Royals & Wretches

By Rotten_Cortex

109 9 0

"Isn't it blasphemous that the future King is kneeling in front of me right now?" I ignored his questions and... More

Mr Loverman
Where You Belong
Final Warning
Chicks Dig Giant Robots
Killing in the Name

To Whom It May Concern

22 1 0
By Rotten_Cortex


Mika was a real bitch ninety-nine-point-nine percent of the time. The first time we met, I was a young and naïve thirteen-year-old omega. I'd been starry eyed and excited when my father had made me aware that I might be considered as an official suitor to the Prince.

Mikaela poured gasoline on that fantasy, lit a match and laughed as he set it ablaze by opening his mouth with a disgusted sneer, glaring at me with cold, colourless eyes and went, "Him? Disgusting."

I'd been rendered speechless. His father, the King, apologized profusely while pinching his son's ear until it turned red. My father, with a chagrined smile, tried to placate the King and attempted to convince him that the prince did not intend an insult.

The Prince had stubbornly refused to apologise and endured the fierce tugging of his face by his father in rebellious silence.

I stared at Prince Mikaela. Even amidst the chaos he was beautiful. Silver hair, high cheekbones, a straight and proud nose, pink lips that seemed to constantly pull tight in irritation and glasslike eyes that seemed as if they looked down at everything and everyone. He was exquisite and cold, he seemed to draw the warmth out of everything around him.

There was a moment. The older men had missed it as they fussed about etiquette and manners, but I hadn't.

Mikaela's cold eyes had found something and impossibly they softened their harsh gaze. It was as if all the warmth he'd absorbed before flooded out all at once. Where his eyes had been hard as glass, they were now a clear stream. The moment lasted only a second, but when I followed his gaze, they led across the room to my brother, Kyros, as he entered the door.


Two years my brother had been at the interstellar border. For two years Mikaela had been unbearable in court. He regularly antagonized the council, shirked on his appointments and openly disobeyed direct orders from his father. Despite these antics that surely would have gotten any other person rightfully disowned from the royal family, it was understood that Mikaela was quite untouchable. The King wouldn't hear any grievances or criticisms from the council when it came to his only heir.

Yet, now, in the quiet training yard of the west wing, after two years Mikaela was smiling. It was blinding, of course. I was perched on the second floor balcony. I'd paused on my way to meet with my father and the King.

Beneath, in the shaded training yard, the Prince and my brother sparred like Kyros had never left. A moment of deja vu washed over me as the past seemed to superimpose itself upon the present and I remembered the countless times I had stumbled across this exact scene.

They had no swords this time. Kyros had a defensive stance, his left fist raised up to his cheekbone with his right fist slightly lower near his chin. His elbows were tucked closely to his body and he kept moving by bouncing from foot to foot.

Mikaela had a similar stance several paces away, but he was ready to attack. He used the same speed he had in the festival. Within three steps he had closed the distance between him and Kyros and unleashed a flurry of quick jabs, alternating fists with each punch. Kyros dodged the first three hits but Mikaela stepped forward again, getting right into Kyros' space with his right arm held parallel in front of him, using the back of his forearm instead of his fist. His elbow caught Kyros on the chin and sent his head reeling back. Mikaela smirked and I vaguely heard his voice but I couldn't make out what he had said. Kyros rubbed his chin mildly as he replied indistinctly, he was grinning too.

They started again. Both retaking the same stances. Mikaela looked weary though, he didn't rush in this time. For a long time they did nothing but circle each other. I'd guessed that they were sizing each other up, trying to gauge the best approach. However, in the time they had taken circling each other, it seemed as if the outcome had already been decided.

They both stepped towards each other. Mikaela once again tried to get inside Kyros' guard. He was leaner, more agile and saw holes in Kyros' defense that he could exploit. He'd leaned slightly down and twisted back, bringing his right arm from behind and aiming straight up to lock onto Kyros' jaw once more.

I prepared for the impact. I practically heard it in my head.

There was no hit. Kyros leaned back at a precarious angle with both of his fits up to his chin, avoiding Mikaela's punch by less than a centimeter. He had the advantage now, Mikaela was completely unprepared after throwing that uppercut, it left him completely vulnerable on his right side.

Kyros did not punch him. Instead, I heard him softly remark once again. Whatever he said had Mikaela narrowing his eyes in confusion and then they were wide with surprise when Kyros dropped his fists and tackled the surprised prince to the ground.

