Who Done It?

By AndleyXxKellic

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Pretty much as the title says. You're going to be reading and trying to solve the crime of who done it. A hig... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
A New Beginning

Chapter 2

296 10 6
By AndleyXxKellic

*Now, I want you guys to know that this will be in numerous character's point of views in order for you guys to not know who the killer truly is. Sadly, I'm only putting it into about 5 character's point of views throughout this entire story and at the end, when the character is going to be revealed, the remaining characters will get a say in what's been going on. So, just so you guys know who the narrators are, or point of views the story will be told in, I'll tell you who they will be so you guys will have an idea of what character line up there is. Out of the 31 characters there are, here's 5 of them.

•Kellin Quinn

•Josh Balz

•Oliver Sykes

•Ashley Purdy

•Tony Perry

Now, don't rule these people out as being the killers, just because I've listed them. I actually made a spinner thing almost similar to the one in twister and it landed on these people. Trust me, if it were up to me, I would have chose some different people, but I felt like it would have gave away the killer. Anyways, I don't want to hold you guys up from reading, so on to chapter 2.


*Kellin's P.O.V.*

"Vic, hurry up. You said you packed last night." I yelled at him from downstairs.

"Just one minute, I can't find my wallet." He yelled back at me and I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"Check your back pocket on the left side." I told him, remembering that that's where he's kept it for years. And I mean years, he has a indent in that exact pocket on all his jeans and I should know, I have to wash them all. I stood at the door, patiently waiting for him and he appeared in the hallway with a smile and 3 suitcases. One of mine, and two of his, coming over to me and kissing my cheek.

"Thank you, that's why I keep you around. I'd lose my own head of it weren't attached to my shoulders." He said and I rolled my eyes, opening the door.

"Of course you would." I told him and picked up my other two suitcases I had. Me and Vic were planning on going to a 4 day festival after we left the reunion, so we needed to pack plenty. Of course with him being the guy he was, he barely packed anything and I had packed nearly all my things. I picked up my bags and walked out of the door of our place, going down the steps and walkway towards our car. Vic closed the door and came jogging down the stairs after me with an excited grin on his face.

"It's going to be so good getting to see everyone again, especially Mikey. I've missed seeing him since he didn't come by for the fourth." He told me, going to the trunk and opening it and piling our suitcases in.

"I know, but don't you think that maybe Mike just, I don't know, he's so...." I stopped myself before I could go on. Vic was very protective over his little brother, especially when he got arrested a couple of years ago. Mike was always innocent in Vic's eyes, so it wasn't very surprising that when he got arrested for rape that Vic defended him. Even went as far to bail him out I must say.

"Look, I know Mike isn't the best person, but cut him some slack, he is my baby brother." He told me and I nodded.

"No need to remind me." I muttered some, and he gave me his look of annoyance and I just sat my bags down and went to get in the car.

Vic has always been picky about how everyone treated his baby brother, ever since Mike skipped a grade in school and got picked on for it, Vic has been at his rescue. I loved Vic, I did, but he needs a definite reality check when it comes to his baby brother. He finished packing the trunk with all our luggage and came around to the front of the car to get in. I looked out the window as he started the car, watching everything move from my sight as he backed up. When he turned on the road and started down the street, I slowly closed my eyes, getting a feel of just how relaxing car rides could be.

"Are you ready to see any of your friends? Anyone in particular?" He asked me and I sighed, opening my eyes and looking at him, trying to think.

"Not really, they're all just conceited, egotistic hypocrites who just want to gloat in your face every chance they get." I said honestly, and he looked at me, his eyebrow raised and slowly his smile disappeared.

"Um, okay." He said, sounding shocked and just stayed looking at the road.

I'm not really the type of person who liked living in the past, the past was the past and there is absolutely nothing you can do to change it. Now don't take it the wrong way that I was bullied or anything throughout high school, I wasn't, in fact I was the most popular. I was the smartest guy in my class, I was the captain of the basketball team, and on top of that, I was the richest guy in school. It wasn't until I graduated from high school and came out as gay that everything changed for me, and all my 'friends' saw me differently. They were so cautious with their words around me and was scared I would hit on them, and when my parents cut me off, they just stopped hanging around me. Now some of my friends are either doctors or directors, and I'm a kindergarten teacher for Christ sake. Teaching a bunch of crybabies all because I failed to become governor, and couldn't be a CEO, because 'gay is not technically okay'.

