Never let me go-Faberry

Von Donald2345

183K 3.6K 967

I don't own this story Mehr

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65

Chapter 43

1.8K 43 16
Von Donald2345

"Good morning Quinn!"

The blonde being spoken to turns to face the owner of the voice with a look that may have caused some sever damage were it coupled with a raised eyebrow and folded arms. As it were, her arms stayed at her side.

"It's stupid o'clock. I've yet to have coffee. I'm out here with the sprinklers going for endurance' sake. My hair is wet and I haven't seen my best friend yet. No. It is not a 'good morning Quinn'."

Sam does a double take, for a second actually thinking about the possibilities of Quinn having a twin, "Oh I uh...Football practice, I'm gonna go."

As he runs off he nearly runs into Rachel.

"Good morning Samuel."

He nods his head politely, still reeling from his encounter with Scary Quinn, "Morning Rachel."

As she heads to walk towards the cheerleaders he stops her quickly, "I'd seriously stay away. Quinn's like...she's scary right now. Their coach is mad wild having them out here this early while the sprinklers are going."

Rachel nods knowingly, "Oh I know."

Sam watches her confused and intrigued. He follows her as she slips on a yellow rain jacket she was holding and continues watching as she walks up to Quinn with an easy smile on her face and a cup of what is presumably coffee.

"Good morning Quinn."

Sam's wince turns into a look of utter surprise as he sees Quinn smile at Rachel, her hazel eyes sparkling as she accepts the cup and wraps Rachel in a hug, one that Rachel returns only after her squeal of surprise.

Santana smirks as she walks up to Sam, "The Cheerios owe Rachel so much for her ability to calm the wild Quinn. Serious up no joke, she's my best friend but before Berry figured out a way to calm her down, days like these sucked beyond measure." She turns to him and fixes him with a hard gaze, "Get the fuck away from here quick afores coach catches you...she's coming. My Snix Senses are tinglin."

Sam isn't entirely sure if he should take her seriously or not, but after a beat he decides he doesn't want to risk it and he turns to jog off the field, but not before shooting one last look towards the duo. Quinn is happily running drills, a proud smirk on her face, Rachel sitting a way slightly on a bench next to a water cooler, her jacket still on, and a smile on her face as she hears Quinn shouting out orders.

What makes him almost trip and fall is the fact that he sees coach Sylvester standing up on the risers watching the whole thing with what he can only make out to be a smile, a look of sheer pride on her face.

He runs a hand through his hair as he walks into the boys' locker room to change into his football gear. Curiouser and curiouser.



The brunette throws her hands up as he eyes widen exasperatedly, "What? Hobbit I swear if you don't stop randomly yelling at me for no good reason I'm gonna-"

She doesn't get to finish as Rachel is suddenly throwing her arms around her tightly.

"What the...Rachel? Are you-Shit are you crying?"

Santana wraps her arms around the tinier brunette and holds her close. She shoots a look towards the entrance to the classroom waiting for Quinn to come running in but soon it's apparent that she isn't coming.

"Hey pequeña, what happened?"

Rachel simply clutches at her Cheerios top tighter and buries herself deeper into her embrace.

Brittany walks in at that very minute and her blue eyes widen and she rushes over, quickly wrapping her arms around the both of them. Her eyes find Santana's as she silently questions her, Santana simply looks on helplessly not knowing what the matter is.

"C-Can you take me home please?"

Both the cheerleaders' hearts break at Rachel's voice. It sounds so defeated and pained.

Santana squeezes her gently as she quietly states, "Just let me call Quinn and she can meet us-"

Rachel shakes her head adamantly, "No!"

Brittany and Santana lean back so they can look at her properly. Rachel drops her gaze to the floor and sniffs, wiping her tears away, "She's otherwise engaged right now."

Santana lifts an eyebrow but keeps her tone calm, "I'm pretty sure that she'll literally drop everything for you right this second Rachel."

