God of Desire: RemiXAriella

By mimi_walker04

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REMINGTON ASTOR -Lordship A whirlwind of eccentricity and charm, wrapped in a cloak of eff... More

Chapter 1- ARIELLA
Chapter 2- REMI
Chapter 3- DOLL KEEPER
Chapter 4- ARIELLA
Chapter 5- REMI
Chapter 6- ARIELLA
Chapter 7- Remi
Chapter 8- DOLL KEEPER
Chapter 9- ARIELLA
Chapter 10- REMI
Chapter 11- ARIELLA
Chapter 12- ARIELLA/REMI
Chapter 13- ARIELLA/REMI
Chapter 14- DOLL KEEPER
Chapter 15- ARIELLA/REMI
Chapter 16- ARIELLA/COLE
Chapter 17- REMI
Chapter 18- REMI
God of war
Chapter 20- ARIELLA
Chapter 21- REMI
Chapter 22- DOLL KEEPER
Chapter 23- ARIELLA
Chapter 24- REMI
Chapter 25- ARIELLA
God of war
Hey Hey hey
Chapter 26- REMI
Chapter 27- ARIELLA
Chapter 28- REMI
Chapter 29- ARIELLA
Chapter 30- ARIELLA
Chapter 31- REMI
Chapter 32- ARIELLA
Chapter 33- DOLL KEEPER
Chapter 34- ARIELLA
Chapter 35- REMI
Chapter 36- ARIELLA
Chapter 37- REMI
Chapter 38- ARIELLA/REMI
Chapter 39- ARIELLA/REMI
Chapter 40- DOLL KEEPER
Chapter 41- ARIELLA/REMI
Chapter 42- ARIELLA
Chapter 43-REMI
Chapter 43- ARIELLA/REMI


1K 17 16
By mimi_walker04

I woke up to some noises. I remember sleeping in his car, and I'm sure he carried me here. I don't want to forget about it because it was the best, and everything more than that.

I hear voices downstairs and descend the stairs, only to hear a heated argument between Brother Eli, Lan, Dad, and Uncle. Oh, wait, I know what this is about. I already wanted to ask them for this, and I have other options up my sleeve for making Dad and Uncle agree.

"She won't be going anywhere, and that's final" Dad said.

"Dad, Uncle, what is wrong with you both? You can't ruin her future because of your overprotectiveness."

I was already expecting it to lead to this, worse, how could I not? Everyone thinks Dad and Uncle love me, so they are overprotective of me. But what they don't know is their love comes with certain conditions. Extreme possessiveness and overprotectiveness stand at the top. And I already saw this coming. I know their overprotectiveness would fall hell on me one day, and that day is today, tomorrow, and all the upcoming days from now on.

The way I am trying to express well is choking me, and the shrink I am meeting thinks his ways are working well. Only if he knew that I am giving him what he want and taking what I want. He want his therapy to work, and I am making it look like it is working. In which the first condition is expressing well. It feels so good to manipulate the manipulators; shrinks are one of them.

And Dad and Uncle, they think I am getting along well, and that therapy is working. For them to send me to Brighton Island, I already had this planned. Dad doesn't want me to lose my smile and be like what I am right now. If I be my own self, which I am not for many days, they will think I am getting sad, and the therapy isn't working, and they will let me do what I want. I can use other methods, which might include Mom and Ellie. But I won't. I am not that kind of person. I can win my things myself anyway. At least I am capable of that.

"No arguments on this. Ari is not going anywhere," Dad said, glaring at Brother Eli and Lan, especially Brother Eli, because Ava and him are surely going to come over here and say they are exclusive now. Waiting for it, though I know my sister might be rebellious with him, but she still loves him and his roughness. And Dad won't be accepting the fact that he is the one who is making her smiles real, instead of fake, instead of just cover-ups. Ava and Remi, the fake smilers who betray themselves and act as if they are happy, but that's the least thing they are.

"And then what? Lock her up inside without letting her do anything? And Uncle, Ari has stopped writing, if you noticed it."

After cutting my internet connection for a whole two weeks, no mobile, no laptop, no social media, no meeting others, they are doing this now?

Uncle and Dad used to wait for me until my exam was done, and soon after that, they would take me back and lock me up in the room. I didn't get to meet Annie, who looked so desperate to say something. So I had to sneak out of here when everyone was asleep and go to meet her. After what I got to know from her, I felt like slapping Lia and killing Remi. I even got to know Annie's real birthday. And Lia is acting awfully weird; whenever Rick was to speak with me, she does something and pushes me away. That wasn't jealousy at all, because as much as I know Lia, she isn't a jealous kind of person; instead, she speaks up straight and clarifies things. And all I want to do right now is go to her and ask why they both dated, and really kill Remi. But that is only for an instant. I can't do anything to Remi; I just connected the dots and realized he wants to use me for finding the killer, and worse is I can't figure out if that shadow is real or not. Why is that killer leaving the doll behind? I have no idea about that. I didn't get to see who the people who went missing were. I will soon.

Mom and Ellie even took all the sharp objects out of my room; they changed the curtains from black to white and blue. I didn't want it to be blue. These colors are too bright for me. And especially blue. They kept me locked up, and I didn't want to come out either. I wanted to figure out why I lost my senses, and the only answer I have for that is, either I was hallucinating or what I saw was real.

"You can't lock her up forever like you did the last two weeks. If you think it is helping her, then it isn't"
Lan said, looking at Dad and Uncle, and they glared at him.

Well, it wasn't bad. After all, all I want is to be left alone. I thought of many possibilities of why I acted that way at night. I am certain I didn't have any nightmares. She didn't take anyone away. That shadow is real, it is real and has to be real. I saw that box; it was there. It is what triggered my mind and took me back to that night. I have to keep myself in control. I can't be a pathetic bitch and lose my senses and hurt Dad or anyone. I even agreed to taking sleeping pills, to make them think I will be okay and nothing will happen even if they aren't around. I agreed, but I didn't take them. They make my body heavy; they control my body, and I hate it if anyone controls me.

I imagined the scene where people cough blood out so that I could get over that shit and stop acting up, and I did. Or maybe not?

After Dad and everyone left, I turned off the lights and stayed in the dark. I was scared, a lot, but I can't be a scaredy-cat anymore. I put the cloth in my mouth and stopped those muffled screams, which were my very own haunting screams. I am not scared of the dark and coughing out blood anymore, but those eight days were hell to me. I tortured myself thinking the same thing again and again. I tortured myself being in the dark, but I guess I am okay with it now. Once I am in Brighton Island, I will go to Brother Creighton's match and see the punches, where people will cough out blood.

But I don't think I am getting over it soon, I have to and I will.

That shrink asked me why I see those dreams. I had to tell him the truth because Dad and Uncle know what my dreams are about, although I think they just know what happens in my dreams, what I see, not who I see and why. So I did, but I didn't let anyone know what happened that night, and I certainly won't let anyone know about this either. Not Dad, not Uncle, not anyone. I can take the hatred from them but not the fear. They always feared me. When I never gave a damn about others fearing me, I always had a wish to remove that from Mom, Ava, Grandma, Ellie, Ces, Glyn, and maybe Dad and Uncle as well.

Sophi hasn't left my sight even for a minute, not even when Dad and Uncle were there. It was irritating, but I am okay with that. She didn't even leave when Remi was there. I have to always look at her.

I think I should get used to this.

"Let's not argue on this, Ari will not go anywhere"

They will send me by themselves, and I am certain of it. As I said, I keep things planned beforehand and have hundreds of possibilities kept of their positives and negatives if any one of the things goes wrong. From what I see, Dad and Uncle are testing their patience. Why? Only they both know.

"You are being unfair to her. You sent Ava but not her?"

Nice try, Lan, but Dad won't fall into this trap.

"I know what I do, Landon. Ari won't be going to Brighton Island, and that.Is.It."

He said, pressing the last three words.

"Then where the hell will she complete her education?"

Brother Eli grudged.

"Ever heard of online classes or homeschooling, son?" Uncle said, matching his intensity. Mom and Ellie are looking sad. Is Ava already gone? I wish she was here to take care of them both. They both love her presence.

"If she will be here, then she will be safe," Dad said, eyeing them. He is calm, the kind of calm which is a complete storm in my Dad's case, that is why he got the name Famine.

"Uncle, I understand your concern, but that doesn't mean you guys won't let her go to Brighton Island."

"They are just worried that Ari would do something to herself again."

Oh, so this is what all the fuss is about? Me trying to harm myself? Poor them if they think I won't remember that. I don't remember harming others, but I very well remember why I harm myself. And I even did it many times. Cutting was mostly when I wanted to stop voices. But drowning in water, tying the cover from my head and cutting my breath, all of those were due to my curiosities of wanting to know which hurts the most.

I found out what comes next to nothingness. It is emptiness, utter emptiness. What comes next to emptiness? Will find out soon. I will try other methods which are there in that book. It is written by some unknown person. But most of them are easy ways. Some pages are left, and I will write my experiences in that and try some as well.

"You can't force these decisions regarding her studies on her. Do you guys want her to lag behind? She will stay with Ava and everyone in their apartment. I don't see any need for the extreme concern."

"I know what's bad and what's good for my daughter, Landon. She is my daughter and MY concern. Get this straight in your head all the four of you," he said, glaring at the King brothers and continued, "Ari won't go anywhere, and quit the thought of her staying with the girls in their apartment. If she loses her senses again, who will be responsible for it? They will be scared, and Ariella is not going anywhere. I hope it is clear,"
Dad said, shutting everyone up.

Everyone went quiet, so even they have no words for this, he didn't leave the room for an argument.

Now this is too much; if he thinks I will stay quiet, then he is wrong.

"Does anyone want to ask Ariella what she wants to do?" I said, going to Dad.

"Little Warrior, you have to understand that whatever we are doing is for your good."

"Uncle, I never denied you guys in anything. But when it comes to my studies, apart from these four, all of them are against it. Why?"

"Ari, it's not about your studies; it's about you going there."

"I will be going to REU in Brighton Island. And Dad, I don't take well to orders. I may be good at everything, but certainly not to orders and forcing."

"Ari, you won't go there, and that is final."

"Dad, I don't like any interruptions during my studies"
I matched his blunt tone. Mom and Ellie are stunned as if they weren't expecting this.

"We are just worr-"

"You guys are worried that I will do the same things again? Come on, Mom, Brother Eli, Cray, Lan, and Bran will be there to look after me, and even you guys know they never fail. They got this from Uncle Aiden."

That's where you hit the pride. Kings take their pride seriously and won't let anyone step on it. They hate failures more than anything. And I don't want anyone to look after me.

"Ari, we are just-"
"You guys are just being irrelevant and emotional."

"No, we are not. We are scared for you."

