Super Genuis Naruto

Da Kaylenn_Soundara

869K 22K 11K


Super Genuis Naruto
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Authors note
Author note

Chapter 10

27.9K 807 281
Da Kaylenn_Soundara

After the incident of Rock Lee, Team 7 going to the register room and afterwards to the room 301, who their Exam taking place. On the way they meet their Sensei in front of the exam room

"Oh.... So Sakura came too...Now we can properly take the Exam" Kakashi said

"What do you mean, Kakashi sensei?" Sakura ask

"The truth is that this test can only be taken by teams of three...." Kakashi reply

"So... you lying to us, that the test was an individual choice?" Naruto ask

"Well.... If I told the truth, Naruto or Sasuke would have pressured you, Sakura, to take the Exam. Even if you didn't want to, if Sasuke asked you.... You would, even throught it wasn't in your heart. For the sake of Sasuke....and... well Naruto too...." Kakashi said

"So if only Sasuke-kun and Naruto had shown up, what will happen?" Sakura ask

"Well... The Exam would have ended here, they would not get to go any further....but you came of your own will, you guys are my proud team, So... Now go!!" Kakashi smile at his pupil

"Yeah....Let's go!!" Naruto smile as he open the door, as they going in, their eyes widen how many people taken this exam

'Wow......They are all taking the exam?' Naruto thought as he looking to the right than to the left

"SASUKE-KUN!!!! YOU'RE LATE!!" Suddenly a girl with blond hair scream, and hugging Sasuke

"Get away from Sasuke-kun!!! Ino-pig" Sakura yell angry

"Oh... Big ugly forehead" Ino said boring

"What did you say??" Sakura ask angry

"You guys are taking this stupid test too? Then don't die....." Said suddenly a guy with fat guy besides him

"Oh... Shikamaru and Chouji, nice to see you here" Naruto said with a grin

"YAHOO!! Found you" Another boy come with a dog on his head with a shy blue hair girl and a mystery guy

"Well Well, Everyone is assembled" The Dogboy said

"Oh... Hello Kiba, Shino and Hinata" Naruto said

"Geez... you guys too?" Shikamaru said in a boring tone

"I see... All of this year's rookie genin are taking the exam, I wonder how far we get... eh Sasuke-kun?" Kiba said

"Pft... You seem confident, Kiba...." Sasuke smirk

"We did a lot of training, we won't lose to you" Kiba reply

"Well then I'am anxious how far you will get...." Naruto said with a smirk

"Haa.... further than you Dope" Kiba smirk

"Sorry.... Naruto.... Kiba-kun didn't mean it in that way...." Hinata said nervous

"Hey you guys... Yous should be more quiet...." Suddenly a guy with glasses walk to them

"You guys are Rookies just out of the academy right? Screaming like school girls....geez....This isn't a picnic...." The boy said

"Who do you think you are?" Ino ask

"I'm Kabuto.... But instead of that, look behind you..." Kabuto said as he pointet the glares at their direction

"Those guys behind you are from the hidden rain, they have short tempers....Everyone is nervous about the exam, quiet down before you cause a scene....Well, I can't blame're clueless rookies... you remind me of how I used to be" Kabut said

"Kabuto-san... Is this your second time?" Sakura ask

"Nope...this is my seventh time...This exam is held twice a year so this is my fourth year" Kabuto reply

"Loser...." Sasuke mumble

"hmpf....well I like you guys... I'll share some info with you cute rookies... with these Nin-info" Kabuto said as he took his info cards out

"Nin-info cards?" Sakura ask

"They are basically cards which have info burned on to them with Chakra...I have fours years worth of info here....over 200 cards...They look blank but to open the info on these cards...I just use my Chakra for example..." Kabuto said as he use his Chakra and the blank card show a map

"Wow... A really easy to read graph... What kind of info is this?" Sakura ask again

"This is the number of those taking the exam and the breakdown of what country they are from" Kabuto reply

"Do you have cards with info on individuals?" Sasuke suddenly ask

"Hehe... There are some guys you're worried about? Well.. Of cource... The info on all of this exams participants isn't perfect but I do have it...Even of you guys...say something about these guys and I'll take a look" Kabuto smirk

"Gaara of the Hidden sand and Rock Lee from leaf" Sasuke said

"Aww... you already know there boring" Kabuto said as he took 2 cards from his deck

