Baby sitter

By neymar11-oscar8

18.9K 171 44

A story about a girl who had to fly away from home and start working for a better life. but she did not know... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10

Part 3

1.7K 15 4
By neymar11-oscar8

"Hey beauty, how are you? Do you want to go out tonight?"

You were so confused about the entire situation with Neymar that you didn't know what to answer Geronimo. From not wanting a boyfriend you were now confused about which one of the two you want. You felt something different for each of them and that made you confused even more, because you didn't know which feeling you loved more.

"Hey Ger I am working tonight so I can't go. I'm sorryL"

It wasn't that you didn't want to go but you remembered that Neymar had a match this afternoon and you were not sure when he would be coming back home.

"I get it, well I hope I can see you soon, before I travel back home in two days"

"You will already leave? I promise I will find the time to see you!"

When you read that he was traveling back to his city you felt a little bit upset, because you cared about him and you liked him a lot, but it was Neymar, the one who was not letting you focus only on Ger.

When you came back home your mom was mad at you for not letting her know sooner that you won't be coming back home last night, but she calmed down later. You didn't have much time to eat lunch, watch some shows on TV and then got ready to go back at Neymar's place.

"(y/n) you seem to work a lot, is he this absent?" your mother asked just when you were about to leave.

"Yes, he has trainings and today they have a match so Davi, his son needs someone to be with him all this time, but I enjoy it so it's okay."

"Or are you enjoying Neymar huh?" your mom joked and started laughing.

"Oh my God mom, bye!" you said embarrassed but laughing at her comment.

When you got to Neymar's place, you noticed that Dani was there, because his car was outside the house.

"Hey" you said as you walked inside and Neymar was just in front of the door.

"Hello sleepy" he smiled then kissed your cheek making you blush, "Davi is with Dani outside"

You didn't say anything and just walked to see Davi in the yard, but a smile appeared on your face. However, you were feeling a little bit bad when you remembered that he has a girl in his life already, so you didn't want to be that girl who breaks relationships.

"Oh look Davi, Neymar's future wife came" Dani winked at you smiling as he noticed you.

"(y/n)! Look what Dani got me!" Davi ran to you and showed you a little turtle.

"Awww is so cute" you smiled and looked at it closer.

"You ready?" you heard Dani and noticed Neymar came.

"Yes, time to leave" Neymar said and leaned closer to kiss Davi.

"Good luck" you smiled at Neymar who just messed up your hair and left with a smile.

You and Davi were enjoying with that little turtle and then walked inside to grab something to eat. After a while, you noticed the game was about to start so Davi took you in his room.

"Can you help me wear this?" Davi asked and gave you his small jersey he had of his father, which you found really cute.

"You should wear it too!"

"Oh, I don't have one"

"Pai has a lot of them in his room" Davi said and ran to Neymar's room and started looking around until he found some of his jerseys, "Here!"

"I don't think it's okay if we just take it"

"But he would want you to wear it" Davi said and insisted until you finally agreed to wear it.

You two were now both supporting Neymar and you were happy about it, it was like you were his girlfriend cheering for him, but reality was different.

When the game started you, Davi were screaming, and cheering ant then finally Messi scored, after a while did Suarez, you were both happy but you were hoping Neymar would score in the second half.

When the second half started, Messi scored again and just seven minutes before the game was over Neymar made his way to the goal and scored.

You and Davi jumped of happiness and hugged than looked back on the TV and Neymar dedicated his goal to Davi.

"It's for you!" you smiled and placed a kiss on his head. He was so happy about it and you could see how much he admired his own father.

After the game was over you had to put Davi to bed for the first time. You made him brush his teeth and then you walked him to bed.

"Do you want to marry pai (y/n)?" Davi asked and you didn't know what to say.

"I don't think it's that easy Davi, but I will tell you a secret and you have to promise me you won't tell it to Neymar, okay?"

"I promise" Davi said excited.

"The best part of my day is being with you two" you smiled and then davi jumped on you and placed a cute kiss.

"I want you to be with us all the time" Davi smiled and then got back inside to bed.

"Now it's really late so go to sleep, we'll play tomorrow okay?" you kissed Davi's cheek and walked outside his room.

You couldn't leave until Neymar was back home so you were a little bit excited, but also a little bit scared of what could happen again, because you never knew how he would act.

You were sitting on the sofa when he walked inside and smiled at you.

"Still here?"

"I had to congratulate you" you smiled and then got up to shake your hand with him. However, when he shake your hand he pulled you in to his arms.

