The Fighter

Door gabby_vazquez

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My life turned upside down when I was 13 My father was murder right in front of my eyes by his own brother M... Meer

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Authors Note

Chapter 2

110 3 4
Door gabby_vazquez

They laid out a dress for me to wear for dinner.

It was nice. I haven't worn a dress in five years. I probably won't look good in it. It was a skater maroon dress that had lace sleeves reach the elbow. It had a simply black belt around it. I'm glad they gave me flats. I would break my ankle walking in heels.

Why did everything seem so normal?

It's not suppose to be like this.

I can't set use to this, I just can't. If I do then I'll get hurt and I don't want to get hurt. I forgotten what that felt like and I don't want to feel it again. My life is difficult enough but it was less difficult without all these feelings I had. I just didn't care. I felt numb and I still do.

I don't think I'll truly ever live again.

Or feel happy to be exact.

I snapped out of my thoughts and grabbed the new pair of underwear and bra they also laid out for me and went in the shower. The hot water felt so nice against my skin. They rarely gave me showers which was disgusting. I felt disgusting. It felt nice. I leaned my back against the cold wall and slid down to the floor. I brought my knees up to my chest and rested my head against them. I was so use to be being alone that I hated being with people now. I'm just not use to interacting with people. I'm only use to interacting with myself.

Why am I like this?

What did I do to deserve this?

I did nothing wrong and now the only freedom I get won't last long.

What if I loose? I'll end up in the hell hole again. I haven't fought in years I might not be as good as I once was. Not to sound cocky or anything. I can't help to think that this is all just a dream and I'm going wake up soon.

But if this is a dream then I don't want to wake up. This is more then I could ever for. I just feel like I don't deserve it.

Why is is life so hard? Why is my life so hard? Why couldn't I live a simply life. No problem, no worries, just me. People say being you is the best possible thing, so why do I think it's the worst possible thing?

Why do I hate myself so much?

I ask myself all these questions but yet I don't have an answer.

Oh I have gone crazy.

Once I was done my shower I changed into the dress they gave me. Dinner was soon and I've spent half my time in the shower. Not that I didn't deserve it or needed it.

I put my hair in a messy braid not caring how my hair looked.

I look at myself in the mirror once more. I didn't look like myself but then again I don't know who I am.

I heard banging on my door and I'm guessing it was one of the guards. I sighed and walked out the door where they gave me death looks.

"You guys look happy to see me." I muttered

They didn't reply and I didn't expect them too.

After a five minute walk we finally reach the dining room. They open the doors for me and I stepped in this giant room. It was huge for no reason. My uncle and mom were already talking and drinking wine. They look so happy and it makes me sick. They stopped once they saw that I was in the room. They both smiled at me but I didn't smile back.

"Victoria so glad you can join us please sit." My uncle said gesturing me to sit down

So I did at the end of the table.

"You look beautiful darling." My mother cooed

"Thanks." I mumbled

"Ahh you found your voice." My uncle said smiling

What is he up to?

"She spoke to me when I visited her in the medical bay." My mother told him

"I knew her voice would come out eventually."

"It still needs to be treated." My mother looked at me "you still seem to have a lot of swelling in your throat and voice still sounds scratchy."

"Well I have a guide now to take care of me so I don't need you." I said gracefully

She frowned

"So you met Jackson? What do you think of him?" He said

"He's nice." I assured him "he's very friendly and he seems to care more about people than his job."

"He is a very humble person. I'm glad you like him."

Why is he being so nice to me?

Our food was brought out to us and it look so good. My mouth was watering. It was much but it was more than I seen in five years. It was just a simple vegetable soup, but it was better than the food I was getting. I didn't even think it was real food. I knew I couldn't eat this all in once. I had to eat slow but I really didn't want to.

"I ask Jackson what he though we should feed you for dinner I don't want you getting sick in me. This is what he suggested. I hope you like it." My uncle told me

"It's fine thank you."

"Are you sure?" My uncle asked "I'm not really sure what you like."

I'm not sure either buddy join the club

"Why am I here?" I asked him changing the subject

I'm tired of this small talk bullshit

"What do mean you are having dinner with us cookie." My mom said

I cringe

"No I mean like why am I here as in out of my cell." I rolled my eyes

"I told you why." My uncle assured me

"There has to be more." I pushed on

"Like what?" He said

"Like why are you being nice to me? Why are you testing me like this? Why are you acting like you didn't throw me in a cell for five years? Why are you acting like everything is normal!" I was getting angry

"I told you I want a fresh start." He said irritated

"It couldn't happen randomly." I laughed

"I had a long time to think about what I did." He said through his

"Yeah a long time." I snorted "I'm not buying any of your bullshit."

"Language!" My mom cried

I gave her a death look.

"Look you don't have to trust me or even like me but you have to believe me. I'm doing this for the greater good. I'm s changed man." He explained

I laughed humorlessly "I'll believe it when I see it." And with that I got up from the table and started to leave. I heard my mom calling me back but I didn't listen and I didn't care that I didn't eat much of my food. I've had worst days I'm use to it.