The smaller brunette's shoulders start to shake and it's apparent that she starts to cry again, Santana reaches for her and pulls her close once more, running one hand up and down her back, the other holding her close as she cries into her shoulder.

Brittany is wringing her hands and looking so lost and sad that Santana almost yells at Rachel for making her look so heartbroken, but she stops herself knowing very well that Rachel would never do this on purpose. Santana locks eyes with Brittany and she gives her an encouraging smile, a small one, but one that lets the blonde know that it's going to be okay.

Brittany gently rubs her hand across Rachel's back as well before quietly slipping out of the empty classroom, silently letting Santana know that she's off to look for Quinn.

"I know this is gonna sound pretty dumb, but you never really miss sure you wanna go home?"

Rachel nods her head as her tears slowly start to fade, her voice is thick and gravely, "I really don't feel up to being there right n-now."

The taller of the two nods her head as she leans back and gently wipes away the tears from Rachel's face, giving her a small tiny smile when their eyes meet, "There you are..."

Rachel let's out her breath which is her almost laugh and Santana takes it because there's a small tug at her lips and that's close enough to a smile right now.

"Let's get you home and you can tell Auntie Tana all bout it."

Rachel simply nods her head and sighs as she drags her feet out the door, and that's when Santana knows something is seriously really bothering her because Rachel would have usually made a comment about her self-proclaimed title of Auntie Tana.

Santana loops her arm through Rachel's and they make their way to Santana's car. The taller brunette sends a quick text to let Brittany know they're in the car, and once she settles in to start it she receives a text back.

'S u need 2 come 2 the choir room. Quick. I'll take Rach home.'

Her eyebrows furrow and she shoots a quick glance to the brunette sitting in the passenger seat before quickly replying, 'bb rach is realy nt gna wan 2 stay any longer'

Before she even has a chance to hit send however Brittany is gently knocking on the window and Santana smiles softly to herself as she opens the door and gets out, "What's going on?"

Brittany shakes her head and her blue eyes are so full of worry that she shakes her head and stops her from saying anything, "It's okay Britt, just...I'll take care of it okay? Let me know where you end up taking her. I'll grab Q."

The blonde looks like she wants to say something but instead just nods her head and gets into the car, replacing Santana as the driver.

She waves at the brunette and then turns to Rachel, "Hey Ray..."

Rachel turns her head and offers her a broken yet visible smile, her voice barely above a whisper, "Hi Britt..."

The blonde silently reaches for her hand and squeezes when she feels Rachel let her take it, "I'm gonna take us home...wherever you want though...San's or mine or yours, wherever."

Rachel's bottom lip quivers slightly and she just nods her head, "Ok...yours please?"

Brittany nods her head and shifts the car into gear before once again reaching for Rachel's hand.


As Santana busts through the doors of the choir room she's met with Quinn being held back on one side of the choir room by Mike, Matt and Tina while Sam appears to be being protected by Mercedes, Artie and Kurt.

The yelling being thrown around makes it difficult for Santana to even comprehend what's going on however by the look of absolute fear on Sam's face and the look of sheer anger on Quinn's, Santana thinks it's safe to say that Sam did something that obviously has Quinn angry.

To get to the bottom of this however she needs to get everyone to shut up. She takes in a deep breath and just like Rachel taught her she belted it out from the diaphragm.


Granted Quinn still continues her attempt to get to Sam, but at least now she's doing so without the apparent death threats.

Santana walks in further, glaring at Sam as she stands beside Quinn. She gently reaches a hand out and Mike and Matt move away and let her go as Santana now takes a gentle hold of her arm.

"What the hell happened?"

Quinn keeps her gaze level with Sam as she speaks, "He kissed me."

Sam quickly interrupts, "No I didn't mean it that way! I just..."

Santana is quick to jump in between Quinn and Sam, the boy cowers behind Artie slightly, "Didn't mean it in what way? You fuckin kissed her!"

