《My way of doing things 》OC x...

Door Anyaforfriends

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Following the grand Football Frontier events of the previous year, misfortune befell upon Suzuki Sumire, as s... Meer

《Quick introduction 》
《Chapter 1》
《Chapter 2》
《Chapter 3》
《Chapter 4》
《Chapter 5》
《Chapter 6》
《Chapter 7》
《Chapter 8》
《Chapter 9》
《Chapter 10》
《Chapter 11》
《Chapter 12》
《Chapter 13》
《Chapter 14》
《Chapter 15》
《Chapter 16》
《Chapter 17》
《Chapter 18》
《Chapter 19》
《Chapter 20》
《Chapter 21》
《Chapter 22》
《Chapter 23》
《Chapter 25》
《Chapter 26》
《Chapter 27》
《Chapter 28》
《Chapter 29》
《Chapter 30》
《Chapter 31》
《Chapter 32》
《Chapter 33》
《Chapter 34》
《Chapter 35》
《Chapter 36》

《Chapter 24》

232 15 14
Door Anyaforfriends

Suzuki Sumire, a Captain of Kidokawa Seishuu Jr. High.

She was born natural, like how everyone is when life starts off for them, and they get their first glimpses of the world. Technically, only understanding few things as any other kid in their childhood, that was what she always aimed for.

Despite the early age she was shown to know more, she thought more, she was demanded to achieve success, to win, to stand on the top. There were no exceptions. She had to be the best.


It was her nature, it was her destiny. And who she was to deny that.

She has to meet everyone's expectations so she won't fall apart and break into millions of pieces. Perfection is her only goal in life.

She's intelligent, she never scores below 90 on any tests in school, always getting an A, no matter the difficulty or time limit.

She can easily memorize things better than the average person. Formations of the opponent's team, their way of sprinting, habits, or their simple way of thinking, it's nothing more to her than little observation.

She's a born leader. She leads her teammates down a path that isn't necessarily decided for them. A guidance, a chance to grow and evolve. She makes opportunities for them, giving them advice and clues, not a ready, easily achieved things, so they can get better, grow, and evolve. Make a progress. A development.

Growing as a person mentally is something that many do subconsciously, and she's no different.

She doesn't charge forward with only herself in mind. Instead, she takes a step back to push her teammates forward first before becoming the wall, they can lean against if they get pushed back.

As smart as she may be, there's a sense of naivety lining in her mind, showing that she too has room to grow and evolve and change just like everybody else. To get better, be perfect. Do it.

She makes mistakes, but she is great at covering them up.

Lying? She wouldn't describe herself as a good liar. Unless lying to herself counts too.

Was she a good person or just a pure liar who portraited herself as someone who anyone can depend on, even she doesn't have an answer for that.

But with talents and hard work always comes jealousy. Since she is better than everyone else, why can't she just play alone. It won't make much difference now, would it?

All experiences that happened to her beyond that certain point decided where she falls under.

If you don't understand my intentions, change your mindset.

That was the first ever words spoken to the Kidokawa Seishuu soccer team at the beginning of her role as Captain.

She did her best, uniting the team, showing great teamwork, Kidokawa Seishuu was shown as a favourite in Football Frontier, after all. So why did they lose the finals?

Three substitute strikers decided to dump all the work on her, depending on her to that extent. They ditched the idea of hard work on their part, letting their "so great Captain" do everything.

Her and Goenji's work was truly a success, not overnight one, a success that was achieved by sleepless nights the brown haired female went through to alter the team. And Goenji, spending days upgrading Fire Tornado as much as he could.

Even if Goenji never left her side and spent all those nights at the table half asleep in her father's study, he still couldn't compare his work contribution to hers.

Before she realised that, she got herself a reputation. A respect from fellow Captain's, and fear went along with it. Fear of what she might figure out.

It didn't bother her, though. Reputation is always based on rumours at first, after all.

It was supposed to be at least. But in the end the rumors were confirmed as true.

Then accident happened.

Waking up over 9 months after Football Frontier, literally disappearing into the unknown depths of foreign country. Scared, confused, angry... pitful.

She failed...

She tried so hard to do everything, so someone made her trip and fall all those stairs she climbed up, taking her ability to walk without limping.

Her word shattered the moment she heard that she missed the Finals.

