Forget {Varian x Reader}

Por LeviathanEsque

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-Y/n was the beloved princess of Corona, positioned perfectly to inherit the throne- until Rapunzel returned... Más

-Part One- Good Kid
-Chapter One- Happy Face
-Chapter Two- Fall Away
-Chapter Three- The God of Loss
-Chapter Four- Turn Out The Lights
-Chapter Five- Heather
-Chapter Six- Dancing With Your Shadows
-Chapter Seven- Gone, Gone, Gone
-Chapter Eight- Teenager In Love
-Chapter Nine- Remedy
-Chapter Ten- Promiseland
-Chapter Eleven- Curses
-Chapter Twelve- Let Me Make You Proud
-Chapter Thirteen- Where We Belong
-Chapter Fourteen- She Doesn't Sleep
-Chapter Fifteen- Enemy
-Chapter Sixteen- Follow You
-Chapter Seventeen- Weight of the World
-Chapter Eighteen- Trapdoor
-Chapter Nineteen- Dream Sweet in Sea Major
-Chapter Twenty- Let's Kill Tonight
-Chapter Twenty-One- Ready As I'll Ever Be
-Chapter Twenty-Two- House of Memories
Intermission #1: Alternative Chapter Titles
Intermission #2: Bloopers
Intermission #3: Part Two Trailer
-Part Two- Valentine
-Chapter Twenty-Three- The Loneliest
-Chapter Twenty-Four- Viva La Vida
-Chapter Twenty-Five- Youth
-Chapter Twenty-Six- Revived
-Chapter Twenty-Seven- Crossing the Line
-Chapter Twenty-Nine- The Scientist
-Chapter Thirty- Laplace's Angel
-Chapter Thirty-One- Sally's Song
-Chapter Thirty-Two- Villains Aren't Born(They're Made)
-Chapter Thirty-Three- Blur
-Chapter Thirty-Four- The Moon Will Sing
-Chapter Thirty-Five- Immortals
-Chapter Thirty-Six- Decay
Intermission #4: Alternative Chapter Titles 2
Intermission #5: Bloopers 2
Intermission #6: Part Three Trailer
-Part Three- Demons
-Chapter Thirty-Seven- Control
-Chapter Thirty-Eight- City of Stars
-Chapter Thirty-Nine- Every Breaking Wave
-Chapter Forty- Um, It's Kind of a Lot
-Chapter Forty-One- Only Us
-Chapter Forty-Two- Seventeen
-Chapter Forty-Three- One Way Up

-Chapter Twenty-Eight- King

565 26 240
Por LeviathanEsque

/you've got it all/ you've lost your mind in the sound/ there's so much more/ you can reclaim your crown/ you're in control/

-king, lauren aquilina

"What do you mean, Your Majesty?" Y/n heard Andrew call from behind her, the golden throne room doors swinging open.

Her gaze never left her confused parents as she heard footsteps approaching behind her. She took a step back as the Saporians approached, letting them form a group around her.

Varian walked to her side and took her gloved hand in his, without a sound. Y/n smiled, despite the implications of what she had just done.

Andrew stepped to the head of the group. "Don't you remember us?"

"No..." her father began questioningly. "Actually... I don't remember anything."

"Neither do I." the queen wondered aloud.

Andrew pasted a fake expression of horror on his face. Y/n had to admit, he was a pretty good actor.

"Really? Oh, no, this can't be good."

He shook his head. "We just went to go get your daughter from where she had been studying in the Seven Kingdoms. You told us only your advisors could be trusted with her safety, after all- what on earth happened while we were gone?"

"Daughter?" the queen asked, bewilderment on her face.

"I don't..." the king frowned. "I don't know what happened. I don't remember any of it."

"Don't worry, Your Majesties." Andrew reassured with a smile. "We'll find out what happened to you. In the meantime, we'll be here, helping every step of the way until you've recovered."

"But... who are we? Who are you? Who are they?" the queen asked, further confusion in her voice.

"Why, you're the rulers of New Saporia, of course!" he exclaimed proudly. "King Frederic and Queen Arianna."

He grinned. "My name's Andrew, and we're all your most trusted advisors. We've been here with you since the day you took the throne."

He turned to the group. "Clementine, Kai, Maisie, Juniper, and Varian-" he pointed to each of them in turn- "if you didn't already remember that? After all they've done for you, it'd be hard to forget them."

Andrew gestured to Y/n. "And your daughter, the Princess Y/n. She's been away, studying the Seven Kingdoms before you officially declared her as your heir." He shook his head with mock sadness. "I suppose that's how she avoided whatever dreadful thing happened to the two of you."


The amount of ridiculously believable lies in the past two minutes... holy crap.

He knows what he's doing.

"...Alright, then." Y/n's father responded slowly. The confusion on his face didn't seem to have lifted- if anything, it was worse.

