The Pride, The Glory: Vegeta'...

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As a young teenager, Prince Vegeta inquires about Kakarot and is sent to track him down and retrieve, or kill... Több

Please Note That...
Ch. 1 : History's First Oozaru Battle
Ch. 2 : The Prince's Destiny, Awoken!
Ch. 3 : The Rematch For Vegeta's Pride
Ch. 4 : The Enemy Ascends
Ch. 5 : Offers Rejected
Ch. 6 : Earth's Dwindling Hope of Survival
Ch. 7 : Super Saiyan Kaio-Ken!
Ch. 8 : Enter The Ginyu Force
Ch. 9 : R.I.P Ginyu Force
Chapter 10 : Unfamiliar Surroundings
Chapter 11 : The Passion Of A Prince
Chapter 12 : Young Vegeta's Lesson Of Respect
Chapter 14 : Making Amends / Surprise Participant
Chapter 15 : The Youngest Saiyan's Homeworld
Chapter 16 : The King's Savior / The Prince's Glory
Chapter 17 : 'What If It Worked?' - A Desperate Technique
Chapter 18 : A Fitting End, For A Demonic Tyrant Named Frieza

Chapter 13 : Dramatic Climax : The Legend, Incarnate

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Vegeta awoke from a short, yet very deep sleep. He spent the last half of his voyage that way, the first half comprised of 100% pure training. His body was hating him wickedly, a rather alien feeling to his young and still fragile body. The young prince acquired his location via audible inquiry to the ship's computer. Vegeta tensed at the answer he received. He stood up, rubbed his eyes and tried popping his ears before repeating the question. When he got the same answer, he immediately commanded the ship be stopped dead in it's tracks.

Vegeta reached under his pillow, feeling for the last half of the sensu bean that he had. His features showed disgust mixed with fear when his fingers felt nothing but granules inside his pillow case. He felt his qi starting to rise, but the ever aware prince knew better than to let his anger get the best of him now, of all times.

In four seconds he had removed the pillow, dumped the pillow case onto his bed, audibly initiated a vector sweep (which is basically long ranged space radar), changed his armor, and swiped the remaining senzu bean crumbs into his palm. In another two seconds, Vegeta had swallowed the crumbs with a medium sized glass of water. Before the senzu beans had time to kick in, the prince had himself a plate of, whatever the fuck that was. The beans hit him while he was halfway done devouring his meal and almost simultaneous with that, the computer confirmed what he didn't want to believe but had already convinced himself of.

Indeed, Frieza's ship was orbiting his planet. Vegeta was ecstatic that he made it in time, despite Frieza's whereabouts. With that huge weight of despair and suspense off of his chest, prince Vegeta was relaxed in just moments thanks to the beautiful sight of home. He suddenly felt a solid steel resolve overtake him in his entirety. He gently commanded the route, as well as angle and degree of entry, to the computer while he went over the plan once more in his head. Nobody in the universe could have been prepared for what awaited him, however...

Well aware of frieza's reason for being present, the young prince targeted the most populated area for his landing, so as not to be suspicious. Fortunately for him, his ship was a complete mystery to everyone who took notice since it was his first time landing at home with it. Vegeta was astonished when he was able to exit his ship without being noticed. It was only when he capsulized it that he was spotted by his fellow saiyans.

He was expecting a warm welcome, as usual, but he was struck speechless at the civilians' reception. Within an instant, Vegeta had been cheered at, hoisted above however many saiyans could squeeze beneath him and carried off towards the king's quarters; all the while chanting "Long live the mighty Prince Vegeta!". He was no fool, and before they even had him suspended on their shoulders, he was aware that trickery was afoot. Again, the prince did what he must so as to not tip them off, which could seriously blow up in his face.

Yet despite the danger, despite the odds and despite what was on the line, Prince Vegeta wore a genuine grin on his face that stretched from ear to ear. It wasn't because he knew what was going on, for the most part, although it could have been. It wasn't because he loved the challenge of such a fight, though it very well could have been. It wasn't even because he had a super saiyan secret tha Thet was going to change history (not tip mention the battle); although that was an underlying tone to his current feeling.

But even that thought was clear to the back of Vegeta's mind. Vegeta was relishing in the fact that this, no matter what anybody said, superstitious or not; This was his destiny, and he was loving every little moment of it. He was in such a transed state of euphoria that he had only came to his senses again as his fellow saiyans lowered him and his heels made contact with solid ground.

The young prince warily eyed the saiyans, who now stood around him in an almost occultic, ritualistic fashion. Indeed, Vegeta was one of the deadliest saiyans to EVER prowl the universe, part due to his uncanny wits, part from his special training as a child, but mostly it came from his bloodline. Regardless, he still had absolutely no idea what he was up against, not counting the saiyans surrounding him which the prince had taken to be his warm up. He looked at them one by one, mentally etching each face into his memory for future reference. He hardly considered those around him to be comrades anymore, having had betrayed him with such treatury at Frieza's slightest whim.

