When The Stars Align | A Ben...


15.1K 393 425

I know she's in pain, yet I can't help but stare at her. She looks like she's just calmly sleeping, dreaming... Еще

-Season 1-
1. Camp Cretaceous
2. Secrets
3. The Cattle Drive
4. Things Fall Apart
5. Happy Birthday Eddie!
6. Welcome To Jurassic World
7. Last Day Of Camp
8. End of the Line
-Season 2-
9. A Beacon of Hope
10. The Art Of Chill
11. The Watering Hole
12. Salvation
13. Brave
14. Misguided
15. Step One
16. Chaos Theory
-Season 3-
17. View From The Top
18. Safe Harbor
19. Casa De Kenji
20. Clever Girl
21. Eye Of The Storm
22. The Long Run
23. A Shock To The System
24. Escape From Isla Nublar
25. Whatever It Takes
26. Stay On Mission
-Season 4-
27. Beneath The Surface
28. At Least...
29. Turning Dr. Turner
30. Rude Awakening
31. The Long Game (Pt. 1)
32. The Long Game (Pt. 2)
33. Mission Critical
34. Staying Alive
35. Technical Difficulties
36. Dino-sitting
37. Taking Control
38. Who's The Boss?
-Season 5-
39. Reunited (Pt. 1)
40. Reunited (Pt. 2)
41. The Final Test (Pt. 1)
42. The Final Test (Pt. 2)
43. Battle Lines (Pt. 1)
44. Battle Lines (Pt. 2)
45. Evasive Action (Pt. 1)
47. Shaky Ground (Pt. 1)
48. Shaky Ground (Pt. 2)
49. Out of the Pack (Pt. 1)
-Apologetic A/N-
50. Out of the Pack (Pt. 2)
51. The Leap (Pt. 1)
52. The Leap (Pt. 2)
53. Clean Break (Pt. 1)
54. Clean Break (Pt. 2)

46. Evasive Action (Pt. 2)

132 4 7

Arguments, tunnels, and the Nothosaurus.

[3rd POV]

(bush rustles)

"You got something, Mae?" Mr. Kon asks her.

"Uh, nope. Thought I had to tie my shoe. Turns out I didn't." She nervously says, standing up straight from the fronds around her.

"Let me kindly remind you that if you want the people you care about to remain safe, you will help me." Mr. Kon says lowly.

Mae sighs with a glare to the ground.

"Sweet." Kenji suddenly says. "Check out the Stego plate. Looks fresh." He sadly remembers Darius passionately talking about them.

"A Stegosaurus came through here?" Mr. Kon asks.

"But Stegosauruses aren't carnivores, so I don't see that we need to..." Mae trails off at Mr. Kon's raised hand.

"Carnivores may be better for showing off the tech, but I can still use an herbivore as bait." he says.

Mae sighs as they continue walking.

Kenji walks alongside Hawkes. "Why are you even here?"

"Excuse me?" The man scoffs.

"We obviously don't need you." Kenji adds

"What's your problem kid?" Hawkes roughly says with his coarse voice.

"What's my problem? Oh, gee, I don't know. Maybe the whole kidnapping and threatening to kill me and my friends over a lousy laptop thing."

Hawkes rolls his eyes. "What's your point?"

" 'What's my point' ?" Kenji says disbelievingly.

"I was doing a job. And you and your friends got in the way." He responds curtly. "Now the job's to make sure you and your dad don't die."

"So I'm just supposed to believe you're a good guy this time?"

"I don't care what you believe. You dad's the one who signs the checks. So as long as you stay out of my way, then you and I won't have an issue."

Kenji frowns.


"Come on, let's try this way." Darius says, and Sammy and I sigh. We follow him to another direction.

Smoke hisses overhead from the pipes, and I try to fan myself.

"Whoo! It's like Texas in July in here." Sammy says, clearly sweating too.

We suddenly reach a large machine at the dead end. It's lit up by some lights, and it seems to have a gloomy aura.

"Whoa!" Darius breathes.

We explore it for a bit, until we spot a small blue screen showing some type of drill.

"Does this thing power the whole island?" I wonder out loud.

"Okay, um, which tunnel should we try?" Darius says. "This one?"

