Door swee-ty

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⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☾ 𝙴𝙻𝙳𝙾𝚁𝙸𝙰 ☽₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆ ❝𝐈𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡... Meer



82 10 4
Door swee-ty

SpellCraft: 1750

Chapter 10|Shadows of Dread|

Beware, then, the Shadow's embrace, for once ensnared within its grasp, there can be no escape.

- Snow


Author Pov

(Imagine on your own if you don't like it, snowy)

From the depths of the darkest abyss, where the very essence of fear takes shape and form, emerges the enigmatic figure known only as the Dark Lord.

To gaze upon his visage is to court madness, for his presence exudes a malevolence so potent that it chills the soul to its very core.

In the Shadow's Lair, where the veil between the mortal realm and the realm of darkness grows thin, the Dark Lord reigns supreme, his dominion unchallenged by mortal men.

His power is ancient and boundless, forged in the crucible of time and tempered by the fires of damnation.

Those who dare to oppose him do so at their peril, for the Dark Lord brooks no defiance.

His wrath is swift and merciless, and his punishments cruel beyond measure.

None who crossed his path escape unscathed, their fates sealed by the inexorable march of fate.

His guards, twisted and deformed by the corrupting influence of his dark magic, serve him without question or hesitation.

They are the instruments of his will, the harbingers of his vengeance, and they do his bidding with a fervor bordering on fanaticism.

But it is not only his power that inspires fear but his insatiable thirst for dominion.

The Dark Lord seeks to extend his influence beyond the confines of his lair, to spread his shadowy tendrils across the land and bend all to his will.

And yet, despite his overwhelming power and malevolent intent, there are those who whisper of a prophecy, a prophecy that speaks of a chosen one destined to stand against the darkness and bring about its downfall.

But such whispers are quickly silenced, for to speak of hope in the presence of the Dark Lord is to invite swift and certain doom.

In the end, there can be only one outcome in the eternal struggle between light and shadow.

Beware, then, the Shadow's embrace, for once ensnared within its grasp, there can be no escape.

The Dark Lord's reign of terror knows no bounds, and those who dare to oppose him do so at their own peril.

None has glimpsed the true visage of the Dark Lord, for he is a master of deception, his form ever-changing like the shifting shadows that dance around him.

And in the lonely expanse of the corridor, where the silence is broken only by the faint echo of his footsteps, a sense of foreboding descends upon all who dare to tread its path.

As he prowls through the labyrinthine corridors of his fortress, even the bravest souls tremble in fear at the mere whisper of his name.

His form is ever-changing, a swirling mass of shadow and malice that defies mortal comprehension.

Approaching a dimly lit chamber, the Dark Lord pauses as he overhears the conversation of his guards.

Guard 1: Have you heard the rumors? They say the Dark Lord is searching for someone.

Guard 2: Someone? Who could possibly threaten his rule?

Guard 1: I heard he's looking for someone with the power to kill him. Can you imagine?

The Dark Lord's eyes narrow, gleaming with a sinister light as he listens intently to their words.

His very presence seems to suffocate the air around them, instilling a primal fear in the hearts of his guards.

Dark Lord: Foolish mortals.

His voice is like the tolling of a death knell, sending shivers down the spines of his guards as they turn to face him, their faces pale with terror.

Guard 2: My lord, we meant no disrespect. We were merely discussing rumors, nothing more.

Dark Lord: Rumors have a way of containing fragments of truth. And yet, you dare to speak of such matters in my presence.

Without warning, the Dark Lord raises a hand, and the chamber is consumed by darkness.

As the guards cower before the Dark Lord, their pleas for mercy fall upon deaf ears. 

With a flick of his hand, the air is thick with malevolent energy, suffocating, and oppressive. The darkness swells around them, wrapping them in tendrils of inky blackness.

Their screams pierce the silence as the shadows constrict around them, squeezing the life from their bodies with relentless force. 

Each gasp for breath is met with only the icy embrace of the void, their forms contorting in agony as they are consumed by darkness.

Their flesh twists and writhes contorted beyond recognition as if caught in the throes of some twisted nightmare. 

Bones snap like twigs beneath the weight of the shadows, and their anguished cries echo through the chamber, a symphony of suffering.

And then, as suddenly as it began, the darkness recedes, leaving behind only the lifeless husks of the guards, twisted and broken by the Dark Lord's wrath. 

