
Galing kay vechkinfan1

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What if you were one of the reasons the world ended. That your actions have caused the dead to walk among the... Higit pa

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42

Chapter 29

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Galing kay vechkinfan1

"What?" Daryl's brow raised as he stared at me. His grip on the car door loosening.

Maybe this wasn't a good time to tell him. Maybe there wasn't ever a good time to say what I just did. Judging by his face, he was confused to why I even said it. Obviously he didn't feel the same as I do. Really I should have expected this, I mean its the apocalypse and Daryl might have just wanted me around for the company.

"Nothing." I shook my head quickly, and rounded the front of the truck. Giving one last look at him before I pulled open the door and slid inside. "It's nothing, so lets just go."

Heaving a sigh I diverted my gaze when he slowly climbed in and started the truck. The engine roared to life and soon the buildings that were outside my window were flying by as we got the hell out of this stupid city.

My fingers tapped against the window ledge as my eyes followed the landscape. But I really wasn't looking at anything in particular, I was trying to focus on the dim reflection of myself in the window. I looked like hell, blood covered my face and my eyes were swollen and red. Making me look like I haven't slept in ages... Which was actually the case.

On occasion I could see Daryl's figure peek in my direction, looking over me silently. He'd never say anything though and just go back to focusing on the road.

The car ride was awkwardly quiet the rest of the way through the city. Neither one of us saying anything, basically keeping to ourselves.

I was just thankful the car ride out was better. We didn't have to deal with many walkers, just the occasional one that was laying in the middle of the street. But Daryl did his best to drive around them when he could.

"Had." Looking up from the window I heard Daryl's voice. Even though he addressed me I didn't look over at him. I was afraid of what I'd see on his face.

"Yeah?" I quietly answered, my hands instantly dropping into my lap. Letting my fingers loosely intertwine together.

"'Bout earlier. Did ye mean what ye said?" He asked as he awkwardly cleared his throat.

"It was nothing Daryl. I'd just like to forget about it, if that's ok with you." Breathing out a heavy breath, I finally got the nerve to look over at him.

He was staring at the road ahead of us, his left hand on the steering wheel, his right rubbing the back of his neck.

"Ye know as well as me Had, ye can't say somethin' like that and just expect a guy to forget 'bout it." He spoke as he flipped the headlights of the truck on. Brightening the road we were traveling down.

"Well it was stupid of me to have said it in the first place Daryl." I muttered, as I ran my hand down my face in frustration.

I was hoping Daryl would drop this, and just focus on getting us back to the group. But when I felt the truck slowing down I knew that hope was only a dream, and obviously he really wanted to talk about this.

Keeping my eyes on the road, I watched as he pulled the truck down a dirt path leading us off the main street. Driving us into a small wooded area that kept the truck concealed.

My heart was beating through my chest when he finally turned off the engine. The palms of my hands were sweaty and it felt like I was going to explode. I've never felt like this before and the only reason why I did was because of one person... Daryl Dixon. He was the one person I cared for in this world and I could have just screwed it up with my big mouth.

"Why ye say its stupid?" After a few moments of silence Daryl spoke.

When I didn't answer him, he gripped my arm roughly and turned me so I was facing him. His eyes were turned down and his lips drawn into a thin line. Making my heart sink even more.

"Will ye just say somethin' Had. Jesus I ain't yelling at ye, I just wanna know if ye really meant it." Feeling his thumb gently rub circles on the skin of my arm, I looked up at him.

Letting out my breath, I closed my eyes for a moment. Just the simple soft touch of his fingers against me, had me calming down. Calming down enough to talk to him at least.

"It's stupid because I shouldn't have said it to you. Not in this world." Shaking my head, I finally gave him my answer. "It was my one rule and I broke it into a million pieces as soon as I met you."

"Ye rule not to get attached? Well I hate to tell ye Had but its kinda late for that." Daryl placed his against the steering wheel, looking out into the wooded area we were parked in. "I ain't one for feelin's but ye important to me. To damn important for ye to say what we got is stupid."

I was slightly taken aback by what I heard. Shock was defiantly an understatement for what I was feeling at the moment. Frankly Daryl was never one for expressing feelings so openly. He'd kiss and hug me, but he never really expressed his feelings for me beyond that. Which was fine by me... It's the end of the world, people aren't looking for long term commitments anymore.

When I didn't say anything I saw his grip on the steering wheel tighten. Making his knuckles slowly turn white.

"I didn't say what we have is stupid." I slid over to him slowly, making sure he was ok with me this close to him. So when he didn't push me away, I figured it was fine. "I said what I told you back there was stupid. I shouldn't have told you that I love you, but I was just overwhelmed thinking about how Shane died, and how it could have been you Daryl."