Scared for me? Scared of me sounds correct

"Scared for what, Mom? What, Ellie? About the things Ava is feeling guilty all of a sudden for?"

They went quiet and looked at Uncle and Dad.

I already have enough of that on me, if anyone makes my sister feel those things, I will personally torment them.
Ava has no right to be hurt or hurted. Not by others not even by herself. My sister deserves the whole world and if she wants it I am certainly sure she will have it.

I asked, waiting for her to answer. I won't take lies.

"What are you speaking about, Ari? I have no idea."
"Neither do I."

They are emotional, and this is just too much.

"If I am asking for something, I expect you to say the truth because I already know the answer and reasons."

They gulped hard.
"Why, Mom?"
"You started to cut yourself again."
"And what makes you think it won't happen if I stay here? How in the world me not going to Brighton Island would make any difference?"

They were quiet for some minutes, tears welled up in Mom's eyes.
"Mom, please, uff Ellie not you too." Dad and Uncle looked at me with disappointment.

"You guys be logical and practical, not emotional."
"Lower your tone, Ari."

I sighed, looking at Dad. All of them were quiet. Mom and Ellie looked at me with apologetic eyes, making it hard for me.

Kill me already.

"You promised me, yet yo-"
"I didn't promise, Mom. You thought that yourself. I never promised."

"Ari, please, all I am asking for is-"
I cut her off.
"You and Aunt decided for me to go for ethical hacking, and I did. You guys didn't like me writing; I agreed. Sleeping pills? I agreed. Shrink? I am seeing him. But I certainly won't allow anyone to meddle in between my studies, not when I am getting interested in hacking."

"I was just, I-"
She is stuttering.

"Stop it, Ari,"
Dad said, going to Mom, and pulled her into his embrace.

"You will harm yourself again; that is why I-"

"That was not the first time I cut myself, and it's definitely not going to be the last time either."

Brother Eli and Cray got up with complete anger.

What? I was merely stating facts

"What? I can't promise those things when I know I can't. I never asked you guys to please yourself or give yourself fake concerns."

My voice raised a little, even if I didn't want to. Because if I react to something now, I can use that for later. But why am I using myself? Right because you don't like making others that use in your life Ariella.

"Ari, you can't say that you want to cut yourself again."

What a drag

"But Bran, can't you see all of them are just being illogical? Think practically. They think me not going to Brighton Island will stop me from doing things; then they are wrong. If I have to try killing myself again, I will, be it here or there. And I had cut myself when I was not even aware which I will try to stop. And I still have my suicide list to fulfill, which I will."

Brother Eli got up saying, he vigorously held my shoulders, warning me to shut up.

"What, Ariella? You guys are being a drag,"

I said, removing his hands from my shoulder.

"Get that attitude out when you are conversing with elders, Ari,"
Uncle said as Mom choked out a sob. Why the hell do Mom and Ava have to look alike and make me weak? I wouldn't care about anyone's tears, but Mom, Ava, and Ellie are not in them. Maybe that bitchy too.

But the way I always have to feel a stab of guilt on me when I see them crying is just the worst. More than anything, I hate Ava's tears.

"I am confident I am not wrong here, Dad, and I didn't misbehave with anyone here; I am just proving my point."

I said, moving out, and heard an authoritative voice that was from Uncle Aiden.

"Ariella Nash, where the hell do you think you are going?"

Dad was looking at me with blank eyes, no expression on his face, and I just want to drown myself. It is taking over me again.

"Where are you going, Little Brat?"

"I don't know, but if I stay here, I am going to do something that all of us will regret later or none of us wants to see."

I do the best thing and called the only person who never denied my demands.

"Hello, Old man?"

Mom widened her eyes, and Dad shook his head, Uncle looked disappointed.

"Hi, my youngest, you finally got time for your old man?"

"I need to meet you, Grandpa. I have to ask you for something,"

I said, moving out.

Truth be told, since that night, I didn't speak much with Mom, Ava, or anyone. It was only Dad and Uncle; if not them, then Brother Eli, Brother Cray, Lan, and Bran.

It was only these six all these nine years, not to forget my grandpa too, who used to scold Dad if he wouldn't let me out. I distanced myself from him as well. It's only them who never said I am psychotic or might be sick in my head. Mom and Ellie accepted me the way I am too; they never said anything either. Of course, they wouldn't. Dad and Uncle have the same nature.

That was also only until my grandma recommended the shrink suggestion to her, and she thought of giving it a try. Nice try though; she lied to me to take me there, and that jerk of a shrink actually said that I need help. Okay, even if I need help, those shrinks will be the last people I would see.

I pulled the door open and saw Ava, Cesy, and Glyn.

Great, Mom and Ellie's tears were already making me want to kill myself. Now, looking at Ava, I can't even say anything.

She suddenly hugged me and started sobbing badly. I don't know what else to do. Ava is the end limit for me. Her tears make me weaker, and that urge to kill anyone who made her cry takes over me. She is my sister; I can't ever see her in a vulnerable state, no matter how much I feel ignored by her. It's always me, not her.

We both are troublemakers but in different ways. She loves to rebel, and I love going against and proving wrong. When she hides everything behind a smile and is there for everyone, I never smile when I don't want to. Ava is a charmer, a go-to person for most of them like Mom is. When Ava befriends everyone and likes to make them stay, I push people until they actually stay. If I have the cursed genes of Helen Nash, Ava has the same ones too. People fail to notice it because of her exterior.

What the hell are you, Helen Nash? No, actually, who the hell are you and how the hell did you get so many of them scared of you? Yet still our writing styles are same, I do treat you like my grandmother though. I just want to know why they call you cursed.

"Will you stop crying?" I ask, wiping her tears. She nodded her head desperately, making me smile, but I hid it.

"Are you the elder one, or am I the elder one?"

"Me," she said, sniffing as I pulled her with me.

"You can join if yo-"
They are already here.

Why in the world are they even trying to get closer to me? As much as I remember or know, Ava never liked me being friends with her friends. And she doesn't even like them being with me. Now that I think about it, Ava is always afraid of replacements. If she thinks she will become a substitution, then she is wrong. She is always the main attraction, attention, and enigma.

We ate in silence. Cesy looked at me to ask something but stayed quiet. I didn't ask her either.

"Are you and Remi dating?" I shook my head and denied. He is using me, and I want to teach him a lesson for that, but he said he wouldn't use me and I am just thinking rubbish, not until I myself find out weather it is rubbish or not.

"We are leaving in two days." I nodded to them, and Ava asked again more tears filling from her eyes, making my heart clench.

"You won't ever forgive me, will you?"

I know where this is going

"What are you saying, Ava?"

"After that night, you dista-"
"Speaking about night I wanted to apologise for always leaving at nights not being with you"

My intention was never wrong but as long as she gets diverted and stops feeling bad I don't care about apology.

She twisted her lips and nodded her head. I think Cesy and Glyn did too. But as much as I care about them to me Ava is always my first priority.

Cesy is utterly beautiful and Glyn has natural innocent beauty. Killian better take care of that else that Bastard is dead. And as for Cesy I think I like having a banter with Jermey on her.

"You know I was thinking if you could take me to some places in Brighton Island."

"Of course, we will," Glyn said and added, "Look, Ari, if you think I am-"

"No, Glyn. You and Cesy are those people who held Ava when I didn't. I pushed her away from me, and you were always there for her. I am not jealous of you guys; I really like the way you are always there for each other. And I have nothing against you guys, and I promise I won't take up Lan's time from you. I know you are his sister and love him, but what you fail to notice is he loves you too."

This is the longest paragraph I have ever spoken to them. Cesy was about to say something again, but she just touched her nose, something she does often to stop herself from embarrassing or when she is nervous.


"Yes, Ava?"

"I really love you."

"Thank you," I said, getting up from there.

"Hey, you should say it back," she said, whining, reminding me of Annie. Me and Annie have become main characters in both of our lives. I know her more than she knows herself; she let me see her scars, her pains, yet she decided to stay a positive, happy person.

"Hey, wait, the answers you wrote that day."

"Funny, right Ces? I just wrote that to make you guys smile, and Ava, it does hurt my heart when you cry, that too badly."

Well, I meant each and every answer I wrote.


"Yes, Pink princess, and prude Ces and Innocent Glyn, you guys too." They widened their eyes and fell on me, hugging me like there is no tomorrow.

I swear on my books that I read, I still can't figure out how people find it easy to say all this. I feel it cringe and hard.

"By the way, I wanted to say something." I looked at her to continue, but she just breathed out and watched Glyn and then Ava.

"I think you shouldn't get involved with Annie or Vaughn; there is a lot more than you see to it."

I know Annie like I know the back of my hand. She calls us soulmates; well, she is right because she is the only one person apart from Uncle and Dad. Okay, King brothers too, who stayed despite me bullying her to keep her away, pushed her, insulted her, but still, she came back again and again, saying she is my friend and won't leave me. Ain't anyway if she is going through something and I will let her go through it alone. Vaughn might be a manipulator, but Annie sees through people's intentions easily.

"She is my friend, Cesy. If she is suffering, then I will suffer along with her. If not, then the least I can do is stay with her."

"We are just worried for you. Whatever she has to do with Vaughn and Bar- I mean, their families, is definitely not good," Cesy said.

"Jer asked her not to get involved in it. That's what Kill said to me too. Anni said there is going to be a Blood war, and I don't want you to be involved."

She said, touching the tip of her blonde hair. New York Bartava, I know each and everything about Annie. I even know who she is. It wouldn't take a genius to realize things if they see her eyes.

"You are asking me to stay away from her?" I said, trying not to sound angry. I am biting my inner lip so hard I am afraid I am going to draw some blood.

"Hey, no! We just don't want you to get involved whenever Vaughn is around her."

Annie is my friend first. No one would ever understand that sometimes friendship has such kind of peace that no relationship could ever have. It's up to her decision whether she wants it or not. But if anyone dares to make her hate herself, they are as good as dead.

"I don't care as long as she is happy."

"Why doesn't she dress up like you or Lia? I mean, always in those hoodies or sweatshirts."

"You used to dress up in T-shirts with quotes as well. Why, Cesy?"

She didn't answer but stayed quiet then said,
"I didn't like to, but now I do,"

she said, touching her nose again.

Why talk with me when you are damn uncomfortable Cesy? I really mean it when I say they are Ava's friends.

Jeremy Volkov, Killian Carson, I know what they are aiming for.

"She loves hoodies since they have anime-related things on them." Ava looked skeptical, and I am sure Ces and Glyn will say this to their boyfriends.

I turned around to leave, but my steps halted by what I heard.

"Yes, Lidya?"
"No, we will be there. Yeah, Ava knows some good places."
"Okay, see you tomorrow."

She said, and I turned to look at her.

"Oh yes, she is such a good-to-go person. We are planning to go out somewhere tomorrow. If you were to be there, I would have taken you too."

