
UniversalJailee által

63.9K 3.2K 1.8K

Aphrodisia: strong desire Több

Return of the Mommy
Feel Better
Troubled Waters
Drunken Truths
Make Up
Bad Dream
Break Her Heart
Honesty and Forgiveness
No More Us
Not An Option
If Only
If It's Yours
The Bad Guy
2 Reasons
Pack Your Bags
Reality Check
The Greatest Gift
Unexpected Disrespect
My Angel
One Step Closer
Till the Morning
Get to the Bottom
Keep it a Secret
The Last Straw
Before It's Too Late
The Breakdown
In This Together
A Woman's Intuition
Willing to Wait
One Beating Heart
Lesson Learned

Sense of Releif

782 63 44
UniversalJailee által


I woke up the next morning feeling much better. The only problem was that when I turned over, August wasn't lying beside me. I turned back over and grabbed my phone off the nightstand. I had one text from August. I unlocked it and quickly read it...

Aug💘💕 "I booked you an appointment with your doctor, since I knew you would shrug off what happened last night. The appointment is at 2, don't skip it😑 I have Ava today."

I sucked my teeth and groaned. Who told August to suddenly take up a job as my assistant/mom and go off making me doctors appointments? I mean, I get that he's concerned and I'm happy to have someone who cares so much... But really? Going behind my back and scheduling me an appointment wasn't necessary. Besides that, what if I have a photoshoot or business to handle! I need to call my real assistant...

I pulled out my phone and called Sophia, my new assistant. She keeps track of my schedule and well, all the other stuff an assistant is supposed to do.


"Hello, Ms. Pullins?" Sophia answered.

"Ah, yes, Sophia. I need for you to check my schedule and see what I have down for two this afternoon? It seems my boy--"

"You have a doctors appointment at two, ma'am? You've forgotten so soon?" She asked in an innocent tone.

I sat up in bed. "Excuse me?"

"Did I say something wrong?" She panicked. "I'm so sor--"

"Oh, no. You haven't said anything wrong. As a matter of fact, you haven't said enough." I stated. "How did this schedule change happen without my authorization?"

"W-Well, Mr. Alsina. He called and h-he made the adjustments to your schedule to accommodate a last minute doctors appointment." She explained hastily. "He said that you were feeling under the weather and that you weren't in the mood to speak on the phone, which was why you had him making the schedule change. To my knowledge, you knew all about this adjustment."

"Mmhm, I see." I crossed my arms.

"I hope you're not angry with me, Ms. Pullins." She said softly. "I meant no harm... At first I didn't want to make the change unless I heard it come directly from you, but Mr. Alsina is your boyfriend and I thought it seemed pretty legit."

"It's fine Sophia. I understand and I'm not angry..." I assured her.

"Thank you so much. I won't let it happen again." She stated. "I promise."

"Alright, thank you."


Wow... August is a lot sneakier than I thought he was. I just can't believe he managed to get all this done without me finding out. It kind of made me wonder what other things he could be hiding from me.

I rolled out of bed and went straight to the bathroom. I took a nice, long, hot shower and rubbed my body down with lotion. After that, I brushed my teeth and finished up my daily hygiene.

I opened up the medicine cabinet to take a tylenol for my headache. Then I threw on something comfortable yet still cute, grabbed my purse an keys, and headed out.

My stomach was growling pretty loud, so I decided to go through the McDonalds drive thru and order myself two sausage biscuits, a hash brown, and a breakfast burrito. I was pretty hungry since last night I threw up all the food in my stomach. While I was waiting in the long ass line, I called August.


"Yeah baby?" He said into the phone.

I scrunched up my face. "Wow... Good morning to you too, August."

He chuckled. "Sorry... Good morning, beautiful. How did you sleep?"

I giggled. "Fine, thanks for asking. I wish you had done that before you scheduled me this doctors appointment."

"What? Ask?" He laughed. "Baby, you already know what would've happened if I had asked. You would've told me that you were fine and then talked me into believing it."

"Because I am fine." I said back, putting an emphasis on am.

"Well, I just wanted to make sure. Last night really caught me off guard and made me worry. You know how they say its better to catch all those serious illnesses early--"

"August, I don't have cancer or anything like that. It was just a little stomach bug." I said while moving up a spot in the line.

