The Burning Snow (A Naruto Fa...

BeautifullyForsaken tarafından

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Phoenix is an orphaned girl born in the snow. She has no memories of any parents or childhood, or any happine... Daha Fazla

The Burning Snow (A Naruto FanFic): Prologue.
Chapter One; A New Beginning.
Chapter Two; Sakura vs. Phoenix.
Chapter Four; Sand Vs Leaf! The Battle in the Rain!
Chapter Five; Frustration Turns to Surprise.
Chapter Six; A Relaxing Day Gone Bad.
Chapter Seven; Bad Snake!
Chapter Eight; Finally Home.
Chapter Nine; The Exams Begin!

Chapter Three; An Unexpected Encounter.

5.4K 163 17
BeautifullyForsaken tarafından

SO!!! As you can see, I kinda changed my mind about the whole five votes thing. Lol. Just thought I should post more up for everyone to read. (:

And, if you would all PLEASE vote and comment and give me feed back on what you all think, that would be very much appreciated. ^^

Hope you all enjoy this chapter and keep on reading~ :D

Ino, Shikamaru, and Choji were in the hospital every day for a week after that spar, hopingPhoenixwould wake up. Sadly, each day, she never woke. Once the weekend reached again, they all stayed in there from the beginning of visitors hours, all the way up to the near end. Once they were about to get up and leave,Phoenixstirred, taking in a deep breath.

Opening her eyes slowly, she looked up at the ceiling for a few moments before looking at her team, frowning. Sitting up slowly, she winced slightly. She ached all over. What the hell happened? When looking up again, Ino was sitting on the bed, looking at her before giving her a big hug. “We were so worried about you,Phoenix. We thought you were never going to wake up” She said softly, hugging her tighter.

Phoenixfrowned and looked at Ino. “How long was I out?” She asked. Ino looked at her, then at Shikamaru and Choji. Looking back at her, she smiled some. “You were out for a little more than a week,Phoenix.” She said. AllPhoenixcould do was stare at her with a blank expression. Had she heard that correctly?

What in the hell could have happened to make her pass out for a week? Puzzled, she sat back against the back board to her hospital bed, just looking at her team. “How long have you all been here?” She asked, looking at each one individually. Choji came to stand by her while Shikamaru just sat there in the chair, looking as bored as usual.

Looking down at her lap, messing with her hands as Ino spoke. “Just about every day. We can’t go on any real missions out of the village until you are all better.” Ino said with a smile. Looking at them again,Phoenixsimply nodded and looked out the window to her left. It was a beautiful day out and the warmth from the sun was already making her feel better. Looking at them again, she smiled inwardly, even though it didn’t reach her eyes or show on her face.

“I feel a whole lot better now. I want to get up and out of this room.” She said and started to get up before being stopped by Ino. Looking at the guys, she gave them one look and the only response was Shikamaru sighing. “What a drag…” He said, standing up and heading to the door, Choji following right behind him.

Grinning, Ino looked atPhoenixagain, makingPhoenixblink a few times and move back a little. Out of nowhere, Ino tacklesPhoenixand pulls her out of bed and over towards a pile of clothes she just noticed. Eyes widening slightly, she looked at Ino. “What are you doing?” She asked Ino, only getting a laugh out of the young blonde.

Shikamaru and Choji stood outside the room, leaning against the wall as they heard struggle and screaming coming from inside the hospital room. “Gah, Ino, don’t! I don’t want to wear that!”Phoenixsaid before another crash was sounded. Sighing, Shikamaru leaned back against the hospital wall across the way from the room Ino andPhoenixwere in.

It went quiet for several minutes and Choji started to get worried, so he headed for the door, but stopped as it slowly opened. Ino came out, smiling. “I hope you like my outfit choice.” She said, stepping to the side.Phoenixwalked out, dressed in black silk dress that was decorated with blue flowers similar in look to cherry blossoms, had long sleeves that ruffled slightly at the ends and covered her hands, and a bottom that furled out beautifully, complementing her figure and her eyes.

In her hair, which was curled some, rested a single clip with the same flowers as on her dress. She wore a pair of combat boots that matched the dress, but were still easy to walk in.Phoenixstood there, looking to the side with a slight blush covering her cheeks. She wasn’t one for dressing quite like this, but Ino insisted. Choji and Shikamaru just stared at her when they saw her.

Catching them staring,Phoenix’s eyes flashed dangerously. “Stop staring at me.” She said angrily. Before grabbing her coat and stomping towards the exit of the hospital. Sighing, Ino looked at them both. “You all could have at least commented on my work.” She said and glanced at Shikamaru for a brief second longer before taking off afterPhoenix.