Mikaela was pinned within seconds, Kyros had his entire body sprawled over him, there was no getting up and out of it. He struggled in vain for a good few seconds before giving up.

Kyros did not get up after Mikaela's struggles had ceased. The atmosphere in the training yard below had changed. Their hearts would be beating quite fast after all the exercise. Kyros hovered over the prince's face as they grinned at each other.

Hidden behind a pillar on the second floor balcony, in the silence of a training yard tucked away in a quiet corner of the palace, I watched as my brother leaned forward tenderly and kissed my fiancé.


"I'm sure having Kyros back has been wonderful. I know Mika has been in a better mood. Two years at the interstellar border and he's come back as a general! You must be proud Nikolaos! Not even you could boast the feat." The King expressed loftily.

We were in the King's private conservatory in the north wing of the palace. My father and I had been invited to an afternoon tea with his Majesty.

"Dradora has been aggressive in recent years, it gave him the opportunity to rise quickly by proving himself on the battlefield. His victory at Abrilan secured our position in the east. It secured our trade route with Zyrin, they've even started work on a stronghold." My father chuffed with pride as he went on about Kyros' accomplishments.

The King nodded his head in agreement over his tea cup. "He's raised the troops morale as well. Even though he's young the other generals listen to him without contempt. He's a natural born leader and popular, I doubt anyone would object if he were to be the next General Commander."

"Oh I can think of a few." My father mused as he sipped his tea.

"I can only hope that some of his diligence rubs off on Mika. The council's become impatient with him. They're already rushing the wedding. I fear that Mika will retaliate with a vengeance if they keep pressuring him." The King's voice was filled with concern.

"Oh I have no doubt about that. No doubt he's already thought of a way to get rid of Aemon, he's just being considerate towards you, your Majesty." Despite the threat to his council the King wore an amused smile.

"They think he's naive because he's young and doesn't get involved in court matters. Kyros probably faced similar obstacles at the border. He seems reckless but he's got his own plans for Dradora unfolding and he doesn't trust the current council so we'll all have to just wait and see." The King mused as he plucked a handful of grapes from a platter.

"They do seem to be unnecessarily difficult with him. He hasn't even gotten his mech yet. He wasn't allowed to serve at the border when he wanted to either."

"Ahh, that might be my fault. I was quite an age when he was born. A single heir has had them all on edge since Sasha's passing and I've refused all other consorts since. He is not me and I am not him but I've long accepted him as the future King. He'll make Egreya proud." The King revealed no hint that he didn't believe his words.

"Hear, hear." My father agreed, raising his tea cup, pinky proudly sticking out.

To many, the King's faith in his son seemed sorely misplaced. My father would never dream of contradicting the King but even he had his doubts about the Prince. He wouldn't serve long as general commander if Mikaela ascended the throne.

Entertainingly, I realized that both of these old men had silently agreed that Kyros would be the one responsible for keeping Mika in check. A duty I'm sure no-one envied.

"Alanis, my darling, have you settled into the royal apartments yet?" The King turned his attention to me. I was taken aback and unprepared. I quickly swallowed the four glazed clementine wedges I'd just stuffed into my mouth, ignored the disapproving frown that lined my father's forehead and smiled sweetly at the King.

"Yes, your Majesty. It's truly been a whirlwind. I couldn't have dreamed of being chosen as Prince Mikaela's suitor." I made a show of covering my mouth in embarrassment.

"There is no other candidate more worthy my dear." The King beamed in response. Or willing. I mused silently.

I'd long ago concluded that the King was either senile, delusional or demented when it came to Mikaela and my relationship. Mikaela had always made it quite apparent that he detested me and he was unconcerned about who noticed. I put up an apathetic front and remained respectful in public. Omega's were to be seen, not heard anyway. As long as I could live comfortably, I couldn't care less if Mikaela preferred my brother. 'Prince's Consort' was probably as good as I was going to get as the omega son of the General Commander.

"Speaking of the move, father." I sat up as I addressed him. "Could I hire another secretary? Darla and Larsen have synchronized their heat cycles so Embry has been covering all three shifts on occasion. Also Darla and her mate have been talking about having a little one so I'm just making sure the remaining staff won't be overworked if she has to take maternity leave." I rationalized. I looked up at him through my lashes hoping my eyes were glossy enough to melt his heart, my lips pouting ever so slightly. The King sniffed, my father tried determinedly to not be affected by looking away.

