Book 1: She's a Keeper | Augu...

Od LivThaWriter

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What happens when you meet the one person you relate with the most? All rights reserved. No part of this pub... Více

Not Your Average Story...
20 ~ Filler Chapter


57.5K 1.7K 1.3K
Od LivThaWriter

Y'all was livid last chapter tho lol.

I'm not gonna kill off anybody especially not Aug. He might have a few run-ins with Mel but I'm not got kill his ass so he can physically go be with him. It's nice to know my writing got y'all going crazy. Job Well Done Liv.

My mood right now

Cydney Michaels
Day Before The Tour

"Thor, moooove!" I raised my voice for him to move, fanning my hands at him, he thought I was playing.

He kept jumping on my bed, rolling on my clothes that I was trying my best to pack in my suitcase. Oh, let's not forget, every time I put something in my suitcase he pulled it right back out.

I could tell he picked up a unnecessary trait from his daddy, Aug: pettiness.

"Thor, you really getting on my nerves." I sighed, sitting on my bed.

He hopped into my lap rolling around. I couldn't help but to smile and pet him. It was like he knew I was leaving for a little while. "You're worrisome, just like your daddy."

"Lemme pack okay, bud?" I moved him off my lap and stood. He just rolled into my place and layed there, his eyes wide, staring back at me.

I continued to pack, pacing back and forth. Bathroom, my room, closet, my room, until I was sure I had everything. I zipped up my suitcase and went back into my closet to find something to wear.

A flight was first on the agenda. First stop was Detroit, and from there we'd be rolling on a tour bus. I was excited. Who'd ever thought I'd be flying around the world and on tour busses and shit?

I'd gotten better with planes by now, I just needed a drink or two as soon as I boarded the plane.

Thumbing through my closet, I settled on just a simple pair of leggings, and a white fitted tank. I slid on one of my nineties style windbreakers and fixed stray pieces of my straightened and freshly curled hair.

"Cydney, can you come here for a sec?" I heard my mom called from her room.

"Is it important?" I called back not really wanting to converse.

She did that annoying thing that black mothers do. Not reply. I rolled my eyes, leaving my room and heading to hers.

"You called," I sat down at the foot of her bed Indian style while she sat across from me.

"Mhm," she looked up from a magazine she was reading.

"What? Mom, stop waisting my time." I mumbled as I placed my head on my fist.

She gave me a look and I was unbothered, "So where's your first stop?"

"Detroit.. From there, I have no idea." I shrugged.

"Must be exciting, going on tour with him, hm?" She asked and I shrugged.

"Not a big deal, what else did you want?" I asked as I stood, ready to walk out.

"I just wanna talk to you honey. You'll be gone for months after today."

"Annnd?" I dragged out.

I knew she wanted to talk about something other than this tour. She hardly cared about my relationship with August because he was treating me well. Not just with the finer things in life but also with his love and heart. She didn't have a reason to be worried or play the bad mom role.

She sighed, "I just feel like we don't really talk. I want our relationship back how it was before everything went wrong."

"You know that's gonna take time right? You were gone for years and can't expect everything to be back to normal in months."

"I'm trying, I really am. I just want you to talk to me."

"I do talk to you.." I mumbled.

"Then why did I have to find out about Deon getting out of jail through Kenneth? And the he visited you to tell you?"

Kenneth was snoops real name.

"Cause it's not a big deal," I turned on my heels and walked out the room. She followed me, talking at the same time.

"If it's not a big deal, then why did he tell me you were crying over it?"

"I had August. I was fine, I'm fine now." I petted Thor who'd jumped up at me once I entered my room.

"I'm your mother, I know when you're not fine!" She turned me around to face her.

"If you knew that I wasn't fine, why didn't you do something. say something at least?" I crossed my arms waiting for a reply but she didn't give one.

"Exactly. You haven't been my mother in years so how could you possibly know now?"

I chuckled, "You know, I remember the words you told me when you left for the second time. Remember? When you came to me and acted like you loved me still, then begged me for money which I have to you because you said you were coming back?