"Like I said, I want to be sure that it was just a stomach bug." He stated. "I just want to make sure you good, baby."

"But I'm telling you that I am."

"Well, that's not enough. I want you to go to the doctor, and you gone go to the doctor." He said with a little authority in his voice. "I don't want anything to happen to you."

"But babe I--"

"I don't want to hear all that, Zo. Just go to the doctor. Just--Just let me get some kind of professional assurance that my girl gone be aight, okay?" He pleaded with me.

A small smile spread across my face. "I guesssss..."

"So, you gone go for me?" He asked.

"Yes. I'm going." I said as I pulled up to the first window.

"Thank ya' baby." He said to me, relief evident in his voice.

"Mmhm. I have to go baby." I said while pulling up to the window. "I love you."

"Love you too. Call me after your appointment and let me know how it went."

"I will."


I paid for my food and decided to eat my burrito on the way to the doctor. I nodded my head and sung along to Destiny Child's "Independent Women" while eating.

When I finally got there, I got myself together and went inside. I told the secretary my name and she told me the doctor would see me in a few. I took a seat in the waiting room and sat quietly. While waiting, I felt like someone was staring at me. I looked up to see a young girl, probably around fourteen, trying to discreetly look at me. I shrugged it off and just grabbed a magazine to read. A few seconds later, someone was standing in front of me. I looked up, and it was that fourteen year old girl.

"Um, can I help you?" I asked her awkwardly.

"I know this probably isn't the time--or the place. To be asking this, but will you take a picture with me?" She asked nervously. "I'm a big fan of yours."

I was a little shocked. I mean, usually August is the one who has people walking up to them and saying that.

"Yeah, sure." I nodded and stood up.

She pulled out her phone and we took a selfie.

"My friends aren't going to believe this!" She squealed excitedly. "Thank you so much!"

I chuckled. "It was my pleasure, sweetie." I stated.

She rushed back over to her mother, showing her the picture. I chuckled again and soon I heard the nurse say that the doctor would see me now.

I grabbed my purse then followed the nurse to a room.

"The doctor will be right with you." She said while smiling and closing the door.

No longer than five minutes, the doctor was walking into the room.

"Good afternoon, Mrs. Pullins." My doctor, Mr. Rice, said to me. "Earlier when your boyfriend called, he said that you were sick. Can you name a few symptoms for me?"

"Well, August is overreacting, but..." I thought for a second. "It's mainly just headaches and nausea. The only other thing was that I threw up a couple of times last night, but I'm pretty sure it was just a stomach bug..."

"Mhm," He nodded. "He also mentioned that you've been sleeping more often than usual."

I got a little nervous when he said that, because I knew that was the Xanax making me sleep so much...

"Umm, that's really just me being kinda lazy." I chuckled and waved the subject off. "We have a two year old, I'm modeling, and taking online courses. Sometimes I just need a little nap here and there, ya' know?"

He chuckled. "I understand."

He did the usual tests on me, checking my ears, nose, mouth, and lungs. Then he sat down in his seat.

"Well, I haven't seen anything out of the ordinary yet, but I would like to run some more test. The headaches and nausea could be a sign for something serious, so I'd like to be on the safe side and be sure." He explained.

"Okay." I nodded.

"We're going to draw blood, that way we can check for multiple things at one time."

"Yeah, okay." I nodded again.

"Follow me."

He led me to another room and had me sit down. He already had everything ready and soon he was drawing blood. I sat patiently with my eyes closed, waiting for it to be over.

Once he was finished, he put a bandage on me then he took my blood tested. A nurse came in and gave me some frackers to eat so I wouldn't feel too nauseous and led me back to the exam room. I sat down and waited for him to come back.

About fifteen minutes later, he walked in with a smile on his face.

"So, I take it the results were good?" I asked him.

"Yes, yes." He nodded. "We didn't find anything that shows signs of a serious illness." He stated. "All that fuss over something like this." He chuckled.

"Excuse me?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Ms. Pullins, you're pregnant!" He exclaimed happily.

My heart dropped. "W-What?"

"You're pregnant." He repeated. "You're four weeks pregnant. Congratulations!"

I was speechless. This is not what I expected or planned for. I didn't want to have another child so soon. I mean, Ava is just two. August is about to drop his album and go on tour. I just started back modeling. Taylor's baby could be his!... Not to mention, August and I don't even live together right now! This is a disaster!