I didn't bother waiting for the escorts to bring me back to my room, I just escorted myself there I knew my way.

When I got there I opened the door and then shut it closed once I was in. I slid down to my knees while my back was against the door.

This was all fucked up.

I couldn't get out of it though. I was stuck in it.

I needed to figure out what was going on.

First I'm going to go to sleep.


I woke up to banging on my door and it startled me.

I don't like banging, it brings back painful memories. I start to back away against my headboard and when the door the opened my breath caught in my throat.

It was only Jackson and he looked pissed.

"I thought you were suppose to come at one." I mumbled laying back in my bed

"It's 2." He hissed

I picked my head up and looked at the clock. It was 2 in the afternoon.

"Oh shit." I shot up from my bed "I'm sorry I never sleep that long before."

He loosened up a bit and chuckled

"It's because of the bed." He said moving towards the bed and sat down at the edge "you're not use to the comfort."

I laughed "the mattress I had to sleep on was so worn out and so uncomfortable. That's why I was always up so early. I thought it would be the same here."

He put his hand on my leg "it's going to take some time. You'll get to the point you want to be at eventually."

I gave him a smile. He was right I had to get use to everything. I just couldn't get attached.

"Now." He said standing up "we have things to do so get your lazy ass up and get change. I will be waiting outside." And with that he walked out the door.

I groaned and got out of my bed. I went into the closet where they shoved all the close they got me in there. There was a lot of formal wear. I hope there was some workout gear in here. Even though I wasn't training today. After digging through the mess I finally found regular clothes. I put on a pair of black shorts and a light purple workout tank top. I put my hair in a pony tail and put on a pair of slides they had for me and walked out the door.

Jackson was leaning against the wall with his head buried in his phone. He picked his head up when he heard the door shut.

"Ready?" He asked

"Obviously." I replied

"Attitude." He mumbled "alright follow me."

I just chuckled

I followed him to one of the simulation rooms they had in headquarters. We walked in and he shut the door behind me as I sat down in one of the chairs. Jackson walked over to where the big screen was at.

I was getting a lecture today.

My father gave me a lot of those. He said the only way I'm going to know something is if I learn the history behind it.

"Alright let's get started." Jackson clapped his hands together

I groaned

"There's the excitement I'm looking for." He chuckled "okay first and foremost the rules of this tournament."

I just stared at him

He continued "the this tournament is 4 weeks long. Every fight is a knockout fight. Basically means you lose you're done. You won't fight everyday. There is a random generator machine that picks who fights a day, but everyone fights all the same amount of matches."

I rolled my eyes

He chuckled "Once it gets down to the final eight contestants it's the semifinals. When it gets down to four then its the quarterfinals."

"So basically I need to win every fight," I said "Seems easy enough."

"Not exactly." He crossed his hands over his chest "Just wait until you see the competition."

Not a problem.

Just competition.

I just nodded my head signaling him to go on.

"Then it comes down to the finals which is obvious and I don't need to go into detail about that." He said

"What happens if I win?" I asked.

I mean I know what happens if I win but what's the overall grand prize is what I'm curious about.

"What do you mean?" He raised his eyebrow

I rolled my eyes again "I mean there is a reasoning why the do it. There has to be some sort of prize."

"It's just a ton of money." He shrugged his shoulders

I chuckled

I get freedom and money that's the best thing I heard in a while.

"Anyway that's the basics of the tournament." He rolled his eyes at me "Oh and another thing you can't kill the person or its automatic disqualification and you get sent to jail." He smiled at me


"I see that your so amused by this." He chuckled

"If amused you mean I want to jump of this building then yes I'm amused." I said sarcastically

"Don't worry princess the fun is just beginning." He smirked

I groaned and threw my head back like a 5 year old.

He just laughed at me.

All I wanted to do was train. I was sick of this bullshit.

"Now it's time to know your competition." He stated clicking a button on his fancy remote to make the screen

"But there is like a whole lot of them." I complained

"That's why I narrowed it down to the ones you really need to know. The ones who always come back." He said turning to the screen

This should be interesting

"First you have Trevor Maloney. 33 years old with a mean right jab. Nickname jabber because that's all he can do. His left hand punches are weak. He made it to the finals but lost first round. I think you can handle him." Jackson explained

"Wait I could up against a guy?" I asked not that I was really worried

He pretended to think about it "yeah."

I gave him a death look

He smirked "next up we got the Carson twins. Bailey and Britney Carson. 20 years old and Very hot and very skilled in martial arts training. Weakness they have blind spots. I don't know what they are but once you find them you'll be able to kick there ass."

They didn't look that scary or hot either.

"Next we have Tyler Ramsey. 24 and a very jumpy person. They call him twitch." He wasn't bad looking but he did look like a fighter " he can fight. He doesn't really have special moves. He just really skilled in combat but his weakness is that he gets tired easily."

"I shouldn't have a problem with that." I mumbled

"Yeah you shouldn't" he retorted "Anyway next we have Rachel carter and basically she is either your friend or your enemy. Trained in martial arts she is has a very high temper."