"Your Majesties," Andrew began smoothly, "would you allow us to show you to your chambers? Perhaps we can fetch a healer, see if they can help with this."

"Of course." the queen nodded. "You are our advisors, I suppose."

The king and queen descended the steps of the dais, following Andrew, Maisie, and Juniper, who led the way out of the room.

Y/n's father stopped next to her and put a hand on her shoulder.

"I'm not sure why I don't remember having a daughter," he began warmly, "but though I don't recall knowing you, I'm sure you're wonderful."

And, with a faintly bewildered smile, the man left the throne room, following his wife and the Saporians that had them so brilliantly fooled.

Y/n looked down at the wand in her hand.

"Hey." Varian asked softly. Y/n looked up into his icy blue eyes, filled with concern. "Are you alright?"

She sighed.

"Yeah. Of course." she lied.

"Okay." Varian smiled, although the worry didn't leave his eyes. "I, um... I guess we should go with them."

"I'll be there in a minute." Y/n answered. "I just... need a second, if that's okay."

"Sure." he agreed. "Yeah, no worries. We'll be out here."

Y/n smiled at him as he left, but the smile faded a moment as soon as he was gone.

She turned her gaze to Clementine, the only Saporian left in the room.

Clementine let out a long, cackling laugh as soon as the door closed.

"Oh, finally!" she cried. "Generations of Separatists, and we finally did it!"

Y/n forced a smile onto her face. "Everything you wanted, right?"

The older woman laughed again. "You'd better believe it."

Clementine reached out to Y/n, holding her hand out expectantly. Y/n blinked at her, confused.

"The wand, Princess."

"Oh. Right."

She gave one more searching look to the wand. It felt... it felt like it was made for her. Despite how awful its power was, she didn't want to give it up. And yet at the same time, she couldn't get away from it fast enough.

She flipped her grip on the wand and extended it to Clementine, hilt first.

The woman reached out to take it.

The second her hand made contact with the wood, a burst of pink erupted from the gemstone on the end. Pink lightning raced from the stone and surrounded Clementine, and the woman let out a shout of surprise and pain.

Y/n, however, still holding onto the wand, was unharmed.

The lightning dissipated, and Clementine looked up at Y/n furiously. "What's wrong with you, girl?"

She blinked, shocked. "No, I- I didn't do that! Here! Take it!"

She threw the wand to the floor, clattering on the tile.

Clementine looked up in annoyance, before reaching down to pick up the wand.

The pink light burst out again, and lightning streaked from the wood and up Clementine's arm.

"What in the Dark Kingdom was that?" she asked angrily.

Y/n knelt down hesitantly and placed her hand on the wand's hilt.


She picked it up and tossed it from hand to hand. The pink stone seemed to glow brighter, but she remained unharmed.

"Congratulations, Princess." Clementine spat. "Looks like it chose you."

She turned on her heel and stalked from the room.

"Wait, come back! I don't want this thing!" Y/n called after her, but the woman was gone.

Y/n sighed and looked down at the artifact in her hand, panic replaced with confusion, giving way to a gnawing emptiness.

The wand had... chosen her?

But she didn't want this. This was a wand that made people forget. It was stupid, but Y/n couldn't get Xavier's fairytale out of her head. Did this make her the witch in the story?

No! She was the hero! She was taking her revenge, getting justice for what had been done to her!

And she'd done it.

She'd gotten everything she wanted.

Revenge. Varian. Her throne.

And yet, she still felt cold.


This was everything she wanted.

So why couldn't she just be happy?

─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───

The ball was Clementine's idea.

For all the talking Andrew did, she certainly seemed to be the brains of the operation.

And Y/n had to admit, it was a pretty smart plan.

They'd spent the better part of two hours "filling in" the king and queen over everything that had supposedly happened in the period of time they had forgotten.

Another hour passed as they found each guard and palace staff member, making each one swear not to try and tell them anything that they weren't supposed to know with a mix of persuasion, bribery, and threats.

Clementine had managed to convince Y/n's parents that they had been planning her official coronation as heir to occur when she had returned from her "studying abroad".

And while a coronation wasn't necessary, considering how the laws of New Saporia could change whenever they liked, it would do three things.

For one, it wouldn't just be a coronation. While the king and queen wholeheartedly believed that their kingdom had always been New Saporia, the citizens didn't yet know. So, while they wouldn't say it out loud, this was an announcement to the common folk that things were changing- a declaration of victory.

As another side effect, it'd reveal to everyone that Y/n was still alive. Not dead, not missing, not a ghost, but fully alive and well- contrary to what her parents had been saying.

A second point, this would further reinforce her parent's belief in their word. If they had any doubt over what they had been told, this would vanquish all of it. How could you not believe that you ruled over a kingdom, and had only one heir, when that heir was being crowned with your kingdom's crest right in front of you?