But you never did. Right before you left, you looked me right in the eye and told me 'I'm sorry but I think I love drugs more than my own daughter.' Not only did you say that, you laughed."

I paused and looked away from her before looking back, "So you see now? That when you say shit like you want thing to go back to normal, it can't happen as fast as you want it to. Sometimes, I'm not even sure that it will happen."

"What do you expect me to do? I try to—" "You can try, try and try, but you can never make up for the years you chose to get high than to raise your daughter! Help your daughter, tell her than everything is going to be fine.

You didn't do that for me, Brenda did, Joey, Hazel and even Matt who's younger than me. Even August.. Even August who has only been in my life just a year. You ran from everything while I stuck it out."

"Cydney, I—" "No, you can't change that."

I made sure I had everything again. I don't know why because August wasn't here nor would he be here for another hour at least. I guess I just needed to occupy myself in hopes she'd drop the subject and leave.

"Well, I guess you made the decision for me."

"What are you talking about?" I turned around to face her.

"I've decided that I'll be moving out by August, September at the latest." She rubbed her arms nervously.

"So you'll be gone before I'm back?" I questioned.

I know I've probably just said some harsh things but, moving out? I'd never thought I'd hear her doing that. And so soon?

"I'm not changing my mind about it. You've made it clear that a lot of things can't change and I understand. You're still my daughter, though and I do love you but I just think it's—" "You just think it's best, huh?"

She didn't respond and I didn't expect her too. I turned around so my back was to her.

"Do what you think is best, I don't want to deter you from that."

Eventually, I felt her presence leave the room.

I sat down on the bed and played with my fingers as tears were on the brim of my eyelids. For some reason, my mom always brought up the most unwanted emotions.

I debated on calling August for him to come though a hour earlier but decided against it.

"Hey, everythang aight?" He stood against the doorframe.

It seemed as if my wish was granted either way. I didn't hear him knock so I assumed he used his key.

"Um, yeah."

"Lie again." He gave me a stale face.

"Me and my mom just got into it kind of."

"She was leavin' as I pulled up. You wanna talk 'bout it?"

I shook my head no. "Not right now. Why are you hear so early?" I diverted the conversation from me.

"I was bored and finished packin' early." He kneeled in front of me, "I talked ta you na you talk ta me. What happened?"

I shook my head causing a tear to land on his exposed arm from his sleeve being rolled up.


"Don't be, what happened between y'all?" He pressed the subject after wiping my cheeks with the pad of his thumb.

I sighed, finally giving in and gave him the rundown.

"Well I admit, what you said was harsh as hell but maybe she needed ta hea' it. But thank 'bout it from ha point of view."

"It still doesn't excuse what she did."

"Nothin' can excuse that, Cyd. She gotta do more than try and own up ta ha mistakes, she gotta prove ha'self. Last time she saw you, you was younger. So she remembers you bein' young and naive. Ready ta just run ya ha arms and accept what ever bullshit answer she gave you."

August bad a lot of sense. Mom did what mom always did. But the scenario change from its usual setting years ago. I can't be that little girl running to her arms after every apology.

"I'm right, I kno'. Yeen gotta tell a nigga." He applauded hisself and I rolled my eyes.

"Good talk, huh?" He patted my thigh as he stood.

I shrugged and he sighed.

"Cheer up baybeh," he crashed his body into mine forcing me to lay down. I laid content as Thor jumped onto of him, pulling at his shoelaces.

"Why do you have on a hoodie? It's like ninety degrees outside." I turned to my side to face him.

"Cause you keep it cold in this bitch." He retorted. "Yo' ass got a jacket on too, fuck you mean?"

I rolled my eyes at him, something I been able to get away with lately. Maybe because he figured he can't stop me, or maybe because he's just giving me a break.

"Fa'real mane. Yo' thermostat stay on sixty-three, be like tha damn ice age in hea. And you just be up in this bitch like its normal a'sum shit."

"Well I'm sorry I like to bundle myself up in blankets." I laugh.

"Fucking Eskimo." He insulted me.

I gasped and slapped his arm, "August! Derogatory terms are a no-no."

"Chill. Just making a statement baybeh." He pulled me closer to him causing us to be nose to nose.

