Makarovs New Student

De AngelHall6

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One day a little girl was dropped off on the steps of the fairy tail guild, Angelina was only 8 at the time... Mais

A New Family
A New Family Pt. 2
Going away
Mount Hakobe
Hargeon Harbor
Jigoku Island
The Festival
Her Powers
Kaze Valley
Only A Short Job, I Promise
Raitoningu Temple
These tears
Their Adventures
The Harvest Festival
Ms. Fairy Tail Contest
Big Meanie Weenie

Welcome to Fairy Tail

695 11 3
De AngelHall6

(Family portrait of Angelina and her parents, not my pic)

*Angelina's POV*

"Mommy where are we going?!," I shout over the pouring rain, and lightning, and thunder, oh this is so scary. She only shakes her head, her white hair making raindrops fly all over, she looks at me, her red eyes are glistening with tears, she pulls me tighter into her chest covering my face from the rain, what's going on? Where is she taking me?

"MARIANA?! COME OUT MY LOVE!!!," wickedly laughs a voice I only know as my Dads, he's scarier than the storm, or he can be, I've seen him hit mommy before, then he'd come after me, but that's only sometimes, and I still love him. After a few moments I hear loud thumping foot steps coming closer, I try to sit up, only to have mommy push my head back down.

"Stay away from me!" screams my mother, fear lacing her voice. I feel like we're rabbits being chased by a hungry wolf, why is all of this happening? Out of nowhere, I hear the static crack of lightning and a man's pained cry. Was that my Dad?!

"Mom! Mom, what happened?! Is Daddy okay?!," I cry trying to sit up to see again as she continues to run.

"You won't be seeing your father anymore," she says coldly. Fresh tears begin to stream down my cheeks, did she actually hurt Dad? Why? What did he do? In all of my confusion, mom finally stops and sets me down, we're in front of a giant building with a huge symbol on it. I turn back around only to see her staring at me lovingly.

"Why did you hurt him?," I hiccup, knowing it's true, mommy hurt him with her magic, it wasn't some freak accident like some will most likely be told.

"Because I had to honey, mommy loves you," she bends down and gently kisses my hair, I can feel her magical energy crackling around us, and her natural scent of flowers hits me like a truck. She then hugs me, slipping a necklace of some sort around my neck.

"I love you too mommy," I smile through the tears, burying my face in her neck, inhaling her scent I love so much, why do I feel like she's going to leave? She stands straight again and knocks on the giant wooden doors three times, it echoes even through the rain.

"Good bye baby," she turns and begins to walk away. Goodbye?! I knew it! She's leaving me here!

"Mommy please don't go!," I scream bawling, I begin to run after her, right as I almost catch her sleeve I slip on a puddle, falling into the mud, I curl up into a ball, crying and sniffling in the rain. I lay there for at least 5 minutes before I can hear the squeaky door hinges opening, I don't sit up, just lay there.

"Hello- h-hey?! Are you okay?!," it's a boy's voice, I hear feet running towards me, they're light footsteps, unlike my Dad's heavy ones. He turns me over gently, I look at him through my endless tears, my visions so blurry. I feel his small fingers wiping away the tears clouding my vision, it's a boy about my age, 8 years old, he has spiky salmon colored hair and onyx eyes that I feel mesmerized by. "Why are you crying? Where's your mom?" he asks frowning, more tears spill from my lavender eyes than before.

"She's gone," I hiccup out, leaning into the boy unconsciously, he's so warm, and I'm freezing.

"Your Mom left you?" asks the boy softly while looking down at me. I nod still crying, why did she have to leave?! "It's okay, she'll come back," he assures with a bright smile.

"You think so?," I question a little hope leaking into my voice, but she sounded like she was leaving forever. Even so, maybe the boy is right, and she will come back!

"Absolutely!," he gives me a huge grin and I break into a small smile, wiping the rest of my tears away. "Now come on, let's go inside and ask Gramps if you can stay!" he helps me up and takes my hand leading me into this weird place. It's so big! The room we walk into has a ton of tables, benches, and a bar of some sort. There are also stairs that lead to a second story.

"What's going on down here?!," barks a girl with red hair walking into view on the second story, she walks downstairs, a very scary aura surrounds her. She has armor on and has a very stern look in her eye, she looks a little older than I am. I shrink behind the boy with salmon hair, not wanting her aggression to go towards me.

"I found this girl outside crying, she said her mom left her," he says and steps aside revealing my slightly shaking figure, I stand straight, please don't hurt me, scary red haired girl.

"Oh?," the girl walks over and I shake even more, her magic, it's so powerful, I can sense it. "What's your name?" she asks her voice becoming gentler.