Their faces frozen in silent screams, a chilling reminder of the consequences of crossing the Lord of Shadows.

As the echoes of their screams fade into the darkness, the fortress falls silent once more, save for the whispered warnings that linger in the air. For those who dare to defy the Dark Lord, there can be no mercy, no reprieve. Only the cold embrace of eternal darkness awaits.

When the darkness recedes, the guards lie motionless on the cold stone floor, their bodies twisted and contorted in agony.

The Dark Lord gazes upon them with cold indifference, a silent warning to all who would dare to defy him.

Dark Lord: Let this be a lesson to you all. Cross me, and your fate shall be far worse than death.

The guards lie still, their bodies twisted and contorted in agony, serving as a grim reminder of the consequences of disobedience in the Shadow's Lair.

As the darkness begins to recede, the remaining gaurds of the Dark Lord emerge from the shadows, their eyes gleaming with a mixture of fear and reverence.

They bow low before their master, their forms shifting and writhing as they await his command.

But even amidst the palpable aura of fear that permeates the chamber, there lingers a sense of anticipation, a whisper of hope that perhaps one day, someone will rise to challenge the Dark Lord's reign of terror.

Guard: Master, forgive us for our incompetence. We did not anticipate...

Dark Lord: Silence!

His voice is like the rumble of distant thunder, reverberating through the chamber with an icy chill that sends a shiver down the spine of every minion present.

Dark Lord: Your incompetence is an insult to the very essence of darkness itself.

They flinch, cowering before their master's wrath.

Dark Lord: You will pay for your failure with blood.

With a wave of his hand, tendrils of darkness wrap around the guards, pulling them into the abyss with a sickening crunch.

The remaining guards watch in horror as their comrades are consumed by the shadows, their screams echoing through the chamber like a symphony of suffering.

And as the Dark Lord retreats into the depths of his fortress, his laughter echoes through the empty halls, a chilling reminder of the terror that lurks within the shadows.

Beware, then, the Shadow's embrace, for once ensnared within its grasp, there can be no escape.

And so, the legend of the Dark Lord grows ever darker, his name whispered in hushed tones by those who dare to defy him, and feared by all who dwell within the realm of shadows.

He turns around and orders,

Dark Lord: Bring forth my most trusted servant.

His voice echoes through the chamber, commanding obedience from all who hear it.

From the darkness emerges the advisor, bowing low before his master, his features obscured by the shadows.

Advisor: My Lord, you summon me?

Dark Lord: Yes. What have you discovered about the one who poses a threat to my rule?

The advisor hesitates for a moment, his mind racing as he gathers his thoughts.

Advisor: My Lord, the whispers speak of a chosen one, a being of immense power who seeks to challenge your dominion.

Dark Lord: And have you found them?

The advisor bows his head, a flicker of uncertainty betraying his usual confidence.

Advisor: Not yet, my Lord. But rest assured, I will not rest until I have uncovered the truth.

Dark Lord: See that you do. The fate of this realm depends on it.

With a nod from the Dark Lord, the advisor disappears back into the shadows, his mission clear.

And as the Dark Lord watches him depart, a sense of unease settles over him, a nagging doubt that perhaps his grip on power is not as unshakeable as he once believed. 

But he pushes the thought aside, his resolve hardening with each passing moment.

For in the realm of shadows, there can be no room for weakness. 

The Dark Lord's smirk twists into a cruel smile as he recalls the countless lives he has snuffed out without a second thought, all in the name of preserving his own power and dominance.

With a flick of his hand, he conjures an image of the infant whose life he extinguished before it could even take its first breath, a sinister reminder of the lengths to which he will go to protect his own existence.

Dark Lord: Poor little one. But I can't afford to be lenient, not when my own survival is at stake. Anyone who poses a threat to me, no matter how insignificant they may seem, must be dealt with swiftly and decisively.

His voice echoes through the empty corridors, carrying with it a chilling certainty that no one is safe from his wrath, not even the most innocent of souls.

Dark Lord: Your fate serves as a warning to all who would dare to challenge me. I will not hesitate to snuff out the life of anyone who dares to stand in my way, no matter how powerful they may think themselves to be.

And with that, he vanished into the shadows.

Sorry for not being that active snowies.

I wrote this chapter whenever I got time as now my exams are going on.

I will try my best to give you an update.

Please do let me know if you feel the story is boring.

So that I can think of how to make it more interesting if it's not.

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