" Love Untitled " ~ The Road...

Por iamQVEEN

507K 15.8K 3.9K

Psyche Alexis Amandi-Ernestine Saavedra hungered for great revenge and she saw him as the best ticket to plot... Mais

BOOK 5 > Ch. 3 ~THE GAME~
BOOK 5 > Ch. 5 ~KISS~
BOOK 5 > Ch. 11 ~I.D NI GENIE (GENIE'S I.D)~
BOOK 5 > Ch. 11 ~I.D NI GENIE (GENIE'S I.D)GIF, pictures and videos~
BOOK 5 > Ch. 12 ~ROUND ONE~
BOOK 5 > Ch. 12 ~ROUND ONE GIF, pictures and videos~
BOOK 5 > Ch. 13 ~CAN'T BUY THE GINNY GIF, pictures and videos~
BOOK 5 > Ch. 14 ~PURPLE HEART GIF,pictures and videos~
BOOK 5 > Ch. 15 ~BANG BANG, GORILLA GIF,pictures and videos~
BOOK 5 > Ch. 16 ~INVITATION ACCEPTED GIF,pictures and videos~
BOOK 5 > Ch. 17 ~FIGHTING IT GIF, pictures and videos~
BOOK 5 > Ch. 19 ~VIOLET~
BOOK 5 > Ch. 19 ~VIOLET GIF, pictures and videos~
BOOK 5 > Ch. 19 ~VIOLET GIF, pictures and videos~
BOOK 5 > Ch. 19 ~VIOLET GIF, pictures and videos~
BOOK 5 > Ch. 20 ~REPEAT~
BOOK 5 > Ch. 24 ~THE CHAOS~
BOOK 5 > Ch. 26 ~CRAZIER~
BOOK 5 > Ch. 27 ~TRAPPED~
BOOK 5 > Ch. 28 ~TANGLED~
BOOK 5 > Ch. 29 ~RUN~
BOOK 5 > Ch. 30 ~BURN~
BOOK 5 > Ch. 31 ~LOVE STORY~
BOOK 5 > Ch. 32 ~BRUISED~
BOOK 5 > Ch. 34 ~CHAINED~
BOOK 5 > Ch. 38 ~THE WIFE~
BOOK 5 > Ch. 39 ~PARENTING 101~
BOOK 5 > Ch. 45 ~RICOCHET~
BOOK 5 > Ch. 46 ~WEAKNESS~
BOOK 5 > Ch. 48 ~SCARED~
BOOK 5 > Ch. 49 ~OXYTOCIN~
BOOK 5 > Ch. 51 ~NOPE~
BOOK 5 > Ch. 55 ~I'M SORRY~


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Por iamQVEEN

"If love was a story book, we'd met on the very first page."

~Crazy love quotes~


Psyche's attention was directly focused on what the CEO was saying, while both of her hands were effectively typing even without looking at the laptop. Mrs Geneva Castro was on her right side too, as she made it sure that she'll be most available when she had questions. The woman whose elegance cannot be contained even if she's six months pregnant was there to guide her, making it sure that Psyche will not commit any single mistake as the CEO's Executive Assistant on her first day.

Psyche needed a hand. Of course. But as if she will falter and commit unwanted errors as Rafa Armand's aide. Definitely, no. Ten years ago, the moment she plotted revenge, she diligently studied all the areas of being a part of Rainbow Inc as an employee. Specially when a door opened for her when one of her friends who works as part of Finance Department inside the said company informed her that Mrs Nadia Briones-Rivera will temporarily leave her post because she needed to take good care of some family matters abroad. Immediately, she applied and passed. Bringing with her all the experiences the job description required, Psyche made it sure that she will fit the job.

Unaware of the almost golden pair of eyes who was scanning Psyche the moment she entered the board room, Richard Armani eyed his elder brother's new Executive Secretary who owned the most curvaceous set of booty ass. Not only that, her fitted navy blue dress emphasized her ever delicious angles and he wondered if Ms Saavedra was even aware of it.

