Say Hello to the Past (CSI fa...

Par itsbrandirose

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Nick Stokes works for the CSI in Las Vegas, Nevada. His team is his family, and he loves his family back home... Plus

I made it, but some didn't make it
Why was a gun pointed at you?!
Thanksgiving 2000
Christmas 2000
The phone call
I just needed to talk to you
Nick, the Dependable Guy
Family Visit
Dirtbikes and the Past
Christmas 2001
The one time Nick Stokes liked peanut butter
What happened after Stalker-part 1
What Happened after Stalker-part 2
The time Nick Stokes got a Car
Summer 2002
Racing Cars
Thanksgiving 2002
Emma's Anniversary
Christmas 2002
Play with Fire
Congrats Ashley!
A Day in the Life of Emma Grace
Waiting for Elizabeth- part 1
Meet Elizabeth- part 2
'Tis the Season
Visiting Las Vegas
Visiting Las Vegas - part 2
What's Wrong?
Scrabble with the Family
Summer with the family
You're beautiful; you know that, right?
Changes are coming
Thanksgiving 2004
'Twas two weeks before Christmas...
...And there were Stokes all through the house.
Their first date
My favorite phone calls are with you
It Feels like Today, for Sure
Moving In
It's just another day in Paradise
Time for another change
After Grave Danger
After Grave Danger- part 2
Another Graduation in the Stokes Family
Wedding Bells are Ringing
Moving Back
Welcome Back
I've got your back
Gum Drops
A Bullet Runs Through It, But Family Stays
Thanksgiving 2005
Christmas Season 2005
January with the Stokes
Getting Ready for Baby
Celebrating His Girls
Spring Break 2006
Rashomama and Caught
Bang-Bang, What a Way to Go
Summer Memories
Family Life
Built to Kill
The Calm and the Storm

Innocent Days in Dallas

7.8K 135 14
Par itsbrandirose

(AN: I've added another part to this chapter, so if you have already read this, please take a few minutes to re-read it for the new part. Thank you!)

                                                                           Summer 1982

Nine-year-old Emma Grace was laughing as she ran around the backyard. Close behind her was eleven- year- old Nick Stokes. They had an intense game of tag going on, and Emma Grace was determined not to let Nick catch her this time.

The kids played for a little while longer until Bill Stokes, Nick's dad, came out. "Kids, take a break. I have popsicles!" He called and smiled as he watched the two children finish their game and then run to the picnic table.

"Can I have an orange popsicle, Mr. Bill?" Emma Grace asked smiling up at the older man.

"Of course Sweetheart," Bill Stokes said smiling and handing Emma Grace an orange flavored popsicle.

"What flavor do you want Pancho?" Bill asked Nick.

"Cherry, please, Cisco," Nick said taking a seat next to Emma Grace.

Nick and Emma Grace ate the popsicles and talked to Bill. Soon Jillian Stokes brought dinner out, and Nick's siblings came and joined all of them for dinner. There was a lot of laughing and joking around that picnic table that night, and after dinner, Nick walked Emma Grace home.

"I think those two are going to grow up and get married one day," Bill said to his wife as the two of them watched the kids walk hand in hand down the road.

"Maybe," Jillian said with a smile on her face.

                                                                    Spring 1987

Fourteen-year-old Emma Grace was sitting on the bleachers at the high school. She was waiting for Nick to get done with the meeting he had with his teacher about his paper because he was her ride home. Emma didn't mind waiting for Nick when he had meetings; it gave her a chance to get all of her homework done and enjoy the warm spring weather. And she would never admit this to anyone but her best friend, but she liked riding home with him and just getting to talk to him alone. He was growing up, and so was she, and she couldn't deny that she was attracted to him. However, she would never risk the friendship they had always had just because he was her first crush.

"Earth to Gracie, you still with me?" Someone asked while waving their hand in front of Emma's face. 

"What?" Emma asked looking up and seeing Nick grinning at her.

"I asked if you were still with me Ems. I was talking to you for about three minutes, and you had this dazed look in your eyes," Nick said smiling and chuckling lightly.

"Oh, sorry, are you ready to go?" Emma Grace asked collecting her things and trying to control the blush that was wanting to spread to her cheeks.

"Yeah, the meeting is over. So what were you thinking about?" Nick asked as the two of them walked side by side and headed for the school parking lot.

"Just about how high school is tougher than I thought," Emma Grace said hoping Nick would believe her.

"You'll do just fine Ems. You're so smart that sometimes it scares me," Nick said giving his best friend a reassuring smile.

"Thanks, Nicky," Emma said smiling.

"Nick! Emma! Wait up!" The two friends turned around to see Kevin, one of Nick's classmates and friends, running to catch up with them.

"Hey, Kevin, what's up man?" Nick asked when Kevin finally caught up with them.

"Nothing. I just had a question I needed to ask Emma," Kevin said giving Emma a warm smile.

"Okay, what can I help you with Kevin?" Emma asked wondering what Kevin could want.