“Phoenix!” Ino called out, coming to a stop by her newest friend. “You know they didn’t mean anything by that, right?” She asked, laughing some as she spoke.Phoenixjust looked at her as they walked, the two males far behind them. “I don’t like it when people stare at me like that, no matter the meaning.” She said honestly, though she still had anger in her voice.

Once out of the hospital, Kakashi appeared out of nowhere, making the two girls stop. Smiling that smile of his, he looked atPhoenix. “I see you are feeling better,Phoenix. Just in time, I’d think. You and your team,” He said, looking at Ino and the other two as they stopped behind the girls. “You have a mission to do.” He said with another smile.

“And what might that be?”Phoenixasked, bracing herself for anything. Kakashi simply laughed as a young girl appeared from behind Kakashi, holding a teddy bear. “You are to escort this child to the Village Hidden in the Rain, Amegakure, and no harm is to come to her. She is the child of one of the Jounin there.” He said and bowed slightly before disappearing.

“Well that was very specific…” Shikamaru said before sighing, the same bored expression on his face. “What a drag.” He said before walking off. Ino andPhoenixboth shook their head before facing Choji. “Well, you heard Kakashi.”Phoenixsaid. “Go get your things and we will meet at the front gate, which I’m sure is where Kakashi will be waiting for us. I will take the young girl with me. You two go and get ready.” She said before lifting the girl into her arms and walking towards her house.

After gathering all the supplies they would need for the journey, Team 10 arrived at the gate and waited for Kakashi to get there. Once he arrived, they all headed off towards the Village Hidden in the Rain. The young girl they were to protect rested onPhoenix’s shoulders while Jynx lay curled up on the top of her head.

Walking for several hours, Kakashi,Phoenix, Ino, Choji, Shikamaru, and the young girl met no one or saw anything and it kind of set them on edge. Just when they were about to relax a bit and sit down for a break,Phoenixheard a whistling in the air. Placing the girl down gently, along with her fox,Phoenixquickly pulled out her sword, Akahana, and slashed it through the air, sending a wall of rose petals towards the whistling.

Sand started to rise from the ground just then and everyone backed up quickly. Shooting up, the sand came after them, butPhoenixwas already making hand signs. Slashing her sword through the air, a huge wave of red rose petals flew through the air, along with a wave of fire. Clashing with the sand, it blasted each of them back, sendingPhoenixgoing flying backwards towards her group.

Regaining her footing quickly, she looked around, her eyes glowing furiously. “Show yourself!” She demanded. A laugh filled the air in response as three figures appeared in front of them. Two boys and a female. One had red hair and sea foam green eyes that were surrounded in black and a tattoo on the left side of his forehead.

The other male was dressed in some kind of hat with cat ears, a full black outfit with black gloves and black boots, and odd markings on his face, with what seemed to be a puppet on his back. He had a sort of grin on his face as he stood there next to the other two. His eyes were a much darker color than the other two’s eyes and he had his arms crossed over his chest, looking atPhoenix.

Lastly, the female had blonde hair, which was separated in to four different pony tails, two on each side, stood there leaning against a huge fan, which was similar to the one Phoenix’s mother gave to her before her death. Here eyes were the same color as the red heads, but the look on her face only showed annoyance.

“Gaara, Temari, Kankurou.” Kakashi said, his arms crossed over his chest. “What are you all doing here?” He asked, his tone serious. For the first time,Phoenixactually saw Kakashi frown. Looking back at the trio, she stood there, her sword in hand, which was glowing slightly with a red aura.

“We were wondering the same thing.” Gaara, the red head, said in an almost monotone voice as his eyes rested onPhoenix.Phoenixshifted uncomfortably as the trio looked at her and could only look away from them. “And I’m sure we were wondering who she is.” Temari said, pointing atPhoenix. Stabbing her sword into the ground,Phoenixcrossed her arms over her chest and looked at the ones who attacked them. “I amPhoenixDarakus.” She said simply, tilting her head to the side some. “Why do you want to know?” She asked.

Gaara stared at her with unblinking eyes, his arms crossed over his chest. After a few moments with no answer,Phoenixwas about to ask something else when Kankorou spoke up. “You aren’t like most your age. You’re stronger.” He said.Phoenixjust glared at them, her eyes flashing with something deadly. She knew he meant nothing by the words, but it still got to her somehow. She may look like a child, but she felt like far older than she was. How was that?

“Look, we haven’t got the time for this.”Phoenixsaid with a sigh, rubbing her temples. “Either move or we will move you forcefully.” She said, looking at the trio just standing there. Kankorou just grinned at this and stepped forward while Gaara only frowned some. “Kankorou.” He said, causing the male to stop. “Not now.” He said and turned without another word and walked off, disappearing into the trees.

