Inevitable Fate- Hunger Games...

De YoureSimpatic0

7.8K 136 28

Bridget is the long lost daughter of the District 12 victor Haymitch Abernathy. She decides to go to his hous... Mai multe

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20 (Final Chapter)

Chapter 1

1.6K 18 2
De YoureSimpatic0

This is dedicated to my friend Renée because she is so supportive with my writing :)



When I won my games... When I did the trick with the force field... My life was turned upside down. Snow took everything from me. My brother 2 years after my game, my mother 4 years after and a year after my mother... My girl.

When I came back to the district I resumed my old life. My girl and I got married 5 years later and two years after that she was pregnant with a baby girl. About 2 months after Bridget was born her mother took her out for a walk while I stayed home.

Just after I was crowned victor President Snow had threatened the life of those around me. I had made a fool of him when I used the force field as a weapon. When he threatened me I didn't think much about it because I was too relieved that I would be home in no more than two days. Little did I know that my future wife and daughter's lives were in danger.

They said it was a mugging gone wrong. I knew it was a lie. They told me my daughter was kidnapped. My wife was stabbed. But I knew better. I knew much better.



What was I doing? What was I thinking coming here? What was I going to do? Just walk straight to his door and say 'Hey Haymitch I know this may sound really weird but I'm your daughter!' Yeah, right.

I was a seam girl although I didn't have the seam eyes. They were a dark brown. Most seam people have grey eyes and olive skin and dark hair but I had brown eyes and fair skin with lightish brown hair. I guess I've always known I wasn't normal.

The person who I was told and believed all my life was my mother explained to me, in a letter she wrote for me for when she died, that peacekeepers came to her door one night holding a child in their arms. They had told her that the victor Haymitch Abernathy had lost his wife and was giving up the child. She told the peacekeepers that she had never spoken to him before and had no association with him but they told her that he wanted less of a chance running into her so he didn't have the painful memories of his wife coming back.

So here I am. Standing in front of my father's house preparing myself. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door. I could do this. After all, the name Bridget did mean strong.

"What do want kid?" Haymitch said as soon as the door was open.

"I... I..." I was speechless as he stared at me with an impatient look.

"I'm Bridget Annabelle Moran." I closed my eyes. "I'm your daughter."

"I don't have a daughter." Haymitch replied but there was an uncertainty in his eyes.

"You did though and you have her up at two months old."

"Look, Bridget. I never gave my child up. She was taken from me and they murdered my wife too."

"Oh" Was all I managed to get out. So I handed him the letter my 'mother' wrote. "My mother wrote this before she died. She told me when she gave it to me that she was told never to mention it. I have no other family now."

"Would you like to come in so I can process this or do you want to inform the adult your staying with first so they don't worry?"

"I'm on my own. I've been staying at my house alone for the past week." Haymitch sighed as though he understood about being alone before he stepped out of the door way gesturing for me to enter. So I did.

As I entered Haymitch's house I was hit by a nauseating wall made from the smell of spoilt milk, rotten eggs, and alcohol. I didn't mind it too much after I got used to it though. Even after I got used to it the smell still tickled my nose a little.

Haymitch guided me towards his living room and made space on his sofa, which was covered in dirty clothes, so that I could sit down. I felt oddly comfortable. Haymitch sat on a chair across the room staring at me. I started to fidget underneath his assessing eyes. He finally broke the awkward silence.

"You look like her... Lily, I mean." He told me with a half smile.

"Uhh... Thanks. So do you believe me?" I asked bluntly.

He sighed "I guess so. Well seeing as your my daughter I might need to get to know you. What do you like to do for fun?"

"I'm a pretty boring person but I like reading," I thought about it more. "And music!'

Haymitch and I kept asking each other questions. Mine were a lot about how he felt about Lily, my mom, and how she looked. His were about school and hobbies and interests and he even asked who I was friends with. It felt like we had all the time in the world. I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I knew I woke up to the smell of bacon frying.

I got off the sofa where I'd fallen asleep and followed the smell to the kitchen. I lent against the door frame watching Haymitch cook for a while. I finally spoke about two minutes later.

"You could have told me to go home."

"But you fell asleep." He stated.

"Yes but didn't you feel like I was intruding?"

"Of course not. Why would I?"

"Because I'm some kid you just met last night?"