Richard Armani feasted on the tanned beauty who was seated in front of him, while he was absentmindedly toying a pen around his right finger and his back relaxed against his chair. Without a shame, not minding the other managers and board members around him, the Vice President openly surveyed Psyche as if he bought every right to do so. As his eyes scanned Psyche's pouty lips, her exposed neck, then down her collarbone, Richard Armani's hand stopped from playing the pen, as the object was next brought to the man's lips. By the time that he was contemplating on Ms Saavedra's tanned skin on her chest nearest her bosom, the preoccupied VP began biting the pen. Once again, his lightest of brown eyes went back to scrutinize Psyche's face.

Not bad. Not bad at all. The newest lady on the block is one helluva looker, Richard Armani wondered how would she look once she's out of the shower, all wet and dripping while a tiny towel is wrapped around her length, cleavage and rounded thighs on display...

Psyche was engrossed in fulfilling her duties. She wouldn't allow anyone to question her motives and had her long time plot revenge exposed. For a decade, she had waited for this time to happen and it did. Now that she had successfully penetrated inside the Castro's lives, she will not give herself a reason to fail. For herself and for her father. The remembrance of her deceased father brought a large lump on her throat. Her hands stopped from typing, while she needed to steady herself so that she could go back and focus on what Rafa Armand was discussing.

Psyche's eyes needed to rest for a second. So she thought to look away from the laptop in front of her and maybe blink a little. The moment that she looked up, was also the same moment when she caught the Vice President who was seated in front of her, was by then without any humiliation, thickly staring at her. Every bones in Psyche's face froze as she thought that the CEO's young brother should inhibit embarrassment just because he was caught staring. The man didn't. In Fact, the moment he realized that she was staring back, he shamelessly directed a smirk at her, hot dimples on top. Psyche thought her heart went out of her underwear. But just to make the situation worst for her, his almost golden eyes stared more as if the man was taking his time enjoying this exchange between the two of them. And damn that pen in between his lips. He was moving them as he was displaying to her his talent in French kissing? She even thought that he saw his tongue playfully pushing the pen in between his teeth from left to right! And if she's not really going nuts, why the hell was she openly watching his tongue play that pen? As if Richard Armani could read her, he winked at her and silently chuckled to himself.

Psyche's cheeks warmed. Damn her! The dimpled Vice President is a walking flirt bag and she's being coaxed to be seduced? What was she thinking?! Pulling herself out of embarrassment that she was not yet ready to admit, Psyche grunted and once again switched her attention to her job. Her pulse was racing the moment she began answering the CEO's chat box. Her boss is a multi-tasker. He was firing some asses while chatting with her too.

" What do you think, Sir Vice President? I need your opinion on this matter. "

Rafa Armand's baritone voice boomed as he stood from his seat, bringing with him his coffee. The man was quite not in the mood this afternoon. Their mother, the legal owner of Rainbow Inc, skyped them minutes ago and was erupting like Mt. Vesuvius and was biting everyone with her fangs just because she was angered.

Everyone eyed the man whose focus was still directed on Psyche. Then there was silence. The people around him was waiting on what Richard Armani has to say. The moment he realized that the spotlight was on him, Richard Armani's back straightened. No, he didn't hear nor understand what was asked of him. He was so busy with something else. Busy enjoying seducing someone. Particularly the tanned woman who still had an ability to flush red when he caught her staring back. Bloody Mary, it was so nice to find out that this era could still produce women who could easily reddened, given that she's tanned. He looked at his elder brother who was arching an eyebrow at him.

" What was it that you are asking again? "

Richard Armani asked, his handsome face was a picture that gave an impression that his mind was somewhere else. He was about to see his brother frown on him, when his chat box told him that he had a new message. Totally ignoring Rafa Armand, Richard Armani realized the new message came from Psyche. He bit his lower lip before reading it.

Psyche Alexis Amandi-ernestine Saavedra - Exec. Sec. CEO Office: Sir, CEO asked you if you will hire an Auditor from another Vendor!

Richard Armani looked at the woman who seemed to understand that he was under pressure just because the hottest Vice President alive was about to get himself embarrassed because he was doing something else that didn't concern his corporate duties. Psyche was not looking at him. She was silently saving his ass from his brother. When Richard Armani looked at his brother, he cast him his sweetest smile, as if Rafa Armand was not looking at him like he was about to wring his neck.

