Redneck Romeo [Completed]

Da BoOk_DrEaMeR

301K 6.3K 933

(Excerpt) I looked up into his gorgeous, honey-colored eyes and felt my heart begin to thrum with the love t... Altro

Redneck Romeo
*Chapter 1*
*Chapter 2*
*Chapter 3*
*Chapter 4*
*Chapter 5*
*Chapter 6*
*Chapter 7*
*Chapter 8*
*Chapter 9*
*Chapter 10*
*Chapter 11*
*Chapter 12*
*Chapter 13*
*Chapter 14*
*Chapter 15*
*Chapter 16*
*Chapter 17*
*Chapter 18*
*Chapter 19*
*Chapter 20*
*Chapter 22*
*Chapter 23*
*Chapter 24*
*Chapter 25*

*Chapter 21*

7.5K 191 39
Da BoOk_DrEaMeR

I smiled as I looked at myself in the mirror. I was wearing a short, sleeveless dress that was black and had shiny circles in blue and silver. Under my breasts there were rinestones and the ends of the dress curled. It reached about mid thigh.

I had slipped on some silver pumps and was wearing silver jewelry that matched the necklace my grandparents got for me. I curled my hair and pinned some back, keeping it out of my face. 

It was finally the day of my eighteenth birthday and a permanent smile was etched on my face and I couldn't get it off. I was finally a legal adult, no longer a minor. I could drink alcohol legally in England! Haha! I had had an official family get-together last weekend and this Saturday I was having a friend get-together. My parents had rented out a club, saying that this was a big deal.

Of course, I wasn't going to say no. The only thing that bummed me out was that they had made sure that the club wasn't going to provide any kind of alcohol. But, Sean told me that the football team had that area covered. Apparently, they knew a guy that made bear cans that looked like coca-cola cans. I don't really care how they do it, as long as they do it.

As I turned back around to face my room, I heard a soft knock come from my bedroom door before it swung open to reveal Jessica. We both squealed and jumped into each other's arms. I let a goofy smile slip onto my face as she pulled away and we examined each other's outfit.

She was wearing a gorgeous dark violet dress with a silver, sparkly bust. The top formed a shallow 'V' and it had thin straps over both shoulders. The mid-waist was tight and had a thin silver line before flowing out to just above her knees. Her hair was straight and bobby pinned to where it was all over her right shoulder. She was wearing strappy silver heels and simple make-up with sparse jewlery.

"You look beautiful,"she cooed, breaking the comfortable silence.

"You, too,"I said, sincerity clear in my voice.

We wasted no more time appreciating our dresses, and instead hooked arms and walked down into the living room. There we found both of our boyfriends waiting patiently. Their jaws almost dropped when they spotted us entering the room.

"You look beautiful,"Luke spoke first, coming forward to wrap an arm around my waist.

"Thank you. You don't look too bad yourself.,"I smiled and studied his outfit- a button-up dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and a dark wash pair of jeans.

He returned the smile and we both turned our attention to the other couple in the room. They were whispering with smiles on their faces, appearing to be in their own little world. I made a gagging noise as they began to make-out, causing them to pull away, identical blushes on their cheeks.

"C'mon,"Luke cleared his throat,"You can't be late to your own party."

We all walked outside to where Aarron's car was waiting. Luke and I climbed into the back while Aarron and Jessica claimed the front seats. It was a short drive, so I just leaned back into the comfortable seat and listened to the radio, letting my thoughts take over.

I was going to tell Luke my decision tonight. I had been with-holding it until the perfect time, but I think this is it. I couldn't wait to see his reaction.

I had invited Clark tonight and he had politely turned my offer down, claiming to have an exam the next day. I didn't believe him, but I let it slide. If it's too early for him, then I can wait to be friends.

My thoughts were interrupted by a gentle nudge of my shoulder, causing my eyes to fly open and my head to whip around. What i found was an anxious looking Luke holding a small silver gift bag in his hand.

"I got you a present, but I thought you might want to open it in here,"he smiled sheepishly.

"Thank you Luke, but you know you didn't have to-"I started, but he cut me off.

"Yes I did! It's your eighteenth birthday today!"he exclaimed, waving his hands in the air excitedly.