"Emma Grace, may I take you out on a date this Saturday?" Kevin asked taking Emma's hand in his.

"Oh," was all Emma could say because she was so shocked. However, before she could get over her shock, Nick put his arm around her shoulders and protectively pulled her a few inches away from Kevin.

"Sorry Kevin, but Emma Grace is helping my sisters all weekend. She'll be staying at the house, and they can't reschedule what they need to do. Guess you'll have to ask her some other time," Nick said not removing his arm from Emma and staring at Kevin the whole time.

Kevin studied the way Emma and Nick were standing and then met eyes with Nick. The two just stared at each other for a minute. A small smirk formed on Kevin's lips, and he said, "I see." He turned to Emma and said, "See you around Emma," with that he walked away.

Emma didn't say anything until she and Nick were in the car. When Nick had fastened his seatbelt, she turned toward him and slapped his arm as hard as she could.

"Ow! What was that for?!" Nick demanded rubbing his arm.

"Nicholas Stokes, What In The Name Of Heaven Is Wrong With You!" Emma shouted as she hit Nick's arm again.

"Ow! Ems stop!" Nick yelled grabbing Emma's wrists, not hard enough to hurt her, just enough to make her stop hitting him.

"What's wrong with me? What's your problem?! Kevin was asking me out on a date, and you answered for me and made it seem like we're together! What if I wanted to go out with him?!" Emma demanded.

"Trust me, Gracie, he's not good enough for you," Nick said, and then he let go of Emma's wrists and started driving the car. Emma didn't say anything; she just sat there fuming and looking out the window.

When the two pulled up to Nick's house, Emma jumped out of the car and slammed the door. She stomped up the porch steps and entered the house. Four of Nick's sisters and his mom stared at her.

"Someone needs to talk to Nicholas and remind him that I am a big girl who can decide who she wants to date!" Emma Grace proclaimed to the females staring at her and then she went upstairs to one of the girls' rooms and slammed the door. Nick soon came in and looked at his sisters and mom; they just pointed up the stairs. Nick rolled his eyes and headed up the stairs, and a few seconds later the women could hear Nick knocking on the door and saying, "Gracie, please talk to me. I only want what's best for you." The five women, who were eavesdropping just gave each other knowing smirks. 

Next week at school Kevin had a new girlfriend and was avoiding Emma Grace every chance he got. She knew she would have to have a long talk with Nick on their ride home from school that day.

                                                                           Fall 1990

Seventeen-year-old Emma Grace was in the kitchen making her famous Fall Chilli. Jillian Stokes and her daughters were also in the kitchen helping out. It was two days before Thanksgiving, and the Stokes girls were working on the Thanksgiving feast while Emma Grace was working on dinner for that night. Bill Stokes and his other son were outside getting some firewood. All of the family was waiting for Nick to come home from Texas A&M University.

The Stokes girls slowly started leaving the kitchen for the living room. Soon, Emma was in the kitchen by herself. She didn't mind, though, she liked cooking, and most of the time she went into her "own little world" when she cooked. Emma was so lost in cooking that she didn't hear the footsteps coming into the kitchen.

"Don't tell me that Emma Grace finds cooking more important than saying 'hi' to her best friend," Someone said jokingly. Emma turned around to find Nineteen-year-old Nick leaning against the counter.

"Nicky!" Emma exclaimed and ran into his arms.

"Hey, Gracie. I've missed you," Nick said hugging Emma back tightly.

"I've missed you too. How's college?" Emma asked stepping back and looking at the handsome young man in front of her.

"Good. How's high school now that I'm not there?" Nick asked still holding on to Emma's waist.

"Oh, it's wonderful. We have a party every day to celebrate the fact that Nick Stokes isn't there anymore," Emma said grinning from ear to ear when Nick playfully glared at her.

"That's not funny," Nick said smiling.

"Yes, it is," Emma said walking away from Nick and back to the stove.

"What're you cooking Ems?" Nick asked following Emma and standing beside her at the stove.

"My famous fall chili," Emma said stirring the pot.

"You're kidding me! I've missed your fall chili," Nick exclaimed happily.

"Well, here, try a bite and tell me if it still tastes the same," Emma said holding the wooden spoon up to Nick's lips. Nick took a bite and then said, "Emma Grace, this is the best fall chili I have ever eaten, and it always will be."

"Good," Emma Grace said staring up at Nick and smiling. Little did they know that a couple of Nick's siblings were spying on them from the other room.

"It's a good thing she's already like family because, one day, I think Nicky will make her officially family," Nick's brother whispered.

"I believe that we're all fine with that," Nick's oldest sister whispered and all the siblings nodded their heads in agreement.

                                                    Winter 1994

Twenty-One-Year-Old Emma Grace was sitting by the fire in the Stokes house reading a book by the fireplace. She loved hanging out at the Stokes home and talking to Nick's sisters. She loved helping his mom, Jillian when it came to cooking the meals for the family. She loved being on Nick's brother's team during family game night, and she loved that Nick's dad, Bill, treated her like one of his children. Most importantly, Emma Grace was in love with Nick Stokes.

