Fingerprints, The Invisible M...

Av Dream_Writer2013

31.3K 978 76

Nissa Reyn is a rebel that is trying to finish her senior year at one school. When her new friends introduce... Mer

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Alternate Ending

Chapter 6

1.3K 51 4
Av Dream_Writer2013


Nissa's POV:

Blinking my eyes, I can finally make sense of my previously blurry surroundings. Looking around the room, my mind immediately brings me back to the events that played out yesterday.

But something felt off...


Didn't I tell him to stay here with me? Where is he? I wondered all this aloud since no one was about. Honestly, I was half expecting Seath to pop up somewhere when I asked those questions aloud, and chuckle, telling me that he was right behind me or something like that. Or even just call out to me using his nickname for me.

I waited for a minute or two for the famous Mr Cocky moves to happen.

But just as we expect things, we also experience disappointment.

This was one of those times.

He never responded...

Looking around my room again I found no trace of his presence from last night at all.


Not a thing a thing out of place.

Did I really ask him to stay last night? Did he really nod? In the most likely case, I was just dreaming...

But it was one heck of a realistic dream then.

Giving up looking for him, I went for a shower to freshen up since I didn't get a chance to yesterday.

~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~

Walking to the kitchen to make some breakfast, I surveyed the room for any evidence of Seath's existence once again...To be safe, I reassured myself.

Confirming my suspicions, I brush off the possibility that, what I assume to be my dream might have been real. Opening the fridge to get something out, I realize something yellow flying on the fridge door.

Without taking anything out, I close the fridge and immediately pull off the yellow flying object – which turns out to be a yellow sticky note.

It read:

Hey Angel, 

I'm sorry that I had to leave before you woke up. I have some major family issues that I had to leave late last night to take care of. I'll see you later, I'm not sure when I'll be done with this though. 

Mr Cocky <- P.s. I wrote this for you Sweetie!

So it wasn't a dream...

So he did leave.

"But it was for a family problem!" A small voice in my head protested.

As he never gave me reason to doubt before, I just brushed it off.

I'll just ask him about it later, I decided. The guys and I are hanging out today after all, he'll probably show up for that. He has never missed one since I joined - well that is, unless he's with me.

The five hours had passed so fast, I didn't even realize it had. I guess that's what I get for just lying about reading books and watching TV.

The guys decided to meet up at 3pm to have lunch and hang out at the park or the mall before heading back to Sawyer's place again. He did a good job last time, we figured we'd give him that ‘honor’ again.

And no we are not taking advantage of him! He seemed to like having us over! Honest!

Since today we had decided to meet at the park, I throw on a pair of jeans, and a t-shirt, I left the house locking the door behind me. Jumping on my bike, I immediately sped off in the direction of the park, anxious to hear Seath's explanation for his early runaway.

It only took me a total of twenty minutes to reach the park and spot the guys. As I got closer to them I immediately noticed a certain cocky teen-aged boy's absence.

So first, he leaves early without saying goodbye and than he doesn't show up for gaming night? How bad is this family issue anyway?

It shouldn't take over 6 hours, should it?

"The guys probably know what's going on." I murmured to myself.

Finally within talking distance, I jumped straight to the question I was desperate to ask at the moment," Hey guys! Do you know where Tyson is?"

They all flashed me questioning looks.

"He's not with you?" James asked the unspoken question.

"Nope," I replied popping the 'p' sound.

"Oh that's right," Sawyer exclaimed smacking his forehead, "he said he needed to go to the gym before meeting up with us."

Family problem, huh?

I knew it wouldn't take over 6 whole hours!

"Hey guys, I clarify something with him! Catch up with you all later!" I told them before heading towards my bike once again.

He has some major explaining to do!

Deciding that the traffic laws could give a little leeway to my situation at hand, I reached the gym in my record time of ten minutes. Soon after reaching, I hurriedly parked my bike and speed walked towards the doors of the gym. Bursting through the large doors, knowing him, he would be training in the arena right behind those doors. Calling out to him," Seath! Why are you here? You told me you had fam..." My to-be speech was broken off mid-way.

I was...

Expecting him to be training? Yes. 

Expecting him to packing his bags? Yes. 

Expecting him to be kissing another blonde girl? No.

But just as this morning, what I expected didn't happen...Not. At. All.