I poked him in the arm teasingly,"I'm starting to think that you are more excited about this than I am."

He blushed,"I'm just really happy for you."

This caused me to blush as well, causing us to go into an awkward, mutual blush. Thankfully, it was broken as he handed me the small bag, which I eagerly accepted. I plucked the tissue paper out and peered inside. First, I pulled out a guitar pick. It was beautiful. It was a shiny, metallic gold that had cursive words written on it in black, collaging together. Love. Hope. Dream. Luck. Forever. Fly. Those were just some of the beautiful words that I picked out.

"Flip it over,"Luke whispered in my ear, causing shivers to shoot down my spine.

I obediantly flipped over the work of art and almost gasped. The back of the pick had something scrawled on it in sharpie. As i looked closer, I could make out a name- Jason Aldean. I loved his music. He was, like, my favorite modern country singer. I turned around and hugged the life out of Luke, him returning the gesture.

"That's not all,"he said as we pulled away.

I scrunched up my eyebrows and reached my hand into the tiny bag once again. This time, I pulled out a small, velvet black box. Anothr gasp escaped my lips when I spotted what was inside. They were earrings, studs to be exact. They were in the sape of a heart with diamonds encrusted on half of it, exactly like my necklace.

I quickly took them out of the box and removed my current earrings before replacing them with my new ones. I turned to him and he smiled.

"I saw the necklace that your grandparents got for you and I thought that this would match it. Do you like it?"he asked, suddenly nervous.

"No,"his face dropped, before I said,"I don't like it, I love it!"

His expression went from sad to relieved in less than a second. Then, the car came to a stop. We all hurriedly got out and walked through the extremely crowded parking lot.

I'm not really surprised. After all, I had invited the whole senior class, plus a few juniors and a scattering of some college friends that I had met through Clark. Thankfully, my parents had also requested a VIP section, so that me and my closest friends could chill without being constantly grinded on. Best birthday ever, right?

I practically squealed as we exited the car and made our way to the front entrance. I was bounciing on the balls of my feet as Luke made small talk with the bouncer who was apparently a big fan. When the wind picked up, I would shiver. Why did it have to be fall?

Finally, the conversatin finished and we entered the bouncing club. Music blasted around me, blocking out any other noise. The place was dark except for a few strobe lights and disco balls. There were atleast a hundred people dancing and grinding on each other in the middle of the dance floor. Some of them were holding plastic cups of punch, which I happen to know is spiked with vodka.

A small smile was on my lips as we made our way to the VIP section. There, I found Sean and his girl, Samantha, Jared, a few college friends, and some Juniors.

"Hey guys,"I greeted the bunch as the bouncer lifted the rope to let us in.

"Happy Birthday!"they shouted excitedly.

I grinned from ear to ear,"Has everybody met?"

The group that was already here nodded and I knew that Jessica knew who they were, so I decided to introduce them to Luke and Aarron.

"Okay guys, this is Luke and Aarron,"the juniors and college goers nodded. Then, I started to point to them,"That's Timmy and Jake- the inseperable college friends. Next is Macy and Lacy, the twins that go to our school. There is Kaylee, Clark's cousin. Last but not least, there is Karli, but Luke has already met her."

Luke and Aarron nodded before everybody fell into comfortable and easy conversation, though they were having to shout over the music. I gravitated towards the mini food table that was set up in the VIP area. I grabbed a small plate and put some nachos and meatballs on my plate before grabbing a can of coke (beer most likely) and sat down at one of the small tables.

I started to stuff my face with the food, occasionally taking a sip of the drink that I now recognized as Bud Light. I looked up as people sat down at the table with me. I almost laughed when I saw that it was our regular lunch group, plus Karli. I noticed that everyone else had entered the chaotic outside world and were dancing to the latest Ke$ha song.

"Can we go ahead and give you your gifts before you are too drunk to know what the hell is going on?"Jessica snickered, causing the rest of the group to join in.

"How about we just load them into the back of the car and I can open them tomorrow?"I suggested and the rest of the group nodded. All of the guys complied and then scurried off to gather the plethera of gifts. I will for sure wake up to heaven tomorrow.

