Cinderella's Shoe (COMPLETED)

بواسطة KatTaySummers

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"Why?" She interrogated once they entered the room together, apprehensive about what she was inquiring and pe... المزيد

Important Teaser Quotes From The Book
Summary and Info
Wolfie's Guide To Supernatural Creatures
Excerpt 1
Excerpt 2
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Epilogue: We Keep This Love In A Photograph
Cast and Credits
The Author's Note On Writing Cinderella's Shoe
where ive been

Chapter 8

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بواسطة KatTaySummers

Chapter 8
The Narrator.

At last, the time had come. The day had finally arrived. The main event would finally occur and I have several reasons to believe that there was no one on this earth who wouldn't be the slightest bit excited for this event. Unless you weren't supernatural, then you would still be excited. It was Christmas Eve after all.

Tonight, some of the most prestigious people in the world would be arriving to celebrate their successes, and a few of their very- an almost minuscule number- little defeats along the way.

Many were excited for Christmas, they were counting down by the split second. Of course, why wouldn't they be? It is a wonderfully festive day- a time to be joyous and spend time with the ones you love, to eat and drink freely without any question, to buy and receive extravagant presents- but mainly to enjoy ourselves and just be happy for that one day of the year. To spread love and joy throughout our communities and all over the world. To celebrate the idea that no matter what has occurred in the past, there is still love and kindness in the world.

All throughout the world, there was not one person alive who wasn't excited about something.

Maybe there were a few people that weren't as happy at the moment (looks over to a different side of the world where Zachary, Ryder, Jordan, Derek, Liam, Callum, Miles, Jake, Jake, Bradley, Draco and Landon are), but they were still joyous about something. Well, hopefully, they were anyways. Don't worry, though. I'm sure they're okay, at least something like that.

But I wasn't particularly happy about certain events. And some certain, select amount of people who had recently managed to piss me off the most. Only a few, just so you know. No need to worry, it may not be you, unless you too have done something to greatly irritate me.

How dare that stepmother wench bitch fucking cow whore Freya (whatever you can think of to name her really, anything is good with me) think it was perfectly acceptable to treat Ariel like that? And in front of guests too?! Especially friends of one of the highest Alpha families alive, meaning said guests were extremely important! Outrageous!

Oh, if I had every power and right in the world, I would do some horrific things to her. And worse than what she has done to Ariel in the past. And will soon do to her in the extremely near future.

The EU Referendum has done no good! David Cameron is a fucking wimp! *Pulls out the snipers and infinite bullets that come as an excellent, perfect deal for murderers or any type of psychopaths* Oh, and don't even get me started on that weirdo Donald Trump... Racist... Narcissistic... Homophobic. Egotistical... Against the damn fucking Mexicans... Bastard... God, if I ever go to America it will be to shoot his stupid fucking hair and then shoot him in the face... If the Mexicans don't get there first, of course.

But never mind all of that. Now, onto another topic. People! Yes! Nice people! That will do perfectly fine! Let's see, let's talk about some of our people...

What do I think of some of our people? Well...

The stupid stepmother Freya can go die in a hole for all I care. She could fuck a saguaro (a cactus if you were unsure) and I wouldn't care. I'd be pissing myself laughing at her writhe in pain! Brilliant! Oh, God, the mental images coming to mind right now. She will enjoy her punishment very much when she reaches Hell's Gates. Or some pissed off Little Wolfies. Now that will be very, very gruesome. Definitely gruesome indeed. *Rubs hands together looking like an evil person, grin and all- an everyday persona of this Narrator.*

Anyways, Narrator. Back to other people now. Actual, nice people. People we accept, people we can actually tolerate in this story. People whose heads we definitely don't want to rip off on a chapterly basis.

I think Lexi is a kind person at heart, she just needs to tone down her voice a little and what she says needs to be more offensive. Don't get me wrong, she's already hilarious, she just needs a little more sarcasm and racism. Sort of like Ariel. She'll be a real help in the future. I can sense it. She will be a vital piece to the puzzle. One of the many puzzle pieces. Everyone is a puzzle piece in this tale, whether they like it or not, whether they have realised it or not. They all fit together to create this, and they have no say about their roles anymore. Their roles have been set in stone, there's no changing it or going back in time to fix it now.

