The Human Girl and The Mischi...

De cynthiarowely

3.5K 68 9

This is a romance fanfiction story based on the Helluva Boss show, centered around Fizzarolli and a human gir... Mais

Chapter 1: The Singing Encounter
Chapter 2: Beyond the Door: A Hellish Friendship
Chapter 3: The Mammon Show!
Chapter 4: A Crush in the Making
Chapter 5: An Offer that Leads To Joy and Despair
Chapter 6 Comfort From a Crush
Chapter 7: The invite
Chapter 8: A farewell of a Friend and The fiery Circus
Chapter 9: Awakening Resilience
Chapter 10: Burning Bonds and Fateful Promises
Chapter 11: Fizz's transformation
Chapter 12: 'Sexy Lagoon'
Chapter 13: Sensual Dream and Kitchen talk
Chapter 14: The Deal at The Lagoon
Chapter 15: Ozzie's: The Amazing & Unexpected Show

Chapter 16: The Confusing Emotions

91 1 0
De cynthiarowely

As the morning sun filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow into the room, Fizz lay in bed, his eyes heavy with exhaustion from a sleepless night. Clutching a pillow to his chest, he stared into the darkness, his mind consumed by thoughts of Azura's kiss. Every detail of their encounter replayed in his mind like a haunting melody, each moment etched into his memory.

He remembered the strength in her touch as she pinned him against the wall, the intoxicating scent that enveloped him as she drew near. And then, the kiss – a tantalizing taste of the desire he had longed for since their first meeting. Her lips, warm and soft, ignited a fire within him, her tongue a bold invitation he couldn't resist. Even now, as he sat up in bed, exhaustion weighing heavily on his shoulders, he couldn't shake the memory.

With a weary sigh, Fizz dragged himself out of bed, his steps sluggish as he made his way to the kitchen. And there, at the breakfast table, sat Azura, her presence both a welcome sight and a painful reminder of the tumultuous emotions swirling within him.

Her hair was styled in giant ponytails with striking blue highlights, cascading down her back in a vibrant display of color. She wore a sleeveless grey coat adorned with three pristine-white hearts, each one adding a touch of whimsy to her ensemble. Beneath the coat, a sleeveless dark blue turtlenecked crop-top hugged her figure, its matching hearts on the chest a subtle yet undeniable statement of her allure. Paired with loose black pants cinched at the waist by a belt adorned with a heart-shaped buckle, her outfit exuded a sense of effortless elegance. She was also wearing a pair of sleek Black Block Heel Boots that added a touch of sophistication to her ensemble.

Fizz walked over to the espresso machine, a forced smile playing on his lips as he greeted her. "Uh, morning, Azura," he said, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

But Azura remained engrossed in her phone, offering a distracted "morning" in return. Fizz couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment at her apparent nonchalance towards their kiss from the previous night. It seemed as though she was carrying on as if it had never happened, leaving him feeling unsettled and unsure.

Before he could gather the courage to broach the subject, the sound of Ozzie entering the room interrupted their quiet moment. Ozzie, clad in his usual attire, strolled into the kitchen with his characteristic energy, offering a cheery greeting to Fizz and Azura. "Morning, you two," he said, his voice filled with warmth.

"Mornin', Oz," Fizz responded, mustering a smile despite the turmoil within. Azura echoed the sentiment, offering her own greeting to their friend. "Morning, Ozzie," she said, a smile gracing her lips.

Returning the smiles, Ozzie turned his attention to Azura with a curious inquiry. "Did you sleep well last night?" he asked, genuine concern evident in his voice.

Azura's smile widened as she nodded in affirmation. "Yes, I did," she replied, her tone cheerful.

Fizz couldn't help but feel a pang of envy at her response. "Oh, yeah, I bet you slept great," he muttered under his breath, his mood souring with resentment. Sensing the tension, Ozzie and Azura exchanged puzzled glances, prompting Ozzie to inquire, "Did you say something, Fizzy?"

Caught off guard, Fizz forced a nervous smile, his heart racing with panic. "I, uh, I said I slept great, like a rock, you know," he stammered, attempting to deflect attention away from his slip of frustration.

Ozzie and Azura exchanged a knowing look, Ozzie noting Fizz's sudden change in demeanor but choosing to let it slide for the moment. "Okay then, anyway, I'm afraid I have to head to the factory," he explained, addressing Fizz's questioning gaze. "Apparently, there's an issue that I need to address."

"Wait a moment," Ozzie said, turning to Azura with a slight pause, his curiosity piqued. Azura rose from her seat, a warm smile gracing her lips as she stepped closer to him.

"Would it be alright if I accompany you to the factory?" she inquired, her voice carrying a hint of eagerness. Fizz looked at her with bewilderment at her sudden interest in accompanying Ozzie.

Ozzie smiled at Azura's offer, appreciating her willingness to help. "I'm flattered, but maybe another time," he replied graciously. Fizz couldn't help but notice that Azura didn't seem disappointed by his refusal.

With a nod, Ozzie continued, "I need you and Fizz to hold the fort for me here, okay?" He looked between them, his expression conveying both trust and expectation. Azura smiled warmly as she replied, "Of course, Ozzie. Then perhaps another time then?"