"Alanis, you've got three already! They've already got reduced hours and a rotating schedule. Four is just ridiculous. They're secretaries, not attendants."

"You don't understand the difficulties of being an omega. To even get a job they have to be marked. And even then it's tough 'cause no-one wants to deal with how often they have to take leave." I pouted my lips and crossed my arms. My father put his palm to his face.

"And therefore we have to hire the entire omega population? There are plenty of opportunities for omega employment Alanis. It's not a fight you have to take on personally." He sighed dismissively. I felt my playful pout melt off my face.

"Are you saying my ventures and passions are unproductive, father? I guess Kyros is the only one you'll ever be proud of. I am just a defective omega after all." I sighed listlessly and sank back into my seat sullenly. My father's gaze drifted sheepishly over to the King. The King looked between us.

Before my father could dig an even bigger hole for me to bury him in, the King intervened.

"Ah Nikolaos, don't be so cheap! Another secretary would be nothing. The palace will provide the funding for the position, it is after all for the Royal Suitor. Alanis, dear, spare no expense! We'll hire the finest the city has to offer." The King proclaimed grandly in the quiet courtyard.

I couldn't keep the satisfied smirk from my face as I sat up a little straighter. My father rolled his eyes.


"Mika! Kyros sent-"

"Don't call me that!" Mikaela's venomous voice stopped me in my tracks.

I had rushed to find him after receiving Kyros' hummingbird. It had been two weeks since my brother left. I wanted to speak to him. I wanted to say anything to reassure him that Kyros hadn't abandoned him. The note in my hands proved it, countless questions of how Mikaela was doing, was he safe, was he lashing out, was he staying out of trouble. I wanted to remind him that he's all Kyros ever spoke about, even before he'd left.

His icey eyes had the words dry up in my throat. Mikaela had always looked at me with disdain, but it had evolved exponentially in the two weeks since my brother had left. It was an intense hatred I couldn't understand.

"Do not even presume that we are anywhere near equals you imperial slut!" He glared at the note in my hands, the sunlight gleaming off of the silver titanium feathers of the tiny metal bird perched on my shoulder. A wave of fear washed over me from head to toe. "Gods even knows why you're the one-" He snapped his mouth shut with what seemed like tremendous effort. I doubted it was to spare my feelings, he just didn't want to say too much. He took a deep breath before continuing, cutting right down to the bone.

"The only reason you have been chosen as my mate is because of your father. Stifle whatever delusions you're suffering from and don't pretend this will ever be anything other than a duty. One you can't even seem to perform correctly seeing as you're eighteen and still haven't gotten your first heat. How truly pathetic." His expression held nothing but disgust and contempt.

"Y-you-your Highness, I...-" I tried to speak but my tongue felt thick with emotion and what felt like a golf-ball covered in spikes lodged in my throat. It came out half strangled.

"Get out of my sight!" He roared with fury. My eyes snapped shut in fear and my cheeks felt as if they wanted to melt from the bone. I turned quickly and hurried away, trying not to let out a hint of the strangling sob in my throat.

It wasn't that I feared Mika necessarily. He'd never made a move to physically hurt me. But it was sometimes easy to forget that he was an alpha and a prince. He was born to rule, I doubted that even Mika understood the extent of what that meant. He'd never experienced the overwhelming need to obey his commands or the relentless attack on your psyche when you didn't.


"Cancel the rest of the interviews. This is getting nowhere, the rest can come back tomorrow, I'm leaving." I waved away the attendant that was on his way to bring me the next candidate's resume.

"Darla, prepare a car for a ride to Ambroziak." I said as my afternoon secretary fell into step beside me as I exited one of the many conference rooms in the south wing of the palace.

"We could have anything you want delivered my lord. No need to go all the way into the city. We've got their entire catalogue right here." She tried to hand me her tablet, it displayed all of the current delicacies offered at my favourite bakery. I shook my head.

"I have an appointment for sampling cakes for the engagement party and the wedding. Embry called them last night. Besides, I want to leave the palace for a bit. Those interviews had me wanting to pull my hair out."

She considered for a moment with a pursed lip. "Perhaps we should have a stricter vetting process."

"Please," I said dryly. "How the hell did that alpha get through?"

