The Philocalist 〰 ♡ 〰 Volume...

بواسطة ScarlettSinger

36.4K 1.4K 221

Philocalist Noun. lover of beauty; someone who finds beauty in all things. "Officer Lopez, you get our legac... المزيد

Crash Course
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
The Roundup
The Hawke
The Ride Along
Time of Death
Flesh and Blood
Caught Stealing
Plain Clothes Day
Green Light
The Shake Up
The Checklist
Free Fall

The Switch

1.9K 72 18
بواسطة ScarlettSinger

{Hi, just a quick thing, I'm not going to release new episodes of Altruism until Saturday just because I need to finish my plans for how the rest of the season is going to go since I'm a little more than halfway through. But when I do release it, I'll publish six episodes to make up for the wait. Hope you enjoy :)}

"alright, tell me about Eleonora Solokov" Zoe requests, returning from the bar with drinks.

"um, what do you wanna know?" Elle giggles, accepting the Coke given.

"well I know the basics, immigrating from Russia, specifically Siberia when you were 20, went to the Academy in Hawaii while your immigration paperwork was going through and was moved to LA" Zoe explains. "but I wanna know why"

"right, so Siberia is a pretty poor area of Russia, it's cold and grim and politicians don't really care about us. My family were farmers and I was the black sheep of the family, as Americans say, I knew that farming wasn't for me and decided to immigrate to America" Elle answers.

"and why the police?" Zoe inquires.

"I've always been good at guns, I hunted with my dad when I was little and I liked the idea of protecting people" Elle replies.

Zoe nods. "I saw your scores from the Academy, it was impressive"

"thank you" Elle smiles, blushing. "why did you want to be a cop?"

"I'm a native LA dweller and I saw how cops would treat people on the streets and I was determined to change that" Zoe explains.

"that's amazing" Elle compliments.

"thank you" Zoe smiles. "and your nieces and nephew?"

"oh, right, my brother, Alexander, he married this French girl. At first she was charmed by living in such a remote place and working on the farm, but she grew bored and so they left their children with me and are now traveling the world" Elle elaborates.

"damn, that's pretty bitchy" Zoe whistles.

Elle giggles. "yeah... it's not fun, Maxim basically hates me and the twins... are infants"

"how did you get through the Academy with them?" Zoe inquires.

"the babysitter would drop them off at lunch every day and I would feed them and right before I left for the Academy and when I got back home" Elle explains.

Zoe nods. "so you're a Russian immigrant with three kids to look after and still rocking being a r[ookie?" Zoe concludes.

Elle giggles, blushing "I guess you could say that"

"I can and I will" Zoe grins.

[Two Hours Later]

"how's your friend?" Maya asks when Elle gets back home.

"she's so nice, she's my Captain but she was so... friendly, nobody here has been like that yet and I think she actually wants to talk to me" Elle gushes.

"that's amazing, Elle" Maya squeals.

"thank you so much for watching the kids for an extra few hours" Elle thanks, very grateful.

"of course, I'm so proud of you, I know how hard it's been but you found someone to talk to and that's amazing" Maya compliments.

"thank you" Elle smiles. "so I'll see you tomorrow?"

"bright and early, goodnight El" Maya nods, grabbing her purse.

"goodnight" Elle calls after Maya before she leaves.

Elle squeals and does a little spin when Maya is gone. Her exclamation of happiness wakes up Dashia which in turn wakes up Sasha.

But Elle is not deterred by the twins waking up, newly energized and optimistic. She bounces towards their room, eagerly singing them lullabies. The smile on their aunt's face makes the twins fall asleep, glad that their new mom is happy for the first time since moving to LA.

[Eight Hours Later]

"Everyone have a seat. Today is a special day for our rookies. 'Cause today we switch things up. That's right. Everybody gets a new training officer. Nolan, you'll be riding with Officer Lopez. West, and Solokov, you'll be riding with Officer Bradford. And Chen, you'll be with Bishop. But learning how to navigate a new T.O. is not your only challenge. By the end of next shift, I expect every rookie to uncover something personal about their training officer, something they don't want you to know. This will be a test of your investigative instincts and your fortitude. Best insight will win a day off. Worst one handles Saturday night cavity searches. That's it. Good luck." Grey says before dismissing them.

As everyone starts to file out of the room, Lopez turns to Bradford.

"you got yourself a secret admirer today" Lopez smirks, talking to Bradford.