And a third- when she returned, it would totally tick off Rapunzel.

Y/n wasn't being declared queen tonight. Rather, she was reclaiming her place as heir, her parents officially declaring that she was their successor. As long as New Saporia stood, this would remain, and her claim could not be challenged.

She was getting ready on her own. After having to explain the presence of the Saporians to pretty much every single handmaiden, Y/n didn't feel the need to spend any more time around them.

Her rooms hadn't been disturbed since she left that fateful day during the blizzard. A fine layer of dust coated the furniture, and everything was just as she'd left it.

Y/n had gone searching through her closet for anything that would still fit after the few inches she'd grown in the past six months. Setting her current outfit aside- she was attached now, there was no way she was getting rid of it- she'd picked out a dress for her declaration.

The dress was a deep (f/c), adorned with black jet swirling up the sides. The pieces of jet began as a solid sheet at the bottom, seeming to break away from each other further up the skirt, making it look like the (f/c) was fading into oblivion. The skirt was long, reaching down to the floor, cascading down in narrow waves at the bottom. Her shoulders were uncovered, and the sleeves below were long and elegant, with black jet in the same pattern as the skirt, falling loose around Y/n's hands.

She'd adorned her neck with loops of gleaming black pearls, the (Y/n)rium necklace front and center. She'd managed not to lose it for six months, and she certainly wasn't taking it off now.

Y/n had traded her fingerless gloves for long black ones, going up to her elbows. Her tall black boots waited at the door, replaced with a more formal pair with small heels on the end. She wore them for the height- but she was actually going to die if she had to keep them for more than a day. She couldn't even run in these things, for Demanitus's sake, and they were so loud! Who thought that this was a good idea?

It felt unusual to dress this formal after six months in the wilderness. For even longer than that, she'd been wearing pants and shirts rather than dresses. No one expected formality from her anyways, and they were much more practical for riding, or running, or really anything she needed to do. Her black and (f/c) coat had become so familiar that she felt incomplete without it.

She'd set the Wand of Oblivium down. It didn't seem happy when she let go of it- the stone seemed to glow almost... angrily?

No! That was stupid. An object like that couldn't have emotions... no matter how eerie it seemed.

Regardless, she was ready. Y/n smiled sadly as she remembered the last time she had meticulously crafted an outfit in here- it would have been before the blizzard, before she and Varian went through everything that they did.

She'd been happy then. It didn't make sense. Why couldn't she be happy now?

─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───

Y/n waited outside the carved ivory doors of the ballroom. She'd been in here before, but never alone, and never like this.

Once Andrew was done talking, she'd enter, walk down the stairs, and across the room to the dais where her parents would be. She'd be crowned, her parents would give a speech about Saporia and their "advisors", she'd make a brief announcement, and then she'd disappear into the crowd.

It was going to be fine. Y/n had done things far, far more dangerous than this without a second thought.

She still couldn't help the nerves, though.

With a sigh, she leaned against the wall and drummed her fingers on her arm impatiently. She'd been out here ten minutes, and she could still hear Andrew going on and on about New Saporia. Seriously, she knew that the point of this was to reveal their takeover to the citizens, but she was pretty sure they'd got the point by now.

"And so, with this night, we bring about a new and glorious age for New Saporia..." she heard him say, and rolled her eyes as she tuned his words out. He must have said "new and glorious age" seven times by now.

"...your heir, the Princess Y/n of New Saporia."

Y/n took a deep breath.

"Well, I'm ready as I'll ever be," she murmured, and pushed the double doors open.

The doors opened to a tall ivory staircase overlooking the room's inhabitants.

Y/n smiled. The faces of the people below her varied, but the general expressions contained shock, horror, confusion, despair, and, most curiously, regret. They all seemed at least a little scared, though. She didn't blame them- they'd thought she was dead for over half a year.

Do you think they grieved?

Except for one. Y/n looked up to see Varian waiting by the dais, just barely in the crowd, his expression one of astonishment and... admiration. She fought to keep the blush off of her face as she descended the staircase, smiling pointedly at Corona's citizens below her.

The crowd parted before Y/n, the people looking like they couldn't get far enough away from her. She didn't blame them. She'd attacked a palace, kidnapped the queen, sent an army of automatons after them, tried to kill their princess, became a ghost story, and most recently, erased their ruler's memories.

Still, that didn't stop the tiniest bit of guilt from creeping into her heart.

She stomped it down, buried deep beneath her triumph. Y/n had enough practice covering up her emotions. What was one more thing to hide?

Y/n strolled across the room, head held high, the golden light gleaming on her (h/l) (h/c) hair as she climbed up the steps to the dais, where her parents waited on their thrones.

