No Teacher Quite Like You - P...

De llamaslikesocks

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Phil is homeless and Dan is his English teacher, when Dan see's Phil working late after school, what will Dan... Mais

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 9

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De llamaslikesocks

The boys had spent the morning wondering around the house and eating giant bowls of cereal. Afternoon soon rolled around, and they decided to head to Tesco as the food supply was running out, in the house.

It happened to be the Tesco that Dan had first dropped Phil outside of, bringing back some memories of sleepless nights for Phil, but soon feeling happy once again after Dan had dragged him inside to show him the llama bites.

Dan was pushing the trolly making racing car noises like he was five, while Phil walked along looking at all the food. “Phil, Phil look at this the llama bites are 2 for the price of 1” Dan screamed. Phil rolled his eyes, laughed and leant forward to kiss Dan. “Shit” Dan said as a familiar face rolled his trolly past the end of the isle.

“Haha faggots!” the boy laughed, “Just wait, I’ll get you.” he smirked before he got lost in the sea of shoppers.

“Oh god that’s it we’re finished, your get fired, I will be taken away, and we will be all in the news!” Phil said panicking.

“Fuck, Phil please, we only just recovered from last night! I don’t want to lose you again!” Dan cried.

The didn’t finish the shopping they paid for it as quick as they could and jumped into the car, hoping to avoid that evil boy again, Dean.

The journey home wasn’t as jolly as it had been on the way there, they had been singing at the top of their voices to the music on the radio, holding hands, exachanging stolen glances, but now it was silent and full of worry.

“Dan, I don’t think I should stay with you anymore, what if a social worker comes round or something?!” Phil mumbled.

Dan sighed, “I want you to stay, but I don’t want anything bad to happen, this situation was doomed from the start ugh.” he bashed his head on the stearing wheel, “I guess I could book you into a hotel for a while, just in case… but I’d miss you and I know its wrong of me to say that as your my student but-” he felt warmth in his hand, Phil had just slid his pale dainty hand into Dan’s tanned one.

“I’d love to stay, but I can’t risk it, I will be lonely and lost without you” Phil broke into tears, all he wanted was Dan, the love of his life, Dan who loved him even when he was homeless, who loved him no matter what.

Dan pulled into his parking space and leaned over to Phil, pecking his cheek, “No matter what happens, I love you, remember that.” the elder whispered before pulling Phil into a long, slow, passionate kiss.

Inside the flat, Phil packed his things into a borrowed suitcase from Dan, “I’m going to be so lonely and bored” Dan moaned leaning on the door frame of Phil’s room, “I know” Phil softly said placing his hands on Dan’s shoulders.

“You can still come round every so often y’know, just for a bit, maybe stay the night…?” Dan suggested, “or I could stay with you some nights…? If you wanted me to of course.”

“Of course Dan I love you” Phil smiled, his eyes were glassed over like he was about to cry. Dan kissed him and hugged him so tightly, before they made the walk to Dan’s car.

The car journey was full of sad glances and soft touches, and telling one another that they loved each other.

The hotel room was nice, Dan didn’t want Phil staying anywhere iffy. Phil placed his suitcase down, and he sat on the end of the bed. “So” Dan gulped, “I guess I will er leave you to settle inand pick you up for school tomorrow”

“I guess..” Phil sighed, tears streaming down his face, “I love you” he said through tears, befor running at Dan and jumping in his arms.

“I’m not sure if I can stay here without you Dan” Phil cried. “You can Phil we will see each other regularly and I will always love you, you must be brave here I think it’s the right thing to do” Dan sighed. Phil released from the embrace and smiled, “I love you” they both said as Dan opened the hotel door and left.

Phil lay back on the hotel rooms bed, bored. Then he thought, what harm could it do to text Dan… So he did.

‘BORED’ - Phil

’ me too bby I’m ironing because I’m a MAN and I have to go to teach at that hell hole tomorrow looking kinda normal xx - Dan

‘Hmmm well you look manly enough in bed, why do you need a shirt ;) xx’ - Phil

’ I probably don’t even need trousers tbh ;) but mrs peters in the staff room would probably faint with my manly ness xx’ - Dan

‘Haha good point… But I wouldn’t want anyone else seeing MY Danny naked would I? ;P xx’ - Phil

’ nah, but if times got hard I could always sell my body to Porn hub ?! Xx haha ’ -Dan

‘Well if that were the case I’d join you! We could make money from our sex tape! ;) ;) xx’ - Phil

“Yeah then we could head home from work together and get a Nando’s, sounds ok to me ha x ‘- Dan

‘Yes that will be good! Then with our money we buy a mansion!!! xx’ - Phil

“Fudge yes, how’s your hotel room, fit for a king like u ! Xx’ - Dan

‘Yes it is good, thank u bby xo but I’m feeling lonely ;_; xx’ - Phil

’ aw muffin it’s ok I will be round early tomorrow morning, to see your adorable face bby xx’ -Dan

‘You better be! Or else… ;P xx’ - Phil

’ I will be hunny, don’t you worry, you should gets some sleep, sweet dreams love you xx’ -Dan

‘awwee ily <3 I guess I should then… I’ll dream about you :P I love you too! Nighty night!! xxxx’ - Phil


A/N: Wow, this seems so short, I will message deliathecow and see when she's free for us to write more ^__^

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