"West?" Bradford huffs. "of course I do"

Lopez just nods, not telling him that he's wrong.

[Five Minutes Later]

"excuse me, sorry" Elle apologizes as she moves to the front of the three rookies talking right in front of the quartermaster counter.

The other rookies don't acknowledge her presence as Elle gets gear for herself, Jackson, and Bradford. 

Bishop is already in the garage, tilting her head when she sees Elle carrying three heavy bags. Her small figure looks even tinier in comparison to the massive bags she's carrying. Bishop just rolls her eyes in amusement and turns back to her own shop.

Elle loads up the shop while Jackson gets into the passenger seat.

Bradford grabs his arm and pulls him out of the passenger seat "uh uh, she gets front seat" 

Jackson looks confused on who he means by 'she', until Bradford tilts his head to Elle.

Elle looks like a deer in headlights, looking between the two. Jackson is the first to move, getting into the back seat. Bradford raises an eyebrow. 

"thank you, sir" Elle rushes back and gets into the passenger seat, with Bradford closing the door once she's settled.

[Ten Minutes Later]

"how you doing, boot?" Bradford asks, aiming his question towards Elle but Jackson answers.

"really good" Jackson pipes up.

Bradford grits his teeth.

"and you?" Bradford inquires.

"I'm good, sir" Elle replies.

"This is gonna be a great day. I was glad when Sergeant Grey paired us up." Bradford remarks, talking to Elle.

He's being honest, he's heard about her marksmanship and he's curious to see whether the rumors are true.

Elle opens her mouth to respond but Jackson again thinks the comment is aimed at him.

"You were?" Jackson asks.

Bradford grips the steering wheel a little bit harder,  deciding to pull one of his regular stumps to break rookies "Yeah. Being a police officer is in your DNA. It's gonna be my privilege to - " He slams on the breaks.

"I've been shot! Where are you, Boot? I'm bleeding to death. You have to call for help. Where are you?" Bradford exclaims, explicitly looking at Jackson.

"North Mansfield, cross street is Beverly Boulevard. There's a medical center on Third Street, but I would see that you were taken to Cedars. Better trauma center. And the best coffee in L.A. is two blocks down." Jackson responds. 

"So, all the stuff about -" Jackson starts.

"The only thing that's gonna make me happy is bringing you down several notches" Bradford practically growls out.

Lopez must be prioritizing Jackson and Bradford had suspected it, just given how he's seen the three interact, but he didn't think it was this bad. He'll talk to Lopez about it at lunch.

[Thirty Minutes Later]

Bradford pulls up under an overpass where another car is parked.

"I had us attached to a raid. Heard about you being an expert marksman, wanted to see if that was true" Bradford explains, talking to Elle.

Elle nods, following him out of the car along with Jackson.

"Detective Singh." Bradford nods at one of the men who get out of the other car.

"Bradford. When are you gonna make the jump out of patrol, huh?" Singh asks.

"Never. I work for a living." Bradford jokes.

"Yeah. This West's kid?" Singh inquires.

"Yes, sir. Jackson West." Jackson introduces himself.

"and I've heard about you, little lady" Singh whistles. "your records at the Academy are legend."

"thank you, sir, it's lovely to meet you" Elle smiles.

"Polite too" Singh comments.

"You two ready to mix it up?" Singh asks both Elle and Jackson.

"Yes, sir." Jackson and Elle both nod.

"Good. We got a known gunrunner two blocks up. We can pin at least three murder weapons on him. We're gonna put eyeballs on his place, make sure he's home, then we go in hot." Singh explains.

"You're rolling with the big boys now, Boot." Bradford remarks when he sees Jackson looking slightly scared.

[Ten Minutes Later]

"uh uh, didn't your father ever teach you manners? lady gets passenger seat" Singh shakes his head when Jackson heads to sit in the passenger seat.

"had to tell him in the shop too" Bradford shakes his head as he holds open the door for Elle to climb in.

Elle does and Bradford closes the door before getting into the backseat with Jackson and another man.

"Heard you caught a bullet." Singh comments.

"Went right through me. Barely worth mentioning to you." Bradford waves off. 

"Singh's been stabbed six times." Bradford tells Elle and Jackson.

"Nine. It was a busy summer." Singh corrects.

"I'll say." Bradford agrees.

"was it working-" Elle starts but Jackson interrupts her.

"So, have you known Officer Bradford long?" Jackson asks.

"Don't answer that. Watch Commander's got him looking for insight into his T.O." Bradford says.