"That goal was also for you" he said quietly and then let you go. Once again, you were left alone with nothing to say.

"I'll go eat something and then sleep, will you join me?" he had a grin on his face that annoyed you a little.

"No, I'll go home now." You said and took your stuff, "Good night Neymar!" you smiled and left house.

When you were going back home you called your best friend to keep you company, but once again, she started talking about your relationship with Neymar and Geronimo.

"Did you choose?"


"Between Neymar and Ger"

"I don't need to choose anyone, plus I don't know what I want"

"You sure you don't know?"

"Yes, I like Ger he is really kind and he makes me happy and we laugh a lot, but then there is Neymar who is funny and he has that something that attracts me, so yeah I don't know."

"Okay stop. Close your eyes..."

"I'm walking I can't close my eyes" you said annoyed

"I said do it"

"What now?"

"His smile, his eyes, his laugh... who came to your mind?"

"I have to go" you said as you finished your call.

"Geronimo" you said upset and then started running.


Finally you were there just the front door was between the two of you. Suddenly you knew what you had to do; you had to tell your feelings to him.

"(y/n) I wasn't expecting you"

"I have to tell you something"

"Sure tell me"

Suddenly a voice came from the back of the room, "Who is it?" then she walked closer to him. There she was, she was the one, she was the girl from the photo.

"Oh is Davi's babysitter" Neymar smiled.

"Hey nice to meet you, I'm Bruna" she smiled and then walked away because the microwave started ringing.

"So what do you need to tell me?"

You were broken, you felt like he just stepped on your heart.

"I-I... You didn't tell me when to come tomorrow" you invented something and looked on the ground with your eyes full of tears.

"Oh you could have just called me, you can come at 4pm" he smiled and you just nod your head then walked away as fast as possible so he would not see you cry.

You were running and crying all the way, until you stopped in the park and made a call.

"Hey, can you come at the park?"

"Yeah sure, I'll be there in a few minutes"

It didn't take long until he came, "Hey (y/n) I didn't think you could see me tonig..."

He couldn't finish, because you moved closer and kissed him with all your anger. You kissed Geronimo, but you knew it was not right.
You didn't feel what you should be feeling kissing someone you love. However, you didn't let go of him, the pain in your hart tried to get better by finding love somewhere else.

"Wow" Geronimo stopped the kiss and looked at you with a smile.

"Sorry" you said and moved away.

"For? I'm happy you kissed me, I thought you were avoiding me."

"No, I was working till now."

You were so confused and upset. You liked Geronimo he made you happy, even now that your heart was broken; he could put a smile on your face. However your heart was broken, Neymar broke it.

You and Geronimo were sitting on a swing in the park while talking about different things, you loved talking with him, and he made you feel calm. You didn't know what to say about the kiss and you didn't know where that would lead you.

"Listen (y/n)... I know I live a few hours away from Barcelona, but I promise I will find for you" He said and you looked at him surprised. "If you let me of course" he smiled.

You were still staring at him not knowing what to say or do. You just realized that your heart wanted Neymar, but at the same time being with Geronimo was making you happy and better.

"Ger... I had my heart broken not long ago and I don't want to hurt you"

"I will put all the broken pieces back to place" he smiled and got up, "Let me try at least".

"Okay" you said hoping this decision was not going to be the worst one.

"So you're my girl now?" Ger smiled and leaned closer to kiss you, but you just laughed and moved away.

"Maybe" you teased him, but then let him kiss you.

When you walked back home with him you felt much better, maybe he really was the one who would make your better, repair your broken heart.

"When are you leaving again?" you asked when you two were in front of your house.

"The day after tomorrow" he said unhappy.


"Yes, but I promise I'll make time for you" he said and hugged you.

"I know" you smiled, kissed him and walked inside your house.

You laid in your bed and tried to sleep, but your mind was full of thoughts. Geronimo was amazing, but at this moment your heart still wanted Neymar and you felt bad about it, but you could not control it.

You were mad at Neymar for giving you false hope and made you think that he cares about you, while he still is dating someone. You texted your best friend and told her you just got a boyfriend, she was surprised when you told her that you choose Ger, but you didn't tell her that your true first choice was Neymar.

The next morning you got a text from your boyfriend, who asked you to go out with him today, because he wanted to be with you as much as possible until he travels back to San Sebastian.

You smiled and texted him back that you are free until 4pm, because you have to go work after that. That was when you remembered that you would have to face Neymar and you only hoped that his girlfriend was not going to be around.

