Picking up the Pieces.

Av RobinGrayson

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[JeanxLevi.][boyxboy][AU/OCC/ slight crack] ~ Levi Ackerman, abused, beaten, abandoned. He's never known love... Mer

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.

Chapter 4.

837 17 4
Av RobinGrayson

Training had gone smoothly for once as Jean walked into the quarters he lived in with Levi, locking the door and placing the key on a small table. A delicious aroma gently caressed Jean's senses, the smell drawing him to the kitchen. There he found Levi, stood over the stove, arms crossed as he watched the soup cook. Jean quietly snuck up behind him and wrapped his arms around Levi's waist, pressing a soft kiss to his neck.
"Something smells delicious and I don't just mean the soup." He teased, his voice growing husky. Levi shuddered, letting out a small whine as Jean pressed his lips against Levi's neck once more, this time gently sucking the skin.
"Soup." Was all Levi managed to say. He hated yet loved how Jean could make him feel so flustered with the way his lips brushed feather light kisses against his skin to the tone of his voice.
"But I want dessert first." Jean whispered seductively. Levi's legs felt weak but he managed to whip round to look up at Jean.
"You'll have to wait." He smirked. Jean groaned in response and left the kitchen. Levi turned back to the soup, taking it off the stove and setting it to cool. As he reached for the cupboard with the bowls in he heard the running of footsteps before he was grabbed around the waist and flung over a shoulder.
"Jean!" Levi snapped, laughter the only response he received.
"You don't wanna have some fun so I will." He slowed and walked to the front door. "Let's go for a walk." He smirked.
Levi's eyes widened at the thought of his soldiers and comrades seeing him like this.
"Jean, no!" He wriggled in Jean's grasp but to no avail. Jean was taller and stronger than Levi.
"Levi, yes!" He walked out and shut the door behind him.
"Jean, no, please don't." Levi said.
"Nope. We're gonna have some fun." He smiled when he spotted a few of their friends and decided to casually walk past them.
Levi, for all he was worth, gave up on trying to escape, instead resting his elbow on Jean's back and putting his chin in the palm of his hand.
"Armin, Eren, Mikasa, Marco." Jean nodded at the four.
"Hey... Jean.." Armin trailed off as the four stared as Levi appeared.
"What?" He snapped.
They stared in silence before breaking out into laughter. Levi groaned. This was going to be a very long trip. The four soldiers looked towards each other before joining Jean, Armin and Marco on his left and Eren and Mikasa on his right. The four newcomers continued to giggle every now and then before Armin said something that made Levi's heart stop.
"There's Erwin! And he's with Erd, Auruo, Petra, Farlan and Isabel." He cried.
"Let's go! Guys, skip." Jean told them, the amusement practically dripping from his every word. Levi bounced with each skip Jean made, leaving people visible to see him.
"Commander Erwin. Guys." Jean nodded to them before skipping past, Levi bouncing along behind him.
"Jean, why... are..." Oluo trailed off as Erwin began laughing hysterically, shortly joined by the others when they see Levi bouncing over Jean's shoulder.
Jean stopped and turned back to the group, turning Levi round to face a group of new cadets.
"Why... why is Levi... like that?" Petra said between pants.
Jean shrugged. "I was bored so I decided to entertain myself."
"And others." Eren added as a small crowed began to circle round them, curios as to who Jean held before giggling or smiling when they see Levi.
"I heard that, Jaeger!" Levi mumbled.
Jean looked at Eren and smirked.
"What was that, Corporal? I didn't quite hear you." Eren said.
Jean turned round so Eren was faced with Levi.
When Levi didn't respond, Jean began to jump around the small crowd of people, making Levi bounce and the others laugh.
"Jean!" Levi called, trying to grip the others waist or jacket but found he couldn't reach, especially when bouncing around.
"Yes Levi?" Came the reply.
"Stop bouncing me or I'm going to kick your ass!" Levi snapped.