"So, girls,"I greeted the purely female table,"I'm going to tell Luke that I have chosen him tonight."

This statement caused the whole table to burst into high-pitched squeals that almost pierced my ear drums.

"This is so stupid,"I mumbled, hoping that none of the girls would hear me.

"Why the sudden change of mood about you confession?"Karli frowned.

"I mean, I kind of feel like a bitch. I felt like I was doing the right thing while I was doing it, but now I feel like all I did was hurt people. I've been holding back the fact that I chose Luke for over a week. That's just plain rude!"I huffed, all of this information hitting me full force.

"Listen,"Samantha said sternly,"Life can get boring sometimes, so you shouldn't feel bad for wanting to add a little anticipation to it. Plus, he hurt you way more than this and you forgave him. And I doubt he will have the ability to be upset when you tell him this revelation and then have awesome make-up sex!"

The rest of the group agreed, but I just gave her a horrified expression,"What makes you think we will have sex?"

"Do you not feel the sexual tension between the two of you? Ya'll are like ticking sex bombs. Hell, I won't be surprised if you get at it on the dance floor,"she teased.

I just huffed and crossed my arms over my chest,"Whatever."

"You know that you're looking forward to it now!"Jessica cheered,"I'm going to go get us some spiked punch."

Then she was gone without even asking if we wanted any. Oh well, I need to get a buzz started anyway. Me and the girls made small chit-chat, sipping at our punch, as we waited for the guys to rejoin us.

I almost jumped when I felt an arm wrap around my waist and hoist me out of my seat,"We're going dancing,"Luke whispered in my ear and I immediately nodded.

I waved a goodbye to the rest of the group as Luke practically dragged me out of the VIP section and onto the crowded dance floor. The song changed and suddenly the bass wasn't pounding, but instead a slower song started playing.

I turned towards Luke with a smirk on my face,"Did you plan this?"

He scoffed,"Me? No."

I giggled as he pulled me against him. I laid my head against his chest and sang along to the amazing song softly.

All along it was a fever
A cold sweat hot-headed believer
I threw my hands in the air and said,"Show me something."
He said,"If you dare come a little closer."

Round and around and around and around we go
Ohhh now tell me now tell me now tell me now you know

Not really sure how to feel about it
Something in the way you move
Makes me feel like I can't live without you|
And it takes me all the way
I want you to stay

It's not much of a life you're living
It's not just something you take, it's given
Round and around and around and around we go
Ohhh now tell me now tell me now tell me now you know

Not really sure how to feel about it
Something in the way you move
Makes me feel like I can't live without you|
And it takes me all the way
I want you to stay

Ohhh the reason I hold on
Ohhh cause I need this hole gone
Funny you're the broken one when I'm the only one who needed saving 
Cause when you never see the light it's hard to know which one of us is caving

Not really sure how to feel about it
Something in the way you move
Makes me feel like I can't live without you
And it takes me all the way
I want you to stay, stay
I want you to stay, ohhh

I didn't realize that the song was over until I heard people clapping and cheering. My eyes opened wide and I pulled away from Luke to find that everyone had left the dance floor, leaving us dancing alone. They were all standing on the sidelines, big smiles on their faces.

I let a similar wide smile spread across my face as I looked at them, a small smile on my face.

"What is everyone waiting for!"I yelled,"Let's pump up this party!"

Everyone cheered, the sound filling up the large space. Then, the DJ played a dance song and everyone started filling up the floor again. I gave Luke a mischevious smile before spinning around and pressing my becak against his front.

He instinstively placed his hands on my hips and started swaying to the music. I joined him, grinding as good as my white ass could. I was one of those white girls that lacked in the dancing area.

Luke and I danced for several more songs before I dragged him back over to the VIP section so that I could sit. After we were past the rope, I immediately collapsed into one of the chairs and Luke brought me a beer. I sipped at it, before deciding that I had waited long enough to tell him.

"Want to go get some fresh air?"I said in his ear so that he could hear me.

He nodded enthusiastically and we both walked hand in hand out into the parking lot. We made our way to Aarron's car and pulled a pair of keys out of his pocket, unlocking the doors. 