"Angelina Liligreen," I answer sheepishly, looking down at my toes, she seems kinder now that her voice is gentler.

"I'm Natsu Dragneel!," suddenly announces the salmon-haired boy next to me.

"And I'm Erza," says the red-haired girl with a small smile on her face.

"It's nice to meet you both," I smile shyly, these guys seem nice, maybe mommy only dropped me off here to spend the night and meet new friends, yeah that's probably it, since I don't have any friends at home because of Dad. She probably thought I could meet some here, but then, why did she give me this necklace? I carefully look at the charm on the necklace only to see it's the same weird symbol on the building, but with many colors on it.

"Where did you get that?," questions the red head, Erza, also looking at my necklace.

"My mommy put it on me before she left," I frown gently tracing the weird symbol with my thumb.

"Hey! That's the guild mark!" beams the boy lifting his shirt sleeve to reveal the same weird symbol, but in red.

"I wonder where she could have acquired such a necklace," frowns Erza. I cradle the necklace gently to my body, this is the last thing my mom gave me, I'm never going to give it up.

"Children is everything alright down here?" an old man suddenly walks onto the ledge at the top of the stairs with a dark haired boy........IN HIS UNDERWEAR?! The boy seems to be rubbing the sleep from his eyes, oh no I hope I didn't wake him. But, I wish he was wearing more clothes! Quickly I cover my eyes.

"Hey stripper put your clothes on there's someone new!," screams Natsu up at the boy. What's a stripper?

"H-hey I didn't know! AND IM NOT A STRIPPER!," he yells back at Natsu there's ruffling of clothes and two pairs of feet walk down the stairs. "You can look now," I uncover my eyes and the boy is in a pair of black pants and a gray shirt, he's standing a few feet away from me, I study him a little more. He has dark blue hair and navy eyes, he looks so serious.

"Who are you child?," smiles the old man taking my attention off the boy, he looks like a gentle old man, but, he's shorter than I am, much shorter, and his outfit is so funny.

"My name is Angelina Liligreen," I smile at him, the old man's jaw drops.

"Did you say Liligreen?!," he asks shocked, w-what's so wrong with my name that he gets shocked?! Was he one of my Dad's enemies?!

"Y-yes," I hide behind Natsu again scared by his reaction, please don't let him be one of Dad's enemies, he seemed so nice a minute ago.

"Hey what's wrong?," asks Natsu turning to face me, he looks concerned, I wonder why he's suddenly so worried about me, we just met.

"His reaction scared me," I say shyly, pink creeping into my cheeks, great he probably thinks I'm a baby now.

"Something important about her gramps?" questions the dark haired boy a skeptical look in his eyes.

The old man quickly recovers his posture. "W-well Liligreens are one of the 4 family's that can do total elemental control magic," he explains okay and? I've known this since I was 2, what's so important about that?

"So she can control fire like me?!," Natsu turns around to face me once again, his onyx eyes show pure excitement, I stare back at him my mouth slightly agape, he shocked me with his sudden movement.

"Or ice like me? Oh, and by the way I'm Gray," says the dark-haired boy with a smirk, I go to answer, but gramps? Cuts me off.

"Yes for Gray and sort of for Natsu, Natsu she doesn't get her magical energy by eating like you do, instead she can conjure and control it like Gray's ice make magic," the old man smiles at me, everyone else stares at me in awe, what did I do? He's just talking about my magic what's the big deal?! And that Natsu boy gets his magic from eating? I thought only dragon slayers can do that, is he a dragon slayer? Ugh, I'm so confused.

"Can you show us some of your magic?," asks Erza walking over to me with a small smile, they want to see my magic? Okay then.

"Uh, s-sure, but my mommy only showed me a little," I say sheepishly, I hope I don't mess up again like I did all those times mommy was training me. I try to calm myself down so I can show them, but I hiccup and a little bit of electricity shoots out of my palm and onto the floor. "Oops," I mumble, looking down at the small black spot on the floor I take in a deep breath like mommy once showed me to do.

When my heart's frantic beating finally calms itself I do the first stance my mommy ever showed me. "ICE MAKE DOME!," I scream and a dome of ice surrounds me separating me from the others, the dome is about three inches thick, and is only tall enough for me to fit into it, my mom showed me this in case a mean person tries to come after me. On the other side of my dome I faintly make out Gray's figure jumping around and freaking out, Erza gives me a thumbs up and Natsu grins at me, I smile back at them wondering if they can see it through the clouded ice.

