Forced to be with you (Nalu f...

De salinaguo

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Lucy Heartfilia daughter of Jude Heartfilia is heir to the Heartfilia Corporation. Natsu Dragneel son of... Mai multe

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 11

1.5K 40 29
De salinaguo

(A part of the Dragneel Mansion)


I woke up the next morning in a red bed in a red room.

I knew i was in the Dragneel Mansion but all this seemed like a dream mostly because Natsu seemed like someone who only appeared in movies or was an angel from heaven.

I groggily sat up rubbing my eyes and brushing aside my messy blonde hair.

The red blankets still neat since the bed was so big i only used a small portion which thankfully i also didnt move a lot when i sleep.

I peeked from ontop of the bed at the sleeping Dragneel who was sleeping at the foot of HIS bed.

He was sleeping on the side of his body laying on one arm. The red blanket he got himself covered the lower part of his body. It was summer so there was no need to wrap yourself so much with blankets.

He wore a red v-neck shirt with baggy gray pants the most comfortable type of sleep wear in my opinion.

Since it was only 7:00 in the morning i decided to watch Natsu which is kindve creepy i know.

I watched his chest rise up and down slowly with every breath.

To be even more creepy i was looked at his face while he was sleeping creepy right?

Natsu's face was beautiful with a natural tan and skin that was flawless.

He even looked very cute sleeping with furrowed eyebrows.

I watched him for 5 minutes until i thought that i was being extremely out of my normal character.

I didnt want to wake him up but i dont think its right walking around the Dragneel Mansion alone in the morning it might be a bit suspicious so i thought maybe i could lay down and rest until a lot of people had woken up.

Staring everywhere in his monster room i realized

he only had one family photo which was hanged up on the wall in front of his bed.

His mother had short pink hair and she was wearing a dress standing beside Igneel with baby Natsu in her hands.

They were smiling and to me they resembled the perfect family which im sure Natsu also thinks so.

"I would've loved to meet her" I thought because whoever could have taught Natsu and helped him grow up is someone worth meeting plus its his mother so i would've had to meet her.

I continued to look around his room staring at his speck less room everything was placed neatly in boxes and the floor was practically shining.

I stared back at the clock after looking around the room. 7:15 it read that means i still have to wait.

I heard Natsu turn around in his sleep which i mistakened as him waking up.

I turned over glancing down only to see Natsu had turned to the other side.

I wondered when he would wake up since i was extremly bored.

"Luce what are you doing awake?" His eyes fluttered opened slowly. Natsu looked up at me while yawning and rubbing his eyes.

"I woke up early now go back to sleep" I felt bad for waking him up even though i wanted to wake him up but thats being selfish.

"I cant if your awake"  Natsu placed both hands behind his head laying on them while looking up at me.

"Natsu im sorry if i woke you up"

"Dont be" He reached up to kiss me on the forehead before dropping back down on the mattress.

"What do you want to do right now?" Natsu looked at me while i stared at him.

"I dont know, what do you want to do?" I asked him.

"Do you want to explore my room? My father doesnt allow me out of my room before 8" Natsu shrugged.

"Sure you dont mind right?"I glanced back at Natsu who shook his head slowly.

I pulled the covers off me jumping down the bed and walking slowly around his room Natsu standing up and following behind me.

I brushed the books on his shelf acknowledging the fact that all were non-fiction. Hovering over certain books that i have read before surprisingly there were many.

"Im guessing you like reading non-fiction books?" I looked back at him who nodded.

"i like to stick to reality"

I nodded since it was a really good point.

Natsu stood a few feet behind me watching me, i could feel his eyes on my back.

Walking over to his desk i noticed quite a lot of papers piled up on the edge.

There was a red lamp on the other corner and there was a jar of neatly sorted pencils.

"What are these papers for?" I didnt want to pick up one in case he didnt want me to.

"My father makes me learn how to rule our company and all the things to becoming a great CEO" Natsu showed me another drawer of papers.

"Wow he seems really strict and i would never have assumed that because he was so warm when you guys came to visit" I explained expressing my shock.

"Yeah i guess you could call him a two sided person, he's very serious when it comes to Dragneel Corps"

"Thats a good thing i suppose" I looked at the rest of his desk which was empty.

"Sometimes but dont worry you wont ever see his strict side" Natsu reassured probably thinking that i thought Igneel was scary which i actually didnt think so, Everyone has a side to them that is scary even my father has those times especially when i hear him shouting on the phone.

"Natsu its fine" I turned around brushing my hands with his causing him to flinch.

I frowned at bit but decided to ignore since Natsu didnt seem like a person who was  good at expressing his feelings.

