Golden Girl II: By Your Side...

Por QueenShardhan5000

716 108 188

Orphaned and thirsty for revenge for the murder of your parents at the ends of your first love and childhood... Más

♡ 01 | A Better Tomorrow
♡ 02 | An Interesting Morning
♡ 04 | Your Heart On His Sleeve
♡ 05 | Rescues and Rewards
♡ 06 | Better be...
♡ 07 | Reunion
♡ 08 | Unbelievably Theory
♡ 09 | Trouble in Paradise
♡ 11 | The Thin Line Between Friend and Foe
♡ 12 | Hurt
♡ 13 | Honesty
♡ 14 | Last Tango, Then Paris
♡ 15 | La Ville De L'Amour
♡ 16 | Shattered Potter
♡ 17 | It's A Wonderfull Lie

♡ 03 | I Want To Join

33 7 11
Por QueenShardhan5000

As the revelation settles over the room, an awkward silence ensues. Cedric's father, Amos Diggory, clears his throat, attempting to regain control of the situation.

"Well, that was a long time ago," Mrs. Diggory chuckles awkwardly, giving her husband's arm a soothing pat, her gaze sweeping around the room with her usual motherly warmth. She catches your eye, and you respond with an encouraging smile.

"Y/N dear, how have you been?" she chirps, beckoning you over with open arms, which you gladly accept. Her embrace feels warm and homely, akin to Cedric's, though with a touch of nervousness and a blush coloring your cheeks. "I've been good, Mrs. Diggory. Thanks for asking."

"What brings you here, Amos?" Sirius Black calls from the table. "I distinctly remember you wanting to keep your hands clean during the first Wizarding War."

"Sirius..." Professor Lupin interjects with a warning tone.

"I'm not here for you lot, mind you, Black," Mr. Diggory responds curtly, the name "Black" dripping with disdain. "He-who-must-not-be-named tried to kill my son... I'm here for revenge. Nobody messes with my family."

A heartfelt smile passes between Mr. Diggory and Cedric, and you find yourself smiling too. For the first time, you understand—or rather, sympathize with—Amos Diggory. His passionate love for his family and his burning desire to avenge them resonate with you deeply. It's a feeling you know all too well.

"On that note," Snape's cold voice breaks the warmth that had briefly filled the room, "let's get down to business, shall we?"

"Severus..." Mrs. Weasly says rather skittishly "Is Dumbledore sure this is the right thing to do? They are just kids!"

Snape's eyes narrow at Mrs. Weasley's question, his expression growing even colder if that's possible. "Mrs. Weasley, the threat we face is not concerned with the age of its targets. The Dark Lord and his followers have shown no mercy, regardless of age."

Mr. Weasley nods in agreement, his jaw set with determination. "Severus is right. We cannot afford to underestimate the danger. Besides, Molly, it's Dumbledore's orders. And I trust him with my life."

Snape looks at you, directly at you, his lips curled as he slowly extends his hand. "The letter."

You blink, unable to comprehend his simplistic command and shivering at his icy stare. It takes you a moment to break from your reverie and fumble in your pockets to retrieve the letter Dumbledore left for you alongside the will of your parents.

With one fleeting wave of the hand, the letter levitates out of your clammy hands and into Snape's cold and steady ones. He unfurls the letter grandly and pats it as if your touch has stained it. Almost instinctively, you, Cedric, Hermione, and Ron huddle close together as if lambs awaiting slaughter.

Snape's eyes flicker over the contents of the letter, his expression remaining impassive as he absorbs Dumbledore's words. After a moment, he folds the letter and tucks it into the inner pocket of his robes with a swift, practiced motion. Then, he turns to face the group, his gaze lingering on each of you in turn.

"Let me make one thing perfectly clear," Snape begins, his voice low and authoritative. "The situation we face is dire. Voldemort's return poses a threat not only to the wizarding world but to all of humanity. We cannot afford to underestimate him or his followers."

Sirius Black steps forward, his features etched with determination. "That's where the Order of the Phoenix comes in," he says, his voice firm. "We're a group of witches and wizards who are dedicated to fighting against Voldemort and his Death Eaters. Our mission is to protect the innocent and stop Voldemort's reign of terror."

Remus Lupin nods in agreement, his gaze serious. "The Order operates in secret, working tirelessly to gather information, thwart Dark magic, and support those who oppose Voldemort's regime. We rely on trust, loyalty, and discretion to carry out our objectives. It is led by Dumbledore in secret as-"


Snape looks at you condescendingly. "Do you have something to share, Ms. Y/L/N?"

"I said brilliant," you repeat with the same passion as before, undeterred by his demeanor. "That's all I need to hear. If Dumbledore's in charge, I don't need to know anything else. I want to join."

There is prolonged silence in the room.

"What?" you inquire, looking around. "I said I want to join. That's the reason we're here, right? So we could join."

"You can't join," Snape says silkily, his voice cutting through the tension in the room. "You are all underage."

