The Irregular's Children (Tow...

_Jue_Viole tarafından

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Disclaimer: I don't own Tower of God and the characters, it belongs to SIU. But this fanfiction may contain s... Daha Fazla

Chapter 1: The Moon's Love to the Night
Chapter 2: The Moon's Love to the Night (Pt 2)
Chapter 3: End of Masquerade
Chapter 4: Celebrating A New Bond
Chapter 5: Time for Holidates
Chapter 6: The Sunset
Chapter 7: The Intruder
Chapter 8: The Intruder (Part 2)
Chapter 9: At Jinsung's Residence
Chapter 10: Crossed Paths
Chapter 12: Partners
Chapter 13: The Power of Two: Twins Sync

Chapter 11: Winter's Curse

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_Jue_Viole tarafından

Winter fixed his hood and put it back up and decided to walk away but just when he was about to, Midnight caught his arm and stopped him.

Midnight: Wait..

Winter, right?

Your eyes...

He paused for a moment. Hesitating yet he proceeded anyway.

Midnight: I.. It's unusual and almost like mine.

D-do I know you?

Are we related?

I feel like we've met before.

Midnight and the other people present watched as Winter's expression twisted into a grimace, followed by a deep sigh. His hand, previously open, slowly curled into a tight fist. Suddenly, as if in a flash, Winter vanished into thin air, leaving behind a strange aura that shook and distorted the space around them. It seemed as if time had stopped, as Midnight and the others appeared frozen in place. After a few moments, Winter reappeared, now wearing a blindfold, and the area returned to its normal state.

But suddenly, Midnight seemed to be lost in thought.

Midnight: Uhh.. What was I asking you again?

Steven: Hey. Ask him if he wants to join our team too.

Midnight: Ohh right.

Do you want to join our team again to climb the next floor?

Midnight appeared to forget what he was asking, but Winter shook his hand off. However, Midnight caught his hand still.

Midnight: Wait.. your hands..

It's too cold. It's like you're freezing!

But it's hot out.

Winter shook him once more and again broke free from Midnight's grip.

Winter: I- I'm fine.

As Winter turned around, his expression changed drastically. He no longer looked upset at Midnight, but rather appeared to be in immense pain. With a grimace on his face, Winter started walking away with a slow and unsteady gait. The red-haired girl who had been standing nearby rushed after him, trying to keep up with his pace. However, she stumbled and fell to the ground, her hands scraping against the hard surface.

Midnight and Steven stood at a distance, watching the scene with a mixture of shock and concern. Both of their eyes widened comically...

Steven: What a klutz...

The red-haired girl stood up as quickly as she could.

Red-haired girl: Ouch! Winter, wait!!!

Then she chased after Winter and finally caught up to him.

Red-haired girl: You sure walk fast and I just fell trying to keep up with you!

Winter: ...

Winter: Yet you're already here, standing and walking.

Red-haired girl: Yes, I'm fine! Thanks for asking!

The red-haired girl scowled but proceeded to talk.

Red-haired girl: Anyway, you've done it again, haven't you? That's why your hands are freezing.

Winter: I have to, Do-yoon.

Do-yoon: Why? You could've revealed you're his brother. It'll be fine.

Winter: Because it's better that way.

Do-yoon: Consider that the closer you are to him, the easier you can do your goal.

You should have taken the offer of teaming up with them again for the next test.

Besides, it's not like he can recognise you now that you changed something. You made sure that Midnight didn't see your eyes during that test and that's why you have your blindfold back on again just now. Isn't that right?

Winter: ...

Winter remained quiet as the red-haired girl continued.

Do-yoon: I would know you're gonna do something about that earlier.

Apart from your hands freezing now as a tell that you used that ability of yours, even if I couldn't truly control the path you're going to walk on because you're an irregular, I'm still a guide. The people back there, their memories are distorted from what I can tell. Midnight even forgot what he was asking you.

Winter: Yeah. You're still perceptive but I can't let him know for now. Nobody should know that or anything about me.

Winter lifted his right hand and gently touched his blindfold, his fingers tracing the edge of the fabric that covers his eyes from the world around him. The gesture was a small act that spoke volumes about his state of mind.

Do-yoon: I understand. But you should take his offer.

Winter: I'll think about it...

