Leave Me Alone { n.s. }

By coffeestainss

34.3K 915 91

Nathan Sykes. He's just your average student at White Chapel High, right? Wrong! Thing is, he's a bloodsuckin... More

Chapter 1 - The New Guy
Chapter 2 - Detention
Chapter 3 - I'm Max, By The Way
Chapter 4 - Friendship Is In Order
Chapter 5 - Anything Is Possible
Chapter 6 - What Are You Doing Here?
Chapter 7 - You Don't Even Know Him
Chapter 8 - Carnival
Chapter 9 - Different
Chapter 10 - The Incident
Chapter 11 - Matchmakers
Chapter 12 - Surprise
Chapter 13 - Soulmate?
Chapter 14 - Sick Day
Chapter 15 - Lovely
Chapter 16 - Winter Dance
Chapter 17 - Can I Trust You?
Chapter 18 - Will You...
Chapter 19 - Demons In My Head
Chapter 20 - Siva The Diva
Chapter 22 - Dress Shopping
Chapter 23 - Is He Hiding Something?
Chapter 24 - I Have Something To Tell You
Chapter 25 - I Am a Vampire
Chapter 26 - Panic Attack
Chapter 27 - Blood For The First Time
Chapter 28 - Selfish
Chapter 29 - Nothing To Me
Chapter 30 - Resist
Chapter 31 - Arguments
Chapter 32 - Control
Chapter 33 - Something Isn't Right
Chapter 34 - He's Back

Chapter 21 - Two Nathans?

914 26 3
By coffeestainss

Skye's POV

When I made it into the school, I went straight to my locker. I set my things in my locker and grabbed all my books. I made my way to first  period and sat down next to Jay.

"Do you have a date to the dance yet?" He asked me when I sat down.

"Yeah." I nodded.


"Nathan," I said just as he was coming in.

He nodded. "Who asked who?"

"What do you mean?"

"Did Nathan ask you or did you ask him?"

"He asked me yesterday." I replied.

"Alex got asked by Tom, right?" He asked. I nodded.

"I've got no one!" He pouted.

"Ask a girl." I gestured around the girls who were in our homeroom.

"What if I don't want to ask one of those girls?" He retorted. That made no sense.

I wanted to say something back but the bell was about to ring so I just left the subject alone after that. 

Nathan came into class at the very last bell panting like he'd just run a hundred laps in gym. "Are you okay?" I chuckled as he sat down.

"I'm great, thanks for asking." He breathed sarcastically.

"Well no need to get snappy!" I laughed.

"Sorry," he breathed, "Just out of breath."

I patted his back as he was regaining breath. When he got his breath back, he talked to me about the dance.

"When are you going to go look for your clothing for the dance?" He asked.

"Today." I replied.

"Well in that case, can I come?" He smirked.

I hit him on the arm. "No you can't come. It's supposed to be a surprise what I wear, remember?"

"I can't get a sneak peak?" He pouted like a little puppy. As much as that face melted my insides, I had to refuse.

"No peaks until the dance." I poked his cheek playfully.

"Oh come on. Just the smallest of peaks." He pouted even more, his lip poking out and all. I wanted to say yes, but at the same time, I didn't. He'll see on Friday, when we go to the dance. If he sees the dress now, it won't be a surprise.

"No Nathan. Sorry." I replied to him.

"Fine." He rolled his eyes and pretended to be mad and pout. But as I kept looking at him like he was being irrational, he gave in and laughed. I knew he was faking it anyway.

"When are you shopping for your tuxedo?" I asked him.

It took him a second to respond. "Tom and I were going to go today also." 

I nodded, turning to do my work as I thought about the dress I may buy tonight.


Later that day...

Skye's POV

I walked to lunch by myself. I suspected Alex walked with Tom and everyone else was just nowhere to be found. I was okay with that though.

"Hey Skye." Alex said to me as I found everyone at our table.

"Hi." I grinned as I sat down.

"Alex told us about her and Tom." Siva spoke.

"She wants to shag him." I whispered loudly.

She hit me on my arm. "I do not!"

"Liar!" I retorted.

