20 Years

بواسطة kidflash27

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He may be your Dad but he ain't no Pal المزيد

Start Menu
Unnecessary Tension
Your Best Friend
Its Showtime!
Uh oh
Spider Dance
Quiet Water

Nyeh Heh Heh!

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بواسطة kidflash27

A creature screeched overhead. I looked over the campfire to see Rhys and Fiona sleeping on eachother.

"I will so not let this down." I mumbled as I saw Scooby shoot the gun in the air, waking Fiona and Rhys up.

"Oh, ah, Im up, Im up." Rhys said drowsily.

"Hey seriously can you use your words! You're just wasting bullets on that thing." Fiona said to Scooby.


Fiona and Rhys then realized that they were sleeping on eachother and moved away from the other.

"Ah come on, you drooled on me." Fiona groaned at Rhys. I laughed.

"Huh, oh, wow, uh that's a lot. Im feeling kinda dehydrated." Rhys answered, probably slight embarrassed. She spit on him.

"Now that was uncalled for." I said.

"What is wrong with you?" Rhys said disgusted.

"There, now we're even." Fiona said.

"You are a monster." I told Fiona.

"Hey atleast Im not related to one." Fiona had the audacity to say.

I glared at her, plotting a way to hopefully convince ••••••••• to let me go and slap her. Yeah I know who he is. No I'm not gonna tell you.

"Oh crap I've seen that look before..." Rhys said completely terrified from my expression.

"Stop!" ••••••••• proclaimed, "Im going to let you out of your restraints. Don't make me regret it." Haliyuyah.

Fiona and Rhys agreed.

Then he untied Rhys and Fiona. What the hell.

"Umm?" I questioned. "Im not sure if you're going to kill her so you have to stay in those." ••••••••• said.

"Hey come here." I notioned him over,  taking my robotic arm off. "If you don't let me out of these I will tell them who you are and smack you with my arm." I whispered where his ear would be.

He nodded and cut my binds. I reattached my arm.

"We got a long way to go. We should get there before the sun's up." ••••••• said.

I digistructed my repeaters, gun, and two Atlas swords putting them where they belong.

"Hey can I please hit him once? Just to get it out of my system?" Fiona asked about Rhys. I was trying to ignore her so I wouldn't hit her.

"You gotta work on your anger management. All this animosity is not good fo-"

"Just one."

She full out punched Rhys across the face. I couldn't help but snicker, seeing Rhys get hurt. He deserves so much more pain for that freaking secret.

"Okay, Im good."

Me too. "You punched me in the neck." Rhys groaned.

"Let's go." Then we started walking to the vehicle.

"Now where were we?"



"Gah!" Rhys Screamed.

"What is it?" Fiona asked."I-um-um." Rhys started to stammer, turning around.

We looked to Vaughn for reassurance on his behavior. He just shook his head.

"Rhys... Buddy?" Vaughn asked worried. "Rhys... You're kinda acting weird. Weirder than usual." Fiona told him.

"Rhys is just excited." Vaughn tried to explain but I didn't believe it. It looks like he's seen a ghost.

Rhys turned around and went upstairs. "I think we should just leave him alone for now.." I said a bit worried.

"Hey what's up with that map?" Vaughn said, curious of what it is.

"It's going to lead us to a-" I started until Sasha interrupted me by stuttering "C-computer enhance!"

"Oh sweets that's not how it works." I told her. "How old are you?"


"Youre 3 years younger than me don't call me sweets!"She said as I ignored her.

Fiona looked a bit off that someone who was 8 years younger than her could kill someone without a second thought.

She turned back to the map. "You hear me machine? Im onto you. Enhance!" She continued. "Enhance computer images!"

"This is not how computers work! Where are you from? You don't just yell enhance at a computer screen!" Vaughn exasperatingly said.

"Maybe I can bring up a legend on this thing." Sasha said moving towards the map.

"What legend? Don't you see the sy-" I was interrupted by her touching the pieces and making it drop. I groaned.

"Gah!" Vaughn approached her for comfort but was backed off by her saying "Im okay."

"Did you break it?" Vaughn asked, touching it and being shocked.

Fiona walked up and looked down at it. "Go ahead Fiona. Pick it up." Sasha told her as I went to try and pick up Rhys part for him.

She picked up her piece as I picked up Rhys's.

"Um." I mumbled holding his. "I don't understand." Fiona said holding her part.

"Let me try touching yours too." I said grabbing hers as she got it out of my grasp.

