Why Worry (Fifth Book To Coun...

By ChloeWeirdness

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What will happen if Lilly and Spencer get married? Will things get crazy or will it help them out more and mo... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine (Part One)
Chapter Thirty (Part 2)

Chapter Seventeen

115 5 4
By ChloeWeirdness

*Couple days later*

*Lilly's P.O.V*

We caught the unsub and we were heading back home. I think those few days for Spencer was hell. I was a basic bitch to him. I don't know how he is going to put up with that for nine more months. J.J said this was her last case since she was leaving because she was pregnant. I was very sad about this. This bitch is suppose to help me through this shit. I mean seriously? 

Sorry hormones talking. They make me bring out my inner sassy. J.J said I was only a phone call away if I ever needed anything.

Right now we are on the jet heading back home. Did I mention that my best friend Morgan almost died!

Yeah. The unsub took a shot at me and I really thought it was going to hit me, but Morgan came in and it hit him in the leg. Reid was back at the police station. Anyway that is why we all waited. He is on crutches for a couple days but he is okay. 

I was in my seat reading, and listening to music. Spencer was getting himself some coffee. Soon Spencer came back. I took an earphone out.

"What are you reading?" He asked me.

"The Knife of Never Letting Go," I said without looking up. He kisses my cheek. I smiled. I put my bookmark on the page I was on.

"Hey," He whispers.

"I am sorry for being a bitch," I said. He smiles.

"I know what for," He says. "But I don't mind." He pecks my lips. I smiled and he sat straight up in his seat.


*Lilly's P.O.V*

We got off the jet and we were at the BAU in the elevator. We finally got up to floor six. 

"I have five files to go through," I said.

"I have eight," Spencer says as we walked over to our desks. 

"That is because I slipped two into yours," I said. He looks at me and I laughed. I sat down and started going through the files like I always do. I was finish within minutes. I got up and got my stuff. Morgan came over on his crutches. I smiled.

"You gonna tease me because I'll go all bitchy on you," I joked. He laughs.

"No, I just wanted to talk," He says. I smiled. 

"Okay, oh yeah, I almost forgot. I have to talk about Mary's eighth birthday coming up," I said. Morgan was helping me with the party. He was the only one who knew about it so far.

"Yeah, you better go talk to Hotch about that," He says.

"What did you want to talk to me about?" I asked him before I left.

"Just that," He says. I smiled. 

"Is Savannah coming Saturday?" I asked him. 

"I hope so," He says. I smiled. I walked away and up the stairs to Hotch's office. I knocked on the door. He looked up at me and smiled.

"Lilly. What can I do for you?" He asked me. "Please take a seat." I smiled and sat across from him.
"Well as you know Mary's birthday is coming up and I wanted her to spend it here with all of you guys. Since you guys are family," I said.

"Yes I know that," He says.

"So I was wondering if we could have it here. Just you and the team and a couple friends of hers," I said.

"Well of course," He says. I smiled.

"Great. Thank you Hotch," I said.

"Anytime," He says. I get up and walked out. Spencer came up to me and pecked my lips.

"What was that all about?" He asked me.

"I just asked Hotch to have the party for Mary here," I said. 

"That's amazing news," He says.

"I know it is," I said. "I'll go tell J.J and Garcia. You tell the rest." He nodded and pecked my lips. Soon I ran into Garcia's lair to see her in there. Along with J.J

"Hey sunshine," She says.

"Hey Garcia, J.J What are you doing Saturday?" I asked her. They looked at me.

"Nothing," J.J says.

"Nothing. Are we having a girls day!" She asked me pretty excited.

"No," I said.

"Aww," She says.

"I was wondering if you guys wanted to come to Mary's eighth birthday. Its here," I said.

"I would love to come," Both of them said. I smiled.

"Great," I said. I walked back out to see Spencer walked up to me.

"They all said yes, how about J.J and Garcia?" Spence asked me.

"They said they would come too," I said. He pecked my lips. 

"I just hope she has a wonderful time," He says. I nodded. We walked to the elevator and got inside. Holding hands.

Just like the first time we dated.


*Lilly's P.O.V*

We got home to see Mary waiting for us. 

"Mommy daddy!" She says. She hugs Spencer. Spencer picked her up.

"Hi hunny. Who are you inviting to your birthday party?" Spencer asked her.

"Henry, Jasmine, Jack, Jessica, and Austin," She says. Spencer looked at her.

"Who is this Austin?" Spencer asked her.

"A friend that I like," She says. Spencer looked at me as I chuckled.

"What about boys have cooties?" He asked her. She shrugs.

"This one is different," She says. She gets down.

"Here comes the over protective dad thing," I said.

"You think?" He asks me. I laughed. We both walked in the house.


"I'm not concerned with you liking or disliking me... All I ask you is that you respect me as a human being. 

-Jackie Robinson"

Next chapter will be about Mary's birthday party. Spencer is getting to be an overprotective dad. lol. I have been very busy with school but i have Thursday and Friday off this week so I might be able to update this week too. YAY. Love you all.  

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