Don't Move

由 micahbotha

19 3 0

One moment you're free and loving life, not caring to think what you might be doing to hurt someone else or s... 更多

My Life
The Breaking Point
Beginning of War
Food Hunting
Searching For Safety
Robots and Memories
Lost and Confused
Soldiers and Green Smoke
New Way of Life
Caring Duties
A Cycle
The Mothers and Father
Heidi and Tyler
Family Reunion
Politics of the Royal Family
Leto's Return
The Memorial Event
Peace and Sympathy
Sector 8
More Opinions and A Strategy
Saving Baruch
A Familiar Face
Back in Time
Dangerous Disasters
Forgiveness and Loneliness

Growing and Learning

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由 micahbotha

Everyone dresses in royal attire as we prepare to attend Emery's coronation.

The Leaders (Dukes) come from all over the world to meet the royal family as they rule specified areas of the world as designated by the royal family.

I never noticed it before but Emery, Edolie and Cayle wear gloves to hide their jobs until the age of six. Now, I understand and my child is doing the same as we attend this family event.

Emery is wearing traditional royal clothes as her mother stands with her and James infront of the whole army of people attending the event.

"We are gathered here today to celebrate the last of the royal children becoming a part of the royal family and holding onto their royal responsibilities until the death of myself," James says jokingly and everyone chuckles lightly, "As it stands, Anax is the first in line to the throne and Norah is second. This stands until now. Let us introduce, now, the final royal child. Her Royal Highness, Princess Emery of the Kerogen's of Earth."

Everyone claps and cheers then the party heads outside. I sit down on the grass with Baruch as I watch everyone dancing about happily, but deep inside my stress builds up as I think about losing Baruch to this evil world. Amoli sits down beside me with Athena in her arms.

"Having fun?" she asks as Athena wiggles out of her mother's arms to sit up straight. I shake my head, "Worried I guess cause they haven't found the guy yet and Baruch is in danger." I rub my barefeet in the grass as does Amoli. Heidi comes towards us and sits down with a thud.

"My stomach is huge," she says seriously, "I just want this to be over." I laugh at her words and then her eyes widen. "I guess you should be careful what you wish for," she says as I can see she is in pain. Anax comes over right at that time to talk to me.

"Anax," I say urgently, "call Berli. Heidi is going to give birth now!" His eyes widen as he rushes to find Berli.

Berli quickly runs over to Heidi and carries her towards her room.

Anax calls the doctor and I rush towards the room, so I just wait outside. The whole family rushes over to stand outside the room.

Heidi screams in pain and Berli is right there comforting her.

After some time, the first baby cries then more screams until the second baby starts crying. Heidi goes silent and I am invited in so I hand Baruch to Eden as I rush in to support Heidi, but I find her two babies lying on her chest as Berli stares at the little ones in Heidi's arms. Tears fill my eyes as I sit on the bed to find the two little boys right there in her arms.

"Healthy boys," the doctor says, "one human and one Kerogen." Heidi tenses and I give her a reassuring look. I quickly grab gloves to cover the Kerogen's hands and I notice his little yellow eyes staring back at me. The human boy's eyes are still closed entirely.

Berli takes them away one-by-one to dress them up while Heidi feeds them. I notice her dozing off so I take one of the little ones away from her and Berli sighs.

"One of the boys is a leader," Berli says with a deep sigh, "what a life." "What's wrong?" I ask him and he sighs. "I just never wanted anything but normality for my family and now it's not going to be," he says seriously as he takes one of the boys to a crib and then takes the other away from me as well and puts him into another crib. I head out to find everyone waiting expectantly.

"Boys," I say honestly and Eden squeals as she hands Baruch back to me. James smiles, "As long as they are healthy."

Into the night, I hear Baruch cry and get up to find Anax is not there on the couch. I carry him and I walk into the kitchen to find a snack for him since he doesn't want milk. I find Anax sitting there and he turns towards me as he puts a snack into his mouth.

"Like father like son," I say seriously as I hand Baruch some fruits that he munches on happily. Amoli comes into the room to grab a snack as well. "Athena refuses to sleep," she says seriously and heads back to bed. Then Heidi comes down with Berli following behind as she carries one of the babies and he carries the others as she eats as well as feeds at the same time.