I continued to look and wander around his room until I reached his stack of sports equipment.
" You play a lot of sports" I observed the rack of different balls and the trophies on the wall behind the rack.
" Yeah my dad makes sure that I'm active everyday and to get outside and play not stay home that much" Natsu explained standing beside me admiring his trophies.

"Judging by the medals your good" I brushed a trophies that read 2003 World Soccer Champions Flaming Dragons.  " Is your team called Flaming Dragons? " I looked at a team picture labeled Flaming Dragons,  All of them were huddled together with the trophie being held in the middle.
Natsu was standing huddled in the back grinning with the soccer stadium behind them.

" I was proud of my team that day" Natsu smiled slightly when I looked at him.
"Wait a minute your the team captain of the Flaming Dragons?! " I remembered watching TV a few years ago and seeing the Flaming Dragons score a point. They instantly became my favourite team since I saw the captain shoot a perfect beautiful shot
" I don't know am I?" Natsu smirked at me while I pouted but smiled like a Cheshire cat.

" OH MY GOSH!!!  You guys are my favourite team and that perfect last shot was awesome!! " I went into fangirling mode and started to bombard him with questions.

" Luce one at a time"

" Were you the one to score that winning score? " We were standing in face to face while I was squealing and screaming like a maniac.

"If i say yes im afraid your going to get a heart attack" Natsu pat me on the head which confirmed my question.

"I knew it!!!!" I jumped a few feet in the air before Natsu caught me landing me gently on the floor.

"Luce you still have the foot...Think things through before doing them please" Natsu brushed a hand through his hair and sighed while i nodded.

I really should be more careful.....What was i thinking trying to jump when i had only 1 and a half legs working.

"Sorry Natsu" I looked at the ground feeling like a complete idiot.

"Its alright Lucy" He wrapped me in a hug.

"Now about your statement what do you mean by "I knew it"?" He let go of me leaning on the wall crossing his arms over his chest.

"Well i was sure i saw that the player had pink hair and once i saw you i thought you looked very familiar so know my assumptions are confirmed."

" Should i be glad my wife watches my soccer matches?"

"Yes you should and im not your wife.......yet" I squinted my eyes at him who chuckled at me.

"Of course my mistake" Natsu ruffled my hair while i continued to fangirl over the fact that my husband was captain of the famous Flaming Dragons!

"Natsu you are full of surprises!!!" I jumped onto him giving him a hug in which Natsu wrapped his arms around me holding my thighs preventing me from falling off.

"Im sure you are too" After the hug he put me down again gently once more making sure i dont land on my bad foot.

"Natsu im not a porcelain doll you dont have to be so gentle with me" I pouted at him while he shook his head.

"My father always said that you have to treat women with respect especially your wife, you broke your foot so i have to be careful not to hurt you"

"Thank you Natsu but i only broke a foot its not a big deal"

"I know but you can just call it practicing to be a good husband" Natsu grinned at me while i rolled my eyes playfully at him.

" Do you really like my team that much?"

"Yeessss!!! You guys have great skills and all of you display very good sportsmanship" I remembered the time when a member on the other team got severely hurt i think Natsu paused the game to check on the team member. Now thats whats called sportsmanship!!

"I should tell them that next time we meet"

" Oooohhh!!! Can i come! Can i come!" I almost started to beg which caused Natsu's eyes to widen.

"Yes yes yes okay you can stop begging theres no need for that" Natsu rushed face filled with surprise.


" Im the captain its simple to get everyone together besides your my wife you should get to meet my best bros"

"Thanks Natsu" I kissed him several times on the cheek making him blush which was very cute!!

"Luce if i knew you would be this happy i wouldve already set up a time to meet"

" Really its alright i just want to meet any player on the team i dont need the whole team." I assured, the last thing id want to be is a bother or a drag.

"Luce its fine besides we always joke about going to each others weddings so is it alright to invite them to our wedding?"

"Of course whoever is your friend is a friend of mine......considering the fact i barely have any friends" I mumbled the last part but Natsu had to hear.

"Dont worry you will have a lot of friends me starting as your first" Natsu's forehead met mine as i gazed into his eyes. Natsu's hands were behind my head holding me close.

"Your my husband and my best friend so i guess your special" I kissed the edge of his lips making his eyes widen as big as saucers.

"Kids!!! Oh my am i bothering something?" Igneel smirked standing at the door watching us.

Somehow through the conversation we ended up sitting on the floor in our current position.

"No is breakfast ready?" Natsu asked with a poker face seperating our heads.

"Yes you may come down to eat now" Igneel turned walking to the dining room with both of us training behind him.

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