Love Bite | Yandere!Vampires...

Av starflame_x

172K 7.9K 3.7K

Desperate for money to pay off your debts, you sign up for a program that allows you to sell your blood to va... Mer

01: First Bite
02: Sweet Scent
03: A Tempting Offer
04: Complications
05: Rejected
06: Untouchable
07: Rude Interruption
08: A New Contract
09: Frightened
10: Predator and Prey
11: Impending Danger
13: The Happiest Day
14: Followed
15: Helpless Little Thing
16: Too Far Gone
17: No Freedom in Sight
18: Resignation
19: Crossing Paths
20: All He Needs
21: Unexpected Ally
22: To Seek Forgiveness
23: Still Living
24: Losing Control
25: Passion and Obligation
26: Taking Accountability
27: Honesty
28: Possessiveness
29: It's Okay to be Weak

12: Unexpected Hangout

5.9K 271 78
Av starflame_x

"I'm finally off! Thanks for waiting."

"No problem," Elliot smiles. He gestures towards your bag. "Do you need help carrying anything? I can hold that for you, if you'd like."

"I'm fine," you reassure. "It isn't heavy. Let's just head out. I'm really hungry, so I want to get home and make myself something to eat."

You've just finished another day at the coffee shop, and Elliot was nice enough to stick around and wait for you to be done. He even offered to walk you home, and not just so that you could chat for a while longer, but also to keep an eye out for that lowlife Johnny.

"I appreciate you going to all this trouble," you say, adjusting the strap of your bag. "I hope it's not too much of an inconvenience."

Elliot shakes his head. "Of course not. I like spending time with you, and I'd feel a lot better knowing you got home safe. I wish there was more I could do to help you get rid of that guy... so, it's actually a bit frustrating that this is all I'm capable of."

"Don't say that. It's not your fault. He's the one to blame. And also my shitty parents," you grimace.

Elliot smiles sympathetically, and although you don't really enjoy being pitied, the concern in his eyes is genuine. You can tell that if there was a way for him to get rid of Johnny without it coming back to bite you in the ass, he would do it in a heartbeat.

Still, it's probably best to change the topic. You'd rather not talk about your unfortunate childhood or dwell on the incident with Johnny any longer.

"I hope it's not a rude question or anything, but are you working right now?" you ask.

"Hm? Oh, yes," he nods. "I have a job at a flower shop. But since the customers would probably feel uncomfortable if I was working up front, I mainly just move the products around and do some of the flower arranging in the back. To be honest, I could tell the owner was reluctant to hire me, but more and more companies are being encouraged to hire vampires now that the new laws have passed. There's definitely an incentive, otherwise I doubt I would have been able to land a job so easily."

True. Honestly, you've been wondering about that for a while. Vampires are actively discriminated against because people fear them so much, so you worried that they would struggle to secure working positions. Nowadays, refusing to hire someone for those reasons is probably grounds for a lawsuit, but you're sure that a lot of people still aren't too keen on having a vampire as their coworker.

"Every human I've met so far can't seem to hide their bias towards me," Elliot admits. "Some are more subtle than others, but apart from you, I haven't met anyone who genuinely feels comfortable around me. I guess I haven't been in the city for a very long time yet, so perhaps that'll change at some point... but I don't know. I can't help but feel a bit doubtful."

You slump your shoulders, feeling immeasurably upset on his behalf. It isn't fair that people assume the worst of him, especially when he's such a good guy. Vampire or not, what matters is a person's character. If only they would give him a chance and actually get to know him properly.

"But that's what makes me appreciate you all the more," Elliot continues. He's blushing now, even avoiding your gaze somewhat. "You're so nice, and you don't judge people superficially. And I don't just mean with respect to me being a vampire. You just seem like the type of person to withhold your judgment until you've given someone a fair shot."