So instead of living a life of luxury and happiness like I always thought I would, here I was, dating a mechanic for going on 5 years and teaching kids their abc's. Being a kindergarten teacher isn't so bad though, it's actually easier than I thought it would, just the constant crying is what bothers me. Like you think that six year olds would be over that and more focused on playing and having fun, but they want this and that, and it's all so aggravating. But, I won't complain, at least I got the rest of the week off, and some of next week, which is what I've been waiting on. 9 days brat free, and not a care in the world, who could want more? I slowly let my eyes shut as to enjoy my day off and get some much needed sleep since I was waking up at 7 everyday, coming home at 4:30, and creating lesson plans all night. Just as I felt my body relaxing and my mind drifting off, I was stunned by music.

"Can you turn that crap off, please?" I had to practically yell at Vic and he turned it down.

"Sorry, it's just Guns N Roses." He defended, starting to sing. "Bring you to your sha-na-na-na-na-na-na-knees, knees, oh I wanna watch you bleed."

"Vic!" I warned him and he sighed before turning it off.

"Whatever. You're not talking to me and I have nothing to entertain myself with." He said, looking almost annoyed as I was.

"Well, count the cars or something." I told him and he didn't reply, just continued driving. I scoffed and laid my head back down against the window, the highway having nothing but trees alongside of it. And in just a matter of minutes, I was out like that, and was finally getting some rest.


"Kellin, Kellin get up." I heard Vic say and I groaned, hitting his hand away from my leg. He went to my shoulder instead and shook me. "Get up, we're here." He said and I didn't move, having him sigh.

I heard him get out the car, his door shutting and the trunk opening. I slowly opened my eyes, looking at the few scattered cars that were already here. I noticed a few people standing about near the house, conversing with each other. I yawned, stretching and rubbing my neck as I put my head up straight, trying to relax the muscles that were so tense from me laying on the door. I opened my door and got out, going around to the trunk and getting my two suitcases from before and heading towards the mansion itself.

"You're welcome." Vic called out to me, and of course I ignored it.

I walked up to the few people that were standing on the steps to the entrance patiently waiting. As I got closer, I noticed them to be my ex best friends, Austin, Frank, and Ashley. I'd have to say the ironic part of it all had to be they all judged me and quit being friends with me because I'm gay. What makes it ironic had to be that they all were gay, well not Austin, but I'm pretty sure he had a fling with a boy at one point. The other two, I knew for sure, because Frank was the county judge and Ashley's partner, Andy, happened to work at the same school as I did. I paid no attention to them, going up to the door and pulling on it, expecting it to open, but it didn't budge. I felt a small something tap my arm and I turned to see Austin holding out a paper to me and I practically snatched it from his hand. I looked at them and then at the note, reading it.

'Welcome to my humble abode, make yourself at home because of course you all are the guest. I've decided to host this reunion for you all because, why not try to reunite old friends and spark or rekindle old flames. So enjoy yourselves. And be careful. You will find the key under the mat, and you may select whatever room you please.'

I looked at the suspicious note again, what did it mean by be careful? I shrugged and threw the note back to them, picking up the mat in front of the door. I took out the key and opened the door, taking my things inside as everyone else seemed too chicken to even step foot into the house. I rolled my eyes and saw that some things really don't change, I was in charge of them back in high school, and looks like I'm in charge of them now. I wasn't going to say anything though, I simply walked all the way into the foyer and sat my suitcases down and turned to the door, watching Vic come in, stumbling with the bags.

"Woww, this place is huge." He exclaimed and I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, yeah. I wonder why they're scared to come in here." I said, making him look back at them.

"I don't know, but how about we go pick our rooms first?" He asked, heading towards the stairs and I turned to him.

"I hope you got everything out the car." I told him, and he stopped, looking down at the bags on the floor, then at me.

"Uh, the other things are for when we go to the festival. I need to get that stuff out too?" He asked and I nodded.

"Duh, idiot." I told him and he sighed before going down the few stairs he went up, and going out the door.

I watched him go back into the car and those lines up at the door looked at me cautiously before coming in. I walked further into the house, looking it over and it was all old and ancient, not my idea for a 3 day reunion. I didn't really understand why we'd be staying in this place for 3 days in the first place, all of us have had our time together, no need to see each other again. I walked from the foyer to the dining hall, looking at all the ancient relic plates that lined the cases and the old pictures posted on the wall. You'd think they'd be of people, but they were of scenes from a movie I watched a few years ago, Gone With The Wind. I looked at the picture of Scarlett smiling down at Rhett, who was admiring her from the bottom of the stairwell. I remembered that part because she turned her head up at him, thinking she was oh too good for him.

"What are you looking at?" A voice asked, making me jump and I turned around to see Andy. He was smiling slyly, and I held my chest, trying to catch my breath. I pushed him and moved past him.

