this kid." 

Tracy rolled her eyes. "I don't." 

"We know you're not on our side, Theo." Scott stated. "You said you wanted to help Lydia, but you left Eichen with something else, didn't you?" Scott questioned as Theo nodded. 

"You mean the mask?" He chuckled. "Are you worried about that?" 

"Did you put it on?" Scott asked, causing Theo to nod. "Who did you see?" 

"Not Mason." Theo replied as he shook his head. Liam raised his eyebrows. "What's that mean It's not him?" 

Theo shrugged his shoulders. "It probably means he's a lost cause." Liam narrowed his eyes as Theo paced in front of us. 

"We all want the same thing. We want Mason back." Liam rolled his eyes. "Okay, but the difference is that we want him back alive." 

Theo held his arms out. "Well, i'm open to compromise." He took a step forward. "You still got the map with telluric currents on it?" 

I nodded as he glanced over at me. "Bring it to the operating theater in two hours." 

Scott nodded as he opened the locker room door. Liam followed him out. I took one more glance at Theo before walking out of the room. 

"How desperate are we?" Liam asked as Scott sighed. "Incredibly."

As we left the room, I couldn't help but feel like someone or something was watching us. Maybe it was Corey? I shook my head as we walked down the hallway. 

Two ours later, we met up with Theo, bringing the map. 

"They called him Der soldat." Theo directed towards something inside a glass container, filled with some sort of green liquid. "That's German for "The Soldier."" 

"I'm pretty sure he fought in World War II." Theo said as he looked at the container. 

"And he was a Nazi." Scott stated as Theo nodded. "And an Alpha werewolf." 

"The Dread Doctors were using him to prolong their lives. They've been doing it for decades. Actually, probably longer." 

Liam scoffed. "How old are these guys?" He asked as Theo shrugged. "Who knows. But wherever they go, he goes too." 

"So how do we find him?" I asked as I crossed my arms. 

"Keeping him alive requires a pretty unique set of conditions. There's got to be a power source. It has to be underground and-" 

"On a Telluric Current." I said, cutting him off. Reaching into my pocket, I handed him the map. He smirked as he unfolded it. 

"Looks like we're going for a hike." 

We've been walking further and further into the preserve. As we walked down the dark path, I couldn't help but let my thoughts wander. What if we didn't find Mason in time? What if we couldn't save him from The Beast? 

"Where is he?" Scott's voice snapped me out of my thoughts.  

"I thought we were looking for him." Theo snickered as Scott sighed. "You know who i'm talking about." 

"Deucalion?" Theo questioned. "You shouldn't trust him." Scott replied. 

"And you're the one who let him live." Theo scoffed. 

"I'm not a murderer." Scott grunted as Theo chuckled. "You still think you're gonna get through all this without killing anyone?" 

"I didn't say that." Scott replied.

"We're close." Liam said, causing us to stop.

"You get his scent?" Scott asked as Liam nodded. 

"Which way?" Liam bit his lip as he glanced at Theo. I sighed. "Liam..Come on." He looked up at me, before turning towards Scott. 

"You think you're going to leave me behind?" Theo chuckled, causing Liam to sigh. "Look, he wanted to kill him." 

Theo shook his head. "I just want his power. You want to fight someone that actually wants to kill Mason? Go fight Parrish."

"Who did you see when you put on the mask?" Scott questioned as Theo crossed his arms. "I already told you. It wasn't Mason." 

"Who was it?" Liam asked, taking a step forward. 

"I saw a man dying in the snow." Theo replied. "He was impaled on a spear." My eyes widened as I shook my head. "It's called a pike." I said, causing Theo to turn towards me. "Lydia told us the story." 

When we had met back up with Lydia after the lacrosse game, she told us when Chris and Gerard told her. Apparently the first beast was known as someone named Sebastian Valet. He was killed by his sister, Marie-Jeanne Valet, who married an Argent.

Theo nodded. "Then you all know what it means." I nodded, turning towards Liam. "Time's running out." 

Scott sighed. "Where is he, Liam? What direction?" Liam sighed, walking towards us. "This way." He said as he passed us. 

We walked for another ten minutes, until we approached some sort of old wooden door. As Liam was about to walk in, Scott stopped him, placing a hand on his chest. "Listen." 

As everyone went silent, I could hear a heartbeat coming from beneath us. "It's him." Liam said as he darted into the door. 

Scott glanced back at me before walking in. I followed them down the dark stairwell as we entered some sort of room. 

Mason was leaned up against some sort of glass container. 

"Mason?" Liam whispered as he bent down next to him. As he tilted his head down, there was a large tube-looking thing coming out of his neck. "It's connected to him." Scott said. 

I followed the wire coming out of the tube up, it was leading inside the glass container which had a deformed looking body. 

It looked like a man, but his body was shriveled up, looking as if you spend too much time in water. 

"What is this thing?" Liam muttered as he touched the machine. Theo shook his head. "I don't know." 

"Liam." Mason dryly muttered. "I can feel it." He let out a loud gasp. "It's in my skull." 