"Are you sure about that?" Jean said, jumping and spinning now.
"Yes!" Levi snapped, feeling dizzy.
Jean spun a few more times with Levi for good measure before placing him down. The small Corporal swayed as dizziness took effect. Jean appeared before him and stood with his arms crossed.
"Thought you were going to kick my ass? Don't worry, Corporal, I'll give you a head start." Jean laughed.
Levi took a dizzying step forward and then Jean turned round.
"Well you're taking too long so you'll have to catch me." He said.
Levi growled and lunged but Jean moved at the last minute and ran. The dizziness passed and Levi bolted after Jean.
"I'll kill you!" He growled.
The small crowd that had gathered laughed as they watched, Jean soon outrunning Levi as the Corporal ran in the direction he went. A few minutes passed before Jean appeared at the back of the crowd, making his way towards the front and standing beside Erwin.
"So what did he do to deserve that?" Erwin asked, an amused smile on his face.
"Oh, he just annoyed me." He said, smiling as a panting Levi came into their view.
He stopped and bent over, placing his hands on his hips before lifting his head and glaring at Jean.
"You!" He growled, stalking toward him.
"Me?" Jean teased, smiling as Levi walked closer.
"No, fucking Erwin! Yes you!" He snapped, stopping in front of him. Levi suddenly had a flashback to the first time he and Jean met.
"Yes me what?" Jean asked sweetly.
"I'm going to kill you!" Levi growled. He lunged suddenly for Jean but the younger grabbed his waist and lifted him up above his head.
"Jean Kirschtein!" Levi screamed.
Jean laughed and threw him up in the air before catching him bridal style.
"Levi Ackerman." Jean smiled down at him.
Levi gave up, only groaning as he rest his forehead against Jean's cheat.
"I hate you." He mumbled.
"I love you too."
Erwin chuckled and walked towards them. He knelt down and looked at Levi, who peaked out from hiding his face in Jean's chest.
"What?" He narrowed his eyes.
"Aww, how adorable." He ruffled Levi's hair to which the grey eyed man huffed like a small child and buried his face in Jean's chest again.
"Let's go home. I've embarrassed you enough, I think." Jean chuckled.
"Yes, I think you have, you bastard." Levi muttered.
"See you at dinner guys." Jean said before leaving with Levi.
Erwin crossed his arms, watching the two disappear as the crowd dispersed till it was him and the four Jean turned up with and the five he had been with.
"They're a cute couple." Mikasa remarked.
"They are. Levi's been a lot happier since they began dating." Erd stood beside Erwin.
"Jean makes him happy and looks after him." Armin smiled.
"He protects Levi well, I can tell you that and would give his life for him." Erwin told them.
"He does?" Auruo questioned.
Erwin nodded.
"Since when?" Petra asked.
"Since they began dating four months ago. A few of the Military Police made some hurtful comments to Levi, actually making him cry." Erwin told them.
"What?" Eren's eyes bugged as the others shared equal expressions.
"What happened?" Armin asked.
"Well, I was in my office when someone knocked. It was Levi coming to hand me some paperwork. I knew something was up when he kept his head down and stayed quiet. I asked if everything was okay and he shrugged. I had to order him to look at me and that was when I knew something was wrong." The others listened intently, wanting to know what they had said that had made their emotionless Corporal break.
"His eyes were red rimmed and blood shot, tears still evident. I immediately went over, asking what was wrong and pulled him into my arms and he just broke down, crying. I called on a cadet to get Jean, not allowing them to see Levi. I tried my best to comfort and calm him but nothing worked. When Jean arrived he assumed I'd upset him but when I said I hadn't he thought he was hurt. I explained that I didn't know what was wrong, only knowing that he'd come to hand in his paperwork and had been crying. We managed to calm Levi down but he was still very distressed. Jean was so caring and kind, telling him it was okay and he wasn't weak for showing emotion, generally caring for Levi's mental state."