"Your my daughter. Not 'some kid'."

"Yeah but I could be lying!"

"It's uncanny how much you look like Lily."

"Huh. Well do you have a bathroom I could use to maybe wash my face?"

"You can take a shower if you want. It's down the hall, first door on the left."




How could she be like that. She's not just 'some kid' she's my daughter. I may not have been there for her before but I want to be now.



As I walk in the bathroom my heads starts spinning. I feel a churning in my stomach. I ignore it and wash my face.

"Uh oh." I breathe.

I turn to the toilet just in time. I start to heave my guts out until there is nothing left to throw up. I hear a knock on the door.

"You okay in there Bridget?"

"Yeah I'm..." I couldnt finish because the dry heaves started.

"Bridget?" He sounds worried. Now I feel bad.

"I'm just nauseated"

"I'm coming in."

"No it's okay."

He barged in anyway. He looked so helpless. I feel bad for him. I just need to go home and relax.

"I'm fine I'll go home so I don't bother you."

"No! You need to be taken to a doctor."

"There are no doctors in 12."

"I'll take you to the Everdeen's then."

"Oka..." All of a sudden I felt really weak and out of breath.

"Bridget! Bridget! Are you okay?"

Everything has gone black all of a sudden. I can't answer Haymitch. It feels like I'm drowning in a sea of darkness.


When I became conscious again I was on a table in a run down home in the seam. I look around and see Haymitch explaining to Mrs Everdeen what happened.

"Well I think she may just be exhausted and hungry. But what I don't understand Haymitch is why she was at your house? Don't take it in bad way but I'm curious." Mrs Everdeen explained.

Haymitch took a deep breath before he answered. "She found me. After 14 years I finally found out what happened to my daughter, Marie."

So Haymitch knows Mrs Everdeen personally.

"Are you sure it's her though, Mitch? I mean really, can you come to that conclusion so quickly?" Mrs Everdeen asked the same question I wanted to.

"I don't know. I mean everything about her screams Lily. Her eyes, her personality and her name is Bridget Annabelle just like Lily and I wanted."

"I guess your right."

I coughed right after she said that. Damn. They looked over to me. Haymitch looked pretty dang sober too... It was pathetic seeing as he was known in all of Panem as a drunkard.

"Bridget! How are you feeling?"

"Haymitch. Stop." I wanted him to stop trying so hard.

"Stop what?" He looked confused.

"Stop trying so hard and worrying. It's pathetic."


"I mean it's sweet and all but I can take care of myself. So can I go home now please Mrs Everdeen?"

"Absolutely but just make sure to eat something when you get back."

"Will do, thank you." I started to get up slow incase my head started to spin. As I started to walk out the door I remembered I had nothing to give in return for her services. "Oh! I'm so sorry, I don't have anything to give you!" I told her with an apologetic look.

She started to say something but Haymitch cut her off. "It's fine I've got it." He told her taking some coins out of his pocket.

"Thank you, Haymitch." She told him with a smile.

"No problem, Marie." He said returning her smile.

We walked outside and I turned right to go to my house and Haymitch turned left to go to the victors village. Haymitch noticed that I wasn't following him so he caught up to me quickly. For being so out of shape he still walked pretty fast.

"Where are you going?"

"Home. I think I've bothered you enough."

"What? No. I just got you back."

I sighed. "All my stuff is in my house here in the seam."

"Umm... well..." Haymitch looked kind of awkward and I sensed he wanted to ask something but doesn't know how to phrase it. I waited for him. "Would you... like to live with me? I mean I've missed you growing up and I really don't want to miss anymore and you are all alone so I don't see how it will hurt..."

I laughed. "Okay stop rambling I'll live with you."

"Really? I mean okay."

"Let me get my stuff." I told him and shook my head slightly while rolling my eyes, smiling.

He then started to follow me down the dirt road. We turned onto the next street and walked 4 houses down and I stopped in front of my house and I walked in. No one in the seam has to lock their doors because every one knows you have nothing worth stealing. I walked back to my bed and took out the beaten down bag I used for school from under it. I look up suddenly.

"Shit! I had school today!" I said out loud.

"What? Oh right." Haymitch replied as though I snapped him out of a daze. I was surprised he hadn't picked up on my cussing.

"Haymitch? You okay?"

