It Was Accidentally on Purpos...

由 sleepingpup

562K 11.5K 2.1K

where one ambivelent girl trusts one cheeky boy who ends up being exactly who she thought he was when they fi... 更多

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 39 *LAST ONE*
Authors Note :)

Chapter 38

7.3K 233 53
由 sleepingpup

[[ Guys sorry if you've been catching me use the *** a lot more frequently its because its just so much easier than ending an entire chapter. It really makes my life so much simpler for me and ahem the chapters are longer too! So I hope you dont mind :) x ]]

***TIF POV***

I woke up from another dream of Harry. Except it wasnt the peaceful type of dream of him holding my hand or making me giggle that I was used to. In fact, he wasnt doing anything really. He simply sat across from me and looked at me. His large green eyes looked so deeply in mine I felt as though he were analysing me from the outside in. It was a very, discomforting feeling I guess I could say. I wasnt liking the way he was looking at me and everytime I looked away I felt his eyes burn deeper into mine. 

He was scaring me.

He then mouthed something silently that I didnt pick up on and slowly vanished into the darkness around us.

And thats when I woke up.

I had been getting dreams similar to this one ever since Lucy told me Harry was back in England. For some odd reason I was really trying to think hard on something, something very much related to him. Hence the reason of the dreams. 

But since I had no idea what the dreams meant or what this "thought" of mine meant either, I was left at a hopeless dead end. 

I twisted and turned in my blankets, forcing my eyes shut to get more sleep. 

Then finally a thought appeared to me. What if this was a sign. What if Harry had come back to England to try and make things work between us. I know it was a long shot, but I wasnt ready to loose hope on him just yet. Him and I had been through a lot and I dont think I'm prepared to let all that slip away because of one arrogant person trying to ruin my life.

These dreams though, they were intimidating. But maybe they symbolised something more than intimidation. 

Overcoming intimidation.

I knew that they had to mean something. He was here in England, and so was I and there was nobody else in my way to try and stop me from telling him what I've been wanting to for days.

I had to tell Harry the truth and now was my moment to do so.


I didnt waste one second hopping out of bed the next morning and snatching up my phone to dial the text. 

"Harry, I understand if you dont want to talk to me. But I have to tell you what's really been going on. If you still want to know, meet me at The Brew at 12:30. If not then I understand."

I hovered my finger over the send button anxiously. I didnt even know for sure that he would respond or even want to see me. But thats why second chances exist. Hopefully, Harry would give me another chance to tell him the truth.

My finger hit the green button promptly and as soon as it did I felt my stomach tighten. 

Calm down Tif, its just a text. I kept trying to tell myself. But I dont think my stomach felt queezy because of the text, but because I just realised that I was going to go see Harry again. 

I know it had only been a few weeks since I'd seen him, but those days add up quickly. Especially if the last time you saw a person was left on a bad note. 

But pushing away those thoughts, I peered at my watch and saw it was 20 till 12. I figured I could use a warm bath before I go out so I made my way to my bathroom.

As I listened to the water fill the tub, I opened up my armoir and shuffled through my tops for something to wear. 

A flash back immediatly popped up into my head.

The day Harry and I had agreed to be friends, and headed out to Ed Sheerans party together. 

I mean it when I saw this, that right now I feel like all those emotions from that day had for some reason began to bubble up inside me all over again. 

From the nerves to the bitterness I had towards Harry at the time, had all some how managed to mix together inside me again. 

Why? I had no idea. 

In the bath I quickly washed up and absorbed the heat from the water. On cold winter days like these, I would make any excuse to stay cuddled up in a blanket or any where warm place for the whole day. 

I was not a cold weather person. 

However, I gathered up the strength to step back out of my steamy bath and wrap my self in a towel. 

After I was dry I began to apply my make up. I winced as my finger gently brushed over the bruise under my cheek, causing me to look closer in the miror.

It was still there.

The same bruise Darcy had left me from almost 3 months ago. It was still there and I had a dreadful feeling it would always be.

It was my constant reminder to always be aware of the people I'm around. You think you know somebody and they stab you in the back.

Its tragic but sadly its very true.

When I reached out for my shirt, I glanced over at my clock and saw it was now 12:10. Now being under the pressure of arriving late, which was always a big no-no for me, I began to work alot quicker. 

I threw on my converse and sweater, reaching out to my neck to make sure my necklace was still properly on.

When I noticed it was, I darted out the door and towards my car. And as I drove closer to my destination, my bath tub was beginning to look more and more appealing than what I was getting myself into. 