"Copy that. But my silence won't be cheap." Singh nods.

"You're not getting my Dodger tickets." Bradford shuts down but Singh gives him a look.

"One game. That's it." Bradford resigns

Elle watches as a pizza delivery guy walks up to the door of the house and someone answers it.

"The gunrunners are at home. We're in business. Let's go gear up." Singh grins.

[Five Minutes Later]

They're creeping down the sidewalk along the side of the house.

"On your toes, Boots. These guys are armed for war." Bradford instructs.

They reach a fence where a large dog is barking and growling at them.

"Early-warning system." Bradford remarks.

Elle's eyebrows furrow when he takes something out of his pocket and tosses it to the dog, who runs after it.

"You just happened to have that on you?" Bradford raises an eyebrow.

"Of course not. My dad taught me to carry dog biscuits. Thought he was pulling my leg, but that just worked like gangbusters." Jackson explains.

They bypass the gate and hear what's going on inside.

"Police!" They hear Singh yells.

Shots are fired in the yard behind the fence. They got through the wood, Jackson cowers down and covers his head behind Elle while Elle and Bradford return fire. 

"Let's go, Boot! What's wrong? Are you hit?" Bradford calls to Jackson, who just shakes his head.

The gunshots quiet down when Elle hits the final man and Singh approaches them.

"Two down inside. You guys okay?" Singh asks.

"Yeah." Bradford nods.

Singh walks away and Bradford turns to glare at Jackson.

"good hit, boot" Bradford adds to Elle, suppressing his anger.

He's gonna have a long talk with Lopez.

[Thirty Minutes Later]

"boot, buy us sandwiches" Bradford says, handing Elle some cash.

Elle obeys, moving to one of the food trucks while Bradford goes to confront Lopez.

"The hell were you thinking letting me hit the streets with a broken rookie?" Bradford exclaims, out of Elle's hearing range.

"He's not broken." Angela argues.

"He froze when the bullets started flying. You gonna tell me the same thing didn't happen with you the day I got shot?" Bradford raises an eyebrow.

"I thought I helped him get past it." Lopez sighs.

"Well, you didn't. Now he's my problem. Not for long." Bradford decides.

"I lied to Andersen to cover for the kid. If you out him, my career is over, too." Lopez admits.

Well, that was stupid." Bradford says, pausing for a moment. 

"All right, look. I know just the neighborhood to take him to. He'll self-destruct by the end of the day, I'll catch him on my body cam, he'll be done. No one will know about you." Bradford explains.

"His father's a commander at Internal Affairs." Lopez points out.

"I don't care. Boot's a menace." Bradford shakes his head.

"This is exactly why I didn't tell you. You think Jackson's father won't blame you for the kid's failure? This is political whether you like it or not." Lopez says.

"What do we do? Leave him on the streets? Hope he doesn't get you killed?" Bradford argues.

"No. I don't know. He could be a good cop, h-he's smart. He has instincts you can't teach. There's potential." Lopez defends Jackson.

"Screw potential." Bradford scoffs. "you wanna talk about potential, think about your other boot"

"Romanov? what about her?" Lopez asks.

"It's pretty damn obvious you've been favoring West" Bradford replies.

"I haven't been favoring him" Lopez's eyebrows furrow.

"you have and that ends now." Bradford says before walking back towards Elle.

"thanks, boot" Bradford says, accepting the sandwich she gives him.

"of course, sir, here's the change" Elle says, handing him the money back.

"all yours" Bradford shakes his head, pushing her hand back towards her chest. "let's get moving"

"Walk away, Boot." Bradford orders Nolan as they approach the car where Jackson is sitting.

"Officer Bradford -" Nolan starts.

"I gave you an order." Bradford growls.

"Listen to me. He's worth fighting for. You and Lopez both know it." Nolan says.

Bradford ignores him, holding open the door for Elle and closing it once she's inside.

[Time Skip - Five Hours Later]

"hey, you had Elle today, right?" Zoe asks, walking over to Bradford.

"yeah, she's good" Bradford nods.

"she is" Zoe grins.

Bradford turns to look at his Captain. "Ma'am, you know that IA would-"

"No! That's not what this is!" Zoe exclaims.

Bradford raises an eyebrow.

"Just-... how is she on the streets?" Zoe asks.

"you haven't talked to Lopez about her?" Bradford inquires.

"Nah, she's so worried about West" Zoe shrugs. 