Instead, what I find is that he is kissing another girl, blonde may I add, more than just plain old full on the lips… Her arms draped on his shoulders, and their tongues are clearly dancing together in a rhythm that I haven’t shared with him.

I knew teenage boys did this.

I knew it!

My beliefs are confirmed, yet I find myself in a state of shock as I was never expecting it to happen to me! I was hoping that it would at least be not so soon for me to be the one to get hurt.

But we don't always get what we want or expect.

Stunned and utterly shocked, I just stood there and stared for a moment. But apparently a moment was I needed to catch Seath's eye as he turned around to see the cause of the ‘noise’.

No, I can't do this. I can't face him.

We've only been together for a week maximum, and he already found a replacement for me. Already took a chance with her. Already lied to me. Stabbed me behind my back when I was least expecting it.

That's it. I can't do this. I won't stay here and face him.

I ran.

But I wasn't fast enough to miss his out of breath, over-used movie line, "Nissa! Nissa! Wait let me explain! It's not what it looks like!"

Seath's POV:

I kept running after her, pushing my legs as far as they could go, but damn she's fast! I guess the muscle strength you gain inside the ring is also beneficial outside the ring, eh?

And right when I nearly caught up to her, nearly, she jumped on her bike and sped off! Leaving me here with this desperate slut, with no chance to explain to her what had happened what-so-ever.

What have I done?

She probably hates me now, and we were just becoming more than just two people who fight inside a ring...We were dating for a entire week!

And she must be thinking that I cheated on her now.

But I didn't!

That blonde chic that was forcing her disgusting tongue down my throat is my ex-girlfriend, Ashley Madison.

Sure, she's hot and all, and has curves that made every guy in school stare, but she acts like a live obnoxious Barbie doll for heaven's sake's! No joke!

She's super clingy and didn't really take our break up very well, thinking I am just delusional and has tried to seduce me after my workout from releasing stress from my family issue. Can you say desperate slut? Come try it with me...desperate slut.

This day has been nothing but total crap!

First, I had just found out that my family is moving away to follow my dad, who got a promotion, and I have to break it to Nissa unless I could find a place of my own, like she has hers. It was an option but my parents don't really trust me, they think I'm too much of a rebel and an irresponsible brat to be left alone in a house with no real parental supervision.

I'm going to have to convince them.


Secondly, right after I managed to find some peace of mind from beating the shit out of like three punching bags, who shows up to ruin my hard earned peace... Of course, it had to be my delusional ex-girlfriend!

She complained about how much she missed me and claims to ‘know’ how much I miss her too and all of that nonsense, right before she just pounced on me and practically forced her tongue down my throat.

Plus, to top of my fantastic day, Nissa burst in thinking I'm cheating on her.

Man, I'm in deep shit.

Nissa POV:

That idiot!

Leaving this morning saying he has a family issue then goes around behind my back kissing another girl...


I wonder which number of his girlfriends I am...

The little cheat!

The entire journey back to my apartment, I couldn't get the image of the two most hated on my list now out of my head...Mr Super Cheater Cocky, and the pathetic excuse of a Blonde chic...Lips meshed together.

"Shit!" I yelled in my empty house, "How could I have not known? I'm so stupid! No one takes an interest in me! And I should never have taken an interest in him no matter how small!"

Chocking back my sobs, my anger raged on. "I'm just a replacement. But I'm a replacement for her."

The Blonde Girl.

The live Barbie wannabe.

The girl that most unfortunately looks identical to me from the back.

I have many names for her:

My ex-orphan mate. 

Queen bitch. 

Miss ‘Perfect’. 

Miss ‘First selected’. 

Miss ‘First to leave’.  

Plus, she just had to be chosen by a seriously wealthy family too.

And now, the newest addition, ‘Little Miss slut’.

Or as I hate to call her, since I do hate all the ties we share in common, my evil twin.

I couldn't believe he would do that to me!

We only dated for barely a week and celebrated our anniversary yesterday and cheated on me with another blonde girl. And it just had to be my evil twin!

Betrayal slid into my veins as the numbness took over. But not a tear had slid down my face. If he was going to play this way, and to not care about me emotionally. Just use me as a toy. I won't ever give him the satisfaction of breaking me either.

Boys, teenage boys especially, were unreliable!