I smiled at Ava, and she grinned back.

Lidya Morozov, better stay away from Ava.

"Your hair have grown long, Ari. Aren't you cutting them?"
I have no idea how I will be able to manage my hair if I am away from here. Most of the time, Mom and Ellie brush them and tie them. In fact, every day, Mom is the one who brushes them since it is hard for me. They reach near my waist and maybe lower to my hip. But what I know is Dad loves my long hair, so I will just let them grow. Not until it sweeps the road, but yeah, just as much as I have now.

"I have no idea how my hair grow so fast."
"Don't tell me you are twinning with your hair too."
"With whom?"

"Duh," Ava said, intertwining her hand with Glyn and Cesy.

"No, she loves long hair too. She had cut it short once and cried badly, saying she wouldn't do it again."

"Ari, get down,"
Mom and Ellie said, smiling as both of them entered my room.

"When did you come, Ellie? You should have called me," I said, coming out of my room.

"We'll say that later, but go to study first. And if your Dad does something, then tell me. I will take care of him. And yeah, did you ask Dad to talk to Cole?"
Mom asked caressing my hair which I carefully leaned in to.

"I didn't. I just said I want to meet him today."

"Okay," Mom said, and Ellie added, "Same with Aiden too. Damn, it was so hard to convince them both."

I understood what they meant.

"Can I come in?" I said, knocking on the door and opening it a little. After receiving a nod from them, I entered to see Dad, Uncle.

Brother Eli, and Lan. Both of them winked at me.

"I have a condition," I just nodded my head to Dad. I had given them the silent treatment for two days straight. They thought the therapy I am taking isn't working anymore because I am thinking about my studies.

"You will come here every month once or twice," Uncle Aiden said.

"And you will not eat a lot of ice-cream or play in the rain," Dad added.

"You will stay with these bastards."


He sighed, and then continued after glaring at them

"And Ari, are you really good with ethical hacking? Do you want to-"

"No, Dad, I am good with it. In fact, I have learned three programming languages completely."

Ofcourse I would have learnt, I have a top notch Hacker friend whose hacking is for her missions anyway. She said she learnt it from coach and as long as I know her mission against Heathens. These Military people and agent kind of people are always a drag.

"Are you sure?"

I really want to pursue writing, but not at the cost of Mom's tears. I can't believe I have made Mom and Dad so vulnerable. And hell with Hacking. It is interesting, in fact, way too interesting. I had no idea hacking would be this knowledgeable and mind-bending.

I know Dad is a sweet talker, but a manipulator hidden behind it. Not to us, though. He is the best dad anyone could ever ask for. Dad is the kind of person who does things in silence.

"Stay out of trouble"

Dad said, and Uncle added
"And you don't have to listen to Eli and Landon, just listen to Creighton and Bran."

"What the heck, Dad?"

"What, punk"

"You didn't just say that she doesn't have to listen to us?"

"I did, Lan, and I won't repeat myself."

I smiled, and then a laugh heaved from my mouth. I couldn't stop laughing. Dad looked at me in shock, and Uncle's eyes softened.

Aiden King, who always has this look in his grey eyes that says, 'the whole world can go screw itself, I don't give a damn about anyone but Elsa,' actually is my godfather. That's a bit too much.

"Why are you guys looking at me like that?" I said, laughing. They shook their heads, and I went to Dad.

"You really are a stubborn girl, aren't you?"

"Curse your genes, Nash, which are ruining my Little Warrior."

"And Ari?"


"You still didn't tell me the name of your shrink"
Lan said, smirking.

Remi forcefully asked me again and again. I have to visit him today. I am not interested, but I can't help it. Mom and Ellie already took an appointment. I will just ask them if he could come here

"Why do you want to know, Lan?"

"What about him, Landon?"

"Oh, nothing, Uncle. I just wanted to know his name."

"You don't have to see him anymore, Ari. I will talk to Mom and Aunt,"
He said.

"No, Lan, I am okay with it. It is really being a help."

It's been anything but help, hardly a drag. I just want Mom and Ellie to be stress-free and all of them to stop keeping an eye on me.

"We will come to drop you tomorrow."

"And glare at all the guys? Oh wait, Aunt and Mom will not take this in a good way that their husbands are getting girls attracted."

"By the way, Sebastian Queens called and threatened me."

"Same here. He said his youngest should get whatever she wants, no second thoughts"
Dad and Uncle said, and I chuckled.

Grandpa is always so skeptical of all the guys around me. When Ava is Grandma's favorite. Me and my old man are always each other's crime partners.

"And yeah, if Remi does something, then inform me. I will kill him."

"He will barely be there, Dad. He is done with graduation."

"So are Eli, Lan, Creigh, and Bran, but they still do their work from there"

So I can see him enough? Wait? It means he will be there in Brighton Island? Though he is giving his attention to me which is non-reasonable.

"Why are you done with your graduation so soon"
I said going out

I am sitting in front of the shrink, who is asking me unnecessary questions. I try to smile, but all I can manage is a glare, and I notice Sophi smiling.

I nod at him, my thoughts drifting to Remi.

There's perfection, and then there's him. How does he know how to get answers from me when even Dad and Lan couldn't? He said he never acts in front of me, which means whatever we have between us is real. I hope this lasts long, no, forever.

"So, Ariella."

"Yes, Mr. Parker?"

"Would you like to take that test?"

"No, I'm okay the way I am. And Mr. Parker, thank you. Mom and Dad are happy that I am getting normal."

"Yeah. Is there something you want to say?"

"Like what, sir?"

"Your mom said she saw you speaking with yourself, which is a good sign normally, but she said you were speaking to someone else."

I smile at him and shake my head indicating as no.

"I was speaking with myself, Mr. Parker. Mom gets scared with every little change in me."

"Are you having trouble sleeping?"

"A little bit, actually, and I'm waking up early even after using those pills. I just need his prescribed tablets list for my own use. I want him to increase my course. No one gets better within two weeks of taking sleeping pills or therapy."

"How many hours early?"

"You said those pills would have effect on me until seven or eight hours, but I'm waking up after five hours. I don't know why,"
I say, feigning innocence, and boom, he writes something on the paper and asks me another question.

"Even after going to Brighton Island, I hope we will be in touch, Ariella, because if therapy stops in the middle, it will be like how you were back then."

"Yes, Mr. Parker, and can you tell me how many hours the pills will have an effect on me, the ones you have written now?"

"Why?" He asks with suspicion.

"I am actually changing places, as you know, and I want to sleep according to the effect the pills will have and have to wake up at six for the exercises that I have seen in this book," I say, pointing at the book that is placed on the table beside me.

"They are keeping me at peace, Mr. Parker. The exercises from here are good. I even recommended them to my friend, and it is working for her as well."

He smiles, falling for my words. I do work out, but only for strengthening my muscles. Annie won't let me stay at peace and always asks for fights. She is all up for fights.

"Of course, dear. They have an effect of ten hours, but I think you will wake up after eight hours of sleep, which means you have to sleep at exactly ten at night."

"I will follow the routine."

"And about expressing?"

"I am getting frustrated if I don't get my things. I used to be calm before, but I don't know why I am getting angry."

"That's because you are slowly showing your emotions, Ariella," I smile at the shrink sitting in front of me in my room. I am sure Mom and Ellie will be out listening to us.

I won't change myself; I won't betray myself.

"And are you still writing stories?"

Wow, how could I expect he wouldn't ask this.

"Kind of, both yes and no. Actually, I am into gaming and esports a lot. I have been playing online games for three days as it helps with typing fast. Is there any problem?"

"No, Ariella. It means you are letting go of unnecessary things you were holding."

Writing isn't unnecessary; it is the only thing I wish I could do for myself. But hacking isn't bad either. Writing is a one-way path which I can pursue easily; I know I can. But hacking is not. It was unexpected, but still has a bit of craze for me.

"What do you mean? I didn't get it."

"It takes time to leave things and habits, and you are getting away from excessive writing, which is good. Obsessions never last long," he said, and I hear someone jumping outside.

I see Sophi sitting beside him and looking at me with innocence.

"Are you getting along well with people?"

"I was thinking of going to the freshers party. It will be there for our batch, and it wasn't held here, I don't if I will get along well just now but I will certainly do"

"It's good."

"It is a little bit hard, but I think I will be okay and make friends and apologize to the ones I was mean to before."

If people think being in my comfort zone and ignoring their presence is mean, then I'd rather be mean than pretend to be happy with them

"It takes time, Ariella, but it's good that you are opening up."

Ofcourse you don't just expect that therapy works completely in two weeks. I know that is why I said it is working but in a hard way. Therapy is never an easy way duh!

I smiled at him as he got up.

"Is it alright if I only wear black? I mean thats the color I prefer the most but mom and Ellie think otherwise when it comes to black"

"You have terrorized your mom alot Ariella, her concern for you is completely fair, but if you only prefer black then go ahead as much as colors hold significant impact on life, your preference matters too"

I just nod my head still not getting the fact out that I have terribly made my mom vulnerable. Ellie and Kimmy said mom used to be a strong girl who would go against Dad and uncle Aiden without any fear and what did I do? I made her vulnerable, instead of making her happy I am ruining her happiness.

"Last thing, Ariella."


"I don't think you will be scared of your reflections anymore, so how about you see yourself in the mirror once?"

He said, and I stood up with a smile atleast trying to. Oh God, help me. I just need to get away from here. I can be okay with anything and fight any fear, but not with nuts and reflections.

I stand in front of the mirror, and he stands beside me. I stare at the girl wearing a white crop top, blue coat, and black jeans. She looks pathetic, with a mark on her forehead, and a girl beside her who is wearing blue frock looks helplessly at her.

Blue frock? Please no. And is the girl in mirror me?

It is me. I know the person is me.

I purposefully wore other colors so that Mom and Ellie can see I am okay.

Hell with it, I look like a menace who should be buried. I respect myself; I hate to think shit about how I look, but I can't help it when I see.

I turn around to him and ask

"My eyes are really pretty, Mr. Parker just like how I heard, but I am seeing it now. Can I try opening my bangs and see how I look with it?"

He nodded his head, and I open my bangs, which Mom had kept tied with my hair. Annie has given me the haircut; if I go to the salon, they will make me sit in front of a mirror, and that's the reason I never go to salons.

As soon as I open my bangs and look in the mirror, I see the same pathetic girl, a failure, a disgusting person. Yet I smile; her smile is disgusting too.

I will kill Annie and Remi for saying I am the most beautiful person they have ever seen. But Annie never lies. That Remington Freaking Astor!!!

My smile is nothing like Remi described...he lies to me as always and I want to kill him for that

I turn to him completely and say,

"I think I look more good with bangs, Mr. Parker. The mark is hiding." I said going to the door and see Mom and Ellie. I already know they would be here.