It felt like betraying her own principles, betraying the words she promised her team.

How can she be so terrible? Captain abandoned her own team, that was her thoughts.

Soccer was always an escape. Escape from necessary perfection. Her mother tried everything to talk her out of it, she did it anyway.

In the skies, while playing soccer, she felt like flying. Sky, beautiful blue sky is her and her only domain. She is dominating them. Ruling them like an Empress, Empress of the Vacant Skies. She felt free during that time, like she had grown wings, letting her stay in her freedom forever.

It was her dream, dream that with the snap of someone's fingers turned into a nightmare.

White walls, white ceiling, closed curtains, closed windows. Hospital room, empty, closed doors. Brown hair girl, copped up inside the white, pearl like blanket, drowning in her sorrows.

Goenji, her childhood best friend hasn't arrived yet, he is still in Japan. He will come next week, she feels lonely. Like being locked up in a black room, with no light at all.

Why did that so-called "genius" feel so down?

Her future collapsed, everyone would be sorrowful too.

Yet, her urge to do something didn't let her sit down for long. After 3 days of staying at the same, 4 confined walls were enough.

After having doctor's permission, with a newly made, specifically for her, white cane, she went to the altar near the hospital backyard.

Using cane for the first time and going around was sure hurtful. Muscles were long time used, and now it felt like being old grandma who finally stood up from the armchair, not 2nd grade Jr. High student.

Leaving the cane leaned on the bench, she let herself get drunk with the sight of the blue sky.

For the surprise, someone sat down next to her, but since she was so engrossed in her thoughts, she didn't notice him till the moment he gasped in shock.

"Suzuki Sumire, right?"
Despite being in the United States of America, someone was talking with her in perfect japanese accent. A big surprise.

He must be japanese then.

Peering her gaze from the sky, there was a boy who had slightly tanned skin and was average in height, as much as she could tell from the way he sat next to her.

He had brown hair that was swept to the left side and black eyes. He wore casual clothes consisting of a light-green shirt underneath a cream jacket with orange strips over his shoulders, blue trousers that are held up with a black belt, and white trainers.

Blinking slowly, to regain her composure, brown haired girl widened her emerald eyes every so slightly.

"Yes... are you Ichinose Kazuya...?"


It was late afternoon when Aki, Endou, and Sumire with Shuuya stopped by Inazuma General Hospital to visit Natsumi's father and exchange few words with her as well.

Aki and Endou went ahead of Sumire and Shuuya after brown haired female shooshed them to not worry about her and Shuuya and go faster without much problem or hard feelings.

Sumire POV:

We walked in a comfortable silence till Shuuya sighed loudly when he noticed my grimaced face.

"You don't have to push yourself that much, Sumire."

I shaked my head dismissively, keeping on with our slow pace.

"Don't know what you are talking about, Shuuya. Gomen."

Playing dumb won't be too bad, right?

"Endou might have believed it or Otonashi. It won't go past me. You were limping before the 2nd half with Sengoku lgajima's match."

Too bad, I take it back

"I'm fine, really."


The platinum haired male didn't look convinced at all. His eyebrow raised, with a deadpanned face.

"Okay, I might be limping a bit."


"Maybe more than a bit.'


"...okay, listen -"

"Sumire, you need to take care of yourself."

He shot down my excuses immediately

"I am, I swear!"

I shriek at the end of the sentence when he abruptly stopped walking and stood in front of me, so I bumped into him and hit my nose against his chest.


Rubbing my pink-ish nose, I look up at him

"Your mother is pressuring you again, so you try hard to nurse yourself back to health?"

I blinked owishly. He knows me too well. I can try to hide anywhere anything but still, he will see through it. I can't fake my good health with him around.

"Not exactly..."

I respond vaguely, tapping the top of the cane with my nails. His gaze is really, that of knowing me inside out.

"I have a bad feeling about the Teikoku's match."

I finally say, to which he tilts his head to the side as if to make sure if it is not an excuse. Once he finds nothing, Shuuya nods his head.

"What's making you feel that way?"

We resumed our walk, nearing the gate of the hospital.

"Kageyama is once again active, new school, no information about them, got into the Nationals by the recommendation... Alarms are going off inside my head."

I trail off, picturing that inside my head.