"Well you want to shag Nathan!" She yelled a bit loud. I turned around and looked at Nathan and he was looking around, confused and wondering who called his name. I turned quickly.

I didn't say anything because the lunchroom was already loud as a whole, but that yell alone was enough for everyone within the next 2 tables to the right to hear. 

"Shut up before Nathan hears you!" I could feel my cheeks turn red.

"It's pretty obvious you both want to shag the two of them." Jay laughed.

Not really paying attention to what he was saying, I was turned towards Nathan, looking at him as he smiled and ate his food.

"Skye!" I heard Jay yell my name.

"What!?" I was snapped back into reality.

"Making eyes at Nathan, are we?" He smirked.

"N-No. I wasn't." I lied. Everyone was looking at me with the same expression. Normally, when they all know when i'm lying, they give me the same exact facial expression.

"What?" I looked confused as to why they were giving me the look.

"So I guess you're gonna lie to save yourself." Siva spoke up first.

"I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about." I replied. 

"Hey Nathan! Skye has something she wants to say to you!" Alex yelled loud enough for Nathan to hear. I had no time to shut her up as I turned and Nathan was giving me a look with his eyebrow raised.

"Come over here Nathan!" Alex called.

He soon stood up and walked over to our table. I gave her a death glare as he walked over while she shot me a smirk.

"Yeah?" He said when he came over.

"Sit down." Alex gestured. I wanted to slap her for doing this to me, calling him over here. I looked over at Jay and Siva and they were trying to contain their laughter.

"Skye has something she wants to say." Alex pointed and Nathan looked at me with a smirk. I froze as I tried to think of lie to say.

"I wanted to say hi." I said the first thing that came to my mind.

"Oh, well, hi." He smiled. I turned away and silently prayed that I wasn't blushing. It's not the easiest thing to do, talking to your crush.

"That's all she wanted." I heard Alex say and Nathan stood up to go back to his table.

"What the hell!" I hit Alex on the arm as soon as Nathan was out of earshot. 

"Didn't think I would do it, huh?" She laughed.

"Nope." I muttered. 

"Don't worry so much. It was a joke." She nudged.

I didn't say anything. I just chuckled. Soon, the bell rang and everyone went to 4th period.



Later that day...

Nathan's POV

Finally. The end of the day. I was especially happy that the day was over because I get to go looking for tuxedos for this dance. Normally, the typical guy wouldn't be too excited about this sort of thing, but I am.

As I was walking out of the school, I heard someone calling my name.

"Nathan!" The voice became clearer as I realized it was Skye. I stopped walking to let her catch up with me.

"Hey." I said when she caught up. We continued to walk. 

As we were walking, the wind began to pick up, and I heard a faint laugh. It was more of a cackle. I looked over at Skye and she seemed to not notice. I looked around once more and nothing seemed out of place so I just let it go.

But not 30 seconds later, I heard a snarl coming from the forest. I stopped walking and so did Skye. "What's wrong?" She asked.

I didn't reply as I looked hard into the trees, noticing a pair of piercing yellow eyes that are hard to miss in that brush of trees.

"Nathan, what's that?" Skye asked, referring to the pair of eyes as she stood behind me. I still didn't respond as the figure appeared from the trees and walked over to us. Neither Skye nor I moved. 

I realized the figure was me. But I knew that it was a demon shapeshifted into me.

"Who's that?" Skye asked me, pulling on my arm to get my attention.

"I don't know." I replied as I dropped my bookbag.

"He looks exactly you." She said, stepping up behind me to get a closer look.

"I know." I muttered. The demon walked even closer to us with a smirk on his face.

I turned to look at her and she had a cross between a confused look and a shocked look.

As the demon was walking up to me, I walked up to it, looking it over. If you didn't know any better, you couldn't tell the both of us apart.

"I-I don't understand." Skye spoke as I looked at "me".

"Hello Nathan." The demon said to me. It shockingly sounded exactly like me along with the fact that it looks exactly like me. I had never heard it speak until now.

"What are you doing here." I replied.

"What i'm always here for. To make your life hell." He smirked at me then shifted his gaze to Skye. She was backing up slowly from the both of us.

I noticed he was looking at her hungrily. I could tell he was about to catch her off guard and do something.