"Mom? Ellie?"

"We came here to call you for snacks."

I nod my head. Dad went to see him out.

"You look good with bangs; your long hair is complimenting it."

I smile and pull my hair, tying it up, but Mom didn't let me.

Mom came and hugged me; she embraced me after so long, and Ellie followed her. I stand still, trying to comprehend the situation.

"Are you crying, Mom? Ellie, you too? Did I do something?"

"Of course not, we are happy, baby"
Ellie said, and Mom nodded not leaving me. I pat her back and say

"Your husbands might be my favorites but will kill me if they see tears in your eyes." I say, making them smile, and Mom said

"I want to say something."

"Yeah, Mom?"

"We never hated you, Ari. All we did was love you, and we still love you."
Mom said, and I stare at her in silence. I can fake my smiles to that shrink, but I can't ever fake it in front of them. I hate faking.

Did dad tell something to mom? Wait uncle might have said....damn uncle! I won't say anything to you from now on.

"Okay mom"

And I am becoming something that I hate.

"We really love you, baby,"

I smile as I see Dad smiling looking at us. Of course, they love me; they can't hate me. I am doing that part myself; I am hating myself, and I think that's enough for making up for the love they give me, which I don't deserve.

"By the way..."

My voice trailed as I see Remi standing there, and I blink my eyes, thinking it's my imagination. Sophi shook her head, and I give her a sarcastic look.

"You welcome your Lordship with a sarcastic look, Jailbait?"

He is really there; he tilted his head in my direction and touched my hair, then straightened it.

I slap his arm pushing his hand away. I didn't cut bangs so I kind of let them touch my hair but no, not now. They ruffle my hair as if I am a kid who deserve a candy.

I do love candy though.

"Thinking of me?"

He said leaning in and kissed my cheek catching me offgaurd. If dad will see this he will murder him and bury him alive.

"No, I was thinking of something else."

"What are you doing here? You didn't leave yet?"

"I will, tomorrow"
I need to get the typewriter and books I have written. Dad and uncle won't breach my privacy, I know, but they won't stay quiet either

I text Annie asking her to get those with her, but she said she has already taken them with her.


"Good evening, Uncle."

"What's so good in this evening, and don't call me uncle Twat"

Dad said, and he just shook his head smiling.

"Get your hands away from her"
He ruffled my hair again and I pushed his hand away.

"Don't do that"

Why did he not speak about my bangs? Am I not looking good? I mean yeah I know I look pathetic but if he says I will believe I look good. I just need closure from him.

"Let's have a chat,"
he said and Remi winked at me and followed Dad.

After what seemed like half an hour, he came out with a smile.

Blank smile, mastered smile, no truthfulness to it. He walked to me and Before I can say anything, he pulled me with himself to my room and locked the door.

"What are you doing?"

I said, trying to pull away, but he stared at me deeply.

His eyes, it's in his eyes, it's always in the eyes.

"Leave me."

"That's what your dad asked me to do to you"

he said, pulling himself away and then pinned my hands above my head, kissing me harshly, hardly, and with immense anger.

I tried to wiggle, but his other hand slammed on my neck, holding it. He pushed himself to me and sucked my lower lip, biting on my tongue, when I think nothing can be more harsher than the way he plays with his lips on mine, he proves me wrong every next time, he bit my lower lip pulling away.

"And I am not going to"
he said, and I stared at him, trying to figure out what just happened.

"By the way, Ma chèrie,"
he said, and I just stayed quiet.

"I hate that intact look so can you please drop that?" he said, and I noticed his

hands, his knuckles are bleeding. Did he

fight with someone?

"Your hand, I took it in mine and glared at him.

"How did you hurt yourself this time?"

"Don't need to know that,"

he said, smelling my hair and then trailed his lips to my ear and neck.

"I didn't fight with your dad, I don't want to either"
"Good grief, and you can't win with dad even if you try"

"I don't want to win with him Ma chèrie, afterall I am ready to loose with his daughter all she wants"

I push him but he glared at me raising his eyebrow. For some reason that is hot. So hot.
"Did you get into fight with someone before coming here?"
"It shouldn't be your concern"

"Well then, don't touch me,"
I said, pulling back, but he didn't let me. In fact, he pushed himself more on me. I am trapped between him and the door.
And I am liking way too much for my very own good liking. As much as I want to push him away I want him to come back to me and stay even after I push him.



He said, still smelling me, and then suddenly pulled back and asked,
"What are you wearing?"


I said, looking like it's a matter of fact, which it is, but why is he asking me this?

"Why this? I mean not black and black or black and grey?"

"It's not grey, it's mud black"

he formed his mouth in an O shape and got back to smelling my hair and touching me.

His hands are always on my waist, not that I don't like it, but he always just kisses me or holds my waist.

"Why don't you want to fuck me like you do with other girls"
"Because you are not the other girl"

My heart skipped a beat and he kissed my necklace.

"And you are just seventeen, I regret giving you orgasm just when you were sixteen, well you used to say you were seventeen so I thought it was okay"

"You regret it?"
"Ofcourse I do, I am not that kind of fucker to do something to minors, but you made yourself an exception in it"

"Then what about what happened on date?"
He stayed quite not answering it.

"So you won't fuck me like you do with other girls?"
I asked pulling away looking at his face but he shook his head and hugged me, smelling me or whatever it was. His face was in my neck giving me goosebumps all over my body, I am sure he must be listening to my heartbeat now.

"Firstly those words like fuck and all don't suit my Ma chèrie, and secondly why do you want to get fucked by me so badly?"

"I want to see what others say is right or they just bluff around"
"Even if I do something I won't do it right now, as I said you have to grow up for that"

I already hate that I am the youngest here and I am hating my age even more now.

"Don't think too much, you will go uncomfortable suddenly even without realisation"
He said caressing my hair as if he is explaining it to a kid.

"The way you are touching me and smelling me says you are a creep,"

I said, as his hand moved to my ass and then my waist.

"Creeps have a reason too"

Sure as hell, I am a creep too then..


I called him out, touching his muscles, and he held my fingers, kissing it. He is perfection; god help me, I love him so much.


"Will you really be there at Brighton Island?"

I felt him nodding his head, and then he pulled back, kissing my lips.

I have no idea why he is doing this, if he
isn't using me, then why all this?

I looked at her standing behind me,
smiling. My eyes widened, looking at her smile, and I pushed him.

Why is she smiling like that? Don't tell me she is taking someone away, please anything but the nightmares. Anything but them.

Don't panic; no, no, not now.

He came to me and lifted my jaw up, making me realize he is here too.

"Eyes on me,"

he said, but my stare stayed on her. She slowly came to him, and this time I pushed him more harshly.

I saw the shadow out of my window; okay, this is my hallucination. I low-key know what my hallucinations are, but if you touch something, it's not hallucinating.

What is it in my case then?



"Dad will kill you, and Uncle is around too."

"Okay, and?"

He said, as if he doesn't care about them. Well, he actually doesn't, because if he did, he might have been maintaining distance from me, might have as well agreed to Dad, which seems like he didn't. When I really want to accept the fact that maybe, just maybe, Remi is not using me, I still deny myself from it. I always keep things planned, doing it canceling it from others. I thought of
loving him afar, being invisible, and just keeping those girls away from him. But what I didn't see coming was Remington Astor, striking his claim on me. He is exactly doing what he said. He said he would kiss me every time we meet, and he just did it.

"Ariella? What is wrong with you? You have been acting weir-"

"I am not you to act, if I am doing something it means that I mean it, I am not acting, I just want to keep mom and
Ellie happy."

I said and he nodded his head not leaving it's not even an act anymore. Something in me clearly says that Remington Astor, is not a kind of guy I should get myself involved with. He is wrong for me, as much as I am for him, Why? Because whatever he has been doing, or is doing is still not on the complete surface. I know he fucking took everything on himself and protected the Elites Club reputation. If he can slip away and make people like Brother Eli and Lan fool, then he can certainly fool anyone, not me though after all I have seen him losing his demons. And claiming them back. As if the way my thoughts keep me sane, his demons do the same to him. I can't fight or hide mine though.

But what I don't know is why would he take care of Avery, doesn't she have parents? Not offense, It his rival who died after saying shit things to him.

He keeps his eyes wide awake until sleep takes over him. It's just as if he never wants to sleep and finds reasons to deny it

"Calm down Ariella"

My body pressed against his as if it is where it belonged, it did, it still does in my perspective.

I look behind him and a sigh heaved my
mouth and I look at him gazing at my lips. I swear he is obsessed with my lips just as much as I am about him.

Why did I blurt it out that I am not acting like him. Well he doesn't even look offended.

I gulped hard trying to form words but the thought about him being hurt are lingering in my mind.

"Ariella its okay, I am not angry"

He said patting my back. If I push him away he will come back. But what will I do if he asks me to leave him? What will I do if he asks me to stop loving him? Firstly he has no idea why I love him, neither do I, nor does he know that I love him. Will there be a day when I will confess to all the people that I love that they mean a lot to me?

Even if I do they will hardly believe it an consider me a drag.

"Relax Ari, you are okay, look at me"
I shook my head and he pull my chin up making me look at him.

"I told you I am not angry"
He said caressing my cheek and now I realise I was panicking. Why am I a pathetic bitch. No not pathetic, a disgusting human.

"I won't until you stop thinking whatever is making you like this"

Why the hell is he not leaving? No, not him. Why the hell is she not leaving?

"You okay now?"
I blink my eyes and realised one thing. I didn't hit myself, I didn't fall on ground.

I pull his face to me cupping his cheek and kiss his throat and bite it.

He laughed, he laughed.

"You are a human vampire, mine anyway"
I was about to pull myself from him but he didn't let me.
Its as if Remi knows all my movements and everything about me much more than I do know about my body.

Will he and everyone be same with me of they know what happened that night?
Good that its only me and Annie who knows it. We both will die but won't blurt it to anyone.

"Just wait for some more months Jailbait, I will for surely make you love whatever I do with you"

Good for me, Grandpa is coming. I can hear his footsteps. I rushed to open the door; I really missed him.

He held his hand out to knock, but I opened it and threw myself on him. He smiled and then pecked my head.

"Missed me?"

"Yes, Grandpa."

He came in and saw Remi, who isn't smiling anymore. Did I do something?

"What is he doing here?"
"I came to meet Uncle and speak with Ari."

"He is Ava's friend, right? Remington Astor."

He said, glaring at him. If glares could kill someone, he might be already dead, because Grandpa is literally murdering him through his eyes. Although Remi has his signature smile, it's fake, as if his glares are the least of his concerns.

Is he angry by the fact that he isn't getting time to spend with me? Help me because I hate it when he leaves me sexually frustrated. He just kisses me, eats me, or fills me with his fingers.