"So what happened?" Erd asked.
"Yeah, why was he so upset?" Farlan said.
"A few of the higher ups from the Military Police saw Levi walking around the small forest on our training grounds. They approached and began to question him on his private life and Levi being Levi wouldn't stand for their shit. So he snapped back, called them arrogant and rude, telling them to mind their own business and to stop questioning his. They became angered. Two of the officers grabbed Levi's arms and dragged him further into the forest. The remaining two began to get rude to him, calling him ignorant, saying he had no respect. Of course, Levi snapped back which only angered them more. The leader of the group then said about Levi's sexuality. Now, everyone knows Jean's gay as he is very open about it and will tell people if they ask where as Levi is very shy about it and only those closest to him knew before their relationship. Levi was taken aback by their question and that was when one of them called him a disgrace. More taunts followed ranging from his sexuality to his height to everything and anything that would hurt him. Even as private as Levi is, these officers knew his weak points because Levi had trained with them before they left for the Military Police. I won't repeat everything they said because it's just plain cruel but a few things they said were that his 'mother should have killed him at birth', 'that he should kill himself by jumping off one of the Walls' and that 'he's a disgrace to humanity and isn't worth his family', meaning us I believe."
Shocked gasps followed Erwin's words, angry expressions on each soldiers faces.
"They... they actually said that... to his face?" Armin asked, eyes wide.
Erwin nodded. "They threw him to the floor, with one pinning him down so he couldn't escape and told him what "everyone thought"." He growled.
Anger rippled through the soldiers as they imagined their strong leader be held down against his will and told vile, cruel things that were of no truth.
"Apparently they-" Erwin was cut off when yelling was heard. They all turned when they suddenly heard Jean's voice.
"Leave him the fuck alone!" They heard him yell.
Erwin sprinted towards the ruckus, turning a corner to find an angering sight. Four Military Police soldiers were stood before Jean, Levi laying behind the soldiers on his side.
"I'm sorry I believe I was talking to him not you!" One yelled.
Levi quietly got up and snuck round the soldiers and to Jean. Unfortunately, the soldier closest to Levi had seen him stand and managed to grab him round the waist as he ran past. Levi twisted his body, sending the pair flying to the ground in a tussle. The Military officer grabbed a hold of Levi's hair and tugged hard, earning a small cry from Levi and a release on his shirt. Levi felt him grab the front of his own shirt so he aimed a punch at the officer, catching his cheek. The officer twisted them again so he was sat behind Levi with his arm around the Corporals throat. Now angered, Levi brought his leg up and rammed it backwards, his foot connecting with the officer's private regions, the man quickly letting him go. Erwin and Jean ran to Levi whilst two of the officers ran to their comrade.
"Levi? Levi, honey, did he hurt you badly?" Jean said softly, holding Levi to his chest.
"No, fine." Levi wheezed, still trying to regain his breath.
Erwin stood and stormed over to the Military Police.
"What the fuck is wrong with your soldier?" He growled.
"Mine? Try yours! Had he punched any harder he would have shattered the cheekbone." The lead officer snapped.
"You better hope I don't report this to the higher ups. Your men have no right to harass my soldiers! What did they do to you?" Erwin yelled, pointing to Levi and Jean who were now stood, Levi leaning on Jean.
"That short fucking rat has no right to be a member of the Scouting Legion, or any Legion for that matter. He's an abomination to humanity and to the name Lance Corporal. Pick your soldiers carefully, Smith, that ones more of a failure than a fifteen year old cadet!" The leader yelled back as he and his men stood and left.
Levi looked and felt genuinely hurt by the words spoken.
"Levi, are you alright?" Erwin asked in concern.
"I'm fine." Levi answered, turning on his heel and beginning to walk home.