Your heart sinks at Snape's words, disbelief washing over you. "WHAT!?!" you exclaim, leaping up from your seat so suddenly that your chair crashes to the ground behind you. "What do you mean I can't join!?!"

Snape's expression remains impassive as he delivers his chilling explanation. "I mean you can't join," he repeats calmly, his tone cutting through the tension in the room. "The only reason you four have been brought here is to keep you safe from Voldemort and his Death Eaters. Ms. Granger and Mr. Weasley are in danger due to their association with Potter. Mr. Diggory, as the sole witness to Voldemort's return, is a target for both Death Eaters and the Ministry of Magic."

Your frustration grows as you try to make sense of Snape's words. "And me?" you interject, desperation evident in your voice. "Why am I here?"

Snape's dark eyes gleam with a hint of malice as he responds, seizing the opportunity to exert his authority. "You, Ms. Y/L/N, are here because your name has left the Dark Lord's lips," he explains, his words sending a shiver down your spine. "He knows of you and your association with Draco Malfoy, and he has used that knowledge to manipulate him. With Malfoy now serving as his spy at Hogwarts, it is likely that Death Eaters will target you to prevent any interference with Malfoy's loyalty. Do you require any further clarification?"

You swallow hard, the gravity of Snape's words sinking in. You look over to your side at Cedric and notice his clenched jaw, tight fists, and veins bulging at his arms and neck. A pang of concern shoots through you as you wonder if his anger stems not only from the danger you're in but also from Snape's open acknowledgment of your past relationship with Draco.

As you lock eyes with Cedric, you see a mixture of emotions swirling in his gaze — concern, protectiveness, and perhaps a hint of jealousy. It's a complex combination that mirrors the turmoil within you. You want to reassure him, to tell him that your heart belongs to him now, but the words stick in your throat as Snape's presence looms over you like a dark cloud.

Your voice rises, echoing with raw emotion. "You all just don't understand," you hiss under your breath.

"Enlighten us, oh wise one," Snape retorts, his tone dripping with sarcasm. "What is it that we don't understand?"

"Why I need to join the Order!" you scream, your face flushed with anger and eyes glistening with tears. "He killed my parents! No, he forced my first love to kill my parents in cold blood!"

The room falls into a profound silence, your words cutting through the tension like a sharp blade. Cedric's hand remains clasped tightly around yours, a silent testament to his unwavering support.

"As long as I live, I know that I will never forgive Voldemort," you declare, your voice now echoing with a cold determination reminiscent of Snape's. "I will not rest until I deliver a sliver of justice for what that vile, evil wizard has taken from me."

Your declaration hangs in the air, a steadfast testament to your resolve, casting a solemn weight over the gathered company. Snape's gaze lingers upon you for a fleeting moment, a glint of begrudging respect flickering in his dark eyes before he turns to address the others.

"Words of passion and determination hold little sway in true battles, Ms. Y/L/N," he says, his tone icy. "Such singular anger only invites peril on the battlefield. You remain underage, and Dumbledore has made his stance clear. You are not to join."

"But I am not," Cedric interjects, rising to his feet. "I am not underage. I am seventeen. I won the Triwizard Tournament merely a week ago, if you recall. I am more than qualified. I am well within my rights to join the Order."

All eyes turn to Cedric, his assertion injecting a spark of hope into the room. The tension thickens as Snape considers Cedric's words, his expression unreadable.

"Ced, you can't!" Mr. Diggory says, his voice laced with concern as he grasps his son's hand tightly. "I came too close to losing you in the tournament. I will not repeat the same mistake, letting you play with your life for glory-"

"Glory?" Cedric chuckles bitterly, shaking his head. "Dad, sometimes I think you don't know me at all."

"Cedric, how can you say that-"

"I am doing this for one reason alone," Cedric interrupts, his gaze unwavering as he takes your hand in his, squeezing it firmly. His smile, usually warm and comforting, now burns with a fierce determination. A tear escapes your eye, but you return his smile, your hand tightening around his.

Cedric's declaration hangs in the air, the weight of his determination palpable in the room. He meets the eyes of each person present, his resolve unwavering, until his gaze finally settles on Snape.

"I want to join," Cedric asserts firmly.

Snape's expression remains stoic as he assesses the situation, exchanging glances with the others in the room. After a moment of contemplation, he rises to his feet, extending a hand to Cedric.

"While I do certainly disapprove of this decision," Snape begins, his tone stern yet begrudging, "May I be the first one to welcome you to the Order of the Phoenix, Cedric Eldritch Diggory."

Cedric accepts Snape's hand with a nod of gratitude, a sense of purpose filling the room as he takes his place among the ranks of the Order. A surge of conflicting emotions washes over you. Gratitude and pride swell within you, knowing Cedric's commitment to protecting those he loves. Yet, intertwined with those feelings is an undercurrent of fear and uncertainty.

The memories of your lost loved ones, your parents, and your first love haunt your thoughts, casting a shadow over the present moment. Will history repeat itself? Will you lose Cedric too, just as you lost them?

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