
Door S_Katz987

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Some random poems by me! I hope you enjoy them! Meer

True friends
My Life
Dear *****
Just Saying
Everything I Didn't Say
A rock and a hard place
One day...
I wanna go
I won't
You and only you
The house that burned and the on who saw it....

Thank you!

74 10 24
Door S_Katz987

Home alone with no one
Except my twin and cat
It's suppose to be OUR DAY
Where we're showered with love
Surrounded by people
But instead we're in different rooms
Maybe it's a good thing
I can look back at the 13 years of my life
The goods
The bads
I'll laugh
I'll smile
I'll cry
I'll hurt
So much has happened
I survived 13 yrs
With amazing people by my side
No, I didn't have a boyfriend
I'm in 7th grade
I have guy+girl friends
I'm fine with that
Sitting at home
Bored af
Writing this
I want to thank all of my friends
Thanks for being here in my life
Sure you weren't there for all of my life
But from the moment I met you
To now
You've impacted me
I've learned from you all....
Thank you! 

__eleanor__ you've been with me since 3rd grade.  And you NEVER JUDGE ME! Your with me through thick and thin. Usually I sound really weird or bizarre to people but you just get me and understand, you can also read my mind because you already know what I'm gonna say. And if I like a guy you know before I even know! You can tell me the truth while making me feel better somehow! Sometimes your mysterious and cryptic which is annoying! However, I can literally tell you anything! If I told you I murdered someone you wouldn't call the police you'll sit me down and hear my side of the story.... Then call the police and talk everything out with me. We never get into serious fights, because you and me can see past the stupid things that usually pull friends apart! You're a pain in the a$$ but I fuc.king love you!!!!(Do you SEE SEE what I'm getting at?)
P.S never forget how beautiful you are and how amazing you are!!!!!
P.P.S I think we should get an award for how amazing and funny our inside jokes are..... Then again they wouldn't understand.(#CrewCrew)

VictoriaCheung663 We were friends in 4th grade and reunited in 6th grade. Your annoying but I love you. Your innocent with is good for me because sometimes I need someone to keep me in check! Okay, you're not THAT innocent but compared to me..... Your very very innocent! Which isn't a bad thing at all! I mean sure you flipped me off and say F.U! to me but that's besides the point. Your very sensitive, which isn't bad, I usually suppress my emotions so when i'm around I sometimes become sensitive. Your a shoulder I can lean on and someone I can just tell anything to. I can just tell because of your personal and your sweetness that you'll easily find true love... Your honestly the sweetest and your so pretty and skinny! Don't ever forget that.... Oh btw I'm gonna steal your dogs and RJ rn, and me, RJ, your dogs, and my cat are gonna start a new life together! Byee!!)

Gummies3 Your the NICEST and SWEETEST person I have ever met. Sure you've cheated on me but on a serious note... Your really sweet and kind. If somethings bothering me I can just tell you and you'll cheer me right up! I don't know how you're always so positive but when I'm around you, you always have happy vibes floating around you! You can cheer me up even on days that I think I won't even make it to tomorrow, you can always make me smile, your soo amazing!And tbh your soo pretty! (DONT STEAL MY CAT)

mooima Are relationship is complicated.... We've gone from stranger, to "friends", to friends, to best friends, to "friends", to enemies, to "friends", to friends to now. You've always been around, even though sometimes I didn't want you to. Since somehow you've stuck around this must be a sign right?! Right?! Or am I crazy, well actually we're both crazy!

Tigereye35 TBH your gonna be a model when you grow up! I can totally see it. You're so pretty and skinny, perfect for a Victoria's Secret model. You can also be a singer, or a youtuber or a fashion designer or anything! I can also trust you and you're always up to bit.ch about someone and gossip. Your so talented and I'm so lucky to be your friend... Just remember me when you're famous okay?

Katsithekitten The award to the most bada$$ fuc.king actor/ director goes to... Katie Weil!!! You honestly have an amazing talent and Hollywood could use more female directors, oh a if you do that you can tackle the problem of actresses getting paid less then actors. I truly feel like your gonna change the world idk how or when but I feel like you can!