Walking past the reception, we greet the familiar receptionist, familiar doctors passing by us, showing their smiles before running off to the patients. The usual routine.

"It does seem odd... But don't dwell on it too much."

I hum as the answer, both of us sitting down near Hiromitsu-sensei's office.

Tapping my cane few times against the the pearl floor of the hospital corridor before sighing with murmur of 'fuck it' and taking out my phone, searching a certain number.

Forgetting how I named him in my contact list, taking my time and with a pleased smile ringing up.

Shuuya looked at me clueslessly, waiting for me to speak to the mysterious person.

After multiple rings, the person picked up


Confused tone rung through the speaker

"Kidou, you will sit out the upcoming match, right?"

Platinum-haired male looked at me in surprise, then murmured under his breath something I couldn't quite make out. Something along the lines, 'called... heartless... but here-'

I shaked off the thought as Kidou's voice brought me back to earth

"Yes, I will. Something on your mind?"

"No... just wanted to check."

The line went dead silent, so I hung up. I just needed a confirmation. That's all.

I made him probably suspicious or confused, but I needed to make sure-

"Sumire, Shuuya, come in"

Hiromitsu-sensei's head popped out of his office door
I was at the stands, sitting down far away up at the Stadium seats, watching the Teikoku Gakuen vs Zeus match, obviously asked for permission from Hibiki beforehand.

I can see Kidou's confident smirk from the stands.

He sure is confident even if he doesn't even know who are they playing with.

Teikoku's players were already in their positions, and their opponents weren't in sight. I checked my phone. It's only a few minutes before the match starts.

Weird. Little too weird.

Zeus Junior High's players enter. Overconfidentely in all the honesty.

The Zeus players got in their positions and didn't even practice. They looked like they knew they were going to win this.

I have got a bad feeling



3rd person POV:

She regretted her decision to watch this match. It was horrible. The Teikoku players were treated as if they were their play things. Sumire looked away every time Zeus made a shoot.

10 : 0

The difference is too big...

Teikoku Gakuen forfeited, all the players on the pitch injured. Absolutely horrible.

Gathering the courage, Sumire took the phone, dialling the number and putting it to her ear.


"Haruna... Teikoku Gakuen lost 0 : 10 to Zeus Junior High..."

As Sumire went ahead to meet Kidou at the Stadium at Teikoku Gakuen school, Haruna ran to the Inabikari training center to spread the news.

At Raimon, the players were training at the lnabikari Training Center. They trained earnestly to get stronger. To be able to beat the teams and fight Teikoku again in the finals. They hoped to at least.

Haruna came rushing in the training center.

"T-Tekoku Gakuen has..!"

She was panting while she tried to gather words, taking few breaths.

Endou and Gouenji turned to look at her.

"They won their first match, right?"

The brunette looked excited. He fist bumped Gouenj, who held his palm up. Great chemistry between them.

"With a score of 10-0.."

Haruna trailed off, unsure of what to say next

"That's a pretty large point spread!"

Endou remarked.

"...they lost to Zeus Junior High"

She finally finished, leaving shocked the Raimon players.

"That can't be right, Otonashi."

Endou remarked while Someoke and Kabeyama rushed to them.

"lt's not fake info, is it?"

Rhe pink haired male queried.

"Teikoku couldn't have lost their first match!"

"Sumire-senpai c-called me... She watched the match on the Stadium..."

"Otonashi! What happened?"

Endou asked. The girl looked up to meet their gazes.

"Zeus Junior High scored goals one after the other using techniques no one had ever seen before.. and apparently, Teikoku couldn't stand a chance against them."

Haruna stated, remembering the rest of the talk and news she heard.

"That Teikoku lost..?"

Someone mumbled while Kabeyama was shivering from fright.

"That can't be! lt's Teikoku! We fought them, so we know how strong they are! Those guys are really strong! And they have Kidou!"

Endou exclaimed, unable to accept the truth.

"Onii-chan... didn't play in the match."

The female stated.


They asked in shock. Kidou would always play.

"Oni-chan got injured when he fought us, rerember? Their opponent was a non-marked school... so Teikoku decided to be prudent and out him on reserve. The doctor's order was put in attention too. But their opponent ended the match in minutes, and.. The entire team suffered more injuries than Oni-chan with his

Haruna told them, feeling absolutely devastated about her brother's defeat.