He was mere moments, no ..., he was half a heartbeat away from acquiring his first kill amongst them, fully aware of the bloodbath that was to follow. Suddenly, quite literally to his shock, he was receiving a message they a means of communication that he had only heard about thru legends. Inside of his thoughts, in the fortitude that was prince Vegeta, a voice told him that this exact moment was not the time to go ape shit (pun intended, why the hell not? :-).

If Vegeta had done so at that time, the voice continued, then those around him would pile ontop of him. That would have rendered him unable to do anything, forcing him to either suffocate or transform. By the time he had done the latter, Frieza would be upon him and become afraid, undoubtedly destroying the planet with the flick of a wrist (or finger).

Vegeta couldn't stave off showing his distinct surprise and shock at what he was being informed of. As if that situation weren't already enough for such young person to be in, warrior or no warrior; he also was now forced to deal with an intruding sum of thoughts that he was positive were not his own, and it was driving him mad. The voice was telling him to do things that went against what his instinct and intuition were telling him, and Vegeta had learned to become in tune with those feelings throughout his life. Afterall, when alone on the field of battle and every body on the planet wants nothing but your death, it's a natural instinct to learn your feelings very rapidly.

Aside from his feelings, prince Vegeta wasn't about to be ordered to do anything, by anybody. Not even Frieza, not anymore. With out hesitating another moment, Vegeta began to slowly accumulate his qi, until finally his aura was dancing around him in a brilliantly violent fashion. In the crowd, Vegeta heard a handful of scouters beeping at his energy, which was still rising. His smirk steepened until it became a full blown grin across his face. The crowd began buzzing with chatter, everybody obviously in amazement at the prince's newfound power.

Unable to resist the temptation, Vegeta gave a forced grunt and released a sizeable surge of energy. Instantly there were sounds of small explosions throughout the crowd, as those who were wearing scouters suddenly felt a burning sensation from one ear to the corresponding eye. That was followed by a handful of saiyans cussing loudly followed by more buzzing, which acted like fuel for price Vegeta's fiery qi. The voice in his head started in again, trying to warn him against his defiance, only to be cut off by vegeta almost immediately.

But Vegeta, too, was cut off before he could even bark in retaliation to his "private message". A cold chill ran down Vegeta's spine at the sound of Frieza's voice, making him totally forget about his overlying thoughts of living out his ultimate fate; his destiny. Vegeta spun around to make eye contact with the frost demon, who had for so long been the catalyst of young Vegeta's nightmares. Doing an about face, Vegeta spun until his unwavering eyes laid directly on Frieza's. The instant he did so, though, he was caught off guard by what he saw, nearly knocking him off his feet from taking the wind from his lungs.

Vegeta had no choice but to express his fears on his face, although since the day of his birth he had been taught and trained specifically for avoiding such a weak display. Nothing else, not one other thing in all of history, would have earned such a powerful display of emotions from Vegeta. There, roughly twenty feet from Vegeta, standing up on the Throne of the Saiyan's, stood Frieza. And dangling from his tail, roughly three feet off the ground, hung Vegeta's father. Battered and severely bruised, king Vegeta hung motionless in the light breeze that was astir.

The first thing that struck young the prince's thoughts was the remembrance of his dream, or nightmare rather. At the speed of thought he recalled the whole thing in vivid detail. Frieza's sedistic laugh echoed through the large room, bringing Vegeta out of his horror with teeth grinding. The look on his father's face gave the prince a feeling of rage, no, of malice, no no no. Prince Vegeta felt a raging malice, that blended in beautifully with the deepest level of hatred in the existence of creation. There is no doubt about it: if he hadn't already become a legend, he would have ascended right then and there for the first time.

Vegeta blacked out, probably from an adrenaline overdose brought on by the fire that burned in his core. Luckily i was there and witnessed the whole event, and can now spread the tale; the tale that would one day be a legend. Instantly after the look of despair was overwritten by one of a murderous, godless hatred; a lethal gust of turbulence shook the entire structure, sending all but Frieza and the king skidding across the floors and careening into the walls. At the center of the intimidating indoor storm stood Prince Vegeta, arched over backwards and roaring a deafening bellow from his soul.

Frieza was still, and stiff as a board, petrified as well as curious at the dramatic display. Being unable to sense energy levels without equipment, Frieza could not feel Vegeta's power as it exploded. He was unaware of the true strength that was brewing right in front of him. Countless times before, Frieza had given his opponent the satisfaction of one last power up before killing them. Nine times out of ten, they were superficial though, and Frieza continued torturing them until their demise. Never before had it Been so dramatic, he noted.

The smoke settled, but the dust was still thick in the air. Prince Vegeta was aglow, likened to that of a star. All around him were ambient noises from those who were caught off guard by his display, as they regained their sense's and bearings. But everything else, save Frieza and his father, were now occupying as much of Vegeta's attention as they could from across the entire universe; they were virtually non existent.

Being in the eye of the storm, one's perspective takes a position so that they are not blinded from their own transformation; running exactly parallel with the light emissions, instead of at any slight variation in degrees of their perspective vision. Vegeta had already contemplated using the tactical advantage for the benefit of a sneak attack, but decided against it. Surely, any other situation would have led to a different conclusion. The decisive factor for his choice was simple: his father.

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