Jeromebp_12 ok, okay Ik we only met like this year but from what I have discovered is that your a pretty cool dude. Sure you make punny jokes that kill me because they're so bad but somehow, idk why, I laugh... Maybe it's because of the facial expressions you make... Idk! But I know that you should definitely wear that mustache you wore on TBT again!

NRichard So we knew each other since what Kindergarten? But I didn't really get to know you till this year. And throughout this year I learned that you a really sweet, sort of nerdy/geeky (admit it), funny guy. The show nights when I got anxiety and you gave me your sweatshirt was really sweet because if it was any other guy they would have thought I liked them but you understood.You actually listen to me,which some of my other guy friend don't do,and from that you know weird little facts about me, and I learned that some guys can actually be really sweet since I've had douchey "friends" in the past. I hope we can stay this close for a while at least till collage!
(Remember when we taught you shipping? That was funny, what was your first ship again?#CrewCrew)

KingAidan We aren't really friend now... But last year we were sort of close in math. You were, and still are, a weird, cool, funny, sweet dude. Every time I went to math I knew that even though I was having a bad day I would laugh because your just so weird it's funny! I think these reason we became friends or "friends" (I don't know or care what you considered me at the time... But I'm a little curious) was because we had a something we both liked.... Nigahiga! I think you said,"Ebolo" in class if that's correct.... Every body only lives once right?

baneofyou Even though you moved I still have the memory of our friendship... You truly changed me. I can tell you anything, and you'd make me feel better(usually by making inappropriate jokes). You showed me that no all guys are d.icks and that they too can be very sweet and very sensitive. I learned so much from being your friend, all my knowledge of the world has expanded for better or worse I don't really know. This are soo different now, and the worse part is that I was just starting to get to know you very well. I miss you so much and wish you were still here.... I miss how it was before, I feel like something's missing and that something's you!

AirlinesandMusic HEEEEYYY! Your my secret bestie do I really need to explain? I can trust you with almost if not EVERYTHING. You wouldn't judge me or tease me at all. Math is always so much fun, we're always laughing and making Nina jealous which always makes me smile. Ik life may be hard especially when it come to love... But trust me it will get better. BYYYEEE!

firestar0323 GURL DONT  EVEN GET ME STARTED! Your the weirdest person I have EVER met! You can always seem to make me laugh even if I don't want to that day. Sometimes your a complete dude, other times well.... YOU'RE TOTALLY FABULOUS!!!!  But seriously your honestly so weird that i love you!

wooda22 oh god Bridget! How do I even begin to describe you! Well, your basically family.... As in SMOSH family! That is the only reason I think we became friends was because of our obsession of youtubers which I guess is normal right?! Right?! Or am I just crazy..... Probably crazy from shipping so many people! #Marhinki #iancorn

Kavs7240 #DRYLE sorry I had to start with that. I think the reason we're friends is because of our shipping addiction..... Yup! That's totally normal right? Well I guess for us it is.... If I'm arguing with someone like Alex or Josh we got each other's back which is true friendship.

Awwwwwwsnap YAY! You have your phone back after losing it in a foam pit.... *laughs hysterically* Sry I need a moment! I just love to make fun and tease you and your totally chill with it... Which is probably because you do it to me too, you're probably the guy friend I have that ships me the most... Which is saying a lot!

MadMusician You musically talented, athletic and beautiful! I can see you going places, making a difference in the world, fighting for what's right! You just so talented and amazing that I'm sure any guy who gets the chance to know you, will fall in love. Your a true inspiration for me... You inspire me because your smart, musically talented, sweet, kind, loyal, and not afraid to be your self. So don't stop what you're doing.

sunset_rose753 O-M-G! GURL!!! Your honestly soo beautiful and you always make me laugh especially when you do this voice! I literally die from it.... Your soo sweet and nice. When you compliment me that honestly make my day... I can see you being someone who inspires and makes people feel better as a living. I don't know what job that is but you'll have it!

fluffysnowballs91 you art is soo amazing and beautiful! I wish I had talent like yours.... But instead I don't! When you're an artist I'm probably gonna cry because I've watched you when you weren't a big thing to then! You have such an amazing gift maybe I could be s detective/cop and you can be my sketch artist?! Just a thought...

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