"You scared me you jerk." I said and he smiled, following me as I went about looking at the other pictures.

"Well, you know you were always easy to scare. Especially back in high school." He told me and I rolled my eyes at him, looking at the next picture. It was Scarlett making her sly face as she thought about who she wanted to get her a piece of cake, before spotting Ashley. "So tell me, what made you come here?" He asked and I looked at him as he smiled and licked his lips.

"Uh, Vic." I said, trying not to get distracted. He was after all my ex, he was my first time, but when I wanted to come out and he wasn't ready, we ended things.

"Hm, still doing whatever he wants?" He asked and I scoffed, turning around to see if anyone noticed us in here. After seeing no one was in view of us, I shrugged.

"I mean, who else would put up with me? Plus, I get whatever I want." I smirked and looked at his lips before looking back at his eyes.

"Hmm, well maybe I can give you what you want." He said and I couldn't help the surge of laughter that poured out my mouth. I shook my head and pushed past him, leaving the dining area and having everyone look at me with weird expressions. I smiled at each of them, knowing they were completely unaware of what just happened. I slowly approached each of them, passing them and having them give me dirty looks. I went to my suitcases and watching as my idiot stumbled into the house again and I sighed.

"You klutz, can you go a minute without running into things?" I asked and he just took a breath before dropping my things.

"Sorry, I saw Mike. I'll be back." He said, running off and I went to the door slowly, watching him as he hugged his brother.

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms as I watched him have his little fun. The one person I was hoping would come had to be Jack. Yes, he was a complete idiot in school, but he was the one person I had in all my classes and would make me laugh. I looked out into the drive way, seeing no one of interest to me and it was utterly depressing to tell you the truth. Everyone who was here so far that I was surrounded with was fake and just big put ons, especially the one who couldn't stop staring at me. Ashley. I saw him looking at me from the corner of my eyes and I couldn't help but to turn my head towards him, a former friend. I watched as not soon after, Andy came up behind him and motioned for him to come, but he just pushed Andy away. I couldn't help the small chuckle I made, looking back out into the drive.


When Jack finally arrived, I was the first to run out and meet him, giving him a handshake and he pulled me into a hug. I saw the apparent jealousy stitched all over Alex's face, and it was actually what made me enjoy hugging Jack even more. So many of them judged me for being gay, but here they were, all gay themselves. I guess they just needed to make fun of someone else for being strong enough to come out when they were all scared to. I pulled away from Jack as he laughed and Alex looked annoyed, going to the trunk and starting to get suitcases out.

"Jack, it's been so long." I told him and he smiled.

"I know, I've been trying to contact you, but I don't exactly have a way of getting in touch with you." He told me and I laughed, nodding.

"Yeah, after high school ended, I kind of deleted all my social media and changed my number." I told him truthfully and he sighed and looked at me.

"Wow, you really have changed, I like your hair now, and it looks like you've been working out." He said, fluffing my hair and poking my arms. I laughed and shied away.

"Why, thank you. You look like you've been working out yourself." I told him and he shrugged.

"Well, we go every morning and night." He said and then jumped at the sight of something, leaving me to go help Alex. "I've got it baby, you go relax." He told him, getting the bags and I watched him gather him as Alex smiled at me and left.

"So you guys?" I asked and he nodded.

"10 months, and he's been working so hard. This is suppose to be his vacation, but he's so intent on doing things." He told me, picking up 4 suitcases and I watched.

"Well then." I said, staying put and watching him. I happened to notice Vic looking at me skeptically and I wasn't doing anything wrong. I stood there and waited for Jack to come back and talked to him some more.

As more and more people arrived, the more crowded it seemed to get and it was pretty flustering for me. Everyone with either their significant other, or not a care in the world as they looked at everyone else. I had been sitting on the steps with Vic, letting him play with my hair, but he got too annoying, and I wanted to do something else besides be near him. Someone, I think Chris or Ronnie got the idea to go outside and to watch the stars, so that's where we all ended up going. Getting covers and blankets from a closet and setting them out on the lawn and watching the stars.

Of course, as if that wasn't enough for them, they wanted to tell stories of their success and rub everything in. I rolled my eyes and looked at Vic, seeing him admire the stars like he was a small child. He really did make me somewhat happy, I mean, yes he was a loser, but he was the only loser I had who actually loved me. I sighed and took his hand, moving over to cuddle into his side and he smiled a big cheesy smile and wrapped his arm around me. It was moments like this that I did crave his comfort, that's what he gave me when we first met, and every since, he's been there for me. I sighed and laid against his chest, hoping and waiting for this night to end, and then it would be just 2 more days. That's all I was waiting for, to leave here. Since I've met these guys all over again, it's like I'm being judged like I was back then, and I did not want that. I wanted to be anywhere but here, suffering my horrible life instead of hearing about who's a director, and who's a doctor. It wasn't impressing me at all.