After passing the 20th test, Winter and the guide reached the residential area for the E-Regulars. Winter chose an apartment to stay in for the time being, and both of them went inside their respective rooms to relax. As soon as Winter was alone, he removed his blindfold. He feels that his body is still burning up and his hand feels like it is freezing. To ease his discomfort, he decided to take a hot shower and hoped that the warm water would help. As he stood under the shower, he couldn't help but notice how his hands felt like they were turning into ice, despite the steamy water surrounding him.

Winter: Ugh..

It's just like what had happened before...

The first time I vanished unaware of my ability.

This power... I don't know... This feels like a curse more than a blessing...

**7 years ago...**

Young Winter: Huh? Where am I?

Young Winter, with a worried expression on his face, scanned the area around him, searching for any signs of help. He found his brother lying unconscious beside him in a vast field covered in dried grasses that swayed in the gentle breeze. Winter's heart raced as he tried to rouse his brother by shaking him gently, hoping that he would awaken soon.

Young Winter: Midnight! Wake up!!!

But Midnight remained unconscious.

Young Winter found themselves amid a dire situation. With a sense of panic and fear welling up inside him, he cried out for help. But the only response he received was the sound of his own voice echoing through the howling wind that surrounded him.

Desperate to reach out to his parents for assistance, Winter tried summoning his pocket. But no matter how hard he tried, it seemed that he was unable to connect from his current location.

As the reality of his situation set in, Winter's mind raced with thoughts of where they could be. With each passing moment, his fear and anxiety grew stronger.

Winter was overwhelmed with despair and couldn't contain the tears that flowed down his cheeks. At that moment, he couldn't help but recall the last memory he had with his parents before their tragic fate. He and his brother were sitting together, doodling and having fun. As Winter closed his hands into a tight fist due to his anger, the memory became so vivid that he felt as though he was transported back in time. Just as he was on the verge of banging the ground in frustration and fear, he found himself reliving that very moment.

Young Winter's thoughts: Wh-what happened? How did I get myself back here? Was it all just a dream?

Young Winter thought he was back so he proceeded as if nothing happened and continued to draw as they had before but at the same time observing what is currently going on.

Young Winter's thoughts: Midnight is still there so it all seems normal. Parents aren't bothered by anything either.

Then he looked at the blank piece of paper in front of him and since he's got crayon on his hand, he decided to doodle what had happened or at least what he dreamt about since it all felt surreal. So he quickly doodled him and his brother were looking outside for the tower to go back into.

Young Winter is still keeping watch. His brother seemed to be done and showed his drawing to Baam as he expected it to happen.

Young Winter's thoughts: Wait! If he's going to run outside, those "bad guys" are going to capture him. I need to stop him.

So he stopped doodling and before he could stand up... something was happening in his body.

Baam: W-wait! Don't go outside, Midnight!

But before he could stop him, Baam noticed Winter on the floor who seemed to stopped doodling too and just sitting there like a statue.

Young Winter's thoughts: My body... I don't feel good..

Baam: Winter...?

Are you okay?

Baam is looking at Winter who seemed like in a daze.

Despite Baam waving his hand in front of young Winter, the child appeared to be completely oblivious. Baam immediately called out to Khun, who then clapped assertively in front of the child, successfully snapping him out of his daze.

Khun: Winter?

Winter blinked in shock. The tiny child looks at his parents, bewildered.

Young Winter: Oh.. Uh.. Yeah. I'm okay, Dad.

But the child looks like he's going to be ill. He looks rather shaky.

Young Winter's thoughts: I'm feeling too hot..

Khun: What's wrong?

Baam touched Winter's forehead with the back of his hand to check on him.

Baam: He's burning up!

Winter looked at his hands that's trembling.

Young Winter's thoughts: My hands... I feel like they're gonna turn into ice. Wh-what's happening to me?

The parents followed his motion and looked at his hands too.

Baam held them this time to once again check on him.

Baam: But his hands are freezing!

Winter looked at his parents, looking terrified and looked around.

Young Winter's thoughts: But Midnight! I need to save him!

He couldn't comprehend what was happening. But if he's able to relive this moment, he thought maybe he could prevent things from happening.

Khun: Let's get him to the workshop so we can check on him further.

Winter stood up abruptly, his mind racing with a sense of urgency. He tried to make his way outside, but as soon as he opened his hands to scratch his head in confusion that his brother wasn't there anymore, he felt as if an invisible force was pulling him back. Suddenly, he found himself transported back to the field of grasses where he had been with Midnight before he relived that moment with their parents, but to his dismay, his brother was nowhere to be found now as well.