"Maybe." Sammy says, unsure.

"Or this one?" I suggest.

"Oh, maybe." Sammy repeats.

"Sammy, just make a choice! What's with you today?" Darius bursts out.

"What's with me?" She says. "What's with you? You're the one not talking about your best friend lockin' us all in a room."

Darius huffs, about to say something, but then we hear a loud gurgle from the water.

We gasp, trying to look over the edge of the railing.


Sammy whimpers at the serpentine form behind us.

[Caleb POV]


"That's them!" Ben exclaims, and we run to the direction of the screams.


The Nothosaurus snarls at us, and we back away, panting and whimpering.

It dives back into the water and then surfaces behind us. The Nothosaurus roars with its horrifying teeth sticking out everywhere. It has to be like, 15 feet long, and it has a fusiform body for easy swimming.

The three of us turn the corner and run, as the dinosaur chases us

[Caleb POV]

"Come on!" Yaz urges us to move, and we run towards the others.

By the side, I see the Nothosaurus (I think that's what it's called) dive back into the water.

Yasmina grabs a crowbar from the floor and lifts it up in a defensive position. She slyly readies to hit the Nothosaurus as it runs after Y/N, Sammy, and Darius.

Just when it reaches them, she slams the metal onto its head and it snarls in pain.

All seven of us group together again. Just as we are about to escape into another direction, and BRAD-X stops us in our tracks.

"Go, go, go, go, go!" Brooklyn cries, and run back to the other direction.

The BRAD-X repeatedly shoots more orbs, but then the Nothosaurus eventually destroys it.

But not before the BRAD-X accidentally shoots the 'thingy', (I think it might be a generator), and making the whole place shake.

An alarm blares in the air.

[3rd POV]

Brand's feet firmly thump down on the dock of Isla Nublar.

"I never thought I'd be here." He says with a sigh.

Dave and Roxie, holding a bunch of electrocutors walk up to him.

Dave chuckles. "I did. Always knew it would be up to us to rescue those kids."

Roxie raises an eyebrow at him.

"Okay, technically you always knew it would be up to us to rescue those kids." Dave nervously corrects at Roxie's expression. "But I always supported said belief."

The female sighs, and they continue to walk into the jungle.

"Anyway, here we are." Dave says.

[Mae POV]

"Where's the dinosaur, Mae?" Mr. Kon asks me from behind.

I scoff. "I don't know where it went, Daniel. I'm doing my best."

We check the trees and grass for any signs like scratches or footprints, but to no avail.

(heavy stomps in the distance)

"Hey, I think I hear..." Kenji cuts himself off at the sight of Hawkes positioning his tranquilizer gun. He is pointing at Mr. Kon.

"No!" Kenji runs over to him and tackles him down to the ground, making him drop the gun.

"What are you doing? I told you to stay out of my way." Hawkes says angrily.

"Why were you aiming at my dad!?" Kenji tackles him again.

"I wasn't! I was aiming at-"

(heavy stomp)

A heavy Stegosaurus stomps into the clearing, bellowing and groaning loudly.

It charges towards Mr. Kon and I tackle him away before he can get hurt. "Watch out!"

The Stegosaurus tries to attack Kenji and Hawkes, but they leap out of the way.

"She's distressed, frightened even." I worriedly say. "But I don't know why."

[Ben POV]

The feeding platform lifts us up into the jungle.

(all sigh in relief)

"Fresh air." Brooklyn says.

"I've never been so happy to be back here." Sammy says.

"What kind of dinosaur was that even?" Yaz asks.

"Looked like a Nothosaurus, I think." Darius says. "Don't know what it was doing down in the sewer though."

"Kenji was probably friends with it, then one day decided he wasn't anymore." I bitterly say.

"Haven't you bashed Kenji enough?!" Y/N suddenly shouts, her angry voice ringing around the air.

I hate having Y/N mad at me, but I also hate being proved wrong. So even though my brain tells me to shut up, my prideful heart doesn't.

"I bet you'd rather defend Kenji than side with me, wouldn't you?" I snap mockingly.

"Yes! Because you're wrong. He's not to blame. Right now, you're even more to blame than he is!" She yells, her voice rising, alongside her anger.