" Of course, Sir CEO. My apologies. Allow me to explain how I see it. Hiring an external auditor..."

Richard Armani began speaking and Psyche caught herself absorbed of how the way the Vice President carried himself. While he was not flirting, he was executing ruling an empire. Dear heavens, help her stop checking and evaluating how Richard Armani looked so freaking hot under those corporate suit. Understatement, just so understatement. Richard Armani Montgomery Castro is the living meaning of what a real, extremely handsome man is. Damnit, the man should be arrested for carrying his face around mortals. It was just lethal. Lethal for her and for the things that she wants to accomplish.

Psyche, breathe out heavily. Yeah, this is not going to be easy. When she started checking her laptop, she was surprised that she received a reply from the man who had the skill in seducing her even when he was not doing anything at all.

Richard Armani M. Castro - Vice President : Report to me after the meeting. We will talk. Just the two of us.

And for some sick reason she cannot start to explain, Psyche's heart went back to her chest, endlessly spun itself as it banged against the bones of her rib cage, then stayed at the pit of her stomach and flew there.

She asked for this, right? She wanted and devised for this to happen. It was so easy for her to get herself close to the man she thought she'll have a hard time catching his attention. But then, she was wrong. Flirting with Richard Armani was such a walk in the park, he easily gave in even without her showing any skin. Good Mother Earth, he is a man whore. A give away. So, now that Prince Charming is about to fall on her set of trap, is she even ready for it? Better yet, how sure is she that she'll not be trap on her own dangerous game?



Psyche took a long, hard inhaled breathe, while standing in front of the Vice President's office. She's deranged to even think that she could pull this through. Madre mia, she's a certified, legalized and licensed virgin at the age of twenty four! No boyfriend since Genesis! And to think that she braved getting inside Richard Armani's head? What the hell was she thinking?! That man will eat her guts and soon, he will uncover her motives and plotted vengeance. And he will make her regret that she even existed.

She exhaled loudly as if she could turn her back now. Unfortunately, she already chose to complicate her life and to back off now is something that she couldn't do anymore. Getting herself hired at the most prestigious company in Asia was quite tough. She can't chicken out now.

Then a flash of what happened a few years ago began zooming in as if to remind her of the main reason why she was standing outside the Vice President's office. Psyche's face hardened. Both of her hands on her side balled in great anger. She shut her eyes close as the prompting of yesterday slashed her heaving chest just because it was not easy to forget that his father died because she didn't have a single penny in her pocket and was underage.

When Psyche opened her eyes, the renewed surge of hatred filled her and she knew she can't stop by just seducing the second son of the socialite Madame Olivia Jean M. Castro. Yes, she will make sure that everyone involve will pay like shit.

After Psyche applied her expensive perfume just at the back part of her earlobes and both on her wrists, she summoned all the courage that she could get and knocked on the V.P's wooden door. His Executive Secretary told her that she can knock anytime. Then she heard the baritone voice inside spoke, telling her to come in.

When Psyche opened the door and welcomed herself in, Richard Armani was speaking to someone on his mobile while he stood near the glassed wall. Immediately, he flashed her his all dimpled smile and as much as Psyche mentally kicked her face, she can't help but melt as if she was a marshmallow on top of a bonfire. Richard Armani didn't take his eyes off her while he continued on a conversation through his cellphone. She melted even more.

" Attorney, I'll hang up on you now. I need to... attend to an emergency. "

Richard Armani said as his eyes roamed the woman's length. He ended the call without even waiting for Atty. Titus Santos' response.