"Hey I'm a technical scientist, I need to experiment." I said as she let me hold it. I didn't get shocked.


"Maybe they're imprinted on all three of you?" Sasha suggested as I nodded.

"Vintage Atlas. Incredible." Vaughn said.

"Retinal Scanner online." We heard an electronic voice ask behind us.

"Security protocol engaged. Retinal Scan required. Please step forward and identify yourself."

"Um maybe we should get out while we have the chance." I mumbled keeping my distance.

"We're not leaving until its telling us exactly where it's telling  us to go." Fiona told me while everyone dispersed.

I walked over to a strange cabinet with Fiona. "There's someone in here." Fiona questioned.

"What do you mean 'someone'? are they alive?" Vaughn asked.

"No idea. But they're very much not alive."

We walked away from the casket. Fiona walked up to the retinal Scanner, it scanning her eye.

"Retinal Scan failed. Employee not identified. Alerting General Pollux."

"Oh craps. That's probably not-" Vaughn started as Sasha interrupted.

"Did you hear that?"

"Nope I don't hear anything. Ignore it."

We started exploring where the noise was coming from.

I went over to the strange cabinet, pressing the orange button as the others came over.

The cabinet opened, revealing a dead man. "Yeah, okay, yeah. That's exactly what I thought I was going to see." Vaughn gagged.

Sasha picked up a rectangle thing which was beeping, and pressed a button, stopping it. I looked at the rectangle to see General Pollux.

"Well now all we need to do is get his eye to the retinal Scanner." Sasha pointed out.

"Well maybe we can just scoot him over to the scanner." I said hopefully, knowing that it's usually much more gorey. And I hate it.

Fiona and Sasha started lifting him up, just to be stopped by something that looked like shin guards.

"Well that's not gonna work." Sasha said.

"He's wedged in there pretty tight."

"Now what?" Vaughn asked.

"Well its a retina scanner right? That means we don't need.. the body.." Sasha dragged on.

I backed up to underneath the railings, sitting down cause I don't want to see this.

Fiona went to get a spork. "Oh hey. It's a spoon and a fork! How bout that?!" Vaughn said excited.

I shook my head.

"Oh wait. That's not.."

Fiona approached the body. "Why can't you do this Willa? You're the Vault Hunter! You see these things all the time."

I shook my head again. "I hate this stuff. Zero usually does it or I just leave immediately after I do it and since I have to pay attention to where I direct the spork no." I heard Bubbles beep above us and LB talking to it.

She walked over to Pollux, nabbed some of his money and started to motivate herself to put the spork in his eye.

Just as she was about ready to Rhys screamed upstairs, making even me jump.

I looked behind me to see Pollux's eye cut in half.

Oh shit I might puke.

"-one eye now." Vaughn finished, me paying attention to them back again.

"Quite a knack for number don't you?" Fiona said annoyed.

I'll just wait over there."

Fiona got ready to get the eye out again. "Here we go."

I blocked them out for a bit.

Then I looked back to see the eyeball flying through the air, Fiona catching it before it fell on Vaughn.

"Thank you."

"Hey and you didn't crush it! I would've totally crushed it." Sasha said, reassuring her sister that she got it.

"Let's just get this thing over to the scanner." Fiona said. They walked over to the scanner as I stayed in my spot, playing with Rhys's piece.

She put the eye up to the scanner, it being scanned and One Message from Athena showing up on the screen.

"Message one. Athena. Gortys facility." I perked my head up, seeing if it showed what this 'Gortys' thing was I needed to protect.

"Hello Pollux, to bad I missed you in Old Haven. As you no doubt surmised, the Gortys project has been terminated. And now that you have no soldiers under your command, I have to regret to inform you that you've been relieved of your duties. I'll come by soon to "relieve" your transition into retirement." This Athena figure said.

"What's Old Haven?" Vaughn asked.

"It's an old Crimson Lance town. Those people were Jackasses. I like Atlas but not their security." I told him.

"It's a perfect place to hide a Gortys project." I finished. Shit that's what Zero and I were looking for. Whoops.

I brought up Rhys's piece to study it. Hm. It seems like it's made out of some strong metal an-. My own thoughts were interrupted by "-if Athena is no longer a threat, then please activate the release protocol of my stasis dock."

"Shit..." I groaned.

"No way... He had to be dead..." Sasha groaned.

"Fiona..." They turned around to look at me. "I've killed people.... With sporks.... And this is messed up."