Panicking, Winter scanned the area, hoping to catch a glimpse of his sibling, but his search was in vain. Just as he was about to give up, a mysterious door materialised in front of him, slowly creaking open. As he stepped through the doorway, his body began to disintegrate, and a brilliant light engulfed him.

Shielding his eyes with his arms, Winter waited for the light to dissipate. Slowly, his surroundings began to come into view, and he realized he was in a dark, unfamiliar place. The only source of light came from a few torches scattered throughout the area, casting flickering shadows on the walls.

???: It looks like there's another one.

Young Winter: Ugh.. Where am I?

He blinked his eyes to try and see things around more clearly then stood up.

???: We're getting more uninvited guests today. Another irregular. My, my. This tower might be in for more chaotic waves.

Then suddenly he heard footsteps approaching him and followed them with his eyes. And a bunny-looking creature appeared before him and sniggered as he talked. The little boy remained unfazed and just watched him walk closer towards his direction.

???: Who are you, little boy? I'm Headon.The caretaker of the tower.

Young Winter: I'm Winter. Khun Winter

Headon: A Khun?! You mean from a Khun family?!

Young Winter Yes. Do you know my father? Khun Aguero Agnes? Did you see him? Please, I need to see him!

Headon: Of course. But boy, if you were born inside the tower, how did you end up outside and come back in this way?!

Young Winter I don't know. A weird engulfing light just appears in front of me and then I end up in different places each time I open my eyes.

Headon: You're a strange one.

Young Winter: Please I need to see my father immediately. Take me to him.

Headon: Climb up, boy. If you want to see him, you need to go back up there.

Young Winter: Can't you just teleport me to him?

Do children my age can take tests already?

Headon: Considering the fact despite your age, the tower has chosen you to enter without my permission. So I believe you can do it even if you're a child.

After all, someone who's the same age as you just passed by and already climbed up.

Young Winter: What?!

Do you mean, my brother?!


Headon: Oh.. was that your brother? No wonder your eyes look about similar. But yes, he already went up. Though it was remarkable to watch. When I sensed no power from that boy but he was gutsy I guess. I give him that. Maybe that's why he passed the test.

Young Winter: But.. I thought he was still outside. This can't be.

Winter's frustration was palpable as he clenched his hand into a tight fist. He was determined to climb the tower. But as he stood there, his mind wandered back to a confusing scene. He looked bewildered, not quite sure how he had ended up outside again. Scratching his head, he tried to piece together what had happened before they had been transported outside the tower. He put one hand on his waist, deep in thought. Suddenly, he was back inside the tower next to Headon.

Headon: Huh? Where did you go, boy?

You were gone just seconds ago, now you're suddenly... In front of me.

Then it occurred to him that something had changed after that incident.

Young Winter: Oh.. uhh.. What? I didn't know I would disappear from people randomly too.

Headon: Fascinating.

So, are you ready to take the test to climb up there?

Winter's eyes spoke of a fierce determination as if a ferocious fire burned within him.

Young Winter: Bring it on.

Headon smirked.

Headon: That's the spirit.

**Back to present...**

Winter: But I'll do my best...

And I need to be more careful to ensure that my eyes are not revealed again...

**Khun and Baam Party at present. ..**

Endorsi: Any news about them, anyone?

Endorsi, as always, barged into the room without any prior warning or even knocking first. She acted as if the room belonged to her. Inside the room, Khun was sitting on the bed with Baam sitting beside him, resting his head on Khun's shoulder. Khun had wrapped one arm around Baam's waist, while his other hand was navigating the lighthouse. The room was quiet except for the subtle sound of Khun's fingers as they moved across the lighthouse's surface.

Khun: Don't you ever knock?!

Endorsi ignored Khun's complaint.

Endorsi: Yeah. Whatever.

Baam: Endorsi!

Khun: Baam, you forgot to lock the door.

Baam suddenly sprang out of bed, his heart racing with embarrassment as he realised that he and Khun were being lovey-dovey just moments ago, and now someone had walked into their room. Despite being usually calm and composed, Baam couldn't help but feel shy in such situations, and he quickly tried to compose himself and act normal.

Baam: And sorry Khun. My bad.

Endorsi tapped her foot impatiently as Baam walked to the desk to retrieve a crumpled piece of paper.

Baam: Well, all I've got is this piece of artwork that Winter made. It's still a mystery as to why he's drawn this.

Khun: No. I've been searching for regulars who could be the same age as them by now every day. Still haven't found them. But something is interesting that happened on the 20th floor today.

Regulars seemed to talk about this kid on BOX after the test since he displayed exceptional moves during the test.