"Sure thing, baby," Ozzie answered, his tone light and playful as he began to walk away from them. "I'll be back soon, you two. Don't get into too much trouble now," he added with a hint of cheekiness.

Fizz returned Ozzie's wave with a smile. "No worries, Oz. No trouble here. See ya later," he called out as Ozzie exited the kitchen, leaving Fizz and Azura alone together.

The silence that followed was palpable, and Fizz couldn't help but feel a sense of awkwardness hanging between them. Unsure of how to proceed, he saw this as his opportunity to finally address the lingering tension from their kiss.

Before Fizz could summon the courage to broach the subject, Azura disappeared from his view, leaving him momentarily bewildered. He glanced around the kitchen, searching for her, only to startle as she suddenly appeared behind him. Jumping back in surprise, he exclaimed, "Holy shit!"

Azura remained unfazed by his reaction, her demeanor calm as she casually reached for the espresso machine behind him. Fizz, still reeling from the shock, struggled to find his voice amidst the whirlwind of emotions swirling within him. Then, finally breaking the silence, Azura spoke to him, her voice cutting through the tension that hung between them. "What's the plan for today?" she asked, her tone remaining calm and composed.

Fizz hesitated for a moment, caught off guard by her sudden inquiry. Gathering his thoughts, he replied, "Well, just the basics really. We need to go over the schedule, tidy up the club to ensure it's ready for tonight, practice our performances, and maybe even incorporate some new routines to surprise our guests. That's pretty much the gist of it."

Azura listened attentively, nodding in understanding. She turned her attention back to the espresso machine, seemingly lost in thought as she considered his words. "Sounds good," she finally said, her tone neutral.

Seizing the opportunity to address the lingering tension, Fizz tentatively began, "So, about last night..."

But before he could finish his sentence, Azura walked away, her words cutting him off. "Well, let's get started then," she said briskly, leaving Fizz with a sense of frustration and unanswered questions.

Fizz, his expression sour with lingering frustration, took a moment to rein in his emotions before plastering on a forced smile. With a sigh, he made his way out of the kitchen, joining Azura as they headed towards the elevator.

As they arrived, Azura's sharp eyes noticed the absence of a button on the wall to call the elevator. With a hint of attitude, she turned to Fizz and queried, "So, how do we get in the elevator?"

Fizz's confusion momentarily clouded his features, but he quickly regained his composure, a hint of pride coloring his tone as he explained, "Well, this is a high-tech elevator made by the big man himself. While most elevators have button access, this one requires a key card, which only Ozzie and I possess. Some employees have access too. Since you'll be working with us, Ozzie will provide you with one. But for now, we'll have to share."

Expecting Azura to understand the necessity, Fizz was taken aback when he noticed her disapproving stare. "What's with that face?" he wondered silently, his confusion growing as Azura extended her hand towards him.

With a cold and unsatisfied expression, Azura spoke, her tone demanding, "Well, hand over the key card then." Fizz's prideful expression quickly shifted to annoyance at her authoritative demeanor. While he felt the urge to tell her off for her rudeness, he knew better than to provoke her. Azura was a major celebrity, and causing a scene with her could lead to serious repercussions.

As Fizz pondered the consequences, his mind raced through the potential fallout. First and foremost was Mammon, his boss, who wouldn't be pleased to hear about any trouble involving a famous pop star. Mammon had invested a significant amount of money in Fizz, and any negative publicity could lead to severe consequences. Fizz didn't want to risk facing Mammon's wrath, which could involve even more dangerous stunts or unsavory tasks.

Then there was Ozzie, who had done so much for him, from providing him with new limbs to offering him a job at Ozzie's and a business partner. Ozzie was not just a boss but also a close friend, along with Jen. They had supported Fizz through thick and thin, helping him move past his painful past and build a better future.

Lastly, there was the promise he had made to himself long ago: to protect Emmy, his dear friend and first love. Fizz had vowed to ensure her safety and security, no matter the cost.

With all these thoughts swirling in his mind, Fizz took a moment to compose himself, adopting a cocky grin as he responded to Azura. "Yeah, sorry, babs, but it doesn't work that way. You may be a big star, but I'm still in charge around here. And besides, I'm not just going to hand it over like that... hehehe. I mean, unless you say, 'Oh, please with cherries on top da-'"

Before he could finish his joke, Fizz realized that Azura was walking towards him. He was caught off guard when she suddenly hugged him, her hands exploring his body from his back to his hips and even his Ass. Flustered and taken aback, Fizz stuttered, "H-h-hey, what a-a-are yo-"

But Azura continued, leaving him blushing furiously and lost for words. He struggled to maintain his composure, feeling a surge of excitement at her touch.

As Azura released him and walked towards the elevator, Fizz remained on the ground, stunned by what had just transpired. His legs felt weak, and he looked up to see Azura holding his key card, a silent reminder of her unexpected maneuver. As she disappeared into the elevator, she turned to him with a cryptic message: "Let's not waste any more time, okay?"

Left speechless and bewildered, Fizz realized that this encounter was just the beginning of their complicated relationship.

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