Jean looked towards Erwin and sighed. "I'll come talk to you later." He told him before going after Levi. Jean turned the corner that lead to their quarters in time to see the door close. Levi was now home, Jean thought. He ran and opened the door, locking it behind him. He walked into the kitchen to find Levi staring at the flames on the stove. Jean walked over and wrapped his arms around Levi's waist, resting his head on the smaller ones shoulder.
"Am I an embarrassment to you? Are you ashamed of me?" Levi practically whispered.
Jean was honestly shocked and therefore didn't answer right away, giving Levi the wrong idea.
"You are, aren't you? It's okay, I don't blame you."
"No, Levi." Jean turned him round and sat him up on the counter, placing his hands on Levi's hips. "I could never be ashamed or embarrassed by you. I'd have to stupid if I did." He assured him.
Levi looked at him for a few seconds and then wrapped his hands in Jean's jacket, pulling him closer and into a deep kiss, wrapping his legs around Jean's waist. Lips met in a fiery passion, Jean kept one hand on Levi's hip as he let the other snake up his back and into his hair, his fingers tangling in the soft black locks. Jean ran his tongue along the bottom of Levi's lip, asking for entrance which the other happily allowed, a soft sigh escaping Levi as their tongues met. They fought for dominance, their tongues dancing together until Jean won. Levi allowed Jean to take over and dominate him, knowing he never really stood a chance. Pulling away to catch their breath, Jean rest his forehead on Levi's, staring into his beautiful grey eyes as they both panted softly.
"And you didn't want dessert first." Jean teased in a gentle whisper.
Levi only responded by placing a small kiss to Jean's lips and humming softly.
"Soup first then dessert." Jean stated, picking Levi up from the counter and placing him down so he could sort out their food.
"As it should be." Levi teased, leaning up to kiss Jean softly once more. He pulled away and went about sorting out the soup.
Jean knew that Levi was nervous as to what he meant by 'dessert'. The furthest the two had gone so far was a passionate kiss here and there, nothing more, and Jean knew why Levi was nervous. To start with, Levi was a virgin, having never done anything more than what he'd done with Jean and to end with, Jean was not a virgin, having lost it before he joined the training camp. Jean had done a lot more so he knew Levi felt unsure when things got heated between the two of them. Jean's attention was brought back when Levi placed down two bowls of soup. He sat down opposite Levi and smiled at him. He truly was an amazing person.
"Everything okay?" Levi asked as he ate.
Jean nodded, swallowing his mouthful before replying. "Everything is just fine."
Levi gave him a small smile and went back to his soup, as did Jean. Once they had both finished Levi grabbed their bowls and placed them in the sink but before he could start on cleaning them Jean pulled him away.
"What are you doing? I need to wash them." Levi protested, his OCD on cleanliness taking over.
"Levi, I'll wash them up whilst you go relax." Jean answered, pushing the smaller man out of the kitchen.
Knowing he didn't have a choice but to comply, Levi left and went to their bedroom to read whilst Jean started to wash up their bowls and spoons. Once clean and dry, he set them back in their rightful cupboard and walked to their bedroom to find a beautiful sight. Levi lay on his stomach, his boots and jacket removed as he read, laying diagonal across the bed. Jean leaned against the door frame for a moment, just watching the man he loved relax.
"You're beautiful, you know." Jean said softly.
Levi looked round at Jean, blinking a few times. Jean stood and walked over to Levi, sitting beside his head.
"So are you." Levi said.
Jean shook his head and took Levi's book, laying it open on the table so he wouldn't lose his page. "Levi, you're simply stunning, even if you don't think so to me you are."
A smile graced Levi's lips. "Come here." He said softly.
Jean smiled back and crawled over Levi so he was above him, resting his hands beside Levi's head. The smaller wrapped his arms around Jean's neck and pulled him down and into a soft yet loving kiss. Jean's hands travelled down Levi's sides, slipping under his shirt to caress the soft, milky skin underneath. Levi let out a soft moan, his eyes fluttering as the hands left his skin tingling.