"She looks like a person who has a temper." I joked

He laughed and continued "her weakness is that she delays a lot in her moves so it should be easy to block."

"Are we done yet?" I asked


"But when will we be."

"Hopefully soon."

I groaned again

"Stop your whining" he said " next Jason Vernan. 29 and a skilled boxer. No special moves but his weakness is all he can do is box."

"You don't even know why I can do." I realized

"I'll find out eventually." He smirked "but if I had to guess martial arts training am I correct?"

I nodded my head and pouted

"Thought so." He said confidently "Now this person here is Adien Banks. 22 and a very good kick boxer. Nickname "The beast." Because he is one. Victoria if there is anyone you need to watch out for its this kid. He almost won last year and last year was his first year in the tournament."

"How'd he loose?" I asked interested

"He thought he won but they didn't signal the bell in time and his opponent who has won every year got up and finished him. His name was Bryce turner 39 and retired." Jackson explained

I nodded my head and looked at the picture. He looked young but he was really built. He looked young because he had no facial hair. He his hair was brown and median length. It sat perfectly on his head. He had nice brown eyes and a perfect structure face.

Snap out of your thoughts Victoria.

"Victoria I know he's good looking but you need to focus." Jackson said

"Shut up." I blushed

"Everyone's claiming now that Bryce turner isn't in the completion anymore that he is going to win this year. He is your only threat." He said

I nodded my head

Threat got it

"Okay can we end on that note and do something more relatable." I told him

"Like what." He crossed his arms back over his chest

"Like training." I said throwing my hands in the air "That's how I'm going to win. I haven't fought in a long time. I need all the training I can get."

"And I told you that you're not ready yet." Jackson hissed at me

"I am though!" I exaggerated

"No you're not you need time for your body to build up. You're not like the other contestants. These people train every single day of their lives. You haven't fought in five years." He explained frustratedly

"Because I was locked in a a god damn cell for five years! It's not like I chose to be in there." I screamed

"I'm not trying to offend you I'm just looking out for you."

"Look." I got out of my seat " you don't know me okay. So stop acting like you do. I'm not just going to sit here while everyone else is getting ready for this tournament and all I'm doing is nothing. I'm not going to get back to normal if I just keep waiting."

I felt the anger rise through my body. I tried to calm down but I couldn't.

Jackson didn't say anything. I don't think he had anything else to say.

With that I walked out of the room. I heard him call my name but I ignored him. I just kept walking.

I get what Jackson is trying to do. I know he was to help me but I just can't keep waiting to get back to normal I have to speed up the process.

I didn't know where I was going. I think I was just walking anywhere. I notice there wasn't much people in the hallways or anywhere. I guess all the opponents where getting lectured.

As I was walking I found the training room. I decided to take a look at it. I walked inside to notice that no one was in here. It was nice and big. Had a lot of stations and looked very tech out. There was a mat in the middle where I guess the practice fighting with their trainer. I walked over to one of the punching bags. I stared at it for a little bit before kick in my slides off. I got in a fighting stance and started hitting the bag. I hit it like I was actually fighting a person. I backed away started kicking hit. I backwards kick it, side kicked, and etc. I moved towards it and started hitting it again. I missed the feeling of fighting. I forgot how it felt like to relieve all my anger. I did every move I knew on the punching bag. I felt sweat dripping down my face. I the one more punch before I stopped. I was breathing heavily but I felt fine. I felt relieved actually.

I heard clapping which cause me to tune around. It was Jackson. He looked amused.

"Like the show." I said as I put my slides back on

"I did actually. I'm very amused." He smiled

"Are you here to yell at me for punching the punching bag." I fake pouted

"No." He laughed " I came to apologize. I didn't mean to get you upset I'm just trying to look out for you."

"I'm sorry too." I said "I didn't mean to lash out like that."

"So does that mean I'm forgiven?" He asked

"Yes it means your forgiven."

"How do you feel right now?" He asked me

"Great." I replied

He sighed "look if you want to start training we will. I'm just saying training isn't going to be easy."

"I get that." I spoke "I don't want it to be. I need to win Jackson. If I don't I go back in the stupid cell for god knows how long. I can't go back in there. I just can't."

"And you will." He said "that's what I'm here for to help you win and what I just saw with the proper training I think you have a shot. I won't fail you Victoria you just got to give me a chance. I'm not the enemy here. I'm just trying to be your friend."

This might be weird but I trusted Jackson. I believed him when he said he was going to help me win.

Maybe having a friend wouldn't be so bad.

I smiled at him and he chuckled

"Now that our moment is over let's go eat." He suggested and I agreed

There was one thing I knew for sure

Nothing was going to get in my way from winning this tournament.

What's up people? How have you guys been? I love writing this book. I'm so hype for it!!! Anyway these updates are going to take longer because the chapter are longer and sometimes I won't feel like finishing a chapter in one day. Like this chapter it took me a while to finish it lol. But what do you think of it so far? What do you think of Victoria?

Like and comment please

I don't know when my next update will be hopefully soon but I have to finish my other book so idk

Well that's all today.

Have a great day

See you next time


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