"Ye that concerned I can't handle myself?" Despite the seriousness in his voice a smile tugged at the corner of his lips.

Rolling my eyes, I gently hit his shoulder with my good hand. Letting a smirk quickly form on my face.

"I'm not worried that you can't handle yourself. I'm worried about the people out there, I don't trust them." Taking a breath, I let my hand rest against his leg.

Feeling his body stiffen at my touch, I quickly removed my hand. Resting it back against the material of my jeans. Letting my fingers splay out.

"Well ye got reason not to trust them idiots out there." Leaning his head down he found my gaze. "Ye ain't have to worry Had, it'd be a cold day in hell before a Dixon died." He calmly said as his hand grabbed ahold of mine.

I watched as he gently placed my hand back on his leg. But he didn't pull away, he kept his hand on top of mine, his thumb tracing circles in my skin. Just that simple motion had the worry consuming me slowly dissipate.

"If you say so Dare." I shrugged and leaned against his side. My hand gently squeezing his thigh as I laid my head back on the head rest.

"I do say so." He said, bringing his hand up and tilting my head towards him. Looking into his blue eyes I almost got lost in the moment.

We sat there a few seconds before his fingers ran through my loose hair. Taking a fist full of it he gently tugged on it pulling me closer to him. A small moan left my lips as they brushed against his. I wasn't usually a fan of people pulling on my hair, but the way Daryl did it was just a massive turn on.

Closing my eyes I crashed my lips against Daryl's. My lips moving with his in a heated moment. Despite being in a cramped truck, we still managed. Pulling on my hair again, he moved my head so he had better excess. So his tongue could trace along my lips, begging me to let him in.

Opening my mouth his tongue quickly met mine. Letting them dance together heatedly as his hand shifted my body slowly.

Breaking away from him, I finally opened my eyes to see his face hovering over me. My back was now on the seat of the truck, my legs pressed against the door. Daryl's body laying on top of mine carefully.

As I gazed up at him, seeing how his eyes held something different. It wasn't the cold, hard Daryl laying with me. It was the real Daryl, one where I could read his every expression in just the slightest change of his movements.

Reaching up I gently pulled his head back down to mine. But instead of his lips finding mine again, he buried his face against my neck. Letting the scruff on his chin rub against my sensitive skin. Sending shivers down my body.

As he gently kissed on my neck, I let my hand wander to his back. Tracing the fabric line with my fingers until I found the frayed edge. Snaking their way under his shirt, my hands ran along the bare skin of his back. The small contact had Daryl groaning into the crock of my neck and his kiss got more urgent.

Smiling to myself I let my fingers wander across his skin more. But I stopped when I felt the familiar raised skin, that I only knew to be from a scar. There were several long areas of this and it had me instantly stopping.

"Dare." I breathed out, causing him to stop what he was doing and look at me.

"Ain't nothin', just the past Had." He nuzzled against my cheek.

"Can I see?" He raised a brow, but he nodded.

Pulling away from me, he started unbuttoning his shirt. My eyes following his hands as the worked down to the bottom. Once he was done he slipped out of it an threw it on the dash board not caring where it landed.

Staring at him, I noticed a couple of tattoos that covered his skin. Then in the reflection of the car window I noticed a bigger tattoo covering his back. His back that was also littered with large, dark scars.

"Turn ye off or somethin'?" His smile fell when he asked. But I quickly shook my head.

"No, not at all." I smiled big and pulled him down on top of me again.

This time forcefully pressing my lips to his, as his hands tugged at the bottom of my shirt. Moving my lips with his I shifted allowing him to pull my shirt up slightly. My sling preventing him from pulling it off all together though.

As we kissed, I felt his fingers running along the scars on my stomach. The ones that matched his perfectly. It's was actually kind of ironic that both the broken and beaten people were out fighting to find some hope in this unforgiving world. When the people who never seen the bad end of a situation sat back and never offered. But I guess that's what makes Daryl and I who we are.

Daryl's kissing got more urgent, pulling me from my thoughts. His body pushing onto mine, so we were close as possible. But also allowing me to feel his hard member against my thigh. Instantly I pushed him away.

By the look on his face he seemed utterly confused as to why I did this. But I needed to stop this before it went to far. Really I needed to stop this while I was still thinking clearly, because any longer I would have went along with anything.

"What's wrong?" He asked, concern flashing through his eyes.

"We don't have protection, and I really don't want to get pregnant." At the speed Daryl got off me, it would have seemed that I just told him I had some kind of disease. It was actually quite amusing.

Sitting up, I fixed my shirt while Daryl pulled his back on. My eyes sneaking a few glances at him when I finished. His face was scrunched up in what I assumed was frustration, until he got the last button on his shirt hooked. Allowing him to finally look over at me.

"Sorry for ruining the moment." I frowned.