"Well it's just that this is the house I lived in in the seam. It's almost as if..." I waited for him to finish but he never did.

"As if..." I prompted.

"Never mind, if I say something like that I'm sure to be arrested." He told me so I didn't push it.

I walked around the house getting what I could like the few clothes I owned and some semi-expensive jewelry my mother inherited.

"Ready?" I asked Haymitch and he followed me out the door.

We walked down side streets to get to town because I could tell going through the seam brought back memories for Haymitch. Just as we passed school they got out and I saw my friend Willow running towards us. She always hates it when I miss school.

"Hey Bridget! Why weren't you in school today?" She asked then looked embarrassed when she noticed Haymitch.

"I was sick. Haymitch this is my friend Willow, Willow you know Haymitch." I said.

"Hi Mr Abernathy." Willow said politely.

"I'll be in tomorrow and we can talk then." I told her and she smiled and walked away with a small wave.

Haymitch and I walked further and he stopped in front of the Mellark bakery saying he needed bread. We walked in and the baker's sons were working. I new the younger one, Peeta, who was one of my friends at school. He must have just gotten in because he was putting on his apron.

"Oh hey Bridge, Willow told me you were sick today."

"Yeah, I kinda passed out and had to go to the Everdeen's house but its cool now. I'll be in tomorrow."

"Good, I missed you in Math. It was pretty boring." He admitted with a shy smile.

"Would like anything?" Haymitch asked cutting off mine and Peeta's conversation.

"Uh, no thanks."

"I'm sure she wouldn't pass up some of our cheese buns." Peeta said with a wink so I stuck my tongue out.

Haymitch got some cheese buns and we left and went around town going in every shop. When we got to the pharmacy, which was only bandages and rubbing alcohol for the pharmacy part, I walked around the store and stopped at the make-up, which we could never afford in the seam, Haymitch noticed and picked some up and didn't pay attention to me telling him not to waste his money. When we finished in town we went to the hob. I'd been in a couple of times but it was always a little daunting but now that I was with Haymitch it was easy.

"Hey Ripper. Can I get 2 bottles please." Haymitch asked the woman who handed him two bottles of alcohol.

"Here you go Haymitch. Have a good day."

"You, too." He told her before turning to me. "Hungry? I was told I needed to feed you every now and again." He joked.

"Yeah sure." I answered simply.

We walked over to a woman. I remember being told her name was Greasy Sae. She had a large pot of some kind of steaming stew.

"What's it today Sae?" Haymitch asked the old woman.

"Wild dog... Or beef whichever you prefer." She winked. "Care for a bowl?" She said grabbing her ladle.

"Two. If you don't mind I'll talk the wild dog." He joked with her.

"Oh. I didn't see ya there young lady. Who might you be?"

"Bridget." I told her timidly.

"Remember her? Last time she was with me she was 2 months old." Haymitch told her smiling. I didn't get what he meant until it clicked into place. Greasy Sae seemed to understand when I did.

"Oh my lord. You grew up fast! But how did you...?" She said.

"She found out and then found me." Haymitch told her smiling more than I'd ever seen before.

"Well then I think your bowl is on the house!" She told me.

"No it's okay I have more than enough money Sae." He told her.

She sighed and then smiled at him. "Mind if I inform the hob for ya?" She asked him.

"Go ahead, saves my breath."

Right then she stood up on the chair she was sitting on and shouted. "Listen up everyone! I've got some news for ya! I'm positive you all know Haymitch and his story, so I won't waste time... but his daughter Bridget has found him and now they're reunited!" She said smiling then continued. "So let's have three cheers for 'em! Hip Hip!"

Then the rest of the hob shouted "Hooray!" And it happened three times before Greasy Sae got off her chair.

"Thanks. That was touching." He told her pretending to wipe a tear away.

"Oh hush and eat your stew." She told him.

When we finished our stew, Haymitch thanked Greasy Sae and we left the hob to go back to the victors village. It took about 5 minutes to get back.

When we got in I looked at the clock and noticed it was 8pm and told Haymitch I would get ready for bed because I was tired and it would be an earlier night anyway. After I got out of the shower and got my pajamas on I went down stairs to tell Haymitch good night and thanks for today and he told me there was a guest room across from his room but tomorrow he would put a bed in my baby room that hadn't been touch for 14 years. I said okay and went upstairs and got in bed; I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

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