Revenge ༣ MikaYuu

Par ScarletPetal

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[ Book 2 of The Shoyū to Byōki Series ] [ Sequel to Obsessive ] Yuichiro and Mikaela have finally gotten toge... Plus



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Par ScarletPetal

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⠀⠀⠀Warmth. A feeling Yuichiro Amane has never really, truly felt and embraced in an extremely long time. It was an amazing feeling that he longed for more of. Not to mention, he was sharing it with his loving and caring boyfriend, Mikaela Shindō.

⠀⠀⠀Mikaela has finally healed from the illness he said he'd been going through the last few years of meeting Yuichiro one day— his doctor had proven so that he was better. And the raven could tell, too. They've been happier and couldn't have a care in the world when they were with one another. They were inseparable. Yuichiro was so in love with him, it was crazy. Even after all that's happened this year, he knew he still had made the right choice of giving Mikaela another chance. He wasn't himself; and now that he was, he couldn't and wouldn't ask for anything more.

⠀⠀⠀Yuichiro could see the change, and was more than convinced that everything could be forgotten and they could focus on the present rather than the past. He's moved on.

⠀⠀⠀He choose not to think about Yoichi Saotome so much, for he knew that the darkest thoughts would return and he'd be drenched with the abyss of his own mind. As much as he missed the brunet being with the Shinoa Squad, innocent and all, he couldn't bring myself to be trapped with the aching, agonizing memories of him. It was too much to process, and Yuichiro didn't want another episode of sobbing into the sheets and not leaving the comforting mattress of their room. He had already accepted all that had happened, and no way in Hell was he going to be dragged back and have more despairing thoughts engulf his head.

⠀⠀⠀Standing in front of the stove, metal pan upon the fire, Yuichiro flipped the batch of an uncooked pancake with skill whilst humming a small tune. Morning light stretched in through the glass of their window, hitting upon the back of his neck, arms, and legs with such warmth— he swore he could've just melted then and there. It was very comforting, reassuring, and a tiny spark of love came from that one ray of sunshine. It was homey, safe. Nothing he has ever felt before. An arm wrapped around his neck as another went down to snake around his waist, fingers entangling into the cloth of his shirt, and he squealed softly to craned my head to whom was clinging to him.

⠀⠀⠀"Ah, Mika, 'morning!" He said cheerfully.

⠀⠀⠀"Good morning, Yuu-chan." Mikaela muttered into Yuichiro's shoulder in a muffled voice.

⠀⠀⠀"You're up early today," Yuichiro commented as he flipped the pancake onto the plate, sneaking a glance at his lover's raging bed head and tired eyes that seemed to barely let him be able to see. He wasn't going to lie; it was an adorable sight. Not to mention that it was coming from Mikaela.

⠀⠀⠀"Just needed to see Yuu-chan's face a little earlier than usual this morning. Nothing more and nothing less." The blond said with a hint of pure amusement, and the raven swore he felt said male's lips rise into an invisible smirk. Yuichiro just gave an unpleasant snort before shooing away Mikaela with a simple bump of his hips, shoving the plate of pancakes into his chest. He heard the blond begin to laugh at how easily embarrassed and flustered he could become in such a small amount of time. He couldn't help it, though, as sad as it was. It ended up growing to be a huge disadvantage for him.

⠀⠀⠀Ears and cheeks soaked in a blush, Yuichiro chose to ignore Mikaela's comment and return to cooking. He was then interrupted by the ringing of his phone, which was buzzing rather loudly on the kitchen counter, vibrations echoing as it rumbled upon the glass frantically. Mikaela sent Yuichiro an expression of confusion and annoyance, putting down his fork to nod his head with a who-could-be-calling-you-this-early-in-the-morning kind of look. Yuichiro couldn't blame him for looking so angry because for one thing— he was, too. With a huff, he stomped his way to the phone and swiped it into his grasp, checking the ID.

⠀⠀⠀And he was surprised at the name that came up on the screen: Kimizuki. He answered.

⠀⠀⠀"Kimizuki, hey—!"

⠀⠀⠀"Greetings, Idiot-Yuu."

⠀⠀⠀Yuichiro cringed at the nickname, but sighed and chose to let it slip. Kimizuki wasn't exactly the same guy to be insulting and challenging at the moment, or at any moment for that matter. He was the one person who's suffering the most out of the Shinoa Squad. "Yeah, good morning to you, too." Yuichiro fought mentally inside his head whether to push on forward, or let Kimizuki get right to the point. He ended up going with the latter. "So, what are you calling me for first thing in the morning? Not that it's b-bad or anything, haha— just curious is all!" He cursed beneath his breath for stuttering.