Now the fun part is getting out of here, Mom would usually help with that since I can't control fire yet without taking out the dome and the house all at once, Dad would get so mad. I knock on the dome's wall looking at them with pleading eyes. "A little help?" I giggle nervously, dang it, I messed up again.

They all look at me, "can't you get out?," yells Erza. I shake my head no blushing even more.

"My mommy never showed me how," I call back fully embarrassed they all probably think I'm so weak I can't even get out of my own spell, wow I'm really smart.

Natsu walks up to the dome, a smirk on his face, "Don't worry guys I got this!," he beams, I look at him quizzically.

"Natsu what are you-?," Erza gets interrupted abruptly by Natsu casting a spell.

"FIRE DRAGON ROAR!," fire comes shooting out of his lungs and towards my dome, screaming I duck for cover shaking like mad IS HE INSANE?! HE MIGHT BURN ME! AND DID HE SAY FIRE DRAGON?! I KNEW HE WAS A DRAGON SLAYER!

"Angelina you okay?!," Erza runs over to me, I shakily lift my head out of my arms to see my ice dome gone and a puddle on the floor, behind her Gramps, is scolding Natsu harshly, Erza steadies me on my feet as I shake.

"Natsu what have I told you before about thinking of the consequences of your actions?!," freaks Gramps giving him a scary glare. I look away from them and back to Erza who's still scanning me over, probably looking for burns.

"I'm fine," I smile reassuringly at Erza dusting myself off, she smiles back relieved.

"Natsu you idiot you could have burned her!," yells Gray suddenly hitting him on the head, it catches my attention off of Erza, Natsu looks at him angrily, I quickly interject before someone else can throw a punch.

"It's fine! At least he got me out!," I quickly run over to them and stop them before they get into a major fight. "He didn't even scorch my dress, thank you Natsu!," I turn to Natsu giving him small hug in thanks.

"Y-yeah n-no problem," I step back from the hug, only to find a pink hue scattered across Natsu's cheeks, making him look slightly red.

"Are you okay, your face is red," I frown watching him carefully, why would he be red? Fire Dragon Slayers are notoriously known for taking large amounts of heat well, but even so, it's actually pretty cold in here!

"Y-yeah I'm fine," he mumbles nervously scratching the back of his neck. His mouth becomes hidden a little behind his scarf as he does so, I shrug it off.

"Okay~," I smile at him giggling at his sudden funny behavior, I turn to the others, the guy they keep calling Gramps is watching me steadily.

"Child," suddenly calls out the old man getting my full attention, I'm no longer afraid of anyone of these guys anymore since they're showing so much kindness and Natsu helped me.

"Yes?," I walk over to him, I still can't believe he's a little shorter than I am, it's weird not having to look up at a man older than me, I even had to look up at Natsu, Gray, and Erza!

"I'm Master Makarov, but you can call me Master-," he gets cut off suddenly making him frown.

"Or gramps!," shouts the boys, Erza knocks them both on the head.

"Don't interrupt the Master while he speaks!," she scolds as the boys look at each other wearily, I giggle at them.

"Yes, or gramps," he mutters clearly annoyed. "Anyways, since you have no place else to go, I was wondering if you would like to stay here with us, I will teach you to control your magic and you will have these children to help you," he offers. Stay? Here? That sounds like fun, but, what if my mom comes back?

"Um, okay, but only until my mom comes back" I agree, he nods a light grin on his face.

"I will have a room prepared then soon, welcome to Fairy Tail," he walks away heading up one of the two large flights of stairs.

"Welcome to Fairy Tail Angelina!, I know the Guild Hall is empty right now, but trust us, by morning it will be full of people!," smiles Erza, the guys nod excitedly, I smile happily at them all.

"Okay!," I giggle now practically bouncing on the spot, more people?! How exciting! As long as none of them are enemies, but if they come here they shouldn't be since guild members are supposed to be all allies.

"It'll be like a new family!" concludes the boys excitedly in unison. A new family....?

*Erza's POV*

After seeing Angelina's necklace I still can't help, but be skeptical. Who was her mother? A member of the guild? That must be the case other wise she wouldn't have that necklace. Also, why is Master allowing her to sleep in the spare room in the guild hall instead of staying at Fairy Hills with me? As I go to leave to Fairy Hills with the boys also heading to their homes, I notice Master passing me in the main room. "Master!," I quickly call out, he turns around.

"Yes Erza?" he asks.

"That Angelina girl, she had a necklace with the guild mark on it, she says it was from her mother," the master's face remains calm, I was expecting a little reaction.

"Yes, well, who knows, maybe her mother was apart of our guild at a time," he shrugs and turns back around continuing to his destination. Wouldn't master know that though?! He's been guild master for a long time. This is all, strange.

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