Her voice was only slightly higher pitched as she answered, "That will not be happening again, Your Grace. The staff member who had supposedly vetted that particular applicant has been dealt with. My humblest apologies. I will personally check all of the candidates." She ended up squeaking at the end.

I brushed my hand over my mouth to hide my smile.

"You're too sweet Darla, no need. Make sure you're getting enough rest between your shifts. Whatever work there is that still needs to be taken care of will be handled by Embry or Larsen, or the new hire." I made sure to reassure her. She'd learned her job quickly and she could hold her own against most of the palace staff but she was newer than the other two and sometimes her enthusiasm needed to be kept in check.

The car was waiting by the time we got to the palace entrance.

The palace grounds stood at the edge of a megapolis, built into the base of a chain of perilous mountain ranges. Green and white terrain covered the ground as the city stretched for several thousands of kilometers across the planet. Towering glittering skyscrapers scattered between smaller business districts and neighborhoods. Twenty meter tall marble statues coated in gold and silver stood proudly in parks and in front of large, important looking buildings. Large concentric gardens were scattered about the city to provide relief from the glittering building designs. The city was built with simplicity, with the main point of focus being the palace that loomed behind it as it tucked into the imposing mountainside.

Ambroziac was located at the edge of a part of the city my father called 'The Noble Quarter', in the business district of an upper class neighborhood. Most of the security stayed outside, discouraging foot traffic in front of the store. Only Darla and the head of my security, a beta named Nasim, followed me into the store.

The lunch rush had died down, some stragglers came in to get various snacks on the way to their destinations. Staff were starting to restock for the dinner rush later on. The scent of cream and baked pastries had me breathing in the smells deeply as I entered.

The display fridges were lined with various savory and sweet desserts; pies, tarts, rolls, cookies, and cakes covered or drizzled in powdered sugar, honey, chocolate, whipped cream, nuts and various edible decorations.

Two staff members were behind the counter assisting the customers that had arrived before us, a third had gone through the staff door at the same time that we entered.

Darla started forward to announce our arrival but I held a hand lightly up to stop her and made my way to an empty booth by the window. The staff members glanced our way and did a double take at the royal crest on my robes. Flushed faced and stuttering they did their best to quickly finish their current orders.

A few minutes later a petite, red-cheeked staff member with fluffy brown hair in a pixie cut and starry doe-like eyes came up to the booth with menus. Darla and Nasim took the menus but I turned to give her my full attention.

"Y-your Grace!" She squeaked with a clumsy curtsey, her cheeks now an impressive shade of fuchsia. "We are t-tru-truly humbled! That y-you would hon-honour our est-est-establishment with your pr-pres-presence!" She finished breathlessly. I resisted the urge to applaud her efforts.

I smiled serenely and was pleased to see that she relaxed ever so slightly. Her fingers were curled tightly into the black apron at her waist.

"Thank you my dear but the pleasure is all mine, I don't often get out of the palace but the few times I get to come here are always memorable. I believe we have an appointment with the manager, if you could just let him know, we don't mind doing the meeting out here. I'll have an ice-cream coffee to drink in the meantime." I winked playfully at her. She managed one more squeak of confirmation before she was tottering away. She had completely forgotten about Darla and Nasim.

When I turned back to my entourage, Darla was observing me with curiosity while Nasim checked out the menu for when a staff member would eventually take his order.

"I'd swear you were an alpha if I couldn't smell you." Darla said. I couldn't help the soft snort in the back of my throat.

"If you think that little omega was bad you should see the palace guards around him. Even this sorry bunch took a solid few months to stop stumbling and stuttering around him. Gods forbid he smiled or said 'thank you' to anyone." Nasim complained without looking up from the menu.

"Now you're just exaggerating." I mused.

"I can totally see it." Darla nodded in agreement. "There's a rumour that your pheromones could even make a beta rut."

I chuckled out loud at that. "The palace grapevine just gets more and more ludacris. Is being a staff member in the palace really that insipid?"

Darla shrugged, Nasim kept his eyes on the menu.

"Our apologies for the service, your grace. Our waitress, Hina, got a bit over-excited at the prospect of serving you. I'll be taking over in the mean-time. My name is Jaime Costello, I am currently the acting manager. Your ice-cream coffee, your grace, and if I could get anything for the two of you? I humbly apologize for the oversight."