As I parked my car and stepped out into the cold windy air, my phone began to vibrate. Looking down, I noticed a new message.

I opened it thinking it was Harry, but it wasnt.

"Still keeping your word I presume and not telling anyone about our messages? I can still make your life misserable no matter how many friends you think you have." 

I glarred down at my screen and hit the delete button with out hesitation. 

"Screw you." I spat, watching as all the messages began to dissappear one by one from my phone. 

Once they were gone, I paced nervously to the caffe. He probably wasnt even going to show up. Why would he? After the horrible way I talked to him the last time I saw him? He must think I was the worst person on the planet. 

I sighed, slumping down my shoulders as I reached the front door.

Taking in a deep breathe, I walked inside, looking up as a little bell rung above my head. 

As my senses became over whelmed with the smells of coffee beans and pastries, my direction immediatly glanced over all the people at the tables. My eyes whisped past the ones who werent Harry and as soon as I peered over at the last table, I realised he was no where in site. 

My smile had ceased into a frown in a matter of seconds, realising this was pointless after all. 

I turned around and clumsily bumped into someone walking inside. 

"Sorry." I mumbled out, attempting to pass him once more with out bumping into his strong shoulder. 

His quiet response forged me ahead, until I was pulled back as a warm palm was pressed on my arm. I spun around quickly and felt as though my heart had skipped a beat. 

Looking down at me was a pair of precious green eyes and two adorable dimples accompanied by a plush smile. 

A smile crept back on my lips as I felt like as though a giant burden was suddenly lifted away from me. He gently ran his fingers down my arm until wrapping them around my hand, simultaneously holding his perfect smile.

"You came." I breathed out joyfuly, following at his side as he led us to a table. 

His deep chuckle sent shivers down my spine, gripping my hand tighter for a brief second.

"Of course I came." He stated, nudging my shoulder playfully. 

I released an innocent giggle as nudged him back. 

I stood closly to him as he dragged one chair next to another so we were at eachothers sides. He sat down as soon as I chose a spot and began to fiddle with my hair.

He used it against me by tickling my nose, causing me to go ninja mode and slap his hand a bit rougher than I had meant to. 

Our laughter was died down as he noticed a few of my bandages on my arm. He tried reaching out to see them clearer but I pulled my sleeve up before he could.

"What happened?" He asked, looking at me alarmingly. I parted my lips to respond but quickly shut them as I saw he had noticed a growing bruise on my thigh.

"Harry." I said persuasively, scooping up his chin and gingerly turning his head to look at me.

His eyes looked pained and scared, obviously conflicted by the cuts and bruises. But now I was ready to explain. I was ready to explain everything to him because I knew he was the one person I could trust.

I took in a deep breath.

"It's time I explained to you what has really been happening." 


"And that's why I couldnt tell you." I concluded, taking in a deep deep breath after probably the deepest conversation I'd ever had. "These threats I've been getting, they told me to keep it a secret. I didnt want to of course,  I wanted to tell you right away but I didnt want you or anyone else to get hurt."

I felt my cheeks get red as his fingers laced through mine, rubbing my thumb comfortably like he did before. 

"Do you still have these messages?" He asked curiously, dipping his head closer to mine. 

I pushed away his curls as they began to tickle my neck.

"I just deleted them. But I had gotten over 5 or 6 and just got sick of seeing them appear on my screen." I admitted, waving my hands up in frustration.

He let out another chuckle which immediatly calmed me down. 

"It's alright Tif," He hushed kindly in my ear. "We'll find who ever this person is. And when we do they'll be in loads of trouble."

I choaked out a sour laugh.

"If we ever find this person," I whispered sadly. "I have no idea who it could be." 

Harry's response was interupted as my phone vibrated again in my pocket. I snapped it out again, grieving the thought that this person was here watching me now and knows I had just told Harry everything.

Thank the heavens it was only Lucy.

"Niall and the boys are at Louis place, stop by if you want. Harry's not here but we can still have fun."

I glanced back up at Harry and showed him the text. 

"Why didnt you tell anyone you were coming back to London?" I asked, remembering the conversation I had with Lucy late last night.

His eyes darted down at the table with a smile smeared on his lips. I couldnt help but smile too.

"I wanted it to be a surprise of course." He said, bumping my shoudler once more. 

I couldnt stop smiling at this point. My lips were beginning to hurt from streching them so much. But I figured it was worth it. Here I was reunited with Harry, laughing and finally talking things out. It almost seemed too good to be true. 