"Show me..." Sasuke demand

"He's a Year older than you guys also 12.... Mission history: D-rank 40, C-rank 20 completed. His sensei is Gai, his Taijutsu have improved greatly in this year, the rest is nothing impressive...Last year he gained attention as a talented new genin but he did not participate in the Exam. Like you guys, this is his first time. On his Team are Hyuga Neji and Ten Ten"

"Next is Gaara of the desert same old as you also 11. Mission History: C-rank mission 8, B-rank-1, Wow, a B-rank mission as a Genin....Since he's a new comer from a foreign country I don't have much info but... It seems he returned from all missions without even a scratch...His Teammates are Temari and Kankuro (AN: his sensei, I don't know his name^^)"


"Leaf, Sand, Rain, Grass, Water fall, Sound....Many outstanding Genins from the various Hidden villagages are here to take the exam. Well... The hidden sound village is a small village just created last year so there isn't much info but...the rest of the hidden villages are filled with talented youngsters...This isn't going to be easy..." Kabuto said

"Heh...." Naruto suddenly laugh and instantly have all people of the room staring at him "Do you think this losers are stronger than me?" Naruto pointing at them as he send a little Killer intent, as his Oceanblure eyes change cold like ice

As they looking at this eyes, they all step a few step back

'Naruto....' The rookie nine minus Naruto thought with little fear

'hey... It's that guy from before...' Kankuro thought with little stutter

'...........' Gaara thought with little excites

"This Guy was with Sasuke Uchiha.... Neji, Ten ten...." Lee said as he fell this killer instinct

"It's seem like he stronger than his clothers show off" Neji said

"Hmpf... The hidden sound is a minor village? Is that so?" A group said as they ignore the killer intent from Naruto "Let's play with them a little bit...."

"Hehe... Good idea, calling us leftovers...Let's help him add to his data... That hidden sound Shinobis can be quite vicious" A guy beside him with bandage on his face said

"What a moron... He just turned everyone into his enemy" Shikamaru said as the killer intent of Naruto fading

The others Genins realising this and glaring at him

"What the hell are you doing?!!!" Sakura yell as she want to hit Naruto

"I was just speaking the truth...." Naruto said calmly and dodge the attack

"Should we doing it now?" The guy from earlier ask

"Yes" The bandage guy said as they disappear to attack Kabuto, but Naruto notice that and disappear

"What?" Sakura ask as she realize Naruto disappear in front of her

The two guys who start to attack suddenly stop, because behind each of them was Naruto and a shadow clone with kunai in his hand on their neck

"What are you guys doing...?" Naruto ask cold

"What the hell is happening??" Sakura ask, but what she didn't knew, all of the people in the room has the same question

"So.... you didn't just show off....and you can use Shadow clone...." The bandage guy said

"Who are you?" Naruto ask coldly again but before he could get an answer

"Quiet down! You worthless bastards!!!" Suddenly someone yell as a smoke appear and the examiner appears

"Thanks for waiting....I am Morino Ibiki, the examiner for the Chuunin selection exam's first test..." Ibiki said

"We will now start the first test in the Chuunin exam.... Instead of your current seating arrangments... you will pick one of these taps and sit in the seat assigned to you.... We will then had out the exams" Ibiki said

"I see.... a paper test...." Naruto said calmly, after the assignment they all seat of their assigned seat, Naruto was sitting besides Hinata

"Now... there are many important rules to this first test.... I'll write it on the board while I explain, but questions will not be allowed, so listen carefully" Ibiki said

"The first rule you guys will all start off with 10 points...The test is made up of 10 questions.. and each one is worth a point....well if you answer all the questions correctly you keep your 10 points... But say if you miss three question then you lose three points and will have 7 points...The second rule... this is a team test...whether you pass or not will be determined by the combined score of your each team will compete to see how many points they can hold on to from the initial team total of 30... the third rule... during the exam... anyone caught by the testing officers doing sneaky activities, namely cheating... will have 2 points subtracted for every offense... so there will be some who will lose all their points during the exam and be asked to leave" Ibiki said

"Well have our eyes on you" One of the examiner said who sitting on the sides

'I see... so there are ways to lose points besides answering incorrectly...' Sasuke thought

'Interesting....but why not kick them out instead of taking points...unless.....' Naruto thought

'Calm down.... yeah of cours we have Naruto... but as long as Sasuke-kun and I do well....Even if he gets zero points, we just have to cover for him' Sakura thought

"And the final rule... Those that all their initial points during the test and those that don't answer any questions correctly... will be failed along with their two teammates" Ibiki finishing