"Well, that's the least I can do," you shrug. "There's no point in jumping the gun. Granted, some people make really shitty first impressions that there's simply no recovering from, but I'm not going to automatically hate someone just based on rumors or gossip. I think the problem nowadays is that stories about vampires have gotten completely out of hand, and people can't get past that initial fear. They automatically assume the worst, and don't feel like risking it."

Elliot lifts his head towards the sky. "Yeah. I can't entirely blame them for being afraid. I probably would be too, if I was in their position. But I just wish... they wouldn't hate me because of it. It just hurts to see the way they glare at me, like I've done something wrong. Like I'm some monster who doesn't know how to control myself."

You're not sure what to say to that, because you can only imagine how painful it must be to constantly be perceived in such a negative light.

To some extent, it's good to be cautious. There are assholes like Felix out there, after all. But then again, there are assholes like Johnny too, and he's a human. He doesn't possess otherworldly strength or vitality, and yet, he's easily succeeded in turning your life into a goddamn fucking nightmare.

There are plenty of dangers in this world, and encountering a vampire certainly isn't the worst of them. You just wish more people would hurry up and realize that.

Anyways, you were hoping to steer clear of depressing topics, but it looks like you've gone right back to square one.

"It suits you," you say, smiling in an attempt to lift the mood. "Working at a flower shop, I mean. And I can imagine you being really good at flower arrangements. You've always struck me as being really patient and detail-oriented."

Elliot shyly scratches his cheek. "Y-You think so? I do like flowers. I've always thought they're really pretty. I'm not sure exactly how good I am at making arrangements, but I definitely enjoy the process. And even though I'm never interacting with the customers, I like to think that the flowers they take home make them happy. It's a bit trivial, but it makes me feel like I've actually accomplished something."

"I'm sure they all love whatever you make," you encourage. "Tell me the name of your shop. I might stop by at some point and pick something out for my apartment."

"Th-There's no need for you to go out of your way. But if you want... I can pick something out for you and drop it off at some point?"

He glances at you hopefully, and his expression is so cute that you can't help but giggle.

"Sure," you beam. "You're the expert. Take your time coming up with whatever you think would look best. I'll be eagerly awaiting the finished product."

Elliot blushes yet again, but he's unable to hide the wobbly smile that keeps pulling at the corners of his lips. Working at a flower shop really does suit him. He's so gentle, after all. His impressive display against Johnny was a stark reminder that he's much stronger than the average person, but he doesn't seek to intimidate others with his strength or scare them into submission. He's proof that just because someone has the ability to cause harm doesn't mean that they actually will.

While you walk, Elliot entertains you with various flower facts. You can tell that he's passionate about the subject because he gets especially chatty, and his eyes practically sparkle the whole time he talks. You're perfectly happy to smile and listen attentively. It's nice to see him ramble on so excitedly, plus, you also get to learn a few things while you're at it.

Before you realize it, you've already made it home. Time really does pass faster when you're with a friend.

"Thanks again for walking me all the way home," you say. "I enjoyed the company."

"I did too," Elliot smiles. "I work pretty early in the day, so I'm usually free this time of night. Which is nice, because I prefer to be out when it's not sunny anyways. Our schedules seem to align too."

He reflects on his last words for a few moments, then proceeds to blush profusely.

"I-I didn't mean it in a weird way!" he insists. "It's not like I expect you to meet up with me all the time or anything! It's just, um... if you ever feel like walking home together, or maybe just stopping for another drink sometime... odds are, I'll probably be free. That's all."

As always, it doesn't take much to embarrass him, and you briefly chuckle, amused by his skittishness.

"Yeah, it's convenient," you smile. "I'm glad we can find time to hang out like this." You were about to say goodbye and head inside the building, but you pause for a few moments. "By the way, um... if you ever feel like drinking my blood again, just let me know, okay? I'm not trying to pester you for money or anything, so I hope it doesn't come across that way. It's just a reminder that whenever you want to, I'll be ready."