⠀⠀⠀As predicted, he got straight to the point. "I was just wondering if you were going to Yoichi's grave any time soon."

⠀⠀⠀Then it hit him— Yoichi's grave. He went to the site every few weeks or so to add more or replace the bouquets of flowers. He always bought the same kind, Yoichi's favorite as he knows were Chrysanthemums and Alstroemerias. Each and every time he visited the small flower shop at the corner of the city, fresh scents and aromas filling the atmosphere, it always ended up with the memory of Yoichi hovering above his head and drowning his thoughts. Yuichiro was surprised he was still going on with his life normally.

⠀⠀⠀After all, Yoichi's death was his fault.

⠀⠀⠀Yuichiro looked back at Mikaela, whom had returned to scarfing down his breakfast with large and rapid bites, seeing he had no longer any interest in their conversation and was reading the piles of recent newspapers. He turned back around, giving a low hum of approval. "Yeah, I'll probably be going later today during the afternoon. You?"

⠀⠀⠀"Me too— this afternoon." Kimizuki stated.

⠀⠀⠀"That's nice to hear."

⠀⠀⠀"Is Mikaela going with you today?"

⠀⠀⠀"Oh, uh, what?"

⠀⠀⠀"Mikaela," Kimizuki repeated in a hiss. "Is he accompanying you?"

⠀⠀⠀Yuichiro gulped, then again craning his head to look back at Mikaela with unsure eyes. He knew how poorly they both acted toward one another, especially with the knowledge that Kimizuki held a grudge against said blond. Sure, Mikaela had done several wrong doings the past years, but he has changed. He's really changed. And all Kimizuki needed to do was realize it. Everything was in the past and could be forgiven. Kimizuki needed to. Yuichiro caught the attention of Mikaela with the frantic waving of his palm, mouthing quietly if he was coming with him to the graveyard. The blond just blinked, sadly glancing away with a brief nod.

⠀⠀⠀Yuichiro knew how sensitive the topic was, and it wasn't just for him; it was for everyone. He knew everything wasn't going to be the same for a while, if it ever would be the same at all.

⠀⠀⠀"Yeah, he's coming." Yuichiro murmured.

⠀⠀⠀Kimizuki humphed from the other line. The raven checked to see if Mikaela had heard. Luckily, he hadn't— thank the lord. Who knows what kind of quarrel or fight they'd create together over the phone, as if that wasn't bad enough. Yuichiro tried to remain as quiet as he could, heart aching just the slightest at how horrible his friend was treating his lover behind his back. It almost felt like betrayal. It wasn't right. But there was nothing he could say or do to change Kimizuki or Mikaela's minds about each other; because he's tried to, trust him. And it only ended with Kimizuki clawing and yelling at Mikaela whilst said male restrained himself from stooping down to his level and engaging.

⠀⠀⠀"Well, tell your shit-head of a boyfriend to stay away from Yoichi's grave because if I even see him one goddamn inch near it— I won't hold back, Yuu, and you know I won't stop for anything."

⠀⠀⠀"Hey, now, Kimizuki— Mika isn't—!"

⠀⠀⠀Then the line went dead, leaving Yuichiro in the middle of his sentence before he could finish his complete thought of defending his boyfriend. The male sighed loudly in defeat, setting his phone down a little more forcefully than needed. He was exasperated with Kimizuki and Mikaela's longing, forever conflict that he was on the verge of doing whatever it took for them to get along. But he knew he couldn't do that— it wasn't his calling whether they wanted to get along or not.

⠀⠀⠀But he was getting a Hell lot nervous. One of these days, things were going to get much more dangerous. And Yuichiro was prepared to make sure they never did more than arguing.

⠀⠀⠀Mikaela put down his newspaper, scooting his chair back with a screech as he began to make his way over to Yuichiro with a mask of concern. His eyebrows were furrowed, though raised them when the dark-haired male squeaked in surprise. "What about me, Yuu-chan?" Yuichiro gulped again. He shook his head aggressively along with his hands, creating disapproving hums repeatedly in hopes he could convince Mikaela there was nothing they were talking about. If anything, he wasn't doing very well, for the blond just bit his lip and grunted. "You stopped in the middle of your sentence, hence it beginning with my name— Yuu-chan, is everything okay?"