'Wha...?' Sasuke looking suprise

'What did he say?!!!' Sakura thought

'............I think two people want to kill me....' Naruto thought with a sweatdrop

"Well...the exam will last one hour.... Begin!!!" Ibiki said

'This could be...very very bad...Please don't get zero points' Sakura thought

'Well let's start...' Naruto thought as he looking at the questions

'Dope...don't mess it up....' Sasuke thought

"Ok... First question is a cryptogram...let's do it..." Sasuke mumble

'Those question... they are very complicated.....So I was right.... they want us to cheat...' Naruto thought while smirking

'Heh... I can't anser a single one of what's with question 10?' Sasuke smirk (An: Question 10: This question will be revealed 45 minutes after the test begins. Listen to the examiner closely before answering)

Naruto was smirking because he know all the answer like Sakura... Well she wasn't the only one who studied strangly he just need one glance to the book and already knew anything what standing there, at this time Sasuke realize they want that they cheating to see who is worth to become a Chuunin, well so he activate his Sharingan and copying answers

'It's seems like, Sasuke notice.... well not only him....' Naruto thought as finish his exam and see the actions the others make to cheat, Gaara use his sand, Kiba us his dog that called Akamaru, Shino use his insect to gather information, Hinata and Neji using there Byakugan (Evil Eye), and the others doing there things, Hinata didn't know he was finish so she was willing to let Naruto to see her exam, Naruto was suprise but doing handsign that he already finish, Hinata was looking suprise that he was finish without cheating.

Naruto smirking at her suprise face and he notice one of the examiner was looking at him if he cheating, the man smirk but suddenly a voice come from behind him

'Don't worry... I don't cheat...I'm already finish....' the voice vanish, the man was suprise at he looking around to find nothing, then he looking back to Naruto, that was wink at him

'Was that he....? Impossible....' The man wonder but smirking 'Look like he is really good.....'


Finally the 45 are up

"Ok we will now start the 10th question" Ibiki said

'So now it will be interesting....' Naruto thought

"Now...before we get to it... I'd like to go over the added rules for this questions..."

'Wha--??!' All in the room thought

"I'll now explain...these are the rules of desperation...First for this 10th question... you must decide whether you will take it or not...." Ibiki said calm

"Choose....? Naruto ask

"Well If you choose not to, your points be reduced to Zero.... So you fail along with your two teammates" Ibiki said

"Then why we should not do this question...?" Naruto ask again

"Let me finish....If you choose to take it... and answer incorrectly... that person will lose the right to ever take the Chuunin selection exam again...." Ibiki finish

"WHAT???!!" All of the Genin shout besides the cool one like Sasuke, Gaara, Shino and others

"What kind of stupid rule is that?!! There are guys here who have taken the exam before" Kiba yell

"Hehehehehehe...You guys were unlucky.... This year it's my rules. But I am giving you a way out.... Those that aren't confident can choose not to take it... And try again next year" Ibiki evil smirk

"Those that do not wish to take it, raise your hand....Once your number confirmed leave..." Ibiki said as a few people raise there hand and left with their teammates

'..............I see...... Not bad.....' Naruto thought

'I won't raise my hand... I have confidence that I can answer it....Even if Naruto causes us to fail it's not like I got the question wrong, so I can try next time...but.... Naruto... you're different... you should forget about us and think about the next chance' Sakura thought as another few people raise their hands and leave

'Naruto...why..aren't you raising your hand? he....always acting like a fool who only know one thing ok two.... Hokage and Ramen....I'm sorry... that impossible dream of yours...I don't want to see it crushed...'Sakura thought with a smile as she about to raise her hand but...

"Bring it on!!! I will not run away!!! Even if I'm a Genin forever, I will using my own methods to become the strongest ninja in this world!!!" Naruto shout

'Naruto....' Sakura thought

'Nice going on dope...' Sasuke smirk

'puh... that was close.....what are you thinking Sakura?' Naruto thought with close eyes

"I'll ask you again... Your life is riding on this desicion... This is your last chance to quit..." Ibiki said

"Hmpf I don't care...." Naruto said as he open his eyes looking straight to him

'Interesting kid.... he blasted away everyone's worries.... 78 left... more than I expected' I biki look around

"Good decisions... Now to everyone still remaining....I congratulate you on passing the first test!!!" Ibiki said

"WHAT?!!!!" The Genin yell again

"Wait... What do you mean...? We already pass? What about the 10th question?" Sakura ask

