Encrypted Souls

De ChaeWinacott

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Two men, one woman. There is a choice to be made, but what if some higher force chooses for them... Mai multe

Encrypted Souls
Chapter One.
Chapter Three.
Chapter Four.
Chapter Five.
Chapter Six.
Chapter Seven.
Chapter Eight.
Chapter Nine.
Chapter Ten.
Chapter Eleven.
Chapter Twelve.
Chapter Thirteen.
Chapter Fourteen.
Chapter Fifteen.
Chapter Sixteen.
Chapter Seventeen.
Chapter Eighteen.
Chapter Nineteen.
Chapter Twenty.
Chapter Twenty-One.
Chapter Twenty-Two.
Chapter Twenty-Three.
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-five.
Chapter Twenty-Six

Chapter Two.

77 5 0
De ChaeWinacott

Chapter Two.

“That’s a pretty name, Evaline.” He smirks, turning towards the alcohol stand behind him. He grabs for a glass bottle of something on one of the higher shelves, stretching the length of his body upwards. I watch as his shirt lifts the tiniest bit, revealing a small portion of his back.

Oh, what it would feel like to dig my nails into…

What? I shake my head, not believing the images that just flashed through my head. I watch the back of his head, only to realize that the alcohol stands are propped in front of a large mirror. I catch Ethan staring at me through it, a knowing look playing in his eyes.

This just keeps getting better. How many times can I make an ass of myself? Stupid question – and I don’t even want to know the answer.

“Here, have a drink.” He turns around, placing a glass with dark liquid before me. I eye the drink with consideration, and curiosity. “You look like you could use something with a bit of a punch.”

“Uh, thanks.” I look to him, pick up my glass – and drink. The bitter bite of the alcohol hits my taste buds instantly, and I force the brown liquid down my throat – feeling the intense burn the whole way down. I cough, trying to be as discreet as possible. Ethan watches, laughing the whole time. “S-sorry, not much of a drinker.”

“Really? If you hadn’t of just told me so, I would have never guessed.” He cracks his knuckles, grinning. “Natural; that’s for sure.”

“I can see that you’re a wise guy, and to answer your earlier question… no, I am not yet mated.” I force another gulp of fiery liquid down my throat, kind of getting used to its burn.

“Ah, I see. So you’ve come to Vendri to find the lucky guy? Or just having some fun?” He pours some drinks and grabs some beers, sliding them down the length of the bar table towards the couple that had been tongue-locked.

I’m slightly taken by his blunt curiosity, but it also intrigues me to answer him. Finishing off my drink, I place it back on the table and watch him as he prepares more drinks for the servers to pick up.

“I’m not here hunting. I’ve come here with a purpose, and it’s actually a really long story – so I won’t bother boring you.” He has reminded me of my mission, and I feel a sudden pang of disgust within myself. How did I let myself get so distracted?

“I’m actually enjoying your company, Evaline. Please… enlighten this poor bar boy.” He widens his eyes and pouts his bottom lip. I can’t help myself and I am suddenly trembling in laughter.

“Oh my. That has got to be the worse puppy-dog face ever.” He sticks his tongue out at me, making me feel childish and giddy. “Alright, okay. I will tell you my story – just promise me that you will never make that face again?”

“Ah, I can’t promise you anything darling. But please, proceed.” He places another glass of the brown liquor in front of me, and I gratefully smile.

“I’m here because I need to make someone hate me.” It’s the best plan I have, and it’s all I’ve got to count on. Maybe Ethan will be able to help me somehow after I have told him everything. Maybe.

“Hate’s a strong word, love.” He quickly replies.

“Not as strong as the word love.” I arch my brow, challenging him. He slightly tilts his head, motioning for me to continue. “I was grocery shopping, and this man started talking to me.”

“Oh no! Not a man!” He dramatically raises his hands and jumps. I roll my eyes and continue, choosing to ignore his childish mocking.

“He didn’t just talk to me though, he had this look. He was staring at me, and he suddenly gasped. It was like he was seeing me allover again, except with recognition. His body had recognized me, Ethan.  He thinks that I’m his mate.” I lay my head in my hands, leaning over the table more towards him.

“That’s impossible though. Are you sure he recognized you? Maybe he just thought that you’re a hot piece of –excuse my French-ass, and couldn’t take his eyes off of you. Did you ever think that?”