The brunette growls and curls her hands into fists, "You have exactly thirty seconds to explain yourself. After that I'mma let loose the fists of fury and go all Lima Heights."

She can feel Quinn's breathing against the back of her neck and she can almost feel how tense she is. So discreetly shifts her left hand behind her back and gently takes hold of Quinn's shaking hand.

Sam's eyes widen as he trips over himself trying to explain, "I-I know, I know I kinda want to date Q-Quinn, but after yesterday and stuff I stopped really trying. B-but today out on the field I said hi and then sh-she obviously wasn't in the mood but Rachel was ok and stuff after that I went to the locker-room and the team was there and some of the guys d-dared me to kiss her and I'm already new and I thought ok its ok, a quick kiss and it'll be ok cuz whats a quick peck between friends? I just didn't want the guys to think I'm a pussy. I was gonna explain myself but then Quinn went all terminator and wouldn't even let me open my mouth let alone talk."

Quinn is still mad as hell which is to be expected, and Santana isn't all that happy either. Puck moves away from standing beside Sam and fixes him with a dark look, "You're sayin that you just walked right up to Quinn, and kissed her simply cuz some of the boys on the team dared you?"

Sam fixes his gazes on Puck and nods sadly, "If I couldn't at least attempt the dare I'd be the laughing stock of the whole team."

Santana growls, "I'd rather be laughed at for being honorable than do something as stupid and dumb as this you punk."

Artie rolls away from him now and turns to face him, he shakes he head and tuts as he rolls off to the side of the room.

Sam closes his eyes and then opens them again and looks at Quinn apologetically, "I'm sorry. I really truly am so very sorry. I know I definitely should've thought this through before doing what I did."

Quinn is still seething and desperately trying to calm herself down, Santana however speaks enough for the both of them, "No shit you dumb ass. How the fuck were you gonna prove to them that you even did it? If the next words out of your mouth are 'I took a picture' I promise you I'mma ends you."

Sam visibly shrinks as he shakes his head, he mumbles something but no one hears him. Kurt is the one to step forward, his eyebrow raises, his arms crossed, "What did you say?"

"I said...I said I didn't think...I didn't get that far before Quinn reacted."

Santana fixes him with a look that made him wish the ground would simply open up and swallow him whole, "I hope, I truly sincerely hope you can live with yourself. I don't think I've ever met someone who'd do something so stupid like that without talking to their so called new friend, just because you were afraid of being teased."

Quinn shakes her hand out of Santana's and before she had time to register it, Quinn is already in front of her, walking towards Sam.

Her voice is eerily steady, her eyes however are steely and the only thing that gives away the storm raging within, "I don't have anything to say to you. However I know that perhaps a few of my friends here will absolutely love having a chat."

Sam gulps but before anything else can be said Santana tugs on Quinn's arm and turns her around so she's facing her instead of Sam.

"We need to get to Rachel."

Quinn's eyes soften at the mention of her girlfriend but then they panic slightly, "What's wrong with her? Where is she?"

Santana quickly throws a "We're leaving." Over her shoulder before pulling Quinn out with her, "I'm only speculating but I'm pretty sure she saw you lock lips with guppy face in there. She was cryin and shit, Britt took her home. Let me figure out where exactly and that's where we're going."

Quinn looks heartbroken, "She's crying?"

A second later and she looks murderous, "I'm going to hurt him San. She's crying and it's his entire fault!"

Santana quickly throws the car into drive as soon as she receives word from Brittany letting her know they're at the Pierce house.

She stays quiet not really knowing what to say seeing as she herself would love nothing more than to put him in his place for hurting her.

The drive there was silent and the tension was palpable to say the least. The minute the car stopped and Santana was able to put it in park the both of them were out of it fast than you could say 'speed racer'.

Once they're inside the house, the brunette turns to Quinn and quietly says, "It's gonna be ok Q. Promise."

Quinn nods her head once and together they make their way up to Brittany's room.