He clearly said he wouldn't do anything until I am eighteen, another reason to hate my age.

"Yeah, Mr. Queens, you can call me Remi though."

They both stared at eachother, and I shook my head at them.

"See you at Brighton Island, ma chérie."

He said, ruffling my hair. Not again. He bent down to my level, with his hand still on my head, as if I am a little girl. What is he even doing? Grandpa is here, dumbass!

"Don't do anything stupid when I am away, mmkay?"

I involuntarily nod my head at his soothing, gentle yet deep voice.

"Okay, you don't have to be-"

"A drag about it."

He said and smiled, giving us space. I watch him until he is gone.

"What's with my youngest? You didn't come to meet me for many days."

He said as we both sat on the bed.

Grandma wouldn't like it.

"Why should I be the one to come? You can come here to meet me too."

"Yeah yeah, that is why I am here."

"You said you had a meeting."

"But you wanted me here, so here I am and I had no meetings."

I wonder how many meetings Dad, Uncle, and Grandpa canceled because of me.

"So tell me what's the deal? Everything okay or want me to speak with your dad who stole my daughter?"

He said as I turned to him, folding my legs, and completely facing him. Him and dad are men of old money.

"If my dad didn't marry your daughter, then you wouldn't get me and Ava. And by the way, why are all Dads so against the partners their girls will get?"

I said, and he laughed, caressing my hair.

"That's because daughters mean the world to their Dads, and they are afraid to let anything bad happen to them."

Dad's vulnerable state crossed my mind, and Uncle's comforting words even after I blamed him.

"So done with hide and seek?"

"Of what?"

"Of everything? You haven't come to meet me in a year. In fact, you haven't stepped in my place or came to my office whining to say something that happened."

"Well, that's because I was busy, Old man."

"Yeah, so busy that you go out with those twats but don't come to meet me."

I shook my head at him, and saw Remi standing at the door.

"I left my phone here."

He said coming in and took his phone from the table. When did he even put it there? He wasn't leaving me even for a second and didn't move from me.

"Stop looking at her."

He said, pulling me out of my thoughts, and he smiled saying

"I can't help it, sir. I thought she used to make black look good, but looks like she can make other colors look good too."

Look good too? You mean I make colors look good? I?

"Then don't look at her being good, don't even breathe in her direction"

He said as he stood up, and I stood beside him.

But Remi only chuckled in return.

"Is anything funny?"

"Nothing much, I said the same to other guys who try to look at her with the eyes that make me want to pluck them out of their sockets."

I nearly shrieked out of my place as he said that.

"Then do the same to yourself."

"Old man, stop it."

I said, but he circled his arm around my shoulder's and glared at Remi.

"Is something funny again?"

"No, sir, but Ariella having all of you guys as her protective shield is admirable. In fact, she looks more open and free with you than with Uncles or those twats just like you called them."

How much did he listen to our conversation? And wait, did he just call them twats?

"I do agree they are twats, they took most of my youngest's time."

"You are being a drag again, Old man."

I said, biting on his hand which is draped on my shoulder and he just smiled in return.

How the hell did he notice my relationship with Grandpa? Wait, I didn't even tell him anything, neither social media posts. Even normally, he realizes what is my comfort and what is not.

He once again ruffled my hair and said:

"This hairstyle looks good on you, Amour, isn't it, Sir?"

"Of course it does; she looks like a fourteen-year-old to me now."

He said and smiled at me, pecking my hair.

"Let me not intrude, sir, I will take my leave."

He said, smiling, and left.

Sir? Sir? Like seriously, Sir?

Is he trying to impress Grandpa? Oh well, he is much more dangerous to be impressed than Dad. I bet he won't be melted and pull a stunt. He didn't even like Brother Eli being near Ava. But Grandma shipped her with him, and he has to give in too.

But why would he impress grandpa anyway? I mean its not like he wants something more from me apart from solving his case.

"Make sure to keep all those jerks away from you, that Warthog included."

"Seriously? Jerks? Warthog?"

I said, and a laugh heaved my mouth. He always called King brothers Jerk, and Brother Eli a bastard, but Warthog? He called Rem a Warthog? He is so handsome for being a Warthog.

"Do you want to go out?"

I nodded my head and came down to see Mom and Dad sitting speaking something. Ellie and Remi are gone. Grandma came out from the kitchen, and as soon as she saw me, she smiled at me. A little fake, but yeah, she did smile.

"How are you, Ari?"

"Good and you?"

"I am good too, and where is Ava?"

I was expecting this question, no it's not jealousy, it's a habit.

"She left, Mom; you should have been early if you wanted to meet her."

"I told you to leave early, but you said you want to complete the work first and come to meet them here. What would have happened if you have done it at night?"

She ranted and glared at him. Don't tell me he completed his work early so that he could spend time with me because I sleep early; I have to sleep early.

"You can always go visit her there, Grandma, don't scold my oldman"

I winked at him and everyone laughed. But she didn't, if not she looked like she would murder me. Why does she hate me so much? If it wasn't for her I wouldn't even have searched for grandmother.

Gradma if you were to be alive would you have loved me and Ava just as much as equal? Or would you have faked your smiles to me.

I don't think you would, since she herself said we both are same? Did someone force you to stop playing Piano too? I mean you liked it?

"Yes mom"
She said smiling at me and I smiled back

"We're going out, we will be back before ten"

"She came back just an hour ago from her friends, you can go la-"

"Four hours ago mom"

"Your friends are back? You didn't tell me"

I smiled at him as he sat on the sofa.

"Don't tell me your strength is worn out in this age, Grandpa. Come on, let's go out"

they laughed

"You have to rest"

"I need some college supplies and stuff, come with me"

I said, pulling him and went to the store.

"Your friend? The one you always spoke about?" he asked.

I nodded my head, and he took the chocolates, placing them in the cart.

"You want to meet her?"

"Sure, I want to," he said, and I called Annie. She picked up at the first ring; she is always on her mobile. Phone addiction.

I wanted to call Lia, but I didn't.

I saw a pink pen and a similar purple pen. These colors reminded me of Ava and Annika.

I took them with me and the black plasters, which I always have to.

"Bitchhhhhyyyy-" she shouted coming in and halted as soon as she saw Grandpa with me. He shook his head and smiled at her.

"I am-"

"Annie, I know."

"You do?"

"Yeah, she always used to mention you if I spoke about friends," he said, making her smile. I saw Vaughn standing outside. He kept looking at her, then left as soon as his eyes met mine.

"How did you drive here?"

"My car," she said, and I put some bandages in her hoodie pocket.

So it is true, Vaughn keeps an eye on her, he stalks her. I do too, but let's see if I will be able to after reaching Brighton Island.

You owe me one, Annie's Jerk

"Should we go eat something? There is a steak house nearby"

I said as Annie and my Oldman are busy chatting with each other, they forgot about me.

"Of course you can, Grandpa, I tell you what make it anytime"
she said, saving her number in his mobile. I looked at him with a 'so done' face.

"What? Ava doesn't stay with you in class or the same apartment"
he said, getting up, dusting invisible wrinkles off his Armani suit.

"You were saying something about eating?" she said, grinning like an idiot.

"Steak house." We all left for there and ate hotpot and steak. I love eating meat. It tastes so good.

"What about your part-time job?" I asked as she entered her car.

"I can't work there, and I badly got scoldings from Maa, Lia was at the verge of hitting me and if it wasn'tfor Paa, I might as well be admitted in hospital right now"

she said, and I asked her about the typewriter and books.

"I will send them to you after reaching."

"Okay," I sighed, and she said, "Sayonara."


She widened her eyes and said
"Hey, don't say that, I feel like me and you will end up like Eren and Mikasa" she said, making me smile at her words.

"Okay lets leave then?"
He saw his mobile and said

"You will be back after long time, how about we go somewhere?"
He nodded his head driving there

I will marry you
I grinned like an idiot after so long. He wiped my tears that day and made me smile.

That park will always stay special

I am Sophia, I hope-
Are you blind or what? Dad brought me ice cream after so long and because of you it fell now

She looked sad and the way her green eyes stared at me made me want to take my words back

"I am actually blind from one eye, that is why I didn't see you coming from there"

I instantly regretted my words but she smiled without even a hint of regret, or hurt as if she doesn't care if she is blind from one eye or not.

I have seen this girl in class, she smiles a lot yet gets bullied and taunted, she has friends, but they are seniors to us.

"I didn't mean to, Sophia"
"Its okay, I am sorry, here you can have this if you want"

"Whats this?"
"Its bread and honey"

"But I like honey nuts bread"
She looked sad but then went somewhere and came back a minute after that

"Here honey nuts bread, my friend likes this too"
She said carefully sitting beside me. Her hands on her knees and legs placed perfectly on ground. She looks like a doll. Her eyes, her hair, her bracelet her smile and the way she acts too

"Can we be friends? We are in same class too, infact I will make you meet Annie and Lia we can spend time alot and play"

Ava always goes with Cesy and Glyndon. I don't even get time to play with her. And mom once screamed and cried after I cut my dolls hair and gave her a make up. So I understood I shouldn't make mom said she hates dolls.

"You look like a doll"
"I know, I am a doll"

"Okay then you are my doll, I will always play with you"
She grinned showing her pinky and I made a promise with her.
My first ever friend, my first ever doll. Sophia.

"I tell you what she is so mean"
"But we are friends now"

"Its okay Sof, I don't like her too"
"Neither do I"

She said adjusting her bangs and I am tempted to ask her about that day.

We both were sitting in detention, after class for ten minutes and I kept reading my book which I stole from Daddy's study.

"Atleast do your home work Mean girl"
"You do your work"
I said continuing to read and then she started speaking with herself.

Peopel like her are? Are? A drag? Maybe?

I open my bag to see her book in my bag and mine is not there.

I know where she lives.

"Can you take me to this address, I have to get my school book"

"Okay little miss"
I reached her home which is pretty big, just like ours.

I sat inside and maids brought me juice and said She will be back soon

She lives here alone? As long as I know her parents are dead. She has her cousin though.

"I am home"
No one replied or said anything. Maids and servents are doing their own thing. More likely, three maids and two servents.

Does she always say I am home to a empty home?

"What are you doing here?"
"I came to take my book which is exchanged"

She rumbled through her bag keeping her big bag aside which looked like a guitar and tripped falling down.

No maid came, no one came and she looked like this is common for her to get hurt. No one deserves to get hurt, mom and dad always say that.

I saw a little scratch on her leg and gave her a band aid that Mom always keeps in my pockets.

"I don't want it, and here your book"
I stare at her eyes, which have green rings kind of thing in her grey eyes.

I simply put that on ground and leave

"I tell you what, you are so mean you know"

Its as if I can feel her pain, she has accepted it, but she still has a longing and hope.