Jacob deserves his mate. His whole world. He doesn't even realise that soon, he will meet her. That's why I've been so harsh on the girls who won't be going to the Alpha's Ball. He needs her, and I need them to survive everything that they will have to go through with and without each other at several times. He's been lost for so long, so he needs to be found. He will be found by his mate, like all of the other mates that have been lost before him and were found. He needs to wait for her to come to him. I believe in the two of them, I really do. They are literally so perfect for each other they could easily be twins.

Ariel is such a strong, sweet person. She doesn't realize that everyone around her cares about her in some way. Including her stepmother in a murderous, villainous way. She deserves love, attention, care- everything that she's never had but somehow has it already. She needs that happiness. It's vital to her, and we all know it. She just needs to understand it. Ariel really does have someone out there for her, it's just that Freya has been using her magic on Ariel, preventing her from feeling the connection to her soulmate for a very long time. This means her mate hasn't felt the connection to her either for the same amount of time, also being the reason why no Seer or witch is able to sense their bond, or even tell if the other has a mate in existence.

I just hope that Ariel survives everything she has to go through before she meets her mate. That wonderful mate that will help her through everything she has to suffer before she gets her eternal happiness. And I hope that said mate stays with her long enough to give her the happiness she needs in her depressing life...

Freya (Ariel's Stepmother).

So, you wanna know about me huh? About my opinions and life so far? About my plans? About my many failures over the years? About my future goals and previous achievements- the large amount of them all?

Well, listen closely and I'll tell you all of it. Anything you want to know, I'll tell you.

Well, maybe not anything you want to know. I still have some secrets I need to keep for Satan's sake. And I also need to keep some fucking suspense for my plans. Duh, what else would I need to keep the suspense for? Christmas presents?

What's that? You want to know about... My family?! Pah! They mean nothing to me! They aren't much to me, just missing pieces of the puzzle I have. And my puzzle is soon complete. I just have two more things to get and then everything will be ready.

When the moon is high in the sky,
And the fire is burning bright,
That is when she will strike,
And rule the world with an iron fist.

That is a verse from the rhyme that goes with the puzzle. It's from a great prophecy. And I should mention now that this puzzle is not an everyday thing that you can buy from a shop like Walmart or something. It took me many years to acquire it. And a lot of sacrifices also had to be made.

I need a few more things. And one of them is to do with a certain whore we all know and hate with a great passion. And I know you all hate her. Don't try to deny it. I have eyes and ears everywhere. Madame Freya knows all, do not lie to someone who is as powerful as me, I can easily tell when someone is lying to me, hiding something from me, or telling me the truth.

Ariel? What do I think of that pitiful, worthless wench?

She's lucky to be alive. If it wasn't for me, she'd probably be off with some family that would actually use her as a prostitute (not that she already isn't, but you know, technicalities and all) and would pimp her out for drugs. She should be thanking me, not treating me like shit. Treat others how you would want to be treated, I guess.

So what do I want? Many things. Most are fairly immoral, whereas a select few are actually quite right to want.

So, who am I exactly? Cool, is what I am. And a lot of fun. Oh, you mean something else... Like, my breed and such? OK.

I am a werewolf/witch hybrid. I can turn into my wolf at will, and my powers are freely at my disposal. I am a very powerful one, one of the most dominant ones alive. Not far from the top of the list either. But there are four in front of me, and soon they will be dead. Or my slaves. Their choice. I don't mind. I'll treat them like my slaves if I have to. I don't really care, to be honest.

Want to know what I want?

Well, if you take caution, you will find out many wonders.

Écouter, mon petite fréres et Soeurs.

The truth is... There is...

Ha! As if I'd tell you what my plans are! Never gonna happen.

Just wait and see, dearie.

All I need now, is a strong mating bond, a newborn child, and a worthy mate.

All I need to do is just to rely on Ariel, and she will guide me to everything I need.

Someday... Soon....


This is about a week late...

But on another note...

IT'S CHRISTMAS LITTLE WOLFIES! HOPE YOU'VE HAD A WONDERFUL DAY AND STUFFED YOURSELVES WITH FOOD (Don't wanna say turkey in case you didn't have it, are vegetarian, are vegan or allergic to it- trust me, it's possible XD)!

I will be seeing you tomorrow!


-Wolfie, who hasn't had pigs in blankets because this bitch can't eat bacon 😭

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