"So I guess we're going to Old Haven." Fiona announced as I got up.

"Rhys wanna take a look at the.." Vaughn said as we looked up to see Rhys get hit in the gut.

"Ouch." "Do you need our help?" Fiona asked him.

"Nope I'm good-" he said as he fell off the balcony and killed me.


"I never died!" I yelled at Fiona. "I didn't hit my head." Rhys also protested.

"What are you talking about? I saw you hit the girder-" Fiona tried to explain.

"Yeah I know that. But I didn't hit my head on the computers and I didn't kill Willa. God I didn't kill her. I wouldn't have survived without her." Rhys explained.

Fiona looked at him weirdly. "God no! Im like 8 years older than her. Same with you. We're like her parents."

I just had to snicker.

"But there was quite a bit of blood." Fiona finished.

"This is all fascinating...very thorough.The author agrees like I'm at 1700 words right now. But what about Jack?"

I groaned and angrily kicked a patch of dirt.

"Oh... Right Jack..."

I groaned as Rhys got off me."Rhys! Willa!" Vaughn ran over to us.

"So.. much pain... Why am I still conscious?" I groaned as Rhys apologized.

"Hey, you guys alright?" Vaughn asked.

"I-I know this sounds crazy... But.. but I just saw Handsome Jack." Rhys said.

Who the hell is he.

I raised my eyebrow. "What are you saying?" Vaughn asked.

"Handsome Jack... He was... He was standing right next to me." Rhys explained further.

"Can someone explain who he is?" I asked. " You don't know who he is? But either way, Rhys just hit his head before so that's probably why he's 'seeing him'." Vaughn explained.

I handed out his piece. As he went to grab it I got it out of his grasp and asked, "Can you explain to me who he is?"

"He was the ruler of Hyperion but people on Pandora hate him because Hyperion turned this place to crap. He's supposed to be dead though." Rhys explained taking his piece out of my hands.

I looked up to see these things that looked like comets in the sky.

"I must be pretty out of it. I think I'm seeing stars." Rhys said.

"Moonshots." Fiona concluded.

"Now what are those?" I asked annoyed that apparently I know nothing.

"Hyperion's weapon that can hit Pandora even though it's in the sky." Rhys explained.

"We need to get out of here!" Vaughn said scared.

LB and BubbleButt appeared above us. "Yes! Loader bot! Hey!" Rhys yelled.

"I can be of assistance."

"Bubbles! Yeah can you help me out?" It beeped.

Then both LB and Bubbles flew us out of there and to the Caravan, us rushing inside.

As we all got situated someone upfront pressed the boost button and rushed us out of Bossanova's arena, moonshots coming down left and right.

"Why is Hyperion trying to kill us? Don't you work for those guys?" Sasha asked.

"I don't know." Rhys stammered, obviously flustered by his boss firing 'moonshots' at him.

Then it looked like Rhys had and idea. "Let me drive!" He said to Sasha, who was the one driving currently. "Why?"

"I can dodge the moonshots!" She let him have the wheel. As soon as his hands touched the wheel he started to swerve let and right, avoiding the moonshots in his way.

"Nice Rhys." I said as the Rhaks started to dive bomb the front windows.

"Shit." I said as I grabbed my repeater pistols and shot them off with Sasha.

Right as we got the last Rhak off we looked to the sky to see another moonshots hitting us.

As the Caravan spun around I let go of my spot in the front and fell down to where Fiona was, looking up at her staring at something. I looked up to see it was a Rhak hive, and seeing g that Fiona just got hit with a Rhak.

I kicked that SOB off her like there was no tomorrow, me grabbing out my gun to get the Rhaks away.

"Sasha! Help Rhys!" Fiona told her as our car got hit in the back and spun out, letting the Rhak get ahead of us.

After a moment of silence I turned to my driver."Rhys..." I said, "what are you doing?"

"Wait a second..."Rhys said trying to get quietness in the Caravan.

Then he put his hand over the boost button and pressed it. Us zooming right under him and the moonshot hitting him instead of us.

As the boost was going I let my grip off my handle and started to fall right before Vaughn did, grabbing his hand while doing so.

Then after than Rhys fell down as I was loosing my grip and Fiona grabbed his hand because he lost his grip and we started to fall out of the Caravan, just us staring at Fiona and so forth.


Sorry if this chapter sucks it's about 12:30 at night and I have to be up at 7 so I'm super tired an sorry if there are any errors. I also finally got TFTBL on my ipad. Yay! Well goodnight.

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