If only, Ethan – if only.

The way he looked at me was much more than just lust. It was like watching my nightmare of myself finding the man I’m supposed to be mated with, unravel before my eyes. Even thinking about it now, sends shivers down my spine.

“No, I never thought that.” I take a very un-lady like swig from my glass. “And that’s because I was - and still am - certain that he thinks that I am his mate. It’s like I can feel him searching for me.” I take an anxious look over my shoulder, only to find the anticipated scenery of males and females dancing and rubbing their bodies allover each other.

“Well then, since you’re so sure that you are right… what are you going to do about it?” He eyes me as I finish the last of my drink, and I suddenly start to feel the effects of the alcohol as it continues to rush through my bloodstream.

“I’m going to show him how wrong he is.” Ethan looks at me seriously. “Let me ask you something.”

“Shoot.” He replies.

“What would happen if a female has recognized her mate, but he doesn’t accept it?”

“She would pursue him, and he would eventually give in.” He says in a flat, matter -of -fact manner. I hadn’t expected any other reply though; this is what is drilled into our heads from day one. Studies have proven that the woman will continue the hunt, and the men will eventually accept their mate – and instantly fall in love after acceptance.

“Correct. Now tell me this… what would happen if the male continued to reject, and pursued another female?” Ethan places his chin on his hand, resting his elbow on the table across from me.

“Well… I would assume that the initial female would be enraged. She would be able to feel certain bits of emotion coming from her mate. She would either become hopeless, or more determined.”

“Yes. The mate in question would be unknowingly radiating their feelings and emotions to the other. The female would be inclined to intercept and initiate the finalization of the bond between them.” I say, reciting the ‘Rituals and Mating’ text, from chapter four of our study book.

“Okay, so what are you getting at here?” His voice oozes of impatience. I can clearly see that I am starting to irritate him.

“If I am truly his mate, he will feel inclined to find me once he feels a certain emotion coming from me. He will not be able to bare the feeling, or sight of me with another male.” I tuck a curl of my hair behind my ear. “But if I am not his mate – which is clearly the situation at hand – then he will not be able to find me, nor will he feel anything but disappointment when finding me with another male.”

A small, sharp pain erupts through out my chest at the thought of being with another man. Not because of Ross – I realize, but because of Ethan. I shake my head in disbelief. Why am I feeling these things, these emotions that I have never experienced before? I only just met Ethan a few hours ago…

Oh no. It can’t be; he can’t be.

I look at him in shock, my eyes stretching as I widen them with apprehension. He looks at me quizzically, and I don’t blame him. I look past him, and into the mirror, and see myself. My face mostly pale, only rosy along my cheekbones, my eyes wide in wonder, and my lips closed tightly together – as if holding in a secret that could end the world as we know it.

“Are you alright, Ev?” His voice echoes through my ears, alerting something within me to snap out of it.

I blink a few times too many, and push my empty glass towards him. “Yes. Sorry… just got lost in thought there for a second.” He releases an audible sigh, and looks somewhat relieved. “I just hope that my plan is successful.” I say, trying to cover up my unpredicted mishap.

“Well, there’s only one way to find out -although, I’m sure your right. He’s probably just infatuated with you, and you just read too much into it.” His voice is reassuring, and I can only hope that he is right.

God so help me if he’s wrong.

“When’s your shift over?” The words come flowing out of my mouth before I even think them through. What’s wrong with me?

His eyes show the surprise that I’m feeling, but he answers quickly. “I’m done in ten, actually. Sarena will be coming in for her half of the shift any minute now.”

“Oh, that’s great.” Where am I going with this? Just what, exactly, am I brewing here?

“Yeah… why, what’s up?” He asks, washing his hands at the small sink behind the counter.

“I just thought that maybe you could help me out with my plan. I mean, obviously not intimately. But perhaps we could dance, or something?” I square my shoulders and raise my head, getting ready for the words of rejection, and the look of pity.

“I think that I could help you. Actually, after hearing your whole story, I almost feel inclined to help you. It’s a sticky situation you’ve got yourself into, love.”


A term of endearment that I would usually cringe at, as opposed to blushing like I currently am.

This is going to be a long night.

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