Elliot instinctively swallows. Just hearing you utter those few words is enough to make him feel dizzy.

"I-I'll be sure to let you know," he stammers. "I just wanted to make sure your body had time to recover, since I know you went to Plasma Inc. not long ago. A-Anyways, uh... goodnight!"

He promptly speeds off, looking like he's in a hurry all of a sudden. You recall him reacting similarly after he drank your blood that one time. Knowing him, he's probably feeling self-conscious again. It'll probably take him a bit more time to get used to.

But the truth is that has less to do with him being self-conscious than you'd like to think.

Elliot still can't get over how incredible yet overwhelming the first time he tasted your blood was. He chose to flee the scene then and there because already, he could feel his heart threatening to burst right out of his chest. He realizes that he needs to pace himself and give his heart time to settle down. He needs to control his urges, no matter how badly he wants to drink your blood again, and be more patient. Otherwise...

He might just get addicted.


"...for the last time, I am not playing Mario Kart with you again," you sigh tiredly. "You beat me so many times that it wasn't even funny."

Caleb chuckles and pats you on the back. "Aw, c'mon. Like I said, practice makes perfect. You're only bound to get better!"

"That's what you'd think, but I feel like I'm actually challenged when it comes to video games. So, hard pass."

He makes puppy eyes at you, but you huff and stubbornly turn away from him. You're not so easily swayed, especially when the humiliating defeat you've suffered at his hands time and time again is still fresh in your mind.

The two of you worked the same shift today, and now that it's over, Caleb invited you to go over to his place again. You agreed, but only on the condition that there would be no video games involved. Seriously, is a movie too much to ask for?

"A lot of Mario Kart is luck-based," Caleb insists. "If you pick up a good item near the end of the race, you can swoop in and steal first place from me, just like that."

You snort. "If that were really true, then I wouldn't have lost so horribly every single time. I think luck can only take you so far if your skills are nonexistent. Not to mention that I have terrible luck in the first place."

"But it's fun!"

"Well, yeah, if you're always winning."

"Losing can be fun too!"

"No video games, Caleb," you sigh for the umpteenth time. "At least not for a little while. I still need to mentally recover from all my previous losses."

He slumps his shoulders and makes a big show of pouting, but thankfully drops the issue. You're sure you can find something else to do besides playing video games. It's nice that he has a hobby, but you really wish it was something you were less crappy at.

What a cute little dilemma. You never would've imagined arguing over such a silly, nonsensical issue with a friend. It's actually pretty funny, and you can't help but smile.

It doesn't take long for your smile to drop, though.

"Ah. Right on time."

You stiffen up, and you swear it feels like all of your blood has just turned to ice.

That shithead Kai is here again.

"I asked one of the servers inside about you, and they said your shift was about to end. Good thing they weren't lying to me, or I would've had to beat the shit out of them," Kai muses.

You don't respond. You don't know what to say, or how to describe what you're feeling. It's hard to fully express the horror seeping into every fiber of your being. This sense of helplessness that can't possibly be overwritten.

Worse yet, you've just remembered who's standing next to you.

Much like you, Caleb hasn't moved a muscle. His jaw is clenched, and even though he's staying perfectly silent, from this close up, you can see his throat quivering.

Kai chuckles darkly. "Aw. Looks like your boyfriend's here too. That's no fun. How are you doing, dude? Man, I can't believe your nose is still bruised. It takes humans this long to heal? Talk about pathetic."

You should have known better than to open your big fat mouth. You should have known better than to talk back to a crazy bastard like him. Now, because of your stupidity, he's going to put a target on Caleb's head too. As if it wasn't bad enough that he was already assaulted by him before.

You're not sure how much Kai knows about you, but your coworkers have always had loose lips, and with a bit of threatening, you doubt it was hard for him to figure out what he wanted. And now that he knows for a fact that you work here, there's nothing stopping him from coming back.