When she realized she had feelings for Nick she thought it was just a crush. Emma didn't get to date until she was sixteen because Nick had been so protective of her in High School. Once Nick was away at college, she dated a couple of guys, but nothing ever worked out. She thought that the distance between her and Nick would help her get over him, but when he came home, their bond only seemed to grow stronger. After a few late talks with some of Nick's sisters, Emma concluded that she is hopelessly in love with Nick Stokes. She just hoped he felt the same way.

Nick walked through the door of his childhood home. He had just got off from a twelve-hour shift at the police station and had a lot on his mind. He had been talking to his parents about moving to another state to possibly work as a crime scene investigator and become his own person. Of course, his parents didn't want their baby boy to leave, but they supported him in whatever he wanted to do. He was thinking about the people he needed to contact when he walked into the living room and saw Emma Grace sitting by the fireplace, curled up on the couch and reading a book.

Nick stopped walking and leaned against the wall. He would be lying if he said he wasn't attracted to Emma Grace. She had been one of his very first friends when he was little. She was the girl he shared all of his secrets and dreams with. She was the girl he would do anything for and protect at any cost. She was the reason no relationship had ever worked out for him; no girl could understand how important his friendship to her was and how he needed it. He had realized that she had grown up when he came home from his second year in college. He had wanted to ask her out for a couple of years, but he didn't want to risk their friendship in case she didn't feel the same way. And he had no idea how he was ever going to tell her goodbye if he did move to another state. That's why he hadn't shared that dream with her yet.

Nick quietly walked upstairs to his bedroom; he didn't want Emma to know he was home yet. He changed his clothes and silently went back downstairs. He went into the kitchen and made two cups of hot chocolate, and then he headed to the living room.

"You want some company?" Nick asked sitting the two mugs of hot chocolate on the coffee table.

"Nicky, I didn't hear you come in," Emma said looking up at Nick and smiling.

"I didn't want to disturb you," Nick said sitting down on the couch beside her.

"Well, I'm glad you're home safe. How was work?" Emma asked cuddling into Nick's side and pulling the blanket over both of them.

"It was a pretty easy day," Nick said brushing Emma's hair back as she laid her head on his shoulder.

"Good," Emma said and handed him the TV remote. The two sat there comfortably; Emma read while Nick watched a football game. A few minutes into the game, Nick realized Emma had fallen asleep. He moved her book to the coffee table and kissed her forehead before covering her up more with the blanket. He knew he had to talk to her about him leaving, but for, now he was just going to enjoy their comforting habits of being best friends.

The next morning, Bill Stokes found his son and Emma cuddled together and asleep on the couch. The older man turned the TV off and covered the couple with another blanket. He took one last look at them, smiled, and headed for work.

                                                      September 1997

Twenty-four-year-old Emma Grace couldn't hide her small smile on her face as she drove her car towards the Stokes home. Emma Grace parked her vehicle behind Jillian Stokes' car and got what she needed out of her backseat. As Emma Grace headed for the porch, she couldn't help but think of some of the memories she had stored in her heart through the eighteen years that she had known the Stokes family.

"Aunt Emma!" Six-year-old Anthony came running from the living room to great Emma Grace when she came through the door.

"Hey Buddy, lower your voice just a little. I have a surprise for the family." Emma Grace explained as she got on her knees to be eye level with the little boy.

Anthony's eyes sparkled as he dramatically dropped the volume of his voice and started whispering, "What is it?"

Emma Grace loved to watch the third generation of Stokes grow up; she viewed every one of them as her nieces and nephews; after all, this was the only family she had left. Emma Grace started to remove the blanket in her arms, "Let me show you."

Anthony let out an excited gasp and covered his mouth with his hands so he wouldn't let out a squeal of excitement. A genuine smile spread across Emma Grace's lips at the boy's excitement. They headed into the living room together to surprise the family.

"Emma Grace, what do you have there?" Jillian Stokes asked as Emma Grace and Anthony made their way to the family. Emma Grace and Anthony looked at each other with mischievous smiles, and when Anthony gave Emma Grace a small nod of his head, Emma Grace removed the blanket from her arms to reveal a puppy.

"Everyone, I would like for you to meet Gladiator. He's a seven week old Cane Corso Mastiff."

The questions started flying after Emma Grace was done speaking.

"He's huge for a seven-week-old puppy!"

"How big is he going to get?"

"You got a dog?"

Emma Grace just smiled as she helped Ashley, Andrew, Anthony, Emily, Joshua, Jessica, Jennifer, Michael, Matthew, and Molly pet Goliath. The adults were not fooled; they knew that Emma Grace had wanted a dog for awhile, but the fact that Nick had left for Las Vegas a month ago was the reason Emma Grace finally got the dog, she didn't want to be sad and hurt as much anymore because she missed Nick so much.

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