Long, alabaster fingers covered in snaking black tendrils and large, cumbrous silver rings, placed a cold glass of vanilla ice-cream blended with espresso and topped with chocolate and hazelnuts in front of me. Condensation dripped slowly down the length of the glass and puddled lightly on the coaster beneath it. A gold metal straw sticking out the top.

The black tendrils were the end of a very intricate sleeve tattoo that snaked all the way up both arms of the manager, disappearing into the beige sleeves at his elbows and continuing from his shirt collar, winding around his neck and disappearing behind it. His face was all sharp angles and soft fills, with a severe jawline and round, plump cheeks with a full lower lip jutting out just slightly in a soft pout. Bottle green, upturned, almond-shaped eyes stared assertively down a straight, slender and slightly upturned nose. His inky black hair was cut to his cheekbones and attractively framed his small face with slight wavy, wet curls, the sides close shaved underneath up to the tip of his ear.

An array of piercings twinkled on his face; a black stud on the left side of his nose, two silver rings over his right eyebrow, a tear-drop-shaped diamond at the very top of his cheekbone below his right eye, two pint-sized diamond studs that glittered beautifully in the center of his lower lip and an assortment of silver chains, balls and rings on his ears peeked through his hair.

I smiled as I reached for the drink, "I apologize for the sudden appearance, I didn't mean to traumatize the poor thing." He pulled his hand back just before my fingers wound around the glass. He smiled politely, his eyes turning to crescents. The diamonds blinked at the center of his lips.

"I'll thank you for providing her with an experience she's sure to learn from. Drinks for the two of you?" He turned to address Darla and Nasim easily. Nasim looked bored and barely looked up from his phone to order his drink. Darla was staring at Jaime's face, a puzzled expression on her own before she composed herself and ordered her drink.

"He's an omega?" Darla whispered when the manager had left. I felt my eyebrows twitch. He was so confident as an omega? It was refreshing from the submissive omega attendants at the palace. Darla mistook my expression.

"I'm sorry, your grace, it's just that his scent was so strong, you'll learn to tell the difference when your heat comes. Your senses will open up and you'll be able to tell the difference too."

I avoided furthering that conversation by sipping on my drink. The sweet and bitter taste of vanilla and coffee flooded my mouth.

"Thank you for your patience, here are your drinks," The acting manager set Darla and Nasim's orders in front of them and then turned to me with a stack of menus. He casually pulled a chair from the nearest empty table and set it as an extra space for himself at our table. "I should have gotten these to you sooner, your grace, these are our full catalogues. I'm sure we'll find the perfect combination for your upcoming nuptials." Jaime professionally set down the first menu in front of me, it was titled 'sponges'. He set the other menus to the side for now and gestured at the staff behind the counter. Soon the table was filled with dozens of bite sized samples.

We went through each catalogue meticulously. Jaime obligingly explained the differences between each component and how they would be incorporated into the final product. Occasionally he would leave to go to the back, whipping out a cellphone before the staff door fully closed, I assumed to consult either the absent manager or the owner. He even convinced Hina to come back and refill our drinks with considerably less stuttering. He seemed more than capable of handling everything by himself despite not being the full time manager.

"I must say, your grace, this is quite the job for a small bakery like ours." Jaime said apprehensively as he looked over the finished details he'd scribbled in a notebook. He didn't seem worried though.

"Well I was given free reign to do as I pleased. Between you and I, this is the only part of the planning I want any part of. I love desserts. I want it to be amazing, just thinking about it has my mouth watering." I think my eyes had glazed over because I was imagining a ten-meter tall chiffon cake decorated as a gigantic croquembouche. Darla reached over and plucked the little tartlet that had paused on its way into my mouth from my hands. I grimaced, I'd eaten a lot of cake today.

"Of course, the wedding is only in six months time, we'll have plenty of time to work on the logistics of course, the palace will also provide the kitchens and additional staff as required... Nasim, Darla, I need a moment alone with acting Manager Costello." Jaime froze. Nasim and Darla didn't hesitate to slide out of their chairs and leave the store. There was nobody else, the other staff had gone to the back an hour ago since there were no more customers coming in thanks to the barricade outside.

When the door closed Jaime turned his head slowly to regard me. His vivid green eyes trying to guess the reason for the abrupt isolation. I sat back and studied him for a few moments. He didn't break the silence but sat back comfortably, his fingers fidgeting with his rings.