"Ye ain't ruined it." Running a hand through his disheveled hair, a small smile formed. "Ain't planning on being a father any time soon." Turning away from me, he started the truck back up. Letting the engine noise fill the night air.

But before he put the truck in reverse he grabbed a hold of my arm and slid myself into the side of him. So I was tucked away under his arm. Looking up at him I smiled, watching him search my face for something. But it was the old Daryl now, what ever we had a few moments ago was now gone and the ability to read him gone along with it.

"I love ye lots Had." He leaned down and gently placed his lips to mine before pulling away.

"I love you too Dare, love you more then anything in this world." I smiled and leaned my head against his shoulder.

Putting the car in reverse he quickly pulled out of the small clearing and back out onto the street. Without hesitation he shifted the car into drive an we were back on our way to the cabin. Where Merle had taken everyone. Hopefully he gotten them there safely and we could enjoy some time in the woods. Away from people, away from walkers and try to rebuild some form of a life.

About a hour into our drive, Daryl finally pulled himself out of his thoughts long enough to speak to me.

"Maybe I can find us somethin' and we can finish what we started back there." Raising a brow, he smirked at me. Making sure I knew what he was thinking.

"I'd like that." I said, as I mimicked his smirk.


After a twelve hour drive, we finally pulled down a dirt driveway The mailbox at the front, read Dixon in red painted on letters. So I knew we were close.

"What we say 'bout Shane?" Daryl asked as we finally rounded a small bend in the road that instantly revealed a fairly large cabin.

"The truth.... That he died saving us." Running a hand through my hair, I began to worry if anyone would think we purposely let Shane die. But the only person who might think that was Andrea and she was never really an fan of me to start with. So no matter what I'd be blamed for his death.

Coming to a stop outside the cabin, I saw Carol on the porch hanging up some laundry. Maggie and Glenn were in the yard, fixing up the small fence that outlined the property. But once they saw the truck they were instantly on their way over.

Kicking open the door, I hopped down onto the gravel covered ground. Smiling when I felt Carols arms wrap around my shoulders.

"We thought the worst when you didn't come back." She was almost in tears when she spoke, making it hard to understand.

"Look what the cat drug in." My head snapped up, seeing Merle standing on the porch looking between Daryl and myself. "Glad ye sorry asses are back, these people been driving me fucking insane." He laughed, and wandered down the steps and over to Daryl.

"Yeah." He muttered and patted his brothers back before making his way round to me.

"Where's Shane? Did you find something there?" We were being bombarded with questions and they were questions I had answers for but I knew they weren't answers any of them wanted to hear.

"Shane didn't make it..." I breathed out, unable to look at the group when I said it. But I felt Daryl arm lay against my shoulder, in some reassurance.

"No lose there." Merle chuckled. "He plan on killin' ye anyways. We ain't need him for nothin'." He quickly spoke up, trying his best to make this situation better.

But when I heard the screen door on the house slam shut I knew who it was.

"He didn't make it." Looking up at Andrea I saw her eyes giving me a death glare.

"No he didn't, but he died protecting us." I calmly stated, trying to keep my anger in check.

"Yeah, keep telling yourself that Hadley. What ever makes yourself sleep better at night." She spat in hatred. Making everyone go quiet.

That's when I lost my cool. She had no right to judge when she never put herself in danger for anyone in his group.

"Then why didn't you go with us, risk your life for a chance of a cure. For some stupid pipe dream that never existed." I demanded. But I knew she wouldn't have anything to say to that.

She scowled at me from the porch, letting her foot kick around a small piece of rock.

Pushing past everyone I headed in her direction. My feet running up on the porch, so I was fast to face with her.

"Hey, ye two yuppies get to ye own corners. We ain't need fightin' right now." Merle stood between us, despite Andrea being on the porch. But it was different from what I thought he was going to say. 'Bring out the popcorn baby brother and let's watch these two fine pieces of ass duke it out.'

Merle has defiantly changed, since the last time I saw him. But it was for the good, he was becoming a leader now. Something this group really needed now that Rick was morning Lori.

Rolling her eyes, Andrea fixed her cowboy hat before turning around. Her shoulder hitting mine roughly as she made her way to the door.

"You better watch yourself Hadley. Not everyone here likes you, and if you aren't careful it's going to get you killed." With one evil smirk she disappeared into the house.

Her threat was quiet, so only I would hear it. But it was crystal clear. Andrea was pissed Shane was dead and I was someone she could put the blame on and if that meant killing me over it, I don't think it bother her in the least.


Hope you guys enjoy this chapter! I'm not to sure about it so please tell me what you think! What do you think about Daryl and Hads relationship? Is Merle becoming the new group leader? Do you think Andrea might kill Had over Shane??? Please comment and let me know! I love the feed back as always!!!

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