"There never was such a thing or you could say those two choice were the 10th question" Ibiki smile

"I see...." Naruto said suddenly, all of people who take this exam looking at Naruto questionable

"The first nine question was to test our indivedual information gathering ability.... " Naruto continue

"Your right...." Ibiki said a little suprise

"What do you mean?" Temari ask

"Well first the rules exlained success on this test is based on the whole team doing well.... this puts pressure on each member not to mess things up for their teammates.... but the questions... on this test was very difficult for an mere genin could answer and because of that they want us to cheating" Naruto explain

"Yes he is right... the premise of this test is to cheat.... As Cheating targets, we had two Chuunins who knew all the answers mixed into the crowd, to help you guys out" Ibiki said

"So those that cheat poorly fail of course...." Ibiki said as he took his head band and shows his scar and injurys on his head "Because... in times, information is more important than life... And on missions and the battlefield, people risk their lives to get their hands on it"

'horrible... burns, screw holes, scars... the after-effects of torture...' Sasuke thought

"I want you remeber this... Important information in your hands... can be a powerful weapon for your comrade's and for the village....So we had you gather information though cheating...this clearly seperated those that did not have the right abilities" Ibiki smile as he put his head band on

"But... I don't understand the final question..." Temari ask

"Well maybe the blond guy know that too" Ibiki smile again

"Well.. I think the "take it" or "not take" decision, obviously these were painful choices.... those who choose the latter fail along with their teammates... those who choose to take it....So we can lose the chance to ever take the test again... a true leap of faith..." Naruto try to explain

"Well let me explain... Your mission is to steal a secret document... the amount of ninjas, their abilities, etc. is unknown to you....And of cours there could be traps set all around you... Now do you accept, or not accept? Because you don't want to die... because you don't want your comrades hurt...can you avoid the dangerous mission? Well the answer is no!! No matter what the danger there are Missions you can't avoid... The ability to be courageous and survive any hardship... this is the ability needed to become a Chuunin captain...Those who can't put their destinies on the line... Who cling to the uncertain future of "there's always next year" and then walk away from their chance.... Those pieces of trash who can only make such cowardly choices... Don't have the right to become a Chuunin... That's how I feel!!.....And those who choose take it answered the tough 10th question correctly... you will be able to survive any troubles you face in the future...Well You have may through the entrance, the first test of the Chuunin selection exam is now finished I wish you guys luck" Ibiki smile after a long explain

"Hmpf....Thank you very much" Naruto as he standing up and bowing

'Interesting guy....' Ibiki thought with a smile, but all of sudden something come frome the window, a women suddenly standing right in front of them

"..........................." The room are speechless

"You guys!! This is no time to be celebrating!!! I am the examiner for the second test Mitarashi Anko!! Now let's go!!! Follow me!!!" The woman yell

"She remind me of someone" Sakura said with a sweatdrop

"78? Ibiki!! you left 26 teams?!! The test was too easy this time" Anko yell angry to Ibiki

"Well this time....there are a lot of outstanding ones" Ibiki smile

"Bah... That's fine... I'll at least cut them in half in the second test" Anko said

'Strange woman.....' Naruto thought with a frown

"Ah... I'm getting excited... I'll explain everything once... we've changed places, follow me" Anko said exciteas they leave

Ibiki was going to gather the test until he see Naruto his

'What...? the answer... are better than the chuunin we's perfect....hmpf Uzumaki Naruto?...what for a interesting guy' Ibiki smile


Front of the forest of death

"Welcome to the stage for the second test....practice arena 44...also known as The Forest of Death" Anko smirking

"You will soon find out... why it's called the Forest of Death" Anko smile

"Whatever...we should start now... it's boring" Naruto reply

"Hmm..." Anko smile as she suddenly took a kunai and threw it over to Naruto that scratch his cheek and then disappear to appear right behind Naruto and licking his blood

"Kids like you are quickly killed...hehehe... spraying that red blood I love..." Anko said but suddenly a guy appear behind her and give her Kunai back with his tongue and he have the hand band of grass

"Here's you're Kunai..." The creepy guy said

"Why thank you" Anko reply with a smile

"Hmpf... you didn't notice yet....?" suddenly a voice come of the direction where Anko stand before and it was Naruto

"What...?" the crowd ask

"Look closerly....." Naruto reply and pointing to the other Naruto, who Anko hold, then the blood from his cheek turn into water and the whole Naruto disappear in water

"Water clone??" Anko said

'Interesting guy.....' Anko thought

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