"Meet my new friend, Ariella"
She didn't accept it at first but then we decided

"Only for Sophi"
"Only for Sof"

"Fine then, we will play hide and seek tomorrow and make fun of her saying she is blind I will push you and beat you you know"
I shook my head and said okay.

Now that I realise its as if Sophi knew me and Annie would be needing eachother to understand.

"And candy pops"
I nodded my head

We got down from his car and I straightly go to sit on the bench and bumped into a girl who is drenched in water.

She fell on ground and hissed in pain
Her white frock has become see through and her blue color inner wear is completely seen.

"I am so sorry I didn't see you coming"
She said lifting her head and I nod my head

"Be careful"
I lift her up and she moved back nodding her head. Is she mute or what?
Ofcourse she is not, she spoke few moments ago.

"I am really sorry I didn't mean to spoil your-"
I cut her off placing my coat covering her, I move back a little and see if she is covered completely or not.

"Whats your name?"
I raised my eyebrow and she said sweetly

"Be careful Emory and don't roam around at night times"
"Thanks Ariella"
She said running away, how does she know my name?

"Where is your coat?"
"I gave it someone who needed it Oldman, and give this"
I turn to see a shadow near the tree and blink my eyes and its gone. I am definitely going crazy.

"its almost elevn Grandpa lets leave"
He checked his phone and nodded his head, as if he is waiting for permission.
I got up picking up the candy papers and ice cream tumb which I ate and I turn to leave and heard

"Oh Mary, how come you are here?"
She saw her surroundings and said

"I was just going to get something"
"At this time?"
She nodded her head and I asked

"How are you and how is Isa?"
"We are good, when are you visiting again?"

"I don't think I will be able to visit often, same with Annie and Lia, our Uni is now started in original place, Brighton Island"

She looked sad at first but then smiled

"Visit when you come here okay?"
"Ofcourse Mary, and go back to home, its night"

She smiled nodding her head and then said

"Your hair style is different, I almost didn't recognize you"
I laughed and Grandpa was patiently waiting for us.

"See you soon baby"
"Bye Mary, and say Isa I asked for her"
She nodded her head and we leave from there.

I feel a different kind of peace, since the time I went to park Sophi isn't in my sight.

And Remi will be in Brighton Island. I will confess him about my feelings.

______________AIDEN KING_______________

My wife, who used to be scared to dream or probably only got nightmares, fought through it. Not only did she fight through it, but she also managed to make me come out of my closed personality. Of course, it's only around her.

I kissed Elsa's head and came out of the room.

"Where is Ari?" I asked as I saw Eli and Lan going down.

They both stopped at once and turned around.

"She is at Nash Residence, at her home," I nodded my head to Lan and looked at Eli to say something, but he didn't. He smiled a fake one, like Ronan had before.

"And yesterday and the day before that?"

"She was with us, dad."

"Before you ask, yes! She ate a lot, she was happy, and even broke through her bubble coming to rides and to restaurants. However, she was scared at night due to darkness, and we waited until she slept."

Lies, all lies, fucking lies. Ariella has stopped turning on the lights while sleeping. One, because she isn't scared of darkness anymore, or two: she forced herself not to be scared of the dark, and I already know what the answer is.

I knew they would fight and argue that Ari should be sent to Brighton Island. I just wanted to see what lengths they will go to. And just as Cole said, Landon and Eli are digging up something that should not be dug up. Because for some reason, I already know, it not only will affect Ari but also their relationship with her which took me two fucking long years to build. Although she still refuses to say what happened that night exactly, she has always listened to us. Us meaning only me and Cole. And defies and goes against it too, in fact, does it perfectly.

If they both are trying to find something about her, then might as well stop it because the only one person who knows about that night is Ariella alone. Even if they try to find, they will get nothing. Me and Cole tried, a lot, but we reached zero. And if she gets to know these two did something like that it will fire back, badly and completely.

However, Ariella will still keep that intact look and 'I don't care' face. Which actually is a real one. That girl might be a true spitting image of Cole, but she is the worst disaster of calmness. She is a disaster of calmness.

"You don't have to worry, uncle, we will take care of her and protect he-"

"That's where you guys are always wrong," Eli came standing in front of me and looked me in the eye, not backing down, and Lan, who seems to realize it, came with a smirk on his face.

"What do you mean, dad? You think we will fail or much worse, she wouldn't listen to us just because you said so?"

"No, Eli, you won't conquer anything if you're in denial. Ariella never aimed for attention or much less protection. She is capable of protecting herself and-"

"In that case, we were the ones who taught her."

"You are wrong again, nephew. She did learn basics, but the main things she learned were from watching or all by herself."

That's true because Ariella has never ever wanted anyone's attention, attraction, or even a mere glance. Not even from Remington Astor, whom she has been obsessed with and has a fixation on. She reminds me so much of myself and Cole because she has that obsessive look on her face whenever she sees him. Just like I had for Elsa, just like Cole had for Silver since he was a kid. And fun fact, Ariella has been obsessed with him since she was a kid. Maybe since the very start.

"It's okay, uncle. She would still be under our wing, and we will ta-"

"Drop the act, you both, and stop searching for meaningless things. That won't do anything but ruin everything."

"Everything like uncle?"

The fucking bastards aren't even denying. I have to meet her and settle things for good. And Cole should fucking stop acting like a dick and act up if he doesn't want our Little Warrior to feel those feelings she was not supposed to be known. When everyone says Ariella might be different and emotionally detached, I say that's not the case. She doesn't want to be different, but she is way different from others, maybe from Eli and Lan too. Because she has never once used others and manipulated them into her words well the two times when she was a kid might be an exception because that's where I realized there will be no options when she says something, because she strikes completely, she has the ability to get things done and is capable of doing things without others' help, which I want to ruin off and wipe off completely, which I sort of did, but it is also only in mine and Cole's case. As much as it would be fun to see Cole vulnerable and break, which I never did except in the case of Ariella which I am despising, because she not only made Cole vulnerable and weak but also made herself important and worth in my life which I never saw coming. While Elsa always doted on Ava as a daughter since she kind of volunteered it, which Eli thinks Elsa loves Ava more than Eli, that might be true and he hates yet loves Ava for it. But in my case, Ari didn't volunteer nor did I ask her, but the amount of trust she puts in Cole and me is equal. If she gets a gift for Cole, she gets it for me too. I don't ask why she doesn't say it either. Ariella has become that daughter to me that I didn't ask for. Yet I am getting her anyway, so I might as well cherish it because the day I saw her standing on the rooftop for jumping, because she wants to know what comes next after the feeling of suffering, I already knew I would protect this girl just as much as Cole does. At that time I realized another thing, Ariella is not emotionally detached, she feels everything perfectly, and the worst problem is, at her age of innocence, she actually knows what she feels and can name it too.

"Everything which includes the way she sees you and admires you that Glyn never did. Glyndon is scared of you and you can't force her to love you, but Ari isn't scared of you nor has she ever asked for your attention or love, which you will lose, brutally. And if you ask the shrink, it wouldn't work either. Ariella has made him think what Silver and Elsa want."

"Ari is losing herself, so we want to help her."

My son is making the biggest mistake, why? Firstly because Ari hasn't lost herself, she has trapped herself, and secondly because Ariella is Ava's sister, and both have a different way of loving each other. While the eldest goes for expressing, the youngest goes for shadowing and protecting, which Ava will kill Eli for if he does something stupid after she is practically sharing her sister with him.

"Careful there, because when you think you might know about her, there is nothing that you do, in fact, not even Cole and I do."

But a certain girl who I expect to be some Mafia princess might, because she is the only one who withstood her bullying, pushing away. Not only that, but she also herself carried Ari to the nurse's room and called Cole after she fainted by a panic attack. Ari doesn't know it, but maybe that might be the reason that girl might hate Ava, Cesy, and Glyn, and always sees them as a threat near her.

I asked her if she is okay and why she brought her all here by herself when she could have called Ava.

But her first answer was Ariel is my friend, and secondly, Ava doesn't seem to care about her sister as much as she does about Cesy and Glyn. She even said that she called Ava, but as soon as she saw Cesy crying, she halfway ran away, so she searched for Creighton and called him.

And the fact that she is the only friend and her sister, Ariella, has ever introduced us to. Sophia was the first one though. To say that she was obsessed with Sophia would be an understatement because she used to spend every minute she could with that girl.

Since that time she befriended Sophia, she didn't feel bad about Ava spending time with others. She even said, "Since mom gets sad that I play with dolls, Sophia is my human doll, I will forever be her friend." Which Cole didn't take good for either. But he let go of all insecurities as long as he saw her smiling and said her fate would be nothing like him. Turned out to be worse than him. She didn't let go of that girl, and maybe won't. Not once have I seen her cry for herself; it's always her guilt. Her pain was for others, not for her. And I felt fucking proud that she screamed and called me when she was losing herself in nightmares. She still does as much as I hate to admit it; it makes me feel warm that she calls me in her dreams. In the times she wants to shut off, and sometimes she does things to get locked up even. It was for scaring her at first, but she grew a liking to it instead of being scared.

"I am giving you her responsibility. I know she will do what she wants, but don't lose the true respect and admiration she has for you, that she doesn't even let anyone curse at you, me, and Cole included."

"Uncle, Ariella is a kid. She will and should listen to us even if she thinks she is right."

Fucking bastards, she is a kid but a trapped kid. And no way she will do something she doesn't want to.

"I agree that she is growing up, and the only thing I appreciated was you never used her as a pawn in the game. Don't do that now either."

I didn't wait for their reaction. I might sometimes not predict what Eli and Lan are up to, but I won't let them keep me in the dark about Ariella, not when she has given me a part of herself and entrusted me with it.

"We are going somewhere; you better be there in ten, if you don't want me to ruin your face, which is the only reason Silver is in love with you," I said, not waiting for his reply as soon as I reached Queens Mansion, I already saw Cole standing there.

"Why the fuck did you call me here for? And why here at Queens?" He said with his calm, annoying voice.

"Yeah, to speak with someone and where is Ari?"
"Out with Sebastian Queens"
"Message him to take her back to home after an hour"

"Just do it Cole, we have to deal with Silver's Mom today"

"They were already at home today, and-"

"I bet as usual, Cynthia Davis Queens didn't care about Ariella." Exactly, motherfucker. I know even you gave no answer for that, or you choose not to because she is your fucking mother-in-law. As much as I had respect for her for being a strong lady, I am sure she might be the reason for Silver's fake attitude, and I am even sure she has brought pain for it. That might be Cole's concern, but Ariella is, however, my concern.

"If you are here for that, then fuck off, Aiden. She loves Ava and she is protective of Ava and Silver-"

"Then what gives her the fucking right to make the girls kick Ariella out of her room, break the doll that Ari has made so happily, and even make her feel as if she isn't worthy of being Silver's fucking daughter? And a fucking fact that she even started to distance herself from us and might be searching about Helen Nash since you know from when and why."