"I'd like you to come and work for me." I said simply. I fought to keep the corner of my mouth down as I watched his eyes dance in confusion. The rings on his eyebrow disappeared beneath his bangs.

"Well as soon as the contract is signed, we are most definitely looking forward to having you as our client, your grace." He said slowly.

I shook my head. "Aside from that, I have an opening in the palace for a new secretary. I'd like you to fill the position."

"Um.. With all due respect, your grace, I don't think I'm qualified at all. I'm only the acting manager here on the rare occasion the manager or assistant manager can't come in. On any other day I'm just one of the pâtissiers, I have no experience being an assistant." He started off slowly but his cool facade had slipped and he was speaking faster by the end of it.

"Hmmm, I think you're more than qualified. You'll be surprised to know that your baking background is nothing but a plus for you, I don't know if you've noticed but I've got quite the sweet tooth." I grinned sheepishly. "But it is more than that. I saw how you handled yourself today, the other staff, the customers. You're assertive for an omega, and I need someone like you. You'd be the perfect addition to my staff."

He was quiet after I finished. I took it as a positive sign that he didn't outright refuse me. I finally stood up and stretched before making my way to the door.

"There's no rush right now, you have until after the engagement party to decide, afterall you can't just ditch this place after securing that massive order. You'll still be able to assist the bakery and I don't mind you having another job when you're off duty. I'll be in touch." I said the last part over my shoulder with a wink and exited the bakery.


I found myself on the second floor balcony overlooking the training yard once more. Mikaela and Kyros were once again training, this time armed with two small swords each. Mikaela was relentless, he was like a vicious, silver tornado. Striking out again and again, he tried persistently to find an opening in Kyros' guard. Kyros matched him almost strike for strike but would occasionally evade out of the way instead of guarding.

"Your Grace, how lovely and unexpected to meet you here." A slimy voice slithered up behind me. I only glanced at the dark-haired newcomer as they joined me on the balcony.

"Aemon, I'd say the same but that would be a lie." I said curtly.

"Now, now, Alanis, no need to be so catty. I've heard that your request for an additional secretary has been approved, by the King himself no less. You'd think you'd be in a better mood. Though why resources are being wasted on a defective omega is beyond me. I suppose the King does value his friendships to a fault."

"Oh boohoo, the King favours his Commander over his scheming council member. I'm assuming that the alpha applicant was your doing?" I rolled my eyes. "The harem still exists, Aemon, you still have time to play your games, at least until Mika ascends the throne. He's made it very clear that you're the first one he'd execute publicly. A shame really, I know the King hoped you would continue to council after Mika's ascension. Just what exactly did you do to make the Crown Prince detest you so?"

Aemon lathered his voice in mock innocence, "I have no idea what you could possibly mean." Then he scoffed, "That little psychopath has no idea what he's in for. He's been unopposed for way too long."

"You should have made your move while my brother was at the border." I mused. "Kyros won't let anything happen to him."

"Your faith in 'The Might of Egreya' is commendable." Aemon sneered condescendingly. When I glanced back at him he was watching the two in the training yard with a malicious glint in his icy eyes. "Good Day, Your Grace." He said as if he didn't want me to have a good day at all, turned on his heels and left.

The sun was setting and the training yard was washed with golds, reds and oranges, the colours bouncing off of Mikaela's tied hair as he danced around Kyros in deadly circles.

Bzzzzzzt! Bzzzzzzt!

The watch on my wrist subtly vibrated. An alarm. I reached into my inner pocket and produced an unlabeled pill bottle. I twisted the cap and shook a single white, square tablet into my palm.

The sound of Mikaela's cries of victory drew my eyes back to the training yard. He was straddled on top of Kyros, both blades at my brother's throat as he grinned down triumphantly. Kyros didn't seem upset in the slightest. He peered up at Mikaela with awe and adoration.

It lasted an instant. Mika tossed both blades to the side and leaned down with his elbows on either side of Kyros' head. They kissed without a care in the world. Their jaws moving in sync, Mika pressing himself down and Kyros snaking his arms around his waist in return.

I popped the pill into my mouth and closed my eyes as I swallowed it dry. I put the cap back on the bottle as I stowed it back into my pocket and turned away from the training yard, taking at least three steps before opening my eyes and continuing to my studio.

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