Ghost Bird... Do You Hear Me...

By divamobile

5.8K 762 303

This story is on hold. I will only update once inhave time. I am currently training in a new career that keep... More

In The End, There's Always Love
Family Photo Day
Parsley Ruined My Life
Happy Meetings & Hospitals
Waiting Game
A Blast From The Past
Pending Updates
Erica's Education of the Youth
French Lessons
Is Everyone Here?
Rock, Paper, Scissors
Wounds Suck
Untitled Part 18
Danger Zone

Dodging Bullets and Cleaning House

262 45 19
By divamobile


Dodging Bullets and Cleaning House

Phoenix's POV:

"Are you okay, Nova?"

"I am, thank you," she replied, slightly dazed.

I was so concerned about her and how she was actually feeling. Not that she wasn't safe. I knew she was safe. I was there, but it didn't keep my eyes from looking everywhere I could on her, for scrapes, and boo-boos. Two shots, that had been aimed at our room. You never knew body parts could get hurt in these situations.

Another round coming in; roll left, Son.

I did not take the time to answer, I just bit through the pain and rolled left as another shot pierced the floor where we had just been lying.

Dad, who is it?

I don't know.

WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DON'T KNOW, DAD? Aren't you, like, all seeing?

No, Phoenix. That's not how it works. There are rules.

I didn't have time to argue. I sat up with Nova, stood, and threw her over my shoulder. The rest of our team was right outside the door.

Alyosha immediately started signing, "How bad are you hurt?"

Setting Nova down I could finally assess my own body... without cursing. I hissed at the pain while signing. "Later, when we are asked about this day, we're going to tell them we had a great first day. We had fun. We dodged bullets and farted."

While everyone started laughing, Nova jumped in, "And kissed. Don't forget the kissing. We dodged bullets, farted, and kissed." Mind you, she said this while staring right at her brother. She was challenging him. Bullets had been flying, I was in pain, we were having a laughing moment, and she challenged Alyosha head on. Well fu*k me, as my dad would say. She stood in front of me like the Native American goddess that she was.

Before I could think any further into that situation, I saw movement closer to the floor. My little sister, Cadence was trying to be consoled by Ricci, but it wasn't working. She was crying, blotching up her beautiful face. I got down on my knees, breathing in deep, as I fell forward on my bad arm. Sitting back up, I signed slowly, "Cadence, sweetie, I'm okay, and I will keep you safe. I will keep us all safe, I promise.

Don't make promises you can't keep, Son.

Dad, I WILL keep them safe. That is my job.

"But Phoenix, I don't think I'm ready for this. We were supposed to be learning, and having fun this week, not getting shot at."

Standing back up, I looked at each member of the team. I didn't know who would end up in the leadership role, but for now, something had to be done. "Listen... okay, look, something is definitely amiss here. There are hundreds of teams on the campus though. The elders are also here. Surely they know what has happened and will start assessing the damage as well as getting the older teams in here. In the meantime, I need you, Ricci, to do a quick patch-up on me. Then, we will check each dorm on this floor to make sure everyone is okay. Stay in twos. I want an older member with a younger member at all times until we know where we stand. I will stay with Cadence. Alyosha, you stay with Cherie. Violet, please stay with Ricci. Which will leave Aiden and Nova as a team. We will be able to not only cover this floor, but the whole building this way. Eight floors, two floors each. Alyosha, did you pack the special cargo?" He quickly nodded his head, crawled into the room and backed out, pulling the extra black suitcase he had brought. "Good. Myself, Alyosha, Nova, Aiden, and Violet have been trained with all types of weapons. At this point, we have no idea who or what lies within or outside this building. Let us check the building then meet in the lobby."

While I was being patched up, Alyosha, Nova, and Violet took great care with the weapons. When questions were asked, they would answer everything with as much detail as they could without wasting too much time. Alyosha had brought a few extra toys it looked like. He gave each of the younger members Tasers and pepper spray, a Raven and Dad patent. Apparently Dad and Raven had done some work together when they were younger. My dad being the chemist and Raven being... well, just being Raven... let's just say this was not FDA approved for just anyone to carry around.

"Is everyone ready?" The team all nodded their heads. "Then let's head out. We'll meet in the lobby. Ten minutes." Ricci set his watch, and the others followed. "Aiden, take care of Nova."

"I will. I promise." Aiden and Nova took off for the stairwell heading down.

I looked at my sister's face, still streaked with tears. "Give me a hug, sis. Just gently." Cadence wrapped her arms around my waist and gave one more sob before wiping her nose on my shirt. Sisters.

We made our way, cautiously, from door to door. The dorms were completely full. People were hiding inside closets, under desks, and beds. There were of course others who thought like us and had taken charge of the situation. They were gathering people, checking for damage, and assessing the situation. Once we made it down to the lobby, the crowd of students looked to me for instructions. How did I end up in charge?

Go with it, Son.

I don't...

You know exactly what to do.

I looked to Violet to be my voice. She gave a small, but imperceptible nod, then I started signing, "Raise your hand if you were able to hear the shots." Just about everyone raised their hands. "Keep your hands raised if a shot was fired into your room." Every single hand went down except for myself and Nova's. Sh*t. "This is what we are going to do. No electronics were allowed on campus. My brother, Ricci here, can build a small satellite, but we need a few items. If you are a techie, please meet with him on the first floor rec room. Those who are weapons and espionage experts or in training, please come with us. Everyone else, please keep yourselves together. Come up with plans. I will be with you in a moment."

Everyone that fit our group's description approached. It put my and Alyosha's band of misfits to ten: Violet, Nova, Cadence, Terrance, Billy, Fidelius, Martin, and Mohammed. Extra weapons were handed out as a precaution as we discussed our plan. Alyosha and I were going to split up. He was going to go to the dorm where the shooter had been. I was going to go solo to where the Elders were staying, all the way across campus.

"Stay safe, bro."

"Don't kiss my sister again, bro."

"I love you too." Then we split off. It was getting dark, that was a good thing. The night time was when I flourished. There was no one out. The campus was closed once teams were dropped off. I would have to have some serious hand gestures with the Elders after this was over.

Dad, can you help me out.

I will if I am needed. Your senses are amazing. You fu*king go get'm son.

After about ten minutes of darting across the campus, I saw a figure leaving the Elders offices. I shut my mouth and took a deep whiff. From a hundred yards away, I could smell gun powder. I dropped the clip from the rifle I was using and injected the electro-cartridge Ricci had designed. This wouldn't kill him, but would definitely knock him out. I looked through the scope and aimed, then fired. As soon as I did, I took off running towards my target.

When I reached him, I thought my eyes would bug out. It was Christoph! I zip tied his hands and feet after removing all his belongings, then I entered the building. "Doctor Roberts! Miss Rose! Papa Owen!" I ran to every room of the five floor building... nothing.

Do you know where Papa Owen is?

Give me a moment, Son. I need to concentrate.

I waited a few moments, impatiently. Come on, Dad.

Go back to the third floor. Room 308. Just be prepared, Son.

How prepared? Dad? Dad?

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