Psyche Saavedra stood on the middle part of his office and she looked like a modern goddess who visited him to beg him to make love to her. Her hair was worn loosely as the soft curls shaped her tight breast. Her small hips emphasized on top of her voluptuous hips and thighs. And yes, the face. The face that could cause a king to kneel and pay her praises. Psyche Saavedra almost looked arrogant, yet her pointed nose and pouty lips smoothens all the femininity that the woman has. Then there's the pair of dark eyes. No, he can't read that part of her. But it beats him. She was looking at him with all the fire and intensity he wanted to understand. But why in the world he wanted to acknowledge what's in her mind, when all Richard Armani wanted to do is to get inside her underwear? That's all that matters. She made it apparent that she likes him too? And who does not? Not that he's being conceited. He just knew it the moment their eyes collided when he first saw her when she was being interviewed by his sister-in-law in her office. Encouraging her to share his bed for a one night stand wouldn't be so difficult at all.

" Hi, Ms Psyche Amandi-ernestine Saavedra? Great name! How are you? "

Richard Armani said as he slowly walked to her direction. The woman greeted him with a small nod as her face remained void of emotions.

" I'm good. Thank you for asking. I hope you feel the same. "

Psyche's back straightened even more. She needed to focus. She should concentrate on her primary goal that she needed for the man to swoon over her, to drool over her, to bow and follow her every will just because her anger was fueled at the thought that Karma Chamelion was rather slow in punishing the people who aggravated her. Money. These people can even buy Karma. Very well, she cannot be bought and she will be their walking Karma.

But then again, there was her mega idiot heart again, it was somersaulting like a loco while Richard Armani stopped just in front of her as he flashed her that smile that had her blood warming.

" Do I feel the same way? Got me curious, Ms Saavedra. Do you even have the slightest idea how you made me feel just by looking at you staring at the pen in my tongue, while the rest of them were discussing Rainbow Incorporated? "

Richard Armani drawled, he extended his right hand and lightly brushed his knuckles on her right cheek. Psyche thought she literally jumped out of her skin. That simple contact electrified every sleeping fiber her bones owned. Her initial reaction was to step backward.

" Mr Castro... Excuse me? "

She asked almost looking calmly. Her face and neck in full blast red. But of course she knew what the large guy was pertaining to. But she's about to control this mind game and she will not make a Castro win. Richard Armani smirked at her as if that could make her undress the garments she was wearing.

" Ah! Let's see. Is this the part where you are going to deny your feelings for me? Com'on, Ms Saavedra. We are no longer kids just in case you feel on prolonging the spark that we felt the moment we were introduced? Playing hard to get maybe? Humor me. "

He said as his eyes danced with amusement this time. He folded his arms in front of him, those biceps were really making him look hotter. Psyche gritted her teeth in silence. She wanted to feel insulted given that the arrogance of the man was confidently elaborating to her face that she's just those easy laid women who would crawl on his feet and beg for his attention. Damn him and his vain idea that all women are of the same hue! And damn him for thinking that she belonged to those women who he can insert his long fingers inside her underwear! Fuvck sake, Richard Armani should be hanged! But hey, she's about to make him taste his poison. Psyche will play the game. She imitated him. Folded her arms in front of her and smirked as if she was wearing nothing but her naked butt.

" We only met just for a few hours, Mr Castro and you're already talking about feelings? Am I suppose to assume that between the two of us, you are rather the person who felt something for me the first time you laid your eyes on me? Well, I can't blame you. You keep on looking at my ass and chest like I was only wearing thongs! Tell you what, Mr Castro and I need you to listen very carefully... "

Psyche saw how the man's golden eyes shifted mood from normal to hyper-lust the moment she mentioned 'thongs'. Mama Mia, she must teach Mr Heartthrob a lesson on his first day encounter with her! Man whore!

Carefully, slowly, she inched her body closer to his length as she made it sure that her nose would touch his. Then her index finger began touching his lower lip, as he steadily looked at her without any intention of moving a bit. Psyche spoke in her most unadulterated, for adults only, sultry voice.

" You can keep your blue balls all to yourself, Mr Sexy. I'd rather fuvck a tree and have an everlasting relationship with it, rather than to have feelings for you. You.Are.Not.My.Type. So thanks. But no, thanks. "

Psyche frowned and made a turn to leave. Pete's sake, she's so maddened! Furious! She will make it sure that he will eat dust and weep blood in the end! But then she didn't see it coming. Mortified that she felt herself spun back just because Richard Armani was very quick enough to grab her hand that she used to taunt him. In a blink of an eye, the large man was able to snake his right hand around her waist, while his left hand supported her neck. Psyche's eye widened like disco balls when she felt her feet float on the ground and her face an inch close to him.