You're so fucked.

Caleb is undeniably scared, but despite that, he steps in front of you and tries to block Kai off. "Leave," he grits out, trying to keep his voice steady. "Are you stalking us now, or what? This is beyond fucked up. You can't just loiter around someone's workplace. We don't even know each other."

"Huh? Don't you remember me?" Kai innocently bats his eyes, then points towards his nose, a cruel sneer spreading across his lips. "I'm the one that knocked you out in one hit. I figured the pain would've kept you thinking about me. Honestly, I'm a bit hurt."

"You're a fucking psycho," Caleb glares. "I said, leave. Seriously. This isn't funny."

"Shut up, man. I'm not interested in you. Stop begging for my attention."

Kai steps closer, much to your horror, and Caleb instinctively raises his arms to shove him away.

In that moment, you remember just how brutally he was attacked last time. How one hit, faster than you could even blink, was all it took to render him semi-unconscious, laid out on the ground with blood spewing from his nose.

At the rate things are going, there's a good chance history will repeat itself.


You cry out in alarm, pulling Caleb back. He glances towards you in confusion, but that split second is all it takes for Kai to close the distance and wrap an arm around your waist.

"Cute," he grins. "Were you worried I was going to punch him again? Don't worry, I'll play nice. I'm in a pretty good mood today. Just as long as he doesn't piss me off, that is."

Caleb's face drops. "[N-Name]! What the fuck is wrong with you?! Let go of her!"

You can see him mentally debating whether or not to rush in, but he's clearly afraid that if he plays it wrong, it'll be your nose being broken this time.

"Relax. I wouldn't hurt a woman. I'm a gentleman, after all." Kai squeezes your waist, an act which makes a shiver instantly rip down your spine. The lecherous, crooked grin he's wearing, coupled with how tightly he's holding you, tells you that he's anything but gentlemanly. Although that was obvious from the start.

"Get your hands off her," Caleb warns, eyes clouding over. "Or-"

"Or what? Are you seriously trying to intimidate me right now?" Kai laughs. He pulls you even closer, to the point that your body is uncomfortably pressed against his, then, he uses his other hand to loosely grip your neck. "To be honest, I was just fucking with you earlier," he says darkly. "I'll punch this bitch's face in, no questions asked. I might even twist her scrawny neck just for the hell of it. So, if you don't want that to happen, I suggest you shut the fuck up."

Caleb draws in a shaky gasp, and meanwhile, you squeeze your eyes shut, fear overtaking all of your senses.

He wouldn't... kill you, would he? Not in broad daylight. Not like this. Even if his father is the head of the police force, surely there are limits to what he can get away with.


"Man, both of you are such wimps, huh?"

Kai laughs again; a loud, obnoxious sound that makes your stomach twist. He lets go of your neck, and even though he wasn't actively choking you, it still feels like you haven't gotten enough air. He holds you close, unwilling to let go, then reaches out and wraps an arm around Caleb's shoulder, pulling him in too.

"Here's what's going to happen," he hums. "You two are gonna hang out with me for a little while. Just the three of us. It'll be tons of fun. Oh, and just so you know, you don't have a choice. Try to refuse and I will make you regret it."

Kai starts pulling both of you along. You feel nauseous beyond belief, and your heart is beating so fast that you swear you're about to go into cardiac arrest.

Caleb grits his teeth. "What the actual fuck is wrong with you? Why can't you just let us go? I'll call the police, and-"

"Call the police?" Kai throws his head back and laughs again. "Dude. My dad is the police. And I guarantee he won't take your side over mine, so I'd suggest keeping your mouth shut and being grateful that I haven't broken your damn nose again."

Neither of you says anything in response. All you can do is let Kai drag you along to god-knows-where, too afraid to so much as blink wrong and risk pissing him off.

And to think that just a few minutes ago, your biggest qualm was whether or not you would have to play Mario Kart today.

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