"Jean." He moaned softly as the man above him began to kiss his neck, gently sucking on the soft skin. Jean's fingers began to undo the leather straps around Levi's chest, giving him access to the buttons on his shirt, which he soon had undone. Jean kissed down Levi's neck and to his collarbone, biting and sucking the delicious skin. Levi moaned and writhed beneath him, his fingers tangling in Jean's hair as small love bites and hickeys were left upon the pale skin. Jean knew that with the way things were going, this could lead them into becoming intimate and he was not about to force Levi into doing something he wasn't comfortable nor ready for. Kissing back up his chest, Jean captured Levi's lips in a quick kiss before pulling away and hovering above him.
"Levi, are you sure you want to do this? If you're not ready, tell me and I'll wait. I won't be comfortable knowing we've done this if you aren't ready." He said softly.
Levi looked up at him with wide grey eyes, making him look much younger than his 23 years. He took a deep breath before answering.
"I'm ready." He said softly.
"Are you sure?" Jean needed to know before he went any further.
Levi nodded. "I promise you, I'm ready."
Jean gave him a reassuring smile and pressed a kiss to his lips as Levi began to unbutton his shirt. Levi slipped off Jean's jacket and shirt, caressing the muscles beneath the tan skin, his fingers trailing along the outline of Jean's six pack. The other let out a soft moan, slipping off Levi's white shirt and exposing more of the delicious soft skin. Trailing his hands down to Levi's waist he slipped off the belts that covered his legs before giving the waistline of Levi's pants a gentle tug. Levi nodded to let him know he was okay with it and allowed Jean to pull the skin tight pants of his smooths legs. Jean kissed the inside of Levi's soft thighs, his legs hairless. Levi had told him that leg, arm and underarm hair disgusted him and therefore removed it. Jean had no problem with this, understanding Levi's need for cleanliness. Levi removed Jean's own pants, the belts and white clothing now lay on the bedroom floor, forgotten. The only clothing that remained was their undergarments. Jean stopped for the last time and looked up at Levi, his eyes silently asking how far he was willing to go. Levi, once again, nodded to show he was ready and willing. With a final glance towards Levi, Jean removed Levi's undergarments and then his own, throwing them to the floor where they would remain forgotten until sometime tomorrow. Levi blushed and crossed his legs slightly, almost as if he were ashamed.
"Levi, if you aren't ready we don't have to do this." Jean assured him.
"I want to, I really do, Jean." He wrapped his arms around Jean's neck and pulled him down into a deep kiss. Jean kissed back, Levi's small fingers dancing along his abdomen, trailing up and down his chest and then repeating the pattern. When Jean pulled back he looked down at Levi and placed one hand on the smaller ones hip.
"Now, I'm not going to lie to you, this will hurt at first. I'll try to be as gentle as possible but I can't guarantee it won't hurt. So I'll ask you once more, are you sure?" He asked.
Levi nodded, determination in his eyes. "I'm sure."
With that, Jean gently nudged Levi's thighs apart, distracting him with a passionate kiss as he trailed a finger to Levi's entrance. The Corporal shivered at the new feeling, the sensitive skin overpowered in a small amount of pleasure. Jean then pushed his finger in, all they way up to the knuckle and stopped to give Levi time to adjust. The grey eyed man let out a small gasp of discomfort, his hands gripping onto Jean's shoulders as he began to slowly move his finger around. Levi dug his nails into Jean's shoulder, leaving little crescent shaped marks as he tried to hold back the small cries. Jean continued to stretch Levi, adding another finger when he suddenly hit Levi's sweet spot. He gasped, his back arching in pleasure as Jean scissored him and hit his sweet spot over and over, receiving more moans and small cries of pleasure from Levi. Once Jean was satisfied Levi was prepared enough, he removed his fingers and grabbed some lube from his drawer, squirting a generous amount onto his hand and coating his erect member. He lined himself with Levi's entrance, placing his hands beside his head and looked down into his eyes.