I pressed my pressed my forehead against his and we kissed for a few minutes until Thor squeezed his way between us.

"He is the definition of petty, thanks to you."

"Me?" he put himself into a more comfortable position since Thor was basically kicking his way into his ribcage, "What I do?"

I rolled my eyes, "You were being you."


Detroit, Michigan

I was rudely awoken by August's phone ringing obnoxiously. Often, he picked up but he had to get his rest before his show tonight. By the time I reached for his phone it stopped ringing.

I sighed and laid back, staring at the ceiling before it rung again. I reached for it and looked at the caller ID.


I had to look twice and make sure my eyes weren't deceiving me and they weren't. I looked at August briefly and he was knocked out.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey Aug—Cydney?"

"Who else could it be?" I replied smartly.

"Where's August? I need to tell him something important."

"He's sleeping but I'm sure you can pass along the info through me."

"Hm, actually, you know what? I'll just call back later." She hung up.

"Did she just—nah. I think she—" I talks to myself as I looked at the phone stationed on the lock screen.

I was about to call back but August rolled over, pulling me to him.

"G'moanin' baybeh." He said almost incoherent.

"Morning August," deciding on not snooping through his phone for any recent texts with her, I decided to ask.

He closed his eyes again as he stretched, hearing bones crack.

"So, I just got off the phone with Cristina."

"Fa what?"

"I don't know, you tell me." I removed his arms from over my body.

"What a'you talkin' 'bout? I ain't talk ta ha since—" "A few days ago." I said I wouldn't snoop through his messages, but nothing was wrong about going through his call history.

"It happened to be, before I came over if I'm not mistaken." I tapped my chin as if I was trying to remind but I knew what I was talking about.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked.

"Cyd why you trippin', it won't nun important."

"Then why did she call saying it was important hm?" I questioned and he looked dumbfounded.

I climbed out of the massive king bed, "Keep digging yourself in a deeper hole. I can't wait to see how you'll climb yourself out of this one." I laughed.

He pulled me back to him. He was now out the bed standing directly behind me. Close enough to feel his breath tickle the hairs on the back of my neck. Oh lord give me strength.

"Talkin' allat shit, unda ya breath, is a nogo wit me." He growled in my ear, "you kno' that." He whipped me around to face him.

"I don't wanna have to hear shit you gotta say unless it's the truth." I said confidently.

"Watch who you raisin' ya voice at." He stared down at me as he towered over me.

I wasn't intimidated by him but I backed up a little. Okay maybe I was somewhat but at this moment I was more turned on than intimidated.

"August, tell the truth." I stood my ground from a foot away from him.

"Cyd look, I told you errythang that happened already. If she callin' back I need ta talk ta ha." He sat back down grabbing his phone.

I cocked my head to the side looking at him, "Mayb I need to chill.." I mumbled.

"Yea, you do." He chuckled, sitting on the bed. "I like ya boldness though, but don't try that shit again." He pulled me onto his lap.

"I get whea you comin' from aight? I patched shit up with Cris and maybe you should do the same. She only tryna help me."

I shook my head, "Nah."

No way in hell I was making an effort to patch anything up between me and her. She reached a new level of disrespect with me before I even knew her job title good

"Aight, I'm not gon' make ya." He said, "but I will respect you enough to not have ha around me solo dolo, and ta not let ha disrespect you. If it makes you feel betta, I'll only talk ta ha around you." He picked up his phone.

"That's a little drastic don't ya think?" I looked at him. I loved it.

"Nothin' drastic bout respecting tha one I luh." He kissed my cheek and I blushed.

He went to his recent calls and tapped on Cris' number. After four rings, she picked up.

August Alsina

"August?" I put ha on speaker,


"Oh thank god. You know you really need to tell ya girl to calm down. I'm just trying to help not sabotage this time." I could tell she was rollin' ha eyes.

"I'll tell ha," I eyed Cydney who just scrolled carelessly through ha phone.

She rolled ha eyes in tha process and I slapped ha bare thigh. She tried ta look unbothered but I kno' it hurt ha. I stuck my tongue out and she tried ta kick me but I grabbed ha ankle.