Baam: What? Is there a picture of him?

Baam walked back to the bed and positioned himself by Khun's side to get a better view of the lighthouse. Endorsi followed suit and joined them.

Khun: Yeah but the problem is, even with his picture, his face is covered. He's wearing white cloak with a hood and a blindfold. You could barely see his face at all.

Rak jumped from behind Baam trying to get a glimpse of the picture on the lighthouse screen.

Khun: Too short and beyond your reach, gator?

Rak: Shut up! Let me see too, turtle!

Khun lightly cackled but Baam moved so he could see as well.

Rak: That's a bummer!

Baam sighed.

Endorsi: Yeah.

Khun: But what intrigued me more is that, during the test, they said the hood fell off at some point and they said he's got the same hair colour like mine.

I need to get footage of that test.

I believe that the person climbing up there could either be Winter or someone from the Khun family. I'm not really sure as my father has many children and I don't keep track of our family tree. Therefore, I'm watching him closely. It's difficult to identify if it's Winter or not since we cannot see his eyes.

Endorsi: Hmmm.. it's been 7 years and who knows if they actually made it alive though. They were so young when they were gone. I hope they're okay.

Baam's face contorted into a frown as he pondered over the words that Endorsi had just spoken. Khun, who was sitting beside him, immediately noticed the change in his expression and took his hand, pulling him closer to himself. Without a word, Khun made Baam sit on his lap and wrapped both of his arms around Baam's waist, providing him with the comfort and security he needed in that moment.

Khun: What's with such glum faces? They're our sons and their blood runs in their veins. They're not born to be ordinary to begin with. They should be fine.

Isn't that right, Baam?

Baam lightly smiled at Khun. He knew he was trying to cheer him up.

Baam: Yeah.

Khun: That's more I like it.

Khun's lips curled up into a gentle smile as he leaned in and placed a tender kiss on Baam's cheeks. Baam's face grew red with embarrassment, and he instinctively hugged Khun, burying his face in his shoulder.

Endorsi: Ugh! Really?! Did you have to do this in front of me? I came here because I was concerned about your children and this is what I get. You could save those for later when no one is watching, you know!

Khun chuckled.

Khun: I mean, that's what you get for just barging in and it can't be helped.

Khun shrugged and Baam lifted his head and smiled gently.

Baam: Sorry, Endorsi.

Endorsi: Gah! Fine. You guys can tell me more about that news when you're done doing your business together.

Endorsi gave them a gentle smile this time.

Endorsi: Come on, Rak.

Let's get out of here!

Rak: Why me too?!

Endorsi: Because apparently, it's mating season again for those two.


Rak wriggled as Endorsi carried him on their way out.


Khun and Baam laughed wholeheartedly as they watched them leave the room.

Baam kisses Khun's neck, causing Khun to shiver and smirk. He then caresses Baam on his inner thighs in response to the kisses.

Khun: Ohh.. I take it we will continue the kisses. Heh.

Khun took Baam's chin, kissed his lips, lifted him up in a bridal carry, and walked toward the door. He then locked the door and carried him to their bed, never once breaking the kiss and continued expressing their love for each other for the rest of the day.


**Midnight's party at present, midday...**

Midnight: Finally, got myself into a new apartment. But why are you here too?!

Can't you get your own?!

Get out of here!

Steven: I can but I will save money if I live with someone.

Midnight: Tsk. You're such a cheapskate.

I'm a child and you should be the one paying for me, old man.

Steven: You're not my child though.

Midnight: You say that but you adopted me.

Steven: I'm paying by looking after you so pay me back a little.

Midnight: Oh, you're gonna pay for this instead!

As the argument between the two individuals intensified, a playful gesture from Midnight momentarily lightened the mood. The small, agile child climbed onto Steven's back and wrapped his hands around his neck in a mock chokehold. Despite the tension in the air, it was clear that Midnight's actions were meant to be taken in good humour.

Steven: Ahh! Get off of me!

Midnight ignored him and continued to playfully strangle him but suddenly, Midnight's attention was caught by someone passing below their place out the window so he stopped and looked. It was Winter that seemed to go somewhere.

Midnight: It's that boy again!

Steven: Ugh! Why you! And what boy?

Steven fixed himself up and looked out the window too.

Steven: Oh yeah.

Midnight: I want to play with him!

Steven: What do you mean play?! This place isn't a playground for kids!

Midnight: Who makes that rule?!

Nobody can tell me what things or places are for. I'll make them into whatever I want!