Eden even makes her way down the stairs, "All these babies are taking a toll on me." Anax sighs, "Sorry I wasn't there to pick Baruch up. Was kinda hungry after all the events of the day." "Are you worried about something?" I ask as Eden as well as everyone else makes their way out of the room. He nods, "Leader children being born in the royal family outside the main line is a lot more dangerous than it seems." I sigh, "Royal life politics is probably the worst thing ever." He laughs lightly at my words and then he notices that Baruch is sleeping.

"Time to head to bed before another food run," Anax says seriously. He takes Baruch from me then heads upstairs and puts him into the crib.

I fall asleep quickly only to wake up to find Anax sound asleep and Baruch gone.

"Anax," I say with fear, "Where is Baruch?" Anax gets up quickly and starts asking around. I continue pacing until he makes his way over with Baruch in his arms. I hold him tightly towards me as the fear dissipates. Anax notices this and asks, "Are you scared you are going to lose him?" I nod as I kiss his little nose. Anax hugs us both as he whispers, "I will do my best to protect you." I sigh deeply, "I know you will."

We head to breakfast and I notice a second nanny has been hired. I assume this one is for the grandchildren that are on the way.

I tense though as I look at her because she seems bitter inside and I tighten my hold on Baruch.

Once James sits down, everyone starts eating.

"I just wanted to inform everyone that Alisha will be having her child next month so we have hired a new nanny to help out with the babies," James says kindly, "Also, Amoli has tested positive and will be having twins in the next 2 months. Now that that has been settled, I need everyone to know that the royal duties will be commencing as usual so I will put up the schedule for everyone's jobs that will be done on the monthly. The rules are as follows: 1. No one should know about your pregnancy if you're female. 2. No children under the age of six are allowed to go with you so leave them in the care of someone you trust except for the nanny. 3. You will stay with your partner at all times unless they require otherwise. 4. If you are on your 3rd month, you will not be required to go. 5. If you are sick, you cannot leave the house. 6. All mothers, initial ones, will not be sent far away from the territory. 7. My sons and their wives or my daughters and their sons will be required to go farther as required. 8. Mothers cannot go if their child is not 2 months old even if they are human. 9. Remember your training please."

Everyone laughs at the last one.

"If anymore need to be added I will do so when necessary," he says kindly, "please go about doing the things needed and I will get to scheduling."

Everyone disperses.

Everyone heads to work or school, while Anax and I start packing because James personally infromed us that we need to go to Sector 8 for our royal duties. Some of the maids help out as I hold Baruch in my arms.

"So sad we won't be here for Alisha's birth next month," I say with a frown, "Imma miss you Baruch." Anax nods and sighs, "It is the life of a royal. At least we will get to see the baby when we get back and any others that are born." I laugh as I stare at my little boy's yellow eyes, "I wish you could come with but Mother Eden will take good care of you. Did Berli name the babies yet?" "Yeah," Anax says as he hands a bag to a man, "Azai for the firstborn and Aziza for the secondborn." I smile as I think about them, "At least Heidi won't have to part from them for a time." "Once we are back," Anax says seriously, "they will have to go to sector 3 then Alisha will go to sector 2. Amoli is going like us right now. Mother Ellerie will care for Athena while Brody accompanies here. At least she doesn't have to go to work."

I laugh lightly at his nervous rambling, "You okay?" "Just wish we didn't have to go so far away," he says as he look at Baruch, "I wish he could come with." I sigh as I hand him over to Anax so he can get a chance to say goodbye as well.

Soon, we walk downstairs to find Amoli and Brody waiting for us.

Everyone hugs them tightly.

Brody announces, "Amoli and I have decided to hand over Athena to the care of Mother Ellerie. May she be in good health at our return." Ellerie takes her gently then Amoli curtsies while Brody bows. There are tears in their eyes as they leave the home to wait for their transport.

Anax does the same, "Athena and I have decided to grant the care of Baruch to Mother Eden until our arrival back. May he be in good health at our return." Eden smiles kindly at his words then we do exactly what Amoli and Brody did. As I walk through those doors, my heart sinks as I realise that their words are a final goodbye because we may never return back, ever.

Once we exit, we hug Amoli and Brody as they ride horses to make their way to sector 4. Then our horses come and we get on as we make our way to sector 8 that is the furthest away and apparently quite a dangerous sector that is currently covered in snow as well as its precarious position on top of a mountain.

We begin our journey with a carriage as well as an army following behind that is guarding us as well as our items. We have very few pairs of clothes for summer and mostly for winter. On the way, there are some inns but sometimes there will be nothing for miles.

As I look into the distance, I wonder if this is the opportunity for someone to kidnap Baruch.


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