" You are playing a very dangerous game, Ms Saavedra! Do you even know what you got yourself into? No? Exactly! And yes, I was staring at your curvy ass and chest as if you're wearing thongs! I hope we're not going to have any problems with that! So yes, I guess I need to swallow your statement that I am not your type?! What if I tell you that I think you're a big liar? No? Then prove it! "

Richard Armani hissed like he was enraged that he was not able to catch her pricey attention. In a span of seconds, he bent his head and kissed Psyche who was about to protest. That gave him more advantage as his mouth devoured the woman's opened lips. His tongue immediately dived inside her mouth, as her muffled objection was silenced when he started french kissing her. The intensity and shock bolted from her lungs, down to her legs. Mother Theresa, the man knew on how to suck tongues! And he was sucking hers like a puppy in need of milk! Psyche, being a first timer on this kind of league stiffened, closed her eyes, her coldest hands gripped his collar. And maybe because his teeth was nipping her lower lip, she got lost in limbo and found herself catching Richard Armani's tongue. Then she imitated him. She was sucking him back, when she heard him moan lowly, his voice vibrated against her chest.

Then Psyche's better self told her that she was manipulating the man correctly. Psyche's head was still spinning, her nipples were tightening, when Richard Armani distanced himself to her. He was panting like he ran a full mile, while his eyes screamed raw lust.

" Come with me upstairs on the Penthouse. You feel that? "

He said as he brushed his lower body against her. Psyche almost moaned loudly. She knew what he's talking about when she felt his throbbing length against her thigh. Richard Armani was so hard for her, she can feel him pulsate even when both of them were wearing clothes! He was grinding himself to her and she realized her wits were already all over the office's carpeted floor.

Psyche bit her lower lip and opened her eyes.Yes... That's right... Go ahead Richard Armani, fall for me. For me flat-face on the ground. Com'on... go crazy for me, jerk!

" Mr Castro, are you asking me to have sex with you on top of your bed, legs wide open? "

Psyche smirked again, her hands on top of his chest, while her eyelashes fluttered like a woman who was pleading to be made love to. Richard Armani maliciously licked her full lips.

" Sex. Yeah. One time would not hurt, Sweet dreams. Just sex. "

Richard Armani spoke sounding like a sex-starved man, while he started kissing her neck. But then again, just as he was clouded by his extreme lust for Psyche, the woman pushed him with all her might as he stumbled back on top of a sofa. Stunned and was catching his breathe, Richard Armani looked at the woman who was standing in front of him, her eyes void of the desire she was wearing seconds ago and was by then shooting him daggers and knives instead.

" Richard Armani Montgomery Castro, for an intelligent man like you, what part of 'You.are.not.my.type.' is not clear to you? Apparently, you have feelings for me! Unfortunately, I don't see myself reciprocating. You want to have sex with me? Uh... nope. Not you. Not interested. I don't have hots for men like you. So again, keep your blue balls to yourself and go suck it! Here, "

Psyche pulled out a box of tissue from her pocket and throw it on the man's direction. Richard Armani was frowning thickly at her, when he caught the object.

" Use that. Wipe the lipstick smudges on your chin. You don't want the CEO to question you about those red marks. Good luck on your feelings for me, Mr Sexy. Don't fall for me. "

And Psyche winked at him just before she turned around to leave the seething in anger Vice President of Rainbow Inc.

A/N: Quite excited about the pervert VP and I was able to finish the chapter in two days! Whoah. I mean, it would take me a month to finish a chappy when I was falling in love with Rafa Armand. But maybe, I was just like the other authors who takes enjoyment whenever they spoil their readers! So here it is! Request granted! For those who were swooning over Richard Armani, this is the guy and I hope that you fall for him too just the way Rafa Armand stole your heart. If that is the case, can I ask for you to type in your thoughts about the guy and empowered Psyche down the comment box? Thanks in advance. Love you gays!

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