Steven: Because there are things that are meant only for such stuff!

Midnight: Blah blah blah...

I'll go now and play with him!
Better play with people the same age as me than with Grandpa!

Midnight made faces at him.

Steven: Who are you calling Grandpa?! Get back here, you brat!!!

But before he could stop him, he's already bolted out.

Steven: Geez. Kids!!! And so stubborn at that one! Wonder where he got such a trait of making his own rules...

Then Midnight looked for Winter from where he was walking earlier.

Midnight: Now where did he go?


Then he saw him walking and about to go enter.

Midnight: There you are.

Where are you headed?

As Midnight gazed at the towering structure before him, it appeared to resemble a commercial establishment with four levels of sprawling space.

Midnight: Is he going shopping?

Hmmm... Better follow him and maybe I could ask him to play with me for a while.

Winter entered the building and Midnight continued to follow him.

Winter went straight to an elevator.

Midnight: No!! Wait!!! Oh great. How am I going to know what floor are you going?

The elevator closed.

Midnight thought of watching the floor from the lobby and see if it stopped somewhere but it went straight to 4th floor.

Midnight: So that's where he's headed.

Then he took the other elevator and went straight to the 4th floor too. Midnight looked around and saw him go out of the rooftop area of the building.

As he trailed behind the person, he eventually arrived at a doorway. He cautiously positioned himself beside it and peered out from a safe distance. It appeared that he was the only one present in the vicinity. Winter cast his gaze around, hoping to spot any observers, prompting Midnight to quickly jerk his head in order to conceal his face.

Midnight's thoughts: Is he going to meet someone here? Hmmm...

Midnight held his breath, hoping that Winter wouldn't sense his presence. Suddenly, there was a loud clang that echoed through the rooftop. Midnight suspected Winter had bought a drink from a vending machine and perhaps the machine just dropped it. He waited for a few moments before cautiously peeking out from his hiding spot. Winter had sat down on the edge of the rooftop, and was drinking what appeared to be an energy drink. As he finished, he threw the bottle into a nearby bin and gazed out at the horizon. Then, he checked his pocket and scrutinised his hands with a tinge of disappointment. Without warning, Winter clenched his fists, and in a flash, he vanished into thin air. Midnight was left bewildered.

Midnight: Huh? Now what? Where did he go?

Midnight went out the rooftop and searched around but Winter didn't leave any trail and he's bummed out. He waited for a quarter of an hour.

Midnight: Geez. I should've asked him to play with me when I had the chance. Guess not today and time to go back to our apartment and rest.

As he approached the door, he heard a sudden noise, as if someone had just stumbled and was struggling to catch their breath. He turned around to investigate and saw Winter, looking as if he was on the verge of collapsing to the ground. Reacting quickly, he rushed to his aid, gently grabbing his arms to help him regain his balance.

Midnight: Hey! Are you okay?!

Winter recognised a familiar voice. He looked up to see if he was right as if he could see through his blindfold.

Winter: Ugh.. It's you!

Midnight: What happened?! You're burning up!

As Winter tried to catch his breath, he sat up and clasped his trembling hands together. The effort had left him visibly shaken, and his body was still convulsing with the strain. Sensing his distress, Midnight looked on with concern and offered his hand to help Winter steady himself.

Midnight: Come on, let's get you up and sit on that bench over there.

Winter: I-I'll be fine.

Midnight: I know but you'll feel better faster by not being on the floor like this.

Winter: Don't go close to me. Lea-

As Winter was about to continue speaking, Midnight swiftly reached out and grabbed his hand. With a quick and confident movement, he pulled Winter up and wrapped his arm around his neck, supporting him down to his shoulder.

Midnight: Just come on!

Midnight directed him to the bench and had him sit there.

Midnight: And your hands are freezing again!

Just like earlier today!

Just what happened?!

Winter: ...

It was apparent that there was something weighing on his mind. He didn't seem eager to discuss it but also didn't want to deceive anyone. Despite having the option to make up excuses, he didn't appear to be the kind of person who would resort to such tactics.

Midnight: Hmmm.. Okay..

Then he thought of ways that could help him. Then he remembered him drinking an energy drink earlier.

Midnight's thoughts: Maybe that could help him restore his energy again.

So Midnight went to the vending machine and purchased an energy drink for him and a warm bottle of water for his freezing hands and walked back to the bench and handed them over to Winter.

Midnight: Here. You can take them or leave them. It's up to you.

Winter looked at them. Hesitant but took them anyway.