He stood there calmly for a minute too long. I wish I used Ariella against Cole since she gets him to his most vulnerable state and also makes him lose his patience and calm, but that might be the most disgusting thing because Ariella is not someone to be used, and I won't ever let anyone do that to her either.

He straightly entered and rang the doorbell.

"Finally, you decided to come back to me after spending time with that Mon-"

As soon as she opened the door, her words got cut off. Cole balled his fists and gave her a tight-lipped smile.

"With that?"

I said coming from behind, and she froze on her spot.

"With his granddaughter, I mean."

She smiled awkwardly, letting us in with a smile on her face, which always made Ariella's smile disappear since she was seven.

"Then what is she to you?"

I asked and sat beside Cole.

"My granddaughter too?"



"More than Ava?" I asked, and Cole sighed, knowing very well where I am taking this.

"No, and I won't ever say I can love her more than Ava."

Her audacity to say shit and make the siblings fight. No wonder Silver had a bitchy attitude in college days.

"You could have said just like Ava, mother-in-law."

She looked stunned for a moment and then composed herself.

"No one can be more than Ava to me and Silver."

"Consider it only you, Silver never made a difference between her kids."

She scoffed and then looked at us with anger and regret.

"Silence is not the answer Mrs. Queen"
"Say something Cynthia Queens"

"I try to love her, Cole. I really do. Silver asks me to treat her just like I treat Ava, but I still can't."

"That doesn't give you any right to make the siblings misunderstand each other," I said, and she glared at me. Of course, this woman here never backs down.

"I am concerned for Ava."

"For what?"

She stayed quiet, not answering anything. She can go die for all I care, but I want to know something more important than that.

"Anyway, since Ari will be going to Brighton Island and stay with girls-"

"She is staying with girls?" She said with shock and then heaved out a sigh.

"She is staying with Eli and Lan," she said with relief, as if Ari staying there would kill everyone.

"You could have said Creighton and Bran. Why only Eli and Lan? Wait, Eli makes sense due to Ava, but Landon?"

She turned her head sideways, avoiding eye contact.

"When did they come to meet you?" She didn't say anything, though I have an idea she wouldn't say anything, only if we don't force it out of her.

"Speak up, Mrs. Queens," I said as Cole got up.

"I don't care when they came or what, but if you have said them about Helen Nash, then you might as well start feeling sorry because I don't think Silver would take kindly to it."

She abruptly stood up and glared at Cole, pointing a finger at him.

"Are you trying to threaten me using Silver's name?"

"Trying? Who said I am trying? I. AM. THREATENING you," her jaw fell open, and her eyes widened like saucers.

"You are the sole reason why Ari started thinking she is like Helen Nash and is trying to find out about her."

"I never said that to her. In fact, it's only me, Ava, and Silver who know it."

I balled my fists, looking at a daughter-obsessed person.

"Ava knows it? Like everything? Including marriage and the Doll master?" She hesitantly nodded her head and said, "She has the right to know."

"Fuck those rights. I am sure you told her everything except for the marriage part," Cole said, losing his patience.

"How do you know I didn't say the marriage part?"

"Of course, a person like you just wants to show herself as the perfect woman," she glared at me but continued anyway.

"Eli and Lan will protect Ava, I know." Fucking fuck, I already know those jerks would have come here and might as well know everything.

"And what does Ava need protection from?"

"Ariella," she shamelessly said as Cole charged towards her, and I didn't even stop him.

"Have you lost your mind, mother-in-law? Ava and Ariella are siblings, and Ariella has been protective over Ava more than anyone, and the same goes for Ava's case."

"That's because she doesn't want Ava to spend time with anyone but her. She will make Ava her doll and do the same thing as Helen did to my daughter," she screamed, and Cole said calmly, "Ari and Helen are different persons. Helen is dead, and Ari is my daughter."

"The same daughter who is obsessed with writing, baking, Piano, and considering people as human dolls. She fucking crazily used to write using a typewriter, and at some point, she even wrote worse stories than Helen at the age of seven."

"She has a passion for it, and she even stopped playing Piano since she was twelve. Ava and Silver play Piano as well. Ava is a fucking classical music student," I said, getting up, and she stayed glued to her place.

"I don't care what you have said to Eli and Lan. If it hurts their relationship with her even a little bit, you will pay for it."

"You aren't seeing that Ari will take Ava away from us, even Silver too. She tried taking Ava's friends away from her, and she is taking her best friend Remi away-"

"I am sure this woman has lost her brain somewhere."

"What the hell do you mean, Aiden? I am worrying about Ava here."

"And since you worry about Ava, I will do that for Ariella," I said, moving to the door, but Nash stood eerily calm in the same place. The way he looked at her with anger in his eyes, I wonder how she isn't dead yet.

"If you are the reason why Ava never let Ari be friends with them, then you might as well be careful because I will ruin your life, Cynthia. Have some shame on yourself that you filled shit in Ava's head for her only sister."

"I never did anything like that. I just said she doesn't have to share anyone if she doesn't want to."
And Ava took it in opposite way and made sure that she doesn't get to share Ari with others. Ava is no saint either, she always fights with Lan and Eli the most saying she wants her sister back.
She even said 'if only Ari wasn't comfortable with wankers like you, I might have never given my sister to you, and do whatever but Ari is mine first you guys can go fuck yourself for thousand times'

Her exact words were those and that Remington Astor has the Audacity to say

"I have no ill intentions towards Ariella, but if she likes to be with me no one can stop that uncle, I respect you guys but Ariella will get what she wants"
Fucker is really worse than Ronan and Teal.

I wish Elsa didn't stop me from killing that Brat that day saying 'Ari is the one in love with him Aiden, you can't blame him for something he isn't aware of'

And I am waiting for a day where Ari will stop glancing at that wanker so that me and Cole will celebrate with a grand party. Yes we even decided that. The only thing we both will agree on is when it comes to Ari.

My wife said I shouldn't do anything to Remi until he actually does something bad. My Elsa will get what she wants. Remi will be a good boyfriend for sure. But I don't want it to be for Ariella.

"Understand it Cole, someone writing dangerous things and being perfect and reading at such young age is dangerous, I wish you kept an eye on Ari"

I can't even kill this woman here because, as much as I hate admitting it, she has her own concerns from the past. Why does Ari have to suffer with the buried past? It's not like Helen will come back anyway, and if she wouldn't have known Helen was a writer, I am sure this wouldn't have reached until here

"Silver cries because of Ariella all the time, saying she is losing her."

"Silver is her mother; you can't expect her to be calm when her daughter is sad or something."

"But no daughter makes a mother cry that much. She has Helen's genes buried in her, I am telling you. She will ruin Ava and everyone."

"In that case, Ava has Helen's genes too, unnoticed but yes, she has"
I said as Cole moved out with me. As soon as we came out, he looked at me with a smirk and said.

"So you came at night leaving Elsa alone?"

"Who said she is alone? She is sleeping, and I had an important thing to take care of and settle it."

He shook his head and said,
"Ronan's spawn is investigating about something."

"What the fuck do you mean?"

"I thought you already knew it, Nash."

"Fucking say it, King."

"It's about something else which has nothing to do with anyone, but it's suspicious since he is a business student, not law or crime."

"Fuck that fucker, he is much worse than Ronan."

He is. All our kids are much worse than our old selves, accept it or not, but that's the truth

"I will break Eli's legs and Remington's neck someday. Watch me do that."

"What did Eli do?
As much as I doesn't express well to my son, I will always stand for him. He is right when he said we both come as a pack.

"Ask your fucker son, who was kissing my daughter yesterday."

"Did you agree to the deal with Kirill Morozov and Damien Orlov"
"You ar missing your in law Adrian Volkov Aiden"

"He is just a fucker anyway"
"But why would they want to shake hands with us? I mean both our companies together? Which is weird to its best but I slightly have an idea of why"

"I know but as long as they stay at bay, I will sign thw contract with them, their branch here is new"
"I will do it too, make sure not to involve Teal in this, she still has a grudge against you"

I smirk at him and drive back to my place.

"Aiden, where were you?" My wife snuggled into me and got back to her sleep again.

"How about we do something other than sleep, sweetheart?" She jolted awake, and I laughed looking at her, who was biting her lower lip with the same innocence that she had before. Her blue eyes shined again, and I pulled her into a kiss, with gratefulness, love, and my obsession. Fucking mine.

"Whatever, Uncle, if you guys drag attention to yourselves and make me the center of it, I will certainly say I don't know you both," she said, getting out of the car as we entered a normal place to eat breakfast.

I hated leaving Elsa early in the morning, but it couldn't be helped. I needed to check her schedule, which I had changed. To ignore her passion, she is learning to play video games or esports or whatever. Not only that, but she's good at it in just a few days. She truly is the spitting image of Cole. That fucker is observant and learns things just by seeing, and she is the same.

She always had a tactic for finding out who is the person behind her, and I still couldn't figure out how. She says she has to listen to the steps of the person twice or thrice, and then she will be able to find out who that person is.

"I ordered toast and sausage for you and some roasted vegetables" Cole said, sitting and looking at me, raising his eyebrow.

"Put that book down, Ari, I have to ask you something."

She put the book down, took off her specs, and folded her arms, resting her back on the chair. Her usual black outfit made her look like a classic girl who doesn't give a damn about the world. The way she always wears black, she could be taken to a funeral anytime, and the dress code might match.

"Yes, Dad?" He looked skeptical for a moment but asked her.

"You aren't searching for anything related to Helen Nash?"

Fucking hell, she even started calling her Grandma. Wow, congratulations, we are already fucked up at best. Why does she have a fixation on Helen anyway? Of course, for a girl who got told that she is just like Helen and has likes like her, she would definitely search for her. The only thing is I hope she doesn't get to know whatever Helen Nash has done. Cole hasn't said it to me either, but I myself found out. And I'm sure he knows that I know.

"Yeah, Grandma," he composed himself, ruffling her hair, but she took it away and said, "I am grown up now, don't do that, Dad. Due to you both, the four of them do the same too," she said with her intact voice. Okay, let it be intact, even though it is supposed to come frustrated anyway.

She arranged her bangs again as Cole shifted the topic, but it looks like Ari wouldn't let him do that.

"You were saying something about Grandma?"

"You stopped looking for information about her?" I asked, and she nodded her head. "Well, even though I am curious, I have read all her books, so I think I know enough about her. Our writing styles are the same, and she loves playing the piano too. I got to know it from one of her books."

"What book?"

she said about what she read and said they were her last books.

Cole smiled, listening to her, her eyes are shining as she kept saying everything.

"She is damn good at writing. I wish I am like her an-"

"That's enough, now eat"
I said, pushing her plate towards her, and she looked at my back and then at me.