Twisting the door knob they enter the room and Quinn's heart breaks as she takes in the sight of her girlfriend quietly crying to Brittany's shoulder.


Her head lifts up and turns to Quinn before quickly hiding once again, "Go away Quinn. I don't wish to speak to you."

Santana slips her hand into Quinn's for support knowing how much hearing that hurt her, "I-Rachel I need you to please...I would never, ever, cheat on you."

Rachel sits up completely and moves away from Brittany her eyes red rimmed, her nose red as well, "That's exactly what you were doing though. I saw you wi-with Sam, Quinn. I saw you."

Quinn shakes her head, her own eyes filling with tears, "Rachel, I promise you that wasn't what I was doing. You saw Sam kiss me; I swear to you I wasn't kissing him back. I shoved him off of me, I pushed him away...I wouldn't."

Tears finally escaped her eyes as she choked out the words, her throat constricting and making it hard for her to speak. She steps forward slightly and reaches her hand out for Rachel but the tiny brunette doesn't take it, she shakes her head, "Why?"

Quinn chokes back a sob and sadly pulls back her outstretched hand and uses it to wipe her tears away, "He said-He said the football team dared him...I didn't know he was going to kiss me Rachel, I promise if I had known I'd have stopped it from happening, I'd have done everything to stop him from kissing me. I don't want anyone else Rachel."

Rachel's crying once again and Santana steps forward and gently speaks, "Quinn was goin all Lima Heights on him when I walked into the choir room. He confessed to kissing her without her knowledge. He said he had to just to get in like good graces with the football team cuz they dared him. He figured he'd explain after he kissed her. She didn't even give him the time of day before she went ninja like and started yellin and shit...when I got there the glee club was literally holding her back and trying to save the new kid from dying. The minute I told her you were...she didn't even know that you saw, she was too busy tearing him a new one for making her into a cheater again...She, Rach, I'm tellin ya this was not Quinn. She didn't kiss him, I wasn't there to see for myself but I swear to you I know she didn't kiss him back. She would never do that to you."

Brittany wraps her arms around Rachel's shoulders and gently rocks them slowly whispering words to calm her down. Rachel finally stands up and faces Quinn with her hands outstretched and Quinn is quick to throw herself into her arms.

She tightens her hold on the tiny brunette and buries her nose deep into her dark locks, "I love you. I love you so much Rach, I would never do that, especially not to you. God I am so sorry this hurt you. I love you."

Rachel's breath hitches as she holds Quinn just as tightly, "Oh Quinn, I love you too so very much. I just-that's why it hurt so awfully. I know...I know I should've realized you'd never do that to me, but it just, seeing him..."

Quinn pulls back and shakes her head sadly as she gently wipes the tears away, "I love you."

Rachel's lips quiver and her eyes shine brightly for all new reasons now, "I love you." She whispers out.

The blonde tearfully chuckles as she wraps her arms around Rachel and kisses her forehead, her eyes, her cheeks, her chin, her nose and finally her lips.

"Nothing will ever beat playin freakin heroes." Santana sighs as she plops down beside her girlfriend on the bed once the duo stop kissing and sit at the end of said bed, arms wrapped around each other.

Quinn sighs as she leans her head against Rachel's shoulder, "All this drama is so fu-freakin stressful. I just want to live my life without all this bullsh-crap."

Santana nods her head sighing as she does so, Brittany caressing her arm, "No shit. I'm freakin sick and tired of needin to knock sense into these dumbasses."

Brittany nods softly, "I felt really bad...Rach was crying and I almost cried too because I couldn't do anything. And then Quinn started to cry..."

Quinn carefully reaches a hand for Brittany who quickly takes her hand and allows herself to be pulled into a hug, "We're okay B. I promise...Just..."

Brittany smiles softly and says, "Stupid boys."

Which earns her a smile from Rachel who also nods, "Stupid boys indeed."

Santana smirks and leans back against the headboard, " love her huh?"


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