"That Kidou."

Endou muttered.

"There's no way that's true!"

He yelled and clen ch his teeth

"Captain! You should calm down!"

Kabeyama nervously said, looking at the usual joyful brunette on the verge of anger outburst.

"You think I can calm down?!"'

He snapped at him in response.

"Kidou and his team couldn't have lost. That's just not possible!"

Endou shouted before running out



All the voices died out, Endou tuned them off. Running off to find Kidou.

Endou ran in Teikoku's campus.

Surprisingly, Sumire is there already. She doesn't look even a bit shocked at the brunette's appearance.

Brown haired girl was in her more casual clothes, and so was Kidou. She is wearing a simple white shirt, off shoulders with a violet skirt and matching tights. Since it was rather unusual to see her not in school uniform, Endou took a second to comprehend it before storming up to them.

As Sumire was walking up to Kidou, she was unable to say anything since Endou sped in the moment she opened her mouth.

Sumire POV

"Yo, Endou. Have you come to laugh at me?"

Kidou asked, a bitter smile plastered on his face, quite unusual for him in all honesty.

"Of course not!"

Endou responded, dropping the ball that he was holding and kicked it to Kidou. lt hit him on the arm and bounced back, causing the goggled boy to fall down on his butt.


Murmuring quietly, I walked up to him, offering him a hand to stand up. Accepting it, I pulled him up the best I could, only using one hand.

"Kidou. What's wrong? kick it back!"

Endou called out, Kidou grabbed the ball that he kicked. He stared at it and grit his teeth while clenching it tight.

He soon stopped staring and threw it back to Endou. It rolled on the floor, towards the brunette, causing me to bit down a sigh.

"Teikoku Gakuen has been reigning champion for 40 years straight. As of today, we have brought that legend to an end. Al this time. we fought while thinking only of winning.. but. the match was over before we could even touch the ball."

"So you plan on giving up after a defeat so easily?"

Before I could stop, it had been said already. I couldn't bring myself to see him so down.

Endou picked up his soccer ball and looked at Kidou


Kidou cut himself off before dropping the thought and said something else.

"Throughout my whole life, whether I was awake or sleeping, soccer was the only thing I ever thought about. And now, it's been put to a stop in this way. My soccer is over."

Almost like I see myself during my rehab in America...
In the end, Kidou invited both Endou and I to his house. I denied multiple times saying that we didn't want to burden him or anything, but Endou was too elated to go, so I shut up shaking my head with a sigh, causing Kidou to let out a chuckle.

"Whoa, this is so cool!"

He exclaimed while walking around the male's room, when Kidou offered me to sit down at the couch with the help of his hand. I took it gladly, as we sat down next to each other. Endou started in amazement for a moment more before he opened his mouth again.

"Hey, do you have any siblings?"

The brunette finally asked, I raised my eyebrow.

I think he already knows about Haruna, though...

"You already know about Haruna."

Kidou answered, not getting his point either

Glad at least both of us are on the same page.

"Oh, no, that's not what I. meant!"

Endou slightly yelled the last part since he accidentally knocked over the vase, laying on the table. Luckily, he was able to catch it just in time. I sweatdropped at his clumsiness and let out a chuckle at Kidou's expression.

"I mean, from this family."

Endou clarified

"lt's just me."

Kidou responded. Endou really gave him a fright a second ago, and now he had a nervous smile.

"Are you serious? You have this huge room all to yourself?"

The brunette queried, Kidou nodded as an answer, not really getting the point to answer verbally to that.

Endou's attention caught an old magazine, so both Kidou and I stood up in unison, walking up to him.

"Hey, this is a really old soccer magazine."

Endou mused as he picked up a magazine on the table.


Kidou answered and grabbed the magazine from Endou's hands, with a soft smile on his face when his eyes laid on the little worned out pages.

"Do you know why I first started playing soccer?"

The goggled boy asked, and Endou shook his head, and so do I

"Yeah, you wouldn't. This'll be the first time l've ever told anyone."

"Eh? You didn't tell Suzuki-san either?"

I whipped my head at the brunette, Kidou looked taken back too.

"Why would he? Where did you take that from, Endou?"