"Chill," I spoke away from tha phone and she chilled rollin' ha eyes in the process.

"Well Danielle still thinks I'm on her side, she keeps passing me along information."

"What it is?"

"So I don't know if you're still trying to do that thing but—" "What thing?" I asked not knowin'.

"You know, the surprise for Cydney where you—" I coughed harshly tryna take ha off speaker as quick as I could.

Cyd cut ha eyes at me trying take my phone from my hands. I hopped up and held it high from her reach. Eventually she stopped jumping and just stood there with her arms crossed, poutin' like a baby.

I held the phone up ta my ear as she continued, "Danielle wants to make it hell for her being on tour so she's trying to load you down with more stuff..."

She explained everything else that was going on with it and ta say the least, I was pissed. Danielle was on some next level shit. But little did she know, I brought Cyd on tour wit me so ha plans ta distance us was a fail.

When I got off the phone, Cyd was muggin' da hell outta me.


"What the hell happened to you letting me hear what she had to say?"

"Things change." I shrugged.

"Am I mistaken or did I hear you have a surprise planned for me?" She leaned on me, grinning.

"Highly mistaken." I stood making her fall over on the bed. She sat back up and pouted.

"Stop, I'm not falling for that shit again." I warned her. She brought ha lip back in, "That's betta."

I exited tha stage.

Cydney was tha first one ta greet me. She planted a kiss on my lips, "You did great babe."

"Preesh," I breathed out. I reached fa tha towel T had ready fa me and wiped the sweat from my face.

The next face I saw I wasn't happy to see, "Danielle."

"August," she greeted me before giving a look at Cydney.

"What do you want?"

"Why is she here?" She tried ta point slyly but it ain't work.

"You know I can hear you right?" Cyd spoke up.

"Cause she can be."

"Says who? Did you approve—" "Danielle, who's tour is this? Mine right? Aight then. She my guests and I'm sure as hell I can bring who eva tha hell I wanna bring. If I wanna bring a damn giraffe I will. Got it?"

"Okay. You done?"

I sighed heavily, "Fuck out my face Danielle."

The three of us walked ta my dressin' room so I'ca change. Cyd came in while of course T stood guard outside.

"Hey August," Aly greeted us when we walked in.

Why shit keep hittin' tha fan taday? Damn.

I may have failed to tell Cydney about having a stylist. Hell I failed to rememba my damn self. Would've been nice if T would've warned a nigga.

"Sup, Aly?" I kept calm and collected.

She wasn't hea earlier so why was she hea na?

"You did great at your show, sorry I was a little late but I literally just got off tour with Usher. I had no idea that his last date was your first one but I seen you managed to dress yourself well. Although that blue bandana has got to be gone." She rambled on.

I'ca really care less about ha bein' on tour wit Usher. Or tha fact tha she was even hea. I just wanted ta get my shower and head out.

"Oh, hi! You must be Cydney! She reached out ta shake ha hand and she complied with a smile on ha face.

"And you are?" Cyd asked. They both looked at me ta introduce.

"Oh, shit my bad," I thought they had it, "Cyd this Aly my stylist fa tha tour usually. And Aly you kno' Cyd's face apparently." I shoved my hands in my jean pockets.

They both nodded and smiled. Cyd sat down on tha sofa and Aly followed behind me as I took my shoes off.

Aly turned ta me, "So Aug, tomorrow is Cleveland, I've already picked your clothes for it so please let's not repeat the last tour." She referred ta me showing up late majority of tha time and havin' ta rush to get ready.

"Yea, yea. You just be hea since you wanna show up after tha show ova wit." I waved ha off.

"Funny." She stale faced me. "See you later." She left out the room.

"Sooo... What's y'alls history." Cyd watched me intently.

I shrugged as I sat beside ha, takin' a handful of M&M's inta my mouth, "Ain't no story. She cool, she my stylist."

"Did you fuck her?"

I damn near choked on my M&M's. It just came out so blunt. I coughed alil and got my words together, "What?"

"Did you fuck—" "Yeen hadda repeat it, damn. Stop sayin' that word. It's unladylike."