After we were both seated in the comfortably warm car, I turned to him with a steasing smile,"I thought that we were getting fresh air."

"Well, it's chilly outside and I don't have a jacket to give you, so here we are,"he pouted.

"How cute,"I cooed.

"I'm not cute!"he demanded.

I laughed,"Then what are you?"

He shot me a smouldering look and if I wasn't sitting, my knees would havve given out,"Handsome. Sexy. Charming. Just not cute."

"Okay, Mr. Adorable,"I winked and despite his obvious dislike for the word, he burst into chuckles with me.

I sobered up when I remembered the task at hand. I put a fake serious expression on my face,"I need to talk to you about something.

His face immediately fell,"Okay. About what?"

"My decision,"I let my eyes wander around the car, not wanting to see his expression.

"Ohh,"was all he said.

"I've already told Clark, but i just couldn't figure out how to tell you that..."I hesitated, pausing for dramatic effect,"I choose you."

His head, which had been hung, snapped up and his expression went from anxious to relieved. A bright smile took over his face, making me breathless.

"I love you,"he whispered, as if he was afraid that if he spoke too loud he would break the moment.

"I love you, too. I always have. This whole decision thing seems stupid because about a week ago Jess pointed out to me that there was no choice to make. When I was supposed to be choosing between you, I never went on a single date with Clark. I spent all of my time either with you or thinking about you. I chose you the moment I realized you were back in town, I just didn't know it yet,"I gave him a smile, trying not to get emotional over something so silly.

"Phew. You had me scared there for a minute,"he teased, trying to lighten the atmosphere.

"Good. That was the whole point,"i stuck my tongue out at him.

"We should get back to the party. I'm sure all of your guests are missing you."

"Please. The ones that aren't in the VIP section are probably so drunk they don't know their own name and the people in the VIP section know what's going on. Well, the girls do but I'm sure they filled everybody in while we were away,"I rolled my eyes and opened my door.

He entagled our fingers, casing a blush to color my cheeks, as we made our way back to the pounding building. He opened the door for me and allowed me to walk in before him. We made our way to the VIP section and entered once the scary looking man lifted the rope.

"Woah!"I heard a chorus of people yell.

I turned to my group of friends and almost laughed when I saw that they were holding up a bright sign the read- Congratulations on the win! Sincerely, Team Luke.

Then the group set off the party poppers, causing streamers to burst through the air and get all over my dress and hair. I giggled as Luke brought me close to his body, lowered his head, and brought my lips into a sweet kiss. The kiss was followed my hoots and hollers from our friends.

I pulled away and looked towards them to find them wheeling a cart that held a two layer cookie cake with whipped icing. The words 'Happy Birthday Isabelle!' were written on the cake in blue icing, surrounded by a scattering of what I guessed to be eighteen candles.

"Thank you!"I cheered to everyone, happy tears threatening to spill.

Then, it got better, they started to sing,"Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Isabelle. Happy birthday to you!"

I laughed and leaned forward to blow on the candles. My wish: For nothing to change. I like things just the way they are.

Then, we cut cake and devoured it. It was delicious, if I do say so myself. After that, the alcohol in my system had dissipitated, so I went to grab Luke and I a cup of punch. I was on my way back to our table, when I heard a familiar voice being projected through the room. I spun around and was faced with Luke standing on a stage that i hadn't noticed before now. he was holding his favorite guitar and speaking into the mike.

"This song is dedicated to the birthday girl. I love you, Izzy,"he smiled in my direction and then he began to strum.

It don't matter what plans I've got, I can break 'em
Yeah I can turn this thing around at the next red light
And I don't mind tellin' all the guys I can't meet 'em
Hell, we can all go raise hell on any other night
Girl I don't care, oh I just gotta see what you're wearin'
Your hair, is it pulled up or fallin' down
Oh I just have to see it now

If you wanna call me, call me, call me
You don't have to worry 'bout it baby
You can wake me up in the dead of the night
Wreck my plans, baby that's alright
This is a drop everything kinda thing
Swing on by, I'll pour you a drink
The door's unlocked, I'll leave on the lights
Baby, you can crash my party everytime

By now the whole club was dancing around, most of the dancers being couples. People were creating a mosh pit in front of the stage. With all of this chaos going on around him, Luke still managed to look me in the eyes the whole time.