⠀⠀⠀"YES!" Yuichiro hollered, beginning to sweat when Mikaela was right in front of him. "Kimizuki just—!"

⠀⠀⠀"Kimizuki?" Mikaela hissed beneath his breath, cutting off Yuichiro once more. "What does he want now? Bastard won't leave anyone alone."

⠀⠀⠀"Mika!" Yuichiro snapped, disappointed.

⠀⠀⠀Mikaela sighed, backing up a little bit, feeling as though he had went too far whilst talking about Kimizuki. Ignoring Yuichiro's angry look, he asked a bit more calmly, "So, what did he want?"

⠀⠀⠀Rolling his eyes, Yuichiro shrugged. "All he wanted to ask was whether we, or rather I, was going to Yoichi's grave anytime soon." Mikaela sent him a look of concern, beckoning him to go on with the information he seemed to be holding back. He wasn't sure if he should tell his lover the threat, for he was risking another complaint and struggle to keep him back from calling Kimizuki and cursing him a storm. But even he was sure that none would be intimidated and they'd be continuing on until someone gave in; and that was unlikely. But being and practically living with Mikaela, Yuichiro knew he couldn't hide this and not tell him.

⠀⠀⠀Reluctantly, the raven looked away before choosing to speak. "And he wants you to stay away from Yoichi's grave or— or he'll come over and, y'know, probably beat the shit out of you." When he saw the fury wash upon the blond's face, Yuichiro began to wave his hands again as he patted said blond's shoulder as reassuring as be could manage. It wasn't good for Mikaela to be angry, let alone beyond furious from a threat, and if he wanted to save Kimizuki ( and himself ) from facing the wrath of his lover he needed to convince him there wasn't a thing to worry about. Which wasn't going to be easy. "But I'm sure everything will be fine, so please don't worry, Mika!"

⠀⠀⠀Mikaela scoffed, but nodded as he lifts his hands to caress Yuichiro's cheeks gracefully, the feeling of his touch leaving the raven in flames with blush. He squished his cheeks, examining him with a giggle when his lips began to pop out like a fish, and the blond chuckled when Yuichiro squirmed beneath his gaze. Leaning in, he left a chaste kiss upon the top of his forehead like one a mother would to their child; softly and filled with eternal, everlasting love that would never falter. Mikaela left Yuichiro standing there, eyes wide and deflecting astonishment as he, himself, walked off with a smirk. "If you say everything is okay, then I believe you, Yuu-chan."

⠀⠀⠀Yuichiro smiled, about to follow the blond to wherever he was off to, but stopped when Mikaela whipped his built frame toward him once more, his expression stern and humorless. "But," Yuichiro blinked at the harsh tone. "If anything does happen between you and Kimizuki— he won't be the only one not holding back." And the door clicked shut without another word to share.

⠀⠀⠀What was this feeling? Yuichiro wondered as his stomach began to feel as though it were sinking. His eyes formed into slits, lips parted at just the slightest along with his hands stiff beside his body. He felt as though he couldn't move his somewhat tense and frozen muscles, frame beginning to shake and tremble and collapse beneath an unknown weight. It was familiar, but he simply couldn't put his finger on it what the certain, mysterious emotion could be, yet he's definite he knows it. Sweat piled up, trickling down his neck with slow drops; barely visible, but still there. His teeth chattered, his blood went cold, his throat becoming clogged up with imaginary blobs of who-knows-what.

⠀⠀⠀This feeling— it wasn't fear, was it?

⠀⠀⠀Terror, fright, horror, panic, dread— none?

⠀⠀⠀No, it couldn't be.

⠀⠀⠀It couldn't.

• • •⠀࿇⠀• • •


Welcome Back, Readers New & Old!

This is Book 2 of the " Shoyū to Byōki " series, a sequel following the first book: " Obsessive "

Now, it's been a long three or so months since I've first thought about a sequel, and I've been very skeptical since, well, a sequel for this didn't sound good and would probably ruin the whole thing.

So, to help me, please give me your full opinion on whether to continue or not on as many chapters if it doesn't seem interesting or as though it isn't working out!

I'm 100% willing to write this, but I'm also 100% willing to DELETE this if it isn't to anyone's satisfaction.

And because I have another mikayuu fanfic that I have to keep track of, updates will probably be all over the place, so please be patient!

Thank you everyone, and ( hopefully ) enjoy!

It's going to be one hell of a bumpy ride! ;)))

See you soon,

— Scarlet

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