Phoenixand the others stood there as they watched them leave. After a few moments, Kakashi let out a sigh. “That was the first time I saw Gaara tell his brother to stop and just walk off like that.” He said. “Most of the time they either kill their opponents or seriously hurt them.” Frowning some, he looks atPhoenix. All of them were looking at her when they appeared. Was it her that stopped them? One could only wonder.

Shikamaru let out a sigh as he leaned against a tree, a bored expression on his face yet again. “What a drag…” He said, making Ino glare at him. Wanting to get back on the road again,Phoenixput her sword away and picked up the little girl, who was holding Jynx close to her, putting her back onto her shoulders. Jynx got back into his resting spot on top ofPhoenix’s head.

They walked on for quite a while longer before stopping and setting up camp.Phoenixhad a tent set up for the girls while there were two other tents set up around a fire. One for Shikamaru and Choji and the other for Kakashi. The young girl they were protecting was already asleep in the tent, hugging her stuffed animal close to her.Phoenixand the others sat around the fire while their dinner cooked.

Phoenixstared into the fire as she sat on the blanket Shikamaru laid down for her and Ino. The others talked and conversed while she just sat there, deep in thought. Her eyes were blank and her expression unreadable as she hugged her knees to her chest, resting her chin on her knees. She must have not heard them calling her name, because the next thing she knew, Ino was nudging her.

Blinking,Phoenixlooked at them, but her eyes and expression remained the same. “What?” She asked, looking at everyone. “We were just wondering how you came upon that sword and fan. Weapons like those are rare to come by.” Choji said. Looking at them all for a brief moment, she looked at her weapons lying beside her. It was a long story and she was too tired to tell it right now. Looking back at them, she slowly stood up. “I’ll tell you all later. For now, though, I am going to rest. I’m tired and would like to get some shut eye. Excuse me.” She said, turning and walking to her tent, bringing her weapons with her.

Jynx was already asleep, curled up next to the girl. Lying down on one side of the girl,Phoenixsighed, covering up and closing her eyes. She was asleep the moment her head hit the pillow and she was plunged into that all too familiar darkness. Once again, she was in that room, chained to the floor.

Hello, Phoenix… The voice said as the eyes appeared in front of her. Glaring at those eyes, Phoenix lunged at them, only to be stopped by the chains. Laughing, the voice spoke with a slight humor. Fight all you want, child. There is no way you are going to break free. Not now, not ever. The voice said, almost taunting her in the process.

“Why are you here?”Phoenixdemanded, practically growling the words at the eyes. She got no response to that as the eyes just bore into her. A sense of an icy touch washed over her, making her shiver. Even with that feeling, she continued to look into those eyes. Laughing again, the eyes came closer, filling upPhoenix’s vision.

I am here because I want you. All of you, princess. It said and she could swear she saw the eyes smile. Suddenly, it was getting hard to breathe as a burning sensation filled her, making her feel as if she were going to ignite in flames at any moment. Gasping for breath, she struggled to break free, clawing at an unknown attacker.

Cursing, Shikamaru pinnedPhoenixdown the best he could as he tried to wake her up. His hair was down for once, but he came looking for her when he didn’t see her in the tent when he checked on her, Ino, and the child. He found her by a small lake near the camp, lying by the waters edge. Upon trying to wake her, she started struggling and clawed at him.

“Phoenix, wake up!” He said, shaking her. With a shuttered gasp,Phoenix’s eyes flew open, but they weren’t their normal color. Instead of almost all black, they were silver and gold, seeming to fade in and out of both colors. They went back to normal a few seconds later, but it was enough to shock Shikamaru a bit. What got to him the most, though, were the tears that ran down her cheeks.

Something inside him seemed to stir a bit as he looked down atPhoenix, who was still crying and breathing heavily as she looked up at Shikamaru. Confused at the feeling, he did the only thing he could think of and hugged her to him. With her head resting on his shoulder,Phoenixcried until she fell asleep. Once she was asleep, Shikamaru dried her tears and picked her up, carrying her back to camp.

The morning arrived before everyone even realized it. Packing up, they moved on as fast as they could, not wanting to lose any more time. Once the village they were headed for was in view, they stopped for a breather. It wasn’t hard to miss the village, considering it had a huge rain cloud over it.

Hearing something behind them, the team turned, only to come face to face with Gaara and his team once more. Growling,Phoenixdrew her fan this time as Choji, Shikamaru, and Ino came up beside her. Gaara and the others readied themselves and both teams stood there for a few moments before charging at each other, weapons raised.

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