"Don't move." Liam demanded. "Careful." Scott commented as he watched the tube. 

"What are they doing to him?" Liam shouted as Theo shook his head. "I don't know." 

"Guys." I snapped. "Let's just focus." Liam nodded, turning back towards Mason. "Mason, we're gonna get you out of here." 

"Hold him still." Scott said as I bent down, holding onto one of Mason's arms as Liam held onto the other. "I'm going to try to pull it out." Scott said as he gripped onto the tube. "Let me know if it hurts." 

Scott barley tugged as Mason let out a loud scream. "It hurts!" He groaned loudly. "It definitely hurts." 

Scott sighed. "I barley moved it." Liam gripped his hands around the device as a loud hissing erupted into the air. 

I jumped to my feet as the hissing got louder. "They wanted us here." Theo muttered as the hissing turned into clicking, a soft static sound following it. 

"Liam, try to get that thing out of Mason's neck." Scott said as he stood up, joining Theo and I .

"Theo." The Dread Doctor muttered. "Theo Raeken." 

Theo shook his head. "He's coming with us." 

"Failure...Theo Raeken." I narrowed my eyes. "He's not a failure you douche." I grunted. 

"Liam... Get out of here." I heard Mason mutter. "Just go." 

"Not a complete failure." They replied. "We learned from you." I shook my head, turning around, placing my hands on Theo's shoulders. "Theo, he's trying to get to you. This is what they want, don't give it to them." I said. 

"We can't be them." 

"The mark of a true failure." The doctors continued. "Repeating the same mistake again and again." Theo closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. 

When he opened them back up, his eyes were now a bright yellow. "We're taking Mason. Then i'm taking what's mine." 

Theo turned to the doctors. "Let him go." 

"You have the entitlement and narcissism typical of your generation. In that, you are a profound success." 

Screaming erupted into the air, causing me to look back. "Scott, I can't." Liam muttered. "I can't get it out. I don't know what to do." Scott glanced back at me as I nodded. He ran towards Mason as I turned my attention back to the doctors. 

"But your failure taught us one thing. The banality of evil. That you were and would always be ordinary evil." 

Theo raised his eyebrows. "You think i'm ordinary?" 

"We believed that to resurrect the perfect killer we had to start with the perfect evil. From you we learned true evil only comes by corrupting something truly good." 

"Not something." I muttered. "Someone." 

The Dread Doctors hands glowed blue as my eyes shot up. I grunted, grabbing onto it's hand, slamming it down. I punched it repetitively in the face, hearing the metal hit my knuckles. 

It grabbed onto my arm, flinging me down. "Liam wait!" I heard Scott yell as Liam came by my side, punching the doctor in the face. 

I jumped up, grabbing onto its shoulders as I pushed it back into the wall. 

"Liam!" I heard Mason scream but I kept fighting. I kicked the doctor across the face as it tried to swing at me. 

"Liam!" Mason screamed again as I grabbed the doctor's hand, twisting it. 

Loud screams erupted into the air as I cocked my head backwards. 

Mason was fully stood up, grabbing ahold on the tube on his back as the screams poured out of his mouth. 

"Transformation..." The Dread Doctor muttered as Mason pulled the tube out of his neck, his eyes a bright blue, almost white. "Transformation without frequency." 

"Mason!" Liam shouted as black shadowy dust started pooling at his feet. "That's not my name." He muttered as the dust surrounded his body. 

I watched as Mason was transformed from a 5'8" boy, to a complete monster. The dust faded, reveling the beast as it let out a loud roar. 

"Watch out." Scott said as the beast tried to swipe us. Liam, Scott, and I crowded into the corner, watching as the Beast let out its wraith on the doctors. 

The first doctor was thrown to the ground, liquid pouring out of its head. The Beast grabbed onto the second doctor, wrapping its hand around its neck. It let out a roar as it pulled the doctors head off, dropping it onto the ground. 

As it let go of its body, it swiped Theo, before grabbing onto the final doctor. The Beast ran up the stairwell, out the door. 

"Come on." I yelled, jumping to my feet as Scott and Liam followed me. As we reached the door, I saw Parrish swipe at The Beast. 

It roared, dropping the doctor. Gunshots fired into the air as it ran down the bridge. Gerard and Chris came into view as Chris continued to fire bullets at it. 

The Beast roared as a cloud of black smoke surrounded it. It crouched to the ground as it transformed. 

At first I thought we had Mason back, but that would've been too easy. A different man stood up as Gerard took a step forward. 

"La Bete Du Gevaudan! I know your name. Do you remember mine?" He said as the man turned around, glaring at Gerard. 

"Argent." He muttered in a french accent before taking off down the bridge.

"Who the hell was that?" Scott yelled as Gerard sighed. "You've seen the Beast of Gevaudan. That was the Man."

"Sebastian Valet." I muttered.

He was back and Mason was gone. 

Only one chapter left until season 6 which is crazy. I will try and get it up before Tuesday but no promises ;) 

WordCount: 2710

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