Not to mention I've been taking those Xanax pills!! What if our baby is hurt because of me!? I wouldn't be able to live with myself if our baby was hurt because of my stupid decisions.

Tears began to stream down my face and soon I was over the trash can in the room, emptying out all my stomachs contents. When I was finished, I sat there crying my eyes out.

"Ms. Pullins, are you okay? I thought you would be happy about a pregnancy--"

I quickly wiped my eyes and turned to face him. "Mr. Rice, you have to help me. I didn't know I was pregnant and I've been taking Xanax pills that weren't prescribed to me. What if something is wrong with my baby? August will hate me and he'll never forgive me-- Just please! Help me!" I begged.

"Oh dear." He sighed. "This week marks the beginning of the embryonic period. From now until 10 weeks, all of your baby's organs will begin to develop and some will even begin to function. As a result, this is the time when the baby will be most vulnerable to anything that might interfere with your baby's development." He explained to me.

"Oh my Gosh, Oh my Gosh." I put my head in my hands. "Does this mean the baby will be disabled?"

"Well, there's a possibility." He nodded. "But we won't know for sure until you're at least four months along."

"So, what do I do?" I asked him desperately.

"The only thing you can do for now is stop taking those pills and start taking prenatal vitamins." He stated. "I'll set you up with the best OB/GYN I know, and she'll be able to help you from here on out. Okay?"

"Okay." I nodded.



I unlocked the door to the house and held it open for Ava to go inside. She walked in, holding her cup of popcorn chicken. I closed the door behind us and looked down, seeing that she was about to spill her food. I reached to get the cup, but she jerked away.

"No, papa! Mine!" She snapped, giving me her mad face.

"Girl, ain't nobody trying to take your food. Sit it up right before you spill it." I stated, ignoring her little attitude.

I leaned over and made her hold the cup right. We walked into the kitchen and Zo was in there cooking. Well, baking. She had on one of my shirts, a pair of crew socks, and she had her hair in a messy high bun that had a few curls falling. Needless to say, she was dressed comfortably, but she looked so sexy to me. She had her glasses on and she was reading some recipe from a piece of paper.

"Mama!" Ava cheered, rushing over to her.

"Ava!" Zo said back in the same cheery tone that Ava had, and picked her up.

"I missed you!" Ava said while wrapping her arms around her.

"Aww, I missed you too baby." Zo smiled, kissing her nose. "Did you have fun with your papa today?"

"Mhm." She nodded. "I got to sing! And I got to go to the park! And papa pushed me on the swings! And then we got chicken filled lay!" She said excitedly.

"That's great princess!"

I chuckled at the way she said Chick-fil-A and Nique smiled at me, motioning for me to come to her. I put my drink down and went over to them, wrapping me arm around her waist.

"You took her to the park?" She asked with a smile.

"Yeah. We had fun." I nodded. "I played with her and stuff. I'm glad I did it. It was a nice lil daddy daughter day..."

"That's so sweet." She cooed. "You deserve kisses."

She stood on her tip toes and softly pecked my lips. When she pulled away, I pulled her back and kissed her a little harder.

"Ewww!!" Ava yelled while wiggling her way out of Nique's arms and down to the floor. "Yucky!"

Nique and I couldn't help but to break the kiss and laugh at Ava's reaction to us kissing.

"Anyways baby, how did your appointment go?" I asked her.

"Oh... It went good. He said it was just a little bug, like I told you. He gave me some medicine and said that I should be fine." She said while going back to cooking.

"Aight. I'm glad you're okay." I stated.

"Mmhm..." She said quietly.

I gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before getting Ava's sippy cup from the fridge and setting her up at her little table to eat her food... Knowing that there was nothing serious wrong with Zo gave me a great sense of relief.


1) Do you think it was wrong for August to schedule Nique a doctors appointment without her permission? Why or why not?

2) What do you think about Nique being pregnant again?

3) What did you think about Nique's reaction to being pregnant?

4) Do you think Nique should've told August that she's pregnant? Or do you think she should wait?

5) How do you think August will feel about the pregnancy?

6) How do you think August will react when/if he finds out about Nique taking Xanax?


I know it probably seems like Nique and August are living Together again because I Never write about when they're not together at the main house (August's house at the moment), but they're still in separate houses.

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