"So does this mean you're not angry at me?" I asked quietly, biting my lip nervously as our voices minimised drastically.

"I was never angry at you," He said standing up stifly in his spot. "Just really confused." 

I nodded timidly and decided we should head out. But mostly because I was just so done with this conversation. 

"Want to get going then?" I asked, standing up from my comfortable seat. 

He took a few seconds to recap but as soon as he did he bolted up next to me. 

Taking my hand captive again, he led us back outside into the grey gloomy weather. 

When we finally reached my car I just couldnt help but let the words flood out of my mouth.

"I missed you." My voice weakly trickled out, blushing tremendously in the process.

I reach out to grab his other free hand, keeping my eyes glued on his.

He smiled down at my hand that had now magically vanished inside his. 

"I'll see you at Louis'." He hummed back, leaning closer to me and planting a sweet kiss on my cheek. 

I took a shakey breath and managed out a smile, nodding at him until he walked down the pathway in the opposite direction. 

My eyes were forced shut when I slammed the door in my car, letting a loud sigh escape my lips. 

Things were really too good to be true. And frankly, it was beginning to scare me. 


I pulled into Louis' parkway and stationed my car behind his. 

Before I walked in though I peered around the corner quickly to see if Harry was still behind me. 

After waiting a few minutes, I realised he probably took a different route. 

A rain drop fell on my shoulder and I figured this was my cue to go inside. So I did. I made my way over to Louis' front door and knocked.

Only to be greeted by a cheerful Lucy seconds after. Her ear to ear grin made me smile widly.

I clasped my arms around her and held her tight. It was so nice seeing her in person again. Her and all the others of course. Lucy had told them some thing close to what happened to me - because they were constantly asking.

She told them I was being framed by somebody that was trying to make my life a living hell. They belived her and the relief of that was over whelming. 

"Tif!" I heard some one yell from across the room. 

Louis came running over and pulled me in a hug. His gimmering blue eyes shined bright as he smiled.

"It's good to see you." He said releasing me from his friendly hug. 

I shyly fixed my hair behind my ear and returned the compliment, following him deeper into his home. 

As we walked into the living area I saw Liam and Zayn sitting on the couch concentrating furiously on their video game and Niall in the kitchen inspecting Louis fridge.

"You have nothing good to eat in this house besides carrots." Niall complained, shutting the door in distaste. 

I went over to the kitchen stool and took a seat next to Niall as Louis poured me some apple juice. 

"Nice necklace." Niall said curiously, reaching closer to get a better look at it.

"Thanks, it was gift." I said shyly, shifting my eye contact to the marble floor.

My eyes shot back up as I heard Niall and Louis scoff briefly under their breaths.

"Yeah, I wonder who it could be from." Louis said in what almost seemed to be his sarcastic voice. 

"Well who do you think its from then?" I asked, beginning to get a little anxious. How would they know who I got the necklace from?

Louis and Niall exchanged nervous glances as they must have realised I was taking this question seriously. 

"Well obviously Harry. That was his necklace. He never took it of, never thought he would either. When'd he give it to you?" Niall asked, taking a hand full or peanuts in his mouth. 

Mean while mine was left hanging wide open. 

Hold on, my brain was churning a million miles an hour now. This had to be some kind of joke. 

"This isnt funny guys," I said flashing them my warning stare. "Theres no way this was Harry's necklace." 

I let out a weak sigh as I noticed no change in the confusion on their faces. They just kept on staring at eachother thinking I had gone mental or something.

"He had it tucked under his shirt for months Tif, didnt he ever show it to you? It was like his good luck charm or something." Louis continued, leaning against the counter behing him nervously. 

The looks in their faces looked serious. And yes, believe it or not they can have serious faces. 

But I was incapable of believing this. Harry's necklace? Are you serious? They've made up a bunch of bad jokes before but come on. This one wasnt even funny.

"Tif?" Louis asked, stepping a bit closer to where Niall and I were sitting.

"Give me a second." I whispered, as I began to feel my heart face faster as weird connections started to form in my brain. Connections I would have never been able to make with out this piece of information. 

I placed my hand around the chain and tugged it off my neck, looking carefully at the letters engraved on the pendant.

"Do any of you know chinese?" I asked, looking back up at Louis and Niall who continued to master the ultimate face of confusion.

"If Harry was here, he could probably tell you." Louis mentioned, keeping his head down.