I can't believe how stupid I was to almost trust him. Let him break me.

Well, I won't make the same mistake twice.

And I certainly won't allow myself to be identified as anyone related to that bitch. There's a reason for the differences in our last name. And I sure as hell will never have the same name as her again.

I won't allow myself to have anything in common with that almost Barbie, although our birth date is inevitable. Darn my looks and stupid gold locks! I hate her for sharing my looks. I had them first.

Wait a locks. The same gold locks mother dearest had, same gold locks Little Miss Barbie has! What was I thinking? I never liked my gold locks!

Should have gotten rid of them when I first got out of the damn orphanage!

With renewed determination in my eyes and a new purpose in mind, I gathered my things and left the previously shattered Nissa in the dust. Turning on my phone, I immediately blocked the idiot from contacting me.

Just at that moment, the Jade and Cassie crashed through the door with sympathetic and worried looks carved on to their faces.

Breaking the awkward silence, Cassie jumped straight in." We heard what happened."

Looking at them I knew exactly what they were talking about.

“Who?” I asked.

My question was ignored as Jade cautiously asked, "Are you ok?"

"Yeah. Better than ever actually. It's much easier to find out what kind of guy I'm going out with before getting too attached. And today he showed me exactly what kind of guy he is." I answered calmly.

"You're taking this rather well." Cassie commented.

"Eh. Hey let's not talk about this anymore, ok? I'm over him and he's clearly over me. So I was thinking about getting a makeover. Well for my hair at least."

Happy for the change in atmosphere Jade and Cassie nodded in approval.

~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~

"So what kind of hair-do do you want sweetie? Have anything in mind?" The salon lady asked me.

Flipping through the magazine I immediately turned to the different colors. I wanted the furthest color from these tormenting gold locks. Looking at the darker colors I knew exactly what I wanted.

"Can you die my hair black? And then cut it in a diagonal. The longest part just touching my shoulder."

"Sure sweetie!"


Jade and Cassie both were having their hair cut and since mine was going to take much longer they decided afterwards they would go shopping to pass time while waiting for me.

As usual, my bored self always causes my mind to drift and dwell on things. No surprise that the topic of the day is Mr Oh So Two Timing Cocky, eh?

The more I though about him. The more I thought about her. The more I wanted to make this change. Stay away from him. Regretted almost trusting him. Being so blind to his obvious player vibe.

Well, not gonna happen again.

Made me look like a fool!

Watch your back Mister! I'm gonna make a fool out of you! You'll see. No one gets away with making a fool out of me...

No one...

Trust me on this.

Seath's POV:

Pacing around Sawyer's kitchen, I anxiously waited for Nissa to pick up. To hear her voice again. Even if it does mean I'll get insulted at least a gazillion times before she let's me explain...I wouldn't mind.

Just as the previous times, I was immediately sent to voice mail.

Damn it, Nissa! Why won't you pick up the phone and let me explain? 

I've been trying to call Nissa for what I assume is the twentieth time now. She's still not picking up. At this rate, I'm never going to get a chance to explain.

I can still remember the look of betrayal clearly reflected in her eyes before she left. 

Haunting me now. 

And yet, whenever I think back about what had happened this morning, I could never shake the feeling of how similar the two were. It was almost like they were identical. Twins maybe. 

But that's not possible. 

They have two completely different last names. Plus, I don't ever remember during the time that we were dating that Ashley ever mentioned having any siblings. And she has told me every single detail of her life, during that period. Although… I'm pretty sure she said something about being adopted though.


Figuring that no miracle is going to happen in attempting a next phone call, I sighed and headed towards the living room to join the guys for the movie. 

But without Nissa here, it just didn't feel right...

I know it's wrong of me to even wish she would talk to me after a stunt like that. I know her trust is hard to earn, I do. But I still can't help but wish that she would forgive me, at some point. Hopefully soon.

...... Author's Notes......

Well, that’s a bit better. Yay! Drama! But please do vote and follow! <3

So here's a little teaser for the next chapter:

Nissa's POV:

I finally have it! I have the whole thing planned out!

And the location for my perfect little revenge scheme is James' party tonight. I haven't seen the idiot or the bimbo since yesterday, and for that I am thankful. But knowing Mr Cocky, he would never miss a party and that's exactly where I'm going to get back at him...

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