"Oh, well, I'm sorry for getting frustrated with Kenji the traitor betraying us all for his idiot of a father!"

"Shut up!" She screams, her hands balled into fists.

"Honestly, you may as well just go and help him control dinosaurs in Nublar. It's not as if you care, right?"
I venomously snarl, even if my mind is warning me to shut up. "Well, guess what? I don't care either; I don't care about you!"

Then I see it. Her angry expression crumbles and her eyes flash with overwhelming hurt. She turns away from me, her hand clenching her arm. I'm not entirely sure, but I think I see a tear fall.

My angry expression softens as I realize what I'd just done.

"I- I'm sorry, Y/N. I didn't mean that. I just-" I try to put my hand on her shoulder, but she flinches away from me, making my heart shatter.

"Please don't." She quietly says. "Just... don't." Caleb and Brooklyn shoot me a glare before they drag Y/N away from me.

Of course my temper had to erupt again. It's always my short temper that's the problem.

The last time I lost it, Y/N got captured by Kash. And now this.

What is wrong with me?
Why am I so heartless?
Why is this argument getting between the both of us?
And now I've just made it worse.
This is all my fault.

I let out a noise of frustration and regret, and I angrily rub my face.

Yasmina reaches me and puts a hand on my shoulder. "It's not your fault. Y/N's just acting like a jerk right now."

"Don't call her that." I aggressively mutter, hating myself now.

She just shrugs, and I notice her shooting a leer at Caleb and Brooklyn, who are comforting Y/N. I brush off her hand roughly and just look away, my heart breaking.

We didn't even get to tell the others.
And our relationship is probably over now. All because of me.

I bury my face in my hands.

Yaz doesn't understand either. And neither does Sammy and Darius.

Nobody undertands me. Y/N was the only one who did and now... now I've messed everything up.

"Mr. Kon is clearly the bad guy here. He's been manipulating Kenji this whole time." Brooklyn breaks the silence.

Yasmina and Sammy give her skeptical looks, but I just keep silent, waiting for her to continue.

Brooklyn sighs, and lays a hand on her heart. "The real Kenji knows my favorite colour. Knows how to make us laugh. Yeah, he makes mistakes, but..."

"He always does the right thing in the end." Caleb finishes softly.

"But what if that's just what he wanted you to think?" Yaz says.

Another argument breaks out between Brooklyn, Sammy, Yasmina and Caleb.

Y/N just sits on the side, on a boulder. Her eyes meet mine, and they shine with tears that are about to spill, but are being held back.

I mouth, "I'm sorry."

She looks away, and I feel worse by the second.

Just as their argument is climaxing, Brooklyn halts it. She turns to Darius with tears in her eyes. "Darius, I know you and Kenji are tight. What is your-?"

But she stops when she realizes that Darius is not even looking at her; he's staring at the T-Rexes in the distance, which are surrounded by drones. None of us had realized it until now.

"They're scared of something." I hear Y/N mumble. She's also observing them.

"Darius!" Brooklyn yells again. "You've been quiet all day. What do you think?"

"You wanna know what I think?" He says, and I startle at his rough tone. "I... I don't care. You've been talking about Kenji all day, and it's getting us nowhere. We can't worry about him."

He turns back to the T-Rex mother and daughter. "That's what I care about. Something's upsetting them, and I'm gonna figure out what it is. You can keep talking about Kenji if you want. But I'm out."

Y/N abruptly stands up too, and she looks at me straight in the eye. I wince at her blazing expression.

"I'm out too. I'm not wasting time anymore. After all you've said... maybe you're right." She says, stone cold.

I sigh, and break our gaze, looking down at my feet.

I don't know what to think anymore.

I... I don't know.

And maybe, I don't care either.

The ground suddenly rumbles. We all turn unnerved by it, hiding behind trees just in case.

Even the T-Rexes are bothered; Big Eatie roars loudly.

"Earthquake." Darius whimpers.

[Kenji POV]

The ground suddenly starts to shake and rumble. I lose balance and accidentally bring Hawkes with me down into a rift in the earth.

The next thing I know, heavy footsteps and roar approach.

2025 words

Hey all! I just want to thank you for the five thousand reads.

I really appreciate all the votes and views of all of you, and the support you're giving me is awesome.


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