"Is anything wrong?"

"I just realized it now, uncle"
she said and started eating again

Realised what?

"What dress is it? Why do you always wear this kind?"

"Oh, off-shoulder?" she said, then Cole asked.
"Even in this, you are wearing black?"

"It's an off-shoulder Onyx black dungaree, Dad."

"You always wear black."

"Hey, it's a charcoal, mud, light, dark, onyx and black combinations"
she said as if black has other colors too.

"Black is black, Ari."

"That's a different kind of black, Dad," she said, then added
"Uncle, I wrote my two missed exams. Results will be within two days"

I nodded my head and said

"You could have chosen the Business department, Ari, or even law."

"How about Piano?"

she said, looking at her dad. Her curiosity started again.

Elsa was right, she just doesn't want to be different. She just wants to ber her. She doesn't want to fit in.

My wife is always right, maybe that is why she said if we don't accept her like she wants to be accepted, then she will never let anyone see her. Thanks to her I have Ariella closer to me now.

"That too if you are interested"

he said, and she shook her head
"Since mom and Ava are much alike, let Ava do that; either way, hacking seems fun."
"You can play Piano too"
"I will but only with Annie, she matches her guitar tune to my Piano"
She said eating messing her mouth a little.

"If you want to ch-"

"I will let you know if I want to, so please, don't be a drag."

This girl has the audacity to say everything is useless or doesn't deserve her time.

"Eat properly"
I said, wiping her lips with a tissue, and she smiled, nodding her head. I think her eating way is the only thing she hasn't kept trapped in herself. She eats and enjoys eating junk.

"Eat those vegetables Ari"
She shook her head scrunching up her nose in disgust.

"Carrots and beans taste yuckk when boiled or cooked separately, and not to mention these green leafy vegetables"
"Let it be Cole, she doesn't like eating them"
"Stop spoiling her in this Aiden"

"You can't force her to eat that anyway"
"Then how will she gain, enough vitamins and antioxidants for her body?"

"You are Right though, we have to force her to eat those"
I said and look at her who gave a poker face ultra.
"Hello, Mom dad? You guys literally are forgetting I am here"
She said pushing those away and shook her head

"I want mom and Ellie you guys are dramatic"
"I want Elsa too"
"I want your mom too"

We said simultaneously and she looked at us in disgust

"You guys are such a drag"
She saw people around us and abruptly got up from there, as soon as she dod some students or random people saw Me and Cole, she rolled her eyes

"They are so handsome aren't they?"
"Look at that girl, looks like she is out for funeral"
I chuckled listening to them, and her face looks like she already knew this would happen
"She is adorable too, she looks like that handsome guy with green eyes"

"I don't know you guys anymore"
She rolled her eyes and just as she was about to leave a waitress came to us.

"Dad, Godfather"
She said loudly making sure all of them could hear to us....
"Actually mom, and Ellie, my Godfather's wife called you, for something"
Cole chocked on his water, listening to her and I am still in trance that she Called Godfather instead of Uncle. Its not that I don't know she treats me like Godfather, but she just says, this is the first time she said Godfather like calling me instead of mentioning me.

"Young lady, put that number inside your pocket, if my mom and Ellie will find this out, they will be meeting you in police station"
Cole laughed at her posessiveness and got up followed by me

"They will be proud"
Cole said and she turned grinning

"Will they?"
"Ofcourse, we are proud too"
I said ruffling her hair and she smiled happily.

"Ice cream?"
she said, and I shook my head. She just stared at me and looked at me for a minute too long, and I gave up going to get her something, and she followed me and took two packets of candy.


"These are twin popsicles," she said, putting them near the counter and paid for them herself.

She opened two green-colored popsicles, which had two sticks, and broke them in halves and gave one to me, eating one herself. I don't think it's a grape flavor since she hates eating fruits and nuts.

"Stop being Aiden King for ten minutes and eat it, uncle. It's so tangy and good," she said, taking the other one and doing the same, then gave it to Cole.

"What is it?"

"It's a popsicle, and please drop your 'I AM THE COLDEST person' title and be my Father and Godfather and have it," she said, going out and saw a park. She straightly went there and sat down, leaning against the tree.

She really does love the simplest things.

She sighed again, and before she could say anything, both of us sat and calmly ate. To be honest, it is good, not only the eating part but also sitting here in greenery, leaning against the tree, looking at the sky, and eating this.

She saw me and finally grinned, showing her teeth. Honestly, she has to see how beautiful she is. Not only her appearance but also her soul.

"Here" I retrieved my phone, turning to her, and she scrunched up her nose.

"No, uncle, at least not you. I always get forced to take pictures with Ava, and my pretty pink princess doesn't take no for an answer"
she said, but I pulled her arm, and Cole joined. She just looked at the screen for three seconds, and after I clicked it, I sent it to Bran and Ava.

They will post it on her insta, since both of them have the passwords.

We all sat there for almost half an hour, and finally I said,
"Let's leave; it's going to be afternoon soon."
We got up, going to the car, but she stood still, looking at a shop.

"Want to get something?"

"Is that a Japanese convenience store? Wait, even a restaurant? I think it wasn't here the last time we visited."

She shook her head and asked, "I think it's fifteen minutes from REU, right?"

"Yeah, maybe thirty minutes' walk," I replied.

She nodded her head, and Cole held her hand, taking it back and looking at me. I raised my eyebrow, and he motioned to her hand. As I held it, I felt it was cold. Not a normal cold, but a drowning cold. Cold showers. She's back to it again. I honestly don't understand why she wants to be here.

"Come on, let's go," she said, sitting in, and we reached soon.

"You both stay here, and I will be back."

"No," we said simultaneously, and she looked at me with a poker face. Irritated, I guess, though it's the same expression most of the time.

"I wonder how your mom and Ellie tolerate you both."

"Simple, little chaos. We both love each other."

"Same, it's not like I can live without Elsa, and the same goes for her," I said, and she shook her head.

"Men in love are the most innocent thing ever"
she remarked. I think I heard it wrong; definitely, no one has ever said that to me. I don't think any other men get to hear that either.

"What did you say?"

Cole asked, looking at his image, who is standing right in front of him, speaking facts and having the most difficult and different perspective on things. Worse, she makes her perspective and believes it is right, which leads others to believe the same. She isn't a follower; she doesn't even ask for followers, but it's like she will get them and doesn't give a flying fuck about them. Her priorities have been sorted out by her since the start, and she walks on them too.

"I said men in love are the most innocent thing ever."

"Why? What makes you think that?"

"Dad, uncle! You guys are innocent when it comes to mom and Ellie too. You know when a kid is born, they say the kid is innocent because their sole purpose is to live and be happy, and that's what people do when in love, especially men."

"Why do you say that? I mean why so sure that it's innocent; it can be disastrous or even cunning and-"

"No, dad, what kind of love is it when it doesn't destroy you and the one you love? I mean all I know from watching you and uncle is the way you look at them as if they are the center of your world, and you will burn yourself included if it means you have to love them, protect them, and live with them. Not only that, but you also look at them as if you fell for them again and love them more than you loved them a second ago."

"Hold on, little warrior. You noticed this? I bet you know our stories, and out of all, you deduced this from it?"

"Yes, uncle, that is why I am saying men in love are the most innocent, not only you both but also Lan, Brother Eli, Brother Cray, Bran, even Jeremy, Niko, Killian, Xan, Lev, and my crush, Ronan Astor," she said with confidence.

Fuck that Crush and screw you Astor.
Specially Remington Astor. Once he does something to hurt her I will kill him with my bare hands. But why wait until he hurts her? I can just kill him now. But Elsa will go sad, and he is my nephew too.

"You want that kind of love too, Ari, where someone loves you with the same intensity you do?"
I asked.

She shook her head and walked further. We caught up to her and entered the Royal Elite, and she said,
"Nah, I don't expect someone to love me back in the same way I do. I mean, come on, no one can love someone in the same way."

"So?" Cole asked.

She didn't reply and walked as I held her wrist stopping her making her sigh
"The first thing about love is you shouldn't expect them to love you back, and the second is..."
She trailed off, and Cole asked,

He turned her around putting his hand on her head and crouched to her level

"If you are getting someone's love and protection, then you should be ready to baer their hate too. Love and hate are both the same feelings, just with a thin line drawn,"

she explained. She understands everything way too well just for being a teenager.

"You love Ava, then? Like you used to do before?"

"What do you mean by 'used to'? I never stopped, okay? She is scared of me, so I keep her away, and I don't want to end up getting her hurt" she said, turning around and saying

"Wait here."









I said, and realized I just said no. She smirked and smiled, going in, and we both followed her. I can let her win as long as she doesn't loose that smile of hers.

This girl here is to be better than her previous self. Ariella Nash, I wish you actually are Ariella Aiden Nash.

I never saw her coming, not until she actually was there. I didn't ask for her, but I will get her, and since I am getting her, I will protect her.

"You guys make me speak alot, what a drag"

"Atleast thats good isn't Ari?"
"Since its you its okay"

"How about Eli then, you said we both are same"
"Well, You are you and Big Brother Eli is Eli king, but looking at him I feel like he is your image and I can say everything I say to you right uncle? I can right? He is Big Brother Eli after all"
"Ofcourse you can"
I ruffled her hair and she shook her head taking my hand away.

I see a part of Elsa in her that I wish I never saw. Not only me, but all of us see a part of ourselves in her that never got protection in our past. Which we will protect now.

Ronan was right when he said she is a kind of girl who is hated, but if she is hated, then it is because they had a deal with her. If she is loved, it's because they are seeing themselves in her.

And there is nothing in between.

So here is the thing....I write way too long chapters and this time it is like two chapters merged in one!!

And another thing to clarify confusion

Some random students will be there in story.

But most often seen are from Rina Kent universe.

Annie, Lia, Avery, Chris, Rick, Isa, Sophia, Mary and Emory and Doll keeper are there for story. No other characters will be introduced further. I hope it didn't confuse you and you are liking the story by far.

And about Vaughn and Annie.... I really really ship Damienmio daughter with Vaughn so I made a character like that.

Ava and Ari will be a lot too. I just want to show the bonding of Ari and Ava.

Enjoy the story and is it okay if I start putting chapter aesthetics like I did in first few or is it okay in your imagination?

I will update every chance I get. And will make sure we have 40 chapters atleast.
And about Remi having a past, he kind of has a normal past but little interlinked to Ari.

I can't make him like normal Rina kent men(I really love them but they all are not gentlemanly like Astors are, no offense), Remi always is a gentleman and like his dad is and yet again, I love making Ari and Remi suffer a little, not more though, there will be romance and some spicy scenes, but smuts will start from Ari's eighteen which she will be soon. Till then it will be slow burning😉😉

And thanks for being patient you all.

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