You were home alone so you put some music on and walked in the kitchen to make yourself breakfast and then went to watch some of our favorite series. You had about two hours until going to lunch with Gero.

When it was finally, you went to get ready and not long after that, you found yourself in Geronimo's car. He took you to a restaurant, but not as fancy as he wanted to take you the last time, because he knew you didn't like it.

You two were enjoying and laughing a lot, he told you more about his football career and then you realized that he was not from Spain, but Argentina. He was telling you about it and how amazing it is to play with so many amazing players. You could see that he was happy about his career as he is still young.

When it was time to leave, he drove you to Neymar's house. You noticed that Neymar was outside doing something and he noticed you two.

"So, I will have to leave tomorrow early in the morning," Ger said as you two were still in the car.

"So we can't see each other anymore until you come back?" you asked a little bit upset about it.

"I'm sorry (y/n)" he said but then Neymar knocked on the window. You rolled your eyes and you and Ger both walked outside.

"Still in Barcelona huh? Are you planning to sign a contract here?" Neymar joked and hugged Geronimo.

"Well not for long, I'm leaving tomorrow" Ger said and walked back to you.

"Oh" Neymar said and looked at you as if he was happy about it.

As you noticed him say that, you felt all the anger again and grabbed Geronimo pulling him in to a passionate kiss, leaving Neymar surprised.

"Well time to go" Ger said and placed another fast kiss then walked in his car.

"Call me when you're at home," you said through the window and then he nodded and drove away leaving you alone with Neymar.

"So what just happened?" Neymar asked as you walked in his house.

"You blind or something?"

"What's wrong with you, why are you mad?" Neymar grabbed your hand and turned you around.

"I'm not mad, now let me see Davi" you pulled your hand away and made your way inside.

When you walked in his room you noticed he was not alone. Bruna was sitting next to him and playing on a toy.

"Hey" you said quietly not sure how you felt about it.

"Oh hey!" Bruna turned at you and smiled.

"(y/n)!" Davi smiled and ran to hug you.

"Hey little one, how are you?"

"I'm good, we were in the ZOO this morning" Davi said and started talking about everything he saw. Until Neymar walked in.

"Bruna you ready?" he asked and looked at her and then at you.

"Yes, sure let's go" she got up, "bye guys" she smiled and walked out of the room.

"We won't be long" Neymar said with a cold voice and then left.

You felt bad, your eyes were full of tears again, Geronimo still didn't replace what you felt towards Neymar and seeing him with Bruna made you feel worse again.

"Sorry Davi I just have to go to the bathroom" you said and walked away to make sure he would not see you cry.

You walked inside the bathroom and tried to calm down and after a few minutes you walked back to Davi who was looking at you concerned.

"Were you crying (y/n)?" Davi walked to you and hugged you.

"Oh no, I just had something in my eye, don't worry." You forced a smile.

You and Davi decided to watch TV and you made him dinner. After about two hours, Neymar was back, but this he was alone.

"What are you two guys doing?"

"Watching Lilo and Stich" Davi said while watching TV and you were next to him in silence.

"Davi did you tell (y/n) how we went to the ZOO with Bruna?"

"Yes I did" he smiled, but you knew that Neymar knew that already. He want to get you attention, to make you jealous.

You just looked at him angry and then stood up, "I'm leaving" you kissed Davi on his head and walked away.

"Where are you going?" Neymar suddenly walked after you.

"Why do you care?"

"Because I want to know, why are you mad at me?"

"I said I am not mad, goodnight"

"Yes you are, tell me why. What did I do?" He asked and this time you had to control yourself not to slap him.

"I said goodnight" you didn't look back at him, you just walked away and got out of the house leaving him stand there alone.

You walked out of the house, but then you heard the door open again. In a second Neymar was in front of you.

"I'm not letting you go until you tell me what is going on?"

"Neymar, please move." You tried to pass him.

"Tell me"

"I am totally fine with everything, I'm happy for you and Bru..."

"Oh that's the problem. Bruna"


"You are jealous" he smiled, making you even more mad.

"I'm not jealous! I'm with Ger"

"But I'm not with Bruna"


"She was here as a friend since she is modeling in Barcelona for a few days"

"Well okay then, but I'm with Ger so... move and let me go."

He moved away and you made a step, but then Neymar again stopped you, "I will get you"

You didn't say anything, your heart was about to explode. Once again this footballer, who decided to fight to get you, when you just started dating Geronimo, messed up your head.

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