"Are you ready?" He asked softly.
Levi nodded, biting his lip.
Jean gave him a small kiss of encouragement and pushed his way inside the tight hole, going all the way in up to his balls before stopping to let Levi adjust. Levi hadn't been prepared for the intensity of the pain, a scream leaving his lips. Jean leaned down and began to kiss his neck and collarbone, whispering sweet nothings to keep him calm. After a few moments Levi nodded.
"You can move." He whispered.
Jean slowly began to move in and out of Levi's tight body, keeping a slow pace so that Levi could get used to the feeling. He leaned down and captured the Corporals lips in a deep kiss as Jean found Levi's sweet spot once more and began to speed up. Levi cried out in pleasure, his back arching as he gripped the tops of Jean's arms, the pain no more as his body was overcome with pleasure.
"Jean!" He cried out, another moan leaving his lips. Said man leaned down and captured Levi's lips in a deep kiss, their tongues embracing. Jean groaned as Levi's muscles tightened around him, heightening his pleasure. He knew Levi was close to his release, the way his hands tightened their grip on their bed sheets and how he felt Levi's muscles tightening and quivering in pleasure.
"God, Levi, you're so... amazing." Jean moaned, leaving another hickey on Levi's neck as the other moaned beneath him.
"Jean.. I.. I'm..." Jean silenced Levi with his lips, knowing what he needed to say.
"I know baby, I know." He whispered, speeding up so he could bring Levi to his release. He bit and sucked on Levi's neck as he gently caressed the soft, milky skin on his hips.
Levi moaned louder as he felt a strange tingling sensation in his lower stomach build up.
"Jean!" He screamed as he came, his fluids exploding over both of their stomachs.
Jean smiled and sped up, feeling his own release near when Levi's muscles suddenly tightened around him and he could no longer hold back. He came within Levi, crying out his loves name as he slowly came down from his high.
"Oh, Levi." He said softly, both of them panting as he looked down at young man below him. Levi looked up and smiled at him, a tired smile but one that showed this was an evening well spent.
"I love you, Levi."
"I love you too, Jean." Levi leaned up and pulled Jean into a kiss, their bodies melting into one another. When they broke apart Jean gently pulled out and sat up, pulling Levi with him.
"How about I run us a bath?" Jean whispered in his ear.
Levi could do nothing but nod. He was spent but in a good way.
"You're going to hurt for a while because it's your first time and tomorrow you'll most likely ache-" Jean explained but Levi cut him off with a quick kiss.
"All evidence of a good night." He said softly.
Jean chuckled and slid off the bed and into their bathroom to begin running the bath. Levi slowly found out that Jean was right as a small ache began to grow in the small of his back. He shrugged and made his way to the bathroom, watching Jean as he stopped the water once the bath was of decent temperature. He turned and pulled Levi closer and then stepped into the bath with him, sitting down and pulling Levi onto his lap.
"So, how was your fist time?" Jean asked.
"Amazing." Levi answered in a dream like state as he leaned back against Jean and sloshed his hand around in the warm water.
Jean smiled and kissed the side of his neck, making Levi's eyes flutter. "I'm glad it was."
"Thank you." Levi whispered, turning his head to press a kiss to Jean's lips.
"You're welcome."
Jean washed their bodies, making sure to clean Levi thoroughly before getting out, wrapping a towel around himself and and one around Levi.
"I have hands." Levi muttered.
"As do I."
Once dried and in their night clothes, both soldiers were in bed, settled in each other's warm embrace as they began to drift off to sleep. Jean remembered he should have gone to see Erwin but he figured the man wouldn't mind, knowing it would be easier for Jean to speak with him tomorrow. He pulled Levi closer, resting his chin on the black locks.
"I love you, Jean." Levi mumbled tiredly.
"I love you too, Levi." He whispered, kissing the top of Levi's head and falling into a blissful sleep.

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