"Do not touch her." I grabbed his arm. My fangs threatened to come out, but I knew I couldn't let Skye see it.

He wrenched his arm form my grasp. "Or what?"

"I'll make you pay for it." I couldn't stand being pushed around by him and the other demons anymore. And now that this one knows about Skye, I really can't let them get to her either.

"Oh really?" He retorted. I looked into his eyes. That piercing yellow that always has distinguished him from me.

He started walking towards her.

I went up to him and pushed him away from Skye. He landed on the floor and stood up quickly. 

"That all you got? You're pathetic." He spat.

That does it.

I pushed him down on the ground and we rolled around for a while and we stopped as I pinned his arms to the ground. 

"I'm done with you bossing me around, making me do your bidding." I growled as I put pressure on his arms. I was boiling mad, but not enough to make my fangs show and my eyes change to red. If that happened, Skye would notice and I can't have that.

"Don't you get it, Nathan? You can't escape from us." He had the biggest smirk on his face. His fangs were showing and his eyes were more yellow than before.

"Yes I can, and I will. Even if it kills me." I muttered. I looked up at Skye and she looked scared to death.

"Nathan..." I could hear her whisper. I wanted to say something but what would I say? That momentary break was enough for "me" to catch me off guard and kick me in the stomach. I staggered back in pain as he lunged for me and knocked me to the ground. 

Skye's POV

What the hell was going on! Nathan is fighting someone who looks exactly like him. I see no distinguishing features what so ever as they look exactly alike!

I watched as they fought for a short time before Nathan pinned Nathan down on the ground. I couldn't which one was my Nathan, because they looked too alike. I could only hope that my Nathan wasn't the one getting pinned down.

I watched in horror as I tried to think of what to do. I dropped my bookbag and looked for some sort of weapon. I couldn't find anything to do damage with. Think Skye, think.

Then I got an idea. I'll just run and hit him with my body. Anything for them to get off each other.

I got ready to run and knock him down as I counted backwards from 10.

And soon, I was lunging at both Nathans with all I had, knocking one of them to floor.

Nathan stood up and so did the other one. I was instantly confused as to who was who.

Who was the real Nathan?

"Skye! I'm the real Nathan, he's the imposter!" Said the one I knocked to the floor.

"No i'm not! I'm the real Nathan!" Said the other Nathan.

I looked at both of them. There was only one way to tell for sure.

"Both of you, over here." I pointed.

They both walked over to me, each of them giving one another death glares.

I had to find distinguishing features of some sort! There had to be at least one.

I looked at the first Nathan; the one I knocked to the ground. He looked unmistakably like Nathan in every way. Couldn't find one thing that was different.

Then I looked at the other Nathan. He had a strong look of hope in his eyes...

His eyes.

His eyes! 

They were always that dark green that I loved. I looked in both Nathan's eyes and one had yellow eyes and one had green eyes!

I pulled the green-eyed Nathan towards me. I knew it was him when I saw the genuine green eyes. Something in my heart was telling me all along it was.

"How can you pick him over me? I'm the real one." The yellow-eyed Nathan said.

"No you're not." 

"How can you be so sure?"

"Nathan has green eyes." Was all I said.

Yellow-eyed Nathan gave me a baffled expression. Then, as if in a flash, he was gone.


"How did you know that I was the real me?" Nathan asked as I picked up my bag and handed him his.

"All I had to do was look into your eyes," I replied.

"Thank you." He smiled.

"Now I just have one question."


"What the hell was that."

Nathan's POV

Shit. It didn't dawn on me that i'll have to erase her memory of this. She can't remember any of this! She just can't. It's dangerous right now.

"Who was that?" I repeated her question.

"Yeah. Who was he and why did he look exactly like you." She stopped walking.

I didn't want to do it, but I had to. I had to erase her memory.

I took her shoulders and looked into her eyes. "Look. Don't worry about what just happened. Forget all of this. You're gonna forget about what just happened and you won't bring it up again." I said.

She nodded slowly, and I released my hands from her shoulders. 

We continued walking as if nothing happened. When she went home, I went inside mine and sat on the couch, waiting for Tom to arrive so we can go.

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