"Yeah, he picked up on a few words from last year. Said he really liked it." Niall added, raising an eyebrow at me as if about to ask a question. 

I held up my hand in his face before he could break my thoughts. 

I forced my eyes shut and tried to concentrate. The boys were obviously clueless as to what I was up to, but if my brain wasnt mistaken for once I think I had a lead. A very very sad lead that I was mentally praying for to be just a huntch.

"Can I use your computer?" I asked Louis already hoping off my stool and towards his laptop. 

He nodded slowly, following after me with Niall at his side. 

I plopped down on his chair and began doing my search. I had googled a chinese letter page, to try and attempt to match the letters on my pendant to see what they meant. 

As I scrolled down through the numerous pages, trying to ignore Niall and Louis breathing down my neck, I finally found a match. 

Louis leaned over my shoulder a but more and watched as I took the letters and placed them in the translate box. 

I clasped my hands over my eyes as I hit the green button. I had no idea why at this point I felt something really bad was happening. 

"What does it mean?" I asked, flinching my fingers away then quickly covering them back up nervously. 

Niall walked over from behind me and stayed quiet for a few seconds.

"It means-"

I opened my eyes, not being able to take the suspense any longer. I adjusted my eyes to the screen and my breath hitched.  

"I'm sorry." The words rolled out on my tongue senselessly, causing my whole body to become numb.

I felt the boys shift stiflly to the side, obviously a bit on edge.

Finally Niall cleared his throat and let out a grim chuckle.  

"Thats an odd thing to get engraved on a necklace for your girlfriend." He said bumping Louis' shoulder. 

"I'm not his girlfriend." I bit back harshly. 

He stepped back and looked at the floor shyly. Louis had his arm wrapped around his waist, looking at my trying to read my expression. 

I jumped as my phone buzzed in my pocket, scaring both Niall and Louis in the process. I snapped it out and stared at the message on the screen.

"Change of plans, meet me my flat. Come alone."

My eyes were forced shut, wincing as the thought at the back of my mind I had been trying to grasp for days, finally revealed itself to me. 

"Who's it from?" Niall asked quietly, puting his hand on my shoulder as I tried taking in a shakey breath.

"Harry." I breathed out, feeling my body temperature drop 20 degrees.

The boys looked at eachother with another weird expression. I then heard Louis walk over behind me and swiftly snatched my phone out of my hands, glancing over the messenger and looking back at me blankly.

"How do you know its from Harry? It doesnt even have his name signed." He asked, tossing it back in my lap. 

"Because I recognised the number." I whispered back to him, slipping my phone back in my pocket.

There was a pause in the conversation as I caught Louis sending Niall another nervous glance.

"But the number's been blocked." Louis countered, spinning me around on my chair so I was forced to look down at his shoes.

"Why would you block Harry's number?" His voice was becoming more powerful as if he were understanding something way out of proportion. 

"Because I didnt know it was Harry at the time." I said, accidently letting out a hushed wimper fall from my lips. I crashed my hands on my face and took in another deep breath, feeling my body get goosebumps from head to toe. 

"Tif, is there something you need to tell us?" Niall asked concernedly, gripping my shoulder tighter. 

My eyes were now wandering desperatly around the room as I felt tears begin to form in the corner of my eyes. Theoverpowering feelings I was getting right now were staggering and the more I thought about it the more I put myself in denial.

"I-I need to go." I stammered out, pushing through Niall and Louis who were left alone in the room with no answers. Liam and Zayn tried to ask me what had happened but as soon as they witnessed one small tear shimmer down my cheek, they knew better to leave it alone. 

I whipped it away as fast as I could and ran out of Louis flat. Feeling my body weigh nothing more than a feather as I flew down the steps. 

Streaming down my cheek was another loose tear that was shed and quickly whipped away by my trembling fingers. My emotions were acting up brutally in a way I had never had them behave before. I underestimated my better judgement and now I was paying the price for it. I was about to confront him. I was about to confront the one person I would have never thought would want to hurt me in my life. I was about to confront a person I cared about so deeply and thoroughly for. 

I was about to confront the least expected person on my list. And as I would be, I would finally understand what if feels like when othes say their heart had been shattered. Because that's what I'll be left with.

A shattered and tainted heart.


Oh my god guys................! I think we all know who it is! But as to whats going to happen next?? ONE LAST CHAPTER :( Everything is revealed... I'm only asking for around 30 votes and 15 comments to upload the last chapter. Pretty pretty please I knooow you guys wanna read it too :) Have a lovely day everyone xx -Chloe


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