"I mean, kinda." I rubbed tha back of my neck. "A few times. Mostly it was ha givin' me head." I shrugged.

"Okay." She shrugged and stretched out on the sofa.

"That's it?" I asked and she nodded in reply. "Like no poppin' off a'sum shit?"

"What for?" She cocked ha head ya tha side.

"Cause she workin' fa me and we kinda got a past..?"

"Aug, I don't have time to be poppin' off at every female that come your way. I wasted all my energy for that on Cristina."

"Well shit, I ain't neva thank havin' a girlfriend would be this easy." I shrugged.

"But," she started makin' me sigh, lookin' away from ha. Here go that ultimatum.

She grabbed my face turning it ta ha, "If she ever tries anything, and you don't come to your senses, we're done. Period. You got your chance right now to do what you need to do. But if you trust her, then I trust you." She let go of my face, "don't you have an appearance to get ready for?"

I nodded my head and stared at ha. She so passive aggressive sometimes. I love it.

"Hey babe, snap out of it, you're running low on time," She pushed my leg with ha feet.

I pulled ha ta me by ha leg, "You kno' I luh ya ass right?" I ended up hoverin' ova ha.

"Yes I do, but would you jump into the crowd for me?" She taunted at me.

"Hell na. They'd tea' my ass alive. Whea tha hell that came from?" I asked. It was random as hell.

"What made you say you luh my ass, hm? Where the hell did that come from?" she imitated me.

"Hm, aight." I kissed ha fo'head befo' gettin' up.

"My irresistible ass don't needa be jumpin' off nothin, inta anythang." I peeled my shirt from my body.

"Boy, stop." She laughed as well as I did. "You act like you hotter than fire."

"Cyd," I gave ha a serious look. I stripped of my pants, "I'm hotta den foil in tha microwave, don't play."

"Booooyy, you lame as hell fa dat." She imitated me again and I stale faced her.

"Gon' and shower witcho, I'on-like-tha-brown-ones-they-look-ugly-ta-me-headass." She picked though tha M&M's on the table.

"You kno' you get on my nerves right?"

She nodded, "And you get on mine, but we still together. Ain't that a bitch?"

I kept tha same facial expression and just went ta tha bathroom, shuttin' tha door.

I lowkey ain't feelin' this Cydney. Like damn, tone down the savagery, pettiness, and slick comments. She turnin' inta that female version a'me. I shook my head.


Cause I may not know you, just let me hold you
You be my soldier, and you from the 'Nolia
Make you say uh, no limit

Usher's No Limit bumped through the club.

I leaned back against the railing of the VIP section that was on the second floor. Cydney stood between my legs as I head ha waist.

I'd already did my lil appearance a'whateva and was just coolin' in VIP.

"Just know when you roll with a nigga like me, there's no limit baby." I sung along ta tha song makin' ha smile.

"Aight, aight, we gon' slow it down just a lil' bit more for y'all," the DJ said ova tha mic. "Tell me how y'all rock with this."

A familiar beat began to play.

They throwin' dirt on my old name,
only gets worse when you know things

I smirked, "Come sit wit me."

I grabbed Cyd's had and lead ha ta a sofa towards tha back of tha section. I sat down and she sat in my lap sides ways since she wore a dress.

"You a real ass woman and I like it
I don't wanna fight it," I sang along with Drake.

"What is you're issue? You been singing to me all night." She played with my diamond in my ear.

"I can't sing ta my baybeh?"

"Yes, but you don't sing this much too me, usually I have to ask and beg you. Now you freely doing it." She shrugged, "I'm not complaining though."

"They shut ya mouth." I teased ha. She narrowed ha eyes at me.

This was prolly tha first time we hit ta tha club and just been hella chill. Tha most I had ta drink was a a few shots of Henny and that got me alil buzz. It wore off twenty minutes ago, sadly.

All Cyd had was some girly shit that tasted like strawberries, mixed with some ginger ale a'sum.

We talked fa a bit and I was ready ta go.

"You ready ta roll out?" I asked and she nodded. I hit up T fa him ta lead us out that club and we went.

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