Endou smiled joyfully

"Ah, you two seemed pretty close to me."

Deadpanning, I shaked my head. Did he misunderstand our little rivalry for friendship? I mean, we might be good acquaintances, but I wouldn't call that friendship in all honesty.

"Not really, didn't get the chance."

Oh? He didn't deny the "friendship" part?

I glanced at him with the corner of my eyes, but he didn't meet my gaze.

"My parents died in a plane crash."

Kidou broke the silence again, Endou looked taken aback when he said this. I shifted my eyes to the magazine to let him speak freely.

"Both my mom and my dad had jobs that took them overseas a lot. It was just Haruna and me. Then, after the accident, it really was just Haruna and me"

He explained further.

"There wasn't a single picture of our family left. Since I was still young, I don't even remember that much about my mom and dad. This is the only thing about them that I have. This is the only bond that connects me to my dad. That's why I started to play soccer."

He continued on

"Whenever I kicked the ball, I felt as if I was with my dad."

The male stated. I smiled slightly

"You are good brother, Kidou"

The said male blinked sheepishly. I think it was the first time I complimented him so openly.

"That's how it was at first. Just kicking the ball was fun. But then everyone around me started telling me to win. Soccer became something that I had to win. No matter what it took, I had to be the best. That's why I thought of Kageyama as a god."

Oh, we are the same here...

He clenched the magazine in his hands.

"Him, of all people!"

Kidou let out an exaggerated sigh, so I put my hand on his shoulder reassuringly

"But you fixed that mistake, didn't you?"

He meekly nodded, and Endou stepped up immediately.

"That magazine is important to you, isn't it?"

Endou took the magazine from him, and I slid down to sit on the floor. I was standing kind of long... Kidou joined me on the floor.

How kind of him

"But still, you're just like me."

He placed it back on the table.

"I have a grandpa who passed away too. He was an amazing player-"

He got cut off by Kidou.

"Endou Daisuke, the legendary goalkeeper. Who later became the coach for the Inazuma Eleven."

The boy stated

"Wow, you know about him."

Endou said while crouched down in front of us.

"Well, yeah. I read up on all the information about you."

Kidou answered, and I nodded in approval

"Moreover Endou, Daisuke-san is quite popular too."

"From what they tell me, Grandpa was so obsessed with kicking the ball that he had sometimes forgotten to eat."

Endou told us

"So your grandfather was a soccer freak just like you."

Kidou remarked

"l'm a soccer freak?"

The brunette asked, clueless.

"You weren't even aware of that?"

I looked at him weirdly while Kidou's hair began to stand out of place. We both forgot how his logic works, apparently.

"Well, never mind. So anyway, after I read Grandpa's special training notebook and stuff, that's when I started kicking the ball myself. That makes you and me... the same."

Endou stated, then looked at me.

"So do you, Suzuki-san!"

"l'm the same as you both?"

Kidou mumbled, I blinked at the brunette.

We had different reasons for playing soccer thought, we are not the same...

Goggled boy stayed silent, looking thoughtftul.

"What, you don't like that?"

Endou asked


Kidou smiled,

"It's not that..."

He certainly looked little bit better than before. Less sad and disappointed. When Endou's phone started ringing and the moment he picked up, voice started screaming at him. His mom telling him to come home already. Like immediately...

He left in a hurry, leaving me and Kidou alone. I stood up from the floor with the help of the cane and the edge of the couch.

Kidou's questionable gaze made me sigh.

"You are curious one, aren't you?"

He snapped out of his thoughts, trying to come up with some kind of excuse, but I beat him to it.

"So do I."

His head shot up immediately, causing me to chuckle before putting my finger out.

"Do you know how to play chess, Kidou?"

Goggled boy looked at me clueslessly, then nodded.

"Fancy a game, Suzuki-san?"

He said, opening the door of his room, gesturing me to follow him.

"Of course, we can ask questions during the match."

(Honesty, I have no idea if Kidou had a chess board in OG, but I assumed that since he is a rich kid with taught manners since childhood, he would have.)

The hallway is a long and narrow space, with cream-colored walls and dark hardwood floors. Sunlight streams through the large window at the end, casting warm rays of light throughout the area, on the left side of the hallway, there is a table made of rich, mahogany wood. And two armchair-like chairs.