When she reached the final step, she took a deep breath. You're not doing this for them. It's barely them anymore. You're not actually giving your respect to the ones who hurt you. Don't get in your head about it.

Ignoring the anger stirring inside her at showing this respect to the people who had forgotten her, Y/n knelt down, resting on one knee and lowering her head to her parents.

"Your Majesties." she spoke, projecting her voice as she raised her head. "I swear my allegiance, my life, and my crown to New Saporia, shall you take me as your successor, to lead your kingdom as you have done."

Short, but with a point. Let's see Andrew do that.

"Princess Y/n." her father began. Was she imagining the hint of pride in his voice?

"You have been trained well, and know what this crown entails. We trust you to carry on our legacy, and to devote your crown to the wellbeing of this kingdom. May your head hold high and your heart stay strong as you carry New... New Saporia to a new dawn, and may you someday rule as those before you."

No, you won't.

You'll be better.

He reached beside him and picked up a crown from where it lay on a cushion. Y/n held back a gasp.

The crown was small, but elegant. It was constructed of delicate silver metal, winding over itself to create an even circlet, adorned with (f/c) gemstones held in the wires like tiny flies in a spider's web.

It wasn't the beauty that caused this reaction in Y/n, however.

This was her crown.

It had been made for her coronation ceremony, set to happen the day she turned fifteen. The royal blacksmiths had come to her with questions, and she'd come up with the design herself. It was hers.

And there should never have been any doubt about that. If only Rapunzel had waited a single year.

She bowed her head as her father stepped forwards.

"With this crown," he spoke, "may you prepare to lead your kingdom into a new future. May this crown signify your commitment, and hold you accountable until the day you take your throne."

"With this crown," her father continued.

"I name you Princess Y/n."

He placed the crown on her head.

"Heir to New Saporia."

Y/n was silent for a long time as her father stood back, slowly rising to her feet.

She'd done it.

Everything she'd been waiting for.

There was no applause when she turned to face the crowd. She didn't expect any. All she saw were confused and horrified faces, other than Varian and the Saporians, who smiled with varying degrees of sincerity.

"Cor- New Saporia." she corrected herself, mentally cursing her force of habit. "I am... honored to accept this crown, and your leadership."

Just how much can you imply without saying it directly?

"Despite... complications in the past," Y/n continued, "I'm finally taking what I've earned."

She paused. "And now? Well... I assure that not a single one of you will forget me now."

And with that, she took a bow.

The room was silent for a moment. You could cut the tension with a knife.

As Y/n stood back up straight, the musicians to the side of the room began to play, filling the space with elegant melodies, and she descended the steps of the dais.

The sea of people parted for Y/n once more. They looked... scared, but she shouldn't mind it.

...And yet.

Y/n stopped in the middle of the ballroom floor, tilting her head. She knew this melody. Where did she know this from?

Hearing familiar footsteps, she glanced up, meeting Varian's eyes as he approached.

The corner of her mouth tilted up into a smile upon seeing him. He'd found the clothes of one of Corona's old princes, and was dressed formally. He wore a white buttoned shirt, a cobalt-blue vest, long blue pants, and a dark blue tailcoat that was just the slightest bit too big for him.

"May I have this dance, milady?"

Y/n smiled, recognizing the melody.

This was what the automaton had played.

"I'd be honored." she replied, taking his hand with a grin.

They took the same position they had been in in the lab, only reversed- this time, Varian led the dance, Y/n placing her hand on his shoulder, Varian's resting lightly on her waist. Y/n would have tried to reverse the scenario, but they were being watched, after all.

Hesitantly- nervously- the people around them separated into pairs and began to dance as well. The tune was grander than their automaton- a violin led the melody, cellos and basses supporting it with lower harmonies that complemented the tune perfectly.

Still, all the other dancers gave Y/n and Varian a wide berth, seemingly terrified to get too close, as if they were about to encase anyone in amber who looked at them the wrong way.

"They still hate us." Y/n murmured as she and Varian spun to the melody. "They're not going to comply easily with the Saporian's demands, not while we're here."

"Does it matter?" Varian asked in an equally quiet voice. "The plan worked. We're in charge, whether they like it or not."

Y/n sighed. "I just... I just wish there was a way for them to forget what we've done. For us to start over, but with everything right this time."

Varian looked at her with sadness in his eyes, but quickly took a step back, letting go of Y/n's waist. She held onto his hand with hers, confused, until the alchemist spun her around, her ending up in his arms, held just above the tile floor beneath as she stared up at him, a faint blush on her cheeks.

Varian grinned at her. "Maybe there is."

─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───

thank you all for reading!

-leviathan and yuki

[originally, Nineteen was going to be the only dance scene... but yuki wanted to be spun, and insisted that i write this one in. so, uh... everybody say "thank you yuki" -leviathan]

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