Ain't a spot downtown that's rockin' the way that you rock me
Ain't a bar that can make me buzz the way that you do
I could be on the front row of the best show
And look down and see your face on my phone 
And I'm gone, so long, hang on 
I'll meet you in a minute or two

If you wanna call me, call me, call me
You don't have to worry 'bout it baby
You can wake me up in the dead of the night
Wreck my plans, baby that's alright
This is a drop everything kinda thing
Swing on by, I'll pour you a drink
The door's unlocked, I'll leave on the lights
Baby, you can crash my party everytime

If it's two in the mornin' and you're feelin' lonely
And wonderin' what I'm doin'

Go ahead and call me, call me, call me
You don't have to worry 'bout it baby
You can wake me up in the dead of the night
Wreck my plans, baby that's alright
This is a drop everything kinda thing
Swing on by, I'll pour you a drink
The door's unlocked, I'll leave on the lights
Baby, you can crash my party everytime
Baby, you can crash my party everytime

I cheered along with the other people as he finished the song and finally looked away from me to give the crowd a big smile. I used this distraction to make my way throught the hords of people and ran up the stairs that led to the stage. I ran all the way until I was close enough to jump onto Luke and wrap him in a hug.

"I love you,"I whispered in his ear so that the rowdy crowd couldn't hear me.

"I know,"I could hear the smirk in his voice,"You've told me like five times today."

I pulled away and gave him a slap on the shoulder, but the smile didn't disappear from my face. We walked hand in hand off the stage as the crowd cooled off and the DJ began playing a dance song.

My group of people stayed at the club until midnight, which is when the rental ended. Everyone was kind enough to help me gather up the people and lead them towards the exit. We all piled into our assigned cars, my presents still occupying the trunks of Aarron's and Sean's cars. Aarron was currently too intoxicated to drive, so Luke was deemed the designated driver. Him and I sat in the front with the other two in the back.

"Hey Luke,"I whispered when we were at a stop sign and Aarron was passed out in Jess's lap.

"Yeah,"he whispered back, darting his eyes to me and then pressing the gas.

"My house is really out of the way, so I could just stay at your's tonight to make it easier,"I said innocently.

His eyes widened for a moment before he was back in control and had a smirk on his lips,"Is that right?"

I nodded, letting a mischevious smile appear on my lips. He chuckled and nodded, too. I took that as a yes and spun around in my seat to look at Jessica.

"Hey Jess, do you mind covering for me? I'm staying at Luke's tonight,"I said, hoping she won't pull out the 'I told you so' card.

She smirked."Okay,"she said, giving me a 'tell me everything tomorrow' look.

We soon had dropped both Jessica and Aarron off and were currently driving silently towards Luke's house.

We pulled into his driveway and I noticed that his parents' cars weren't there. 

"My dad is on a business trip and my mom is visiting my grandma so we have the house to ourselves,"he said, answering my silent question.

I did a small happy dance in my head, but on the outside I just nodded. Entering the familiar house, I was shocked to find that nothing had changed.

Unlike the rest of the house, his room had changed. It used to be upstairs, but now that he was older his dad had converted the garage into his bedroom. The walls were painted a dark blue that matched his comforter. He had several chairs for guests and a flat screen with multiple game consoles underneath it. Against the east wall there was a computer desk with a mac desktop computer and a wireless mouse and keyboard.

Typical guy room.

He led me to where we were both sat on the bed facing each other.

I broke the silence,"That song was really sweet. You know how much I love Luke Bryan."

He smiled,"Hopefully not as much as you love me."

I giggled as he leaned in and placed his lips on mine. The once innocent kiss soon became passionate and heated. His tongue was everywhere. His lips were trailing down my neck as he sucked on my soft spot, causing me to moan. That was going to bruise.

The only thought that was running through my mind as he laid me down onto the bed was 'Best birthday ever'.


I really hope that you liked it! Thank you so much for all of the guesses on the last chapter :)

Goal: 6 votes and 2 comments

Song to the side is Crash My Party by Luke Bryan>>>

Picture to the side is of the dresses>>>>

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