On top of the table sits a chess board, its black and white squares arranged in a precise pattern. The pieces, carved from smooth ivory and dark wood, are carefully placed on the board, as if waiting for a game to be played.

We sat down on either side of the table, arranging the pieces.

Looks like I was playing as white today.

Moving a white pawn first to e4, I silently hinted Kidou to speak.

"Endou said that we were the same back there. Is it true?"

He played his black pawn to the center too, I hummed, tapping the knight before playing it to f3.

"At some aspects, yes."

Before he could interrupt me, I moved my knight.

"That's something for me to know and for you to find out."

I got a chuckle in response, he really had already gotten used to my vague answers.

3rd person POV:

The chess match was a highly intense and strategic batle between two skilled players. The room was filled with silence and tension as the players sitting across from each other continued on playing the pieces, their eyes fixed on the chessboard in front of them.

They moved their pieces with precision and skill, trying to outmaneuver their opponent and gain control of the board. As the match progressed, the tension in the room only grew, with both players deep in thought, trying to anticipate their opponent's next move. Sumire was the one with the upper hand for most of it.

With every pawn, knight, and bishop, the game becomes a symphony of calculated moves and calculated risks. It's a mental duel where patience, foresight, and cunning are the keys to victory. Their talk died out for quite some time already, giving their full attention to the plays.

Witness the intense battle of wits on the checkered battlefield as two minds engage in a strategic dance. The chess match unfolds with each move, as players meticulously plan their next steps, analyzing the board with laser-like focus.

Sumire POV:

As the game neared end, I stopped my hand in mid-air, my nails touching the tip of the White Queen.

"You know what is interesting about Queen in chess, Kidou?"

Catching him off guard, he shaked his head as a 'no'. His eyes darted from my hands to my face.

"Since the queen's movement is not limited
to a certain number of squares, unlike the other pieces, it can move as many squares as it wants, as long as there are no other pieces blocking its path... it's extremely convenient."

I grasped the Queen and played her to the desired spot.

"Even if the King in chess is more important, the Queen is the most powerful one..."

Placing the White Queen down, I retreated my hand, bringing my hands on the table and leaning my chin on them.





I bid Kidou a goodbye after the won chess match. I had a pleasant time with him, in all honesty. We talked after the chess match, all the way to the door from where we arrived.

Return to my home to retrieve a refined parchment of exquisite proportions before venturing outside once again.

Scanning the lavish pages of a meticulously crafted notepad, adorned with intricate soccer formations and meticulously documented data on formidable opponents, nodding to myself in approval and going out.

Strolling gracefully along the boulevard towards the enchanting park, my cane made contact with the pavement every few seconds, a vast expanse of cerulean stretched above, devoid of any trace of clouds.

As I make my way towards the clubroom, nestled within the enchanting school grounds, a sense of anticipation fills the air. The allure of this sacred space beckons me, promising a haven of creativity and camaraderie.

With each step and click of the cane, I am greeted by the vibrant energy that emanates from within, a testament to the countless memories and dreams that have unfolded within these walls.

Raimon became my safe place somehow.

I walked in just at the beginning of the meeting. Perfect timing, I call it.

Endou was already back, his gloomy face after getting scolded once again turned joyfully with vibrant energy.

"Guys, our opponent for the second match in the Nationals..."

Endou smacked his hand on the board that
had their opponent schooľ's name on it.

"...is Senbayama Junior High!"

He finished, I sat down on the chair near Kazemaru and Shuuya, greeting them with a nod. They answered with the same gesture, and we turned back to the brunette.

Perusing a luxurious leather-bound notepad adorned with intricate gold detailing, one delves into the meticulously organized pages that reveal the secrets of soccer formations and the intricate details of the opposing team's data. Keeping it on my lap with the attached pen to it.

"Senbayama Junior High is located among many mountains, and their players have trained in the great outdoors."

Haruna read what was written in her own notebook, pushing up her glasses.

"They must be living in a wonderful environment."

Kabeyama said, Shourinji chimed in

"I bet all of them take it easy."

Adding a touch of sophistication by twirling the pen elegantly in my hand, I shaked my head before answering.

"I wouldn't say so. They have an iron wall defense known as the "Infinite Wall. No one was able to break