Bradford tenses at the name of Jackson but Zoe doesn't catch it.

"She's as good as a marksman as the rumors say" Bradford remarks.

"what do you think her problem is?" Zoe questions.

"don't know yet" Bradford responds.

"let me know when you do, yeah?" Zoe requests.

"yes, ma'am" Bradford nods. "why are you all dressed up?"

"I'm taking Elle out for her first American movie" Zoe explains.

Bradford smirks.

"I'm still your superior officer" Zoe reminds him before walking off.

[Time Skip - Twelve Hours Later]

"So, are you gonna tell me my fate, or are you just gonna torture me all morning?" Jackson asks as they walk down the hallway of an apartment building.

"You really in a hurry to find out?" Bradford questions.

"No." Jackson replies.

Bradford knocks on door 17.

"Who is it?" A man calls from inside.

"Officer Bradford." Bradford responds.

"I.D." The man requests.

"You're looking at us through the peephole, Wallace. Just open up." Bradford sighs.

"Who're these two?" Wallace asks.

"Eleonora Solokov, it's lovely to meet you, sir" Elle smiles, extending her hand for Wallace to shake.

Wallace looks at Bradford.

"shake her damn hand" Bradford rolls his eyes.

"Who are you?" Jackson asks as Elle shakes Wallace's hand.

"Have you been out of the apartment recently?" Bradford questions.

"The downstairs buzzer's broken. Can you fix it for me?" Wallace requests.

"Fix it yourself." Bradford snarks back.

"We'll be in the car." Bradford tells Jackson, starting to guide Elle away.

"What - What am I supposed to do?" Jackson calls.

"Talk to Wallace." Bradford replies as he and Elle walk away.

[Ten Minutes Later]

"boot, we don't need to fix his damn buzzer" Bradford remarks, though he doesn't have the heart to stop her.

"it'd be nice, sir" Elle smiles.

"whatever floats your boat" Bradford shrugs.

[Three Hours Later]

"Okay, according to Garcia, the exchange is going down at Stoneson Home Supply on Sunset." Grey says during the briefing.

"They're gonna make a drug deal in the parking lot in broad daylight?" Lucy questions.

"Box stores are the perfect cover. Busy parking lots, multiple exits. They hide in the chaos." Bradford explains.

"At 1500 hours, a car loaded with 80 kilos of cocaine driven up from Mexico will land in the parking lot. The driver will walk away. A runner for the buyer will climb behind the wheel and drive off. The whole thing takes 90 seconds." Grey adds.

"According to Nestor, the shipment is in a red Civic with Nevada plates." Lopez informs.

"Now, the parking lot only has two access points, here and here. Officer Bradford, you'll be parked out of sight over there. Officer Bishop, you'll have all eyes on this exit here." Grey instructs.

"And what about us, Sergeant? What's our position?" Nolan asks.

"We need to know exactly when the car lands, so we need eyes on the whole parking lot. You will be with me here." Grey answers.

[Two Hours Later]

"Copy that." Bradford says over the radio.

"Thanks. For, uh, not outing me to Grey. I had a good talk with Wallace." Jackson pipes up.

"Great. Can you promise me you're cured?" Bradford asks.

"Of course not." Jackson responds.

"Then if things go sideways on this bust, you do not get out of this shop. Do you understand?" Bradford orders.

"Sir -" Jackson starts.

"Look, the only answer here is "yes." I cannot rely on you to have my back, and I will not have your death on my head. Got it?" Bradford instructs.

"Yes, sir." Jackson nods.

When the shootout happens, Elle is out of the car while Bradford turns to Jackson. "Stay in the car." He orders, before following after Elle.

They're spotted by one of the shooters and shot at. Bradford pulls Elle behind a car as the two shoot back. Elle holds her gun steady, only take a second before hitting the man in the shoulder and sending him down. 

Another shooter tries to pin them down but Elle gets him to.

"Two suspects in custody." Elle says over the radio.

"nice job, boot" Bradford grins, giving her a high five.

[Five Hours Later]

"thank you for taking me mini golfing" Elle thanks, smiling as Zoe walks her up to her apartment.

"of course, you have fun?" Zoe inquires.

"yeah, I did" Elle nods.

"that's all that matters" Zoe replies.

Elle gives her a smile as she unlocks her apartment.

"see you tomorrow" Elle says.

"see you" Zoe nods, watching as Elle enters her apartment.

Once the door is closed, Zoe's head falls.


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