I groaned at the annoying voice of the worst person that could possibly even be here. Tyler Carter, going on and on about all the places he's visited. All the planes he's ever been on and all the people he's met while being on the planes. I felt Vic's hand rub my back soothingly and it was almost enough to calm me down, I'll say again, almost. There was still Tyler's annoying voice of how he got to travel to Canada, Europe, Africa, Japan, etc. and I just, I've had enough.

"Did you know that when you land in Moscow that..." He started, but I interrupted him.

"Can you just please, shut up!" I yelled at him, sitting up in the process and having everyone look at me. "I am so, tired, of your voice." I said, cringing at it some and they all looked at me angrily.

"Well at least he's happy about what he gets to do, leave him alone." Gerard said and I chuckled, looking at him.

"Oh, that's rich coming from a cartoonist who doesn't make a f.ucking dime!" I yelled at him and Vic put his hand on my thigh.

"Hey, why don't we go in the house?" He asked and I pushed his hand away.

"No, I don't want to go. They all think they're so much better than everyone, what with all their amazing jobs, and extravagant lifestyles." I said in an over exaggerated voice.

"Well, we all can't run around after snot nosed brats for a living." Onision said and I got up, having Vic pull on my arm to sit back down, but I pulled away.

"You know, every single one of you has your pretty noses shoved so far up each other's a.ssholes, that I hope you all go to hell that same way. Spending the rest of your life smelling each other's s.hitty asses like you do now!" I yelled, started to seethe and then looking around at each of them, hearing Brendon start to laugh.

"What a dummy." He exclaimed, laughing harder. I couldn't help my anger that started to escalate.

"You know what Mr. Good Looking, Mr. Man of the Year, Mr. Popular News Anchor, I will take a mic and shove it so far up your-"

"You'd like that, wouldn't you sissy boy." As soon as he said that, I ran towards him, walking over people, trying to reach him before being caught by Jack.

"Let me go, let me the f.uck go Jack!" I yelled at him, but he wouldn't let me go, so I turned around and punched him in the nose, making him let go and as soon as I flung myself at Brendon, I was caught in the arms of Andy. I started to kick and scream, trying to be let go. "I'm going to kill you Urie, I'm going to slather your blood over everything, just wait and see!"

No sooner than those words left my mouth, there was a huge boom, and I jumped in Andy's arms, having him turn around to try and find the source. I tapped his shoulder to sit me down, and he waited until Vic came to sit me down. He looked around and so did I, looking at Vic who seemed worried and then looked down at me. Everyone was doing hushed murmurs as we all tried to figure out what was going on, where that sound came from. I felt Vic's hand grab ahold of mine, and then boom, there it was again. Sparks flying, a fire erupting, and trees falling, branches flying everywhere. I was pulled down by Vic and he covered my head as we watched the fire rain over our heads and I shuddered at the spine tingling screams that followed. I suppose when everything was clear, Vic moved off of me, and I stood up, looking at the fire. 3 trees were brought down and in a total blaze at the end of the driveway, and there stood a giant hole that the trees were held in.

"Hold on, I've got to get a look at this." Vic said and I grabbed hold of his hand tighter.

"No, don't go. It could, you know, blow up again." I told him and he looked at the fire with bright eyes and I knew he wanted to get closer.

"I'll go look." Andy said, jogging over to get a closer glimpse of it. I watched him as he got as close as he could, shielding his face from the fire with his arm. He held it up there, looking at the fire as he walked around, starting to cough and fan away the smoke. "It's too deep to cross." He yelled back and I looked at Vic.

"The driveway was held up by columns underneath, now that there is a hole with trees piled in it, it's going to be nearly impossible for us to cross." He explained to me and I watched as Andy looked at the trees once more, before he himself got blown back in the driveway and there was yet, another explosion.

"Andy!" I heard Ashley yell out and I looked back at him, seeing him about to run after Andy, but he was being held back by Josh.

"Vic, you have to go make sure he's okay." I said softly, with my best puppy eyes and he nodded, going over to assist him. I watched as he went over to Andy's side, picking him up and helping him come back over to us, limping. He sat Andy on the nearest blanket and looked the partially bloody body over.

"Who here is a doctor again?" Vic asked and Austin stood up, making his way over to Andy's body. I moved over towards Vic who opened his arms up for me.

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