Winter: T-thank y-you.

Y-you didn't have to help me.

Midnight: I know but I want to.

Winter gulped down the last bit of his energy drink, feeling the cold metal can against his lips. After that, he held onto the warm bottle with both hands, trying to warm them up. Despite still catching his breath, he couldn't resist the urge to ask the young kid next to him something.

Winter: What are you doing here?

Midnight: I-

I was following you because I wanted to play with you.

Winter: P-play with me?


Midnight shrugged.

Midnight: Because I thought it'd be fun!

Then Midnight brought out a big smile on his face.


Midnight: Yeah! Don't you know what fun is?

Geez. You look as young as me but you don't know how to have fun?

Or are you older than you look?

That's one of the saddest things I have ever heard!

Winter: I'm not... I just didn't really know there was still space and time for that. Who has any fun here? Every game here in this tower is a test and always seems to be a matter of life and death...

Midnight frowned.

Midnight: I see everyone is following mindlessly whatever the tower's trends.


Like everyone around always seems to be busy climbing to get to where they want to go but more often, they forget to live a little by having fun! It's so frustrating. Who's to say it always has to be that way? Change the way you think and just have fun as you try and go up!

Winter muttered to himself.

Winter: Must be nice to live that way...

Midnight: What did you say?

Winter: Nothing. Just talking to myself. How can you think of not dying out there? Or what you're climbing for doesn't matter as much so you don't care whether you die or not before you get what you desire?

Midnight: Of course, they matter as much or I won't bother risking my life for it. But having fun along the way is also something that matters to me.

Midnight sat down next to Winter and it was almost dusk. Both are just watching the sky about to change its colour.

Midnight: You know.. I remember the day before I got separated from my parents. It was at a time like this too.

Winter: ...Are you looking for them?

Midnight: Yeah.

Winter: ...

Winter keeps quiet as he listens.

Midnight: But strange, I can't remember their faces nor do I remember if I have any siblings either. I can't even remember why or how I get myself separated from them.

I don't know why my memories are hazy. But I do want to know...

So I'm trying to climb up, find them and get answers.

Winter: How are you going to find them if you don't know what they look like?

Anyone can claim you're their parents.

Midnight: I don't know. I guess I'll just feel it when the time comes. Though, those mysteries make it more fun for me so that also keeps me going.

Midnight winked.

Midnight: What about you? What are you climbing for?

Winter: I'm here to...

Winter is hesitant and Midnight is sensing that once again.

Midnight: It's fine. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to. Let's just have fun!

Winter: Why is that important to you?

Midnight winked again.

Midnight: You'll understand if you play with me.

Winter winced and looked away.

Winter: You're not here to just play with me, isn't that right?

Midnight: Oh.. found me out?

Midnight chuckled.

Winter: You are here to ask me to join your team. Fine. I'll join your team to go up to the next floor.

Midnight jumped and rejoiced.

Midnight: Yay! I've got a new playmate!

We're gonna have lots of fun together!

Winter: Who told you I'm gonna play with you?! I said I'm gonna join your team and fight together.

Midnight: Me! Of course, we will fight but let's play too and you'll feel a lot better!

Winter: No!

Also this is temporary. I will leave your team anytime.

Midnight: That's fine. Until then, we're gonna have fun.

Winter's thoughts: He didn't change much... He's just as playful as before... Reminds me of father. Looking innocent and when he smiles, he's beaming.

As Midnight cast his gaze upon Winter, he noticed a faint but serene smile forming on his face. The sight of it reassured him that Winter was feeling better. Without any hesitation, Midnight took Winter's hand and pulled him towards the shopping mall, despite Winter's initial protests. The vibrant surroundings and cheerful atmosphere of the mall, makes Midnight think that it will lift Winter's spirits.

Midnight: We can start today!

Winter: Hey! W-wait!


Let go of me!


Midnight: No!

Then suddenly, the red-haired girl ran toward them as she waves and suddenly, tripped on the floor.

Do-yoon: Ouch...

Midnight: Oh, it's that girl again.

Both of them stare at her with blank expressions as she gets up.

Midnight: W-what do you call people like her again?

That's right!

A klutz!

Midnight said that loudly. Winter soured his expression as he heard him blurted it without thinking.

Winter: You know, you didn't need to say that out loud!

Midnight: B-but it's the truth... S-sorry!

Midnight scratched the back of his head.

Winter: Do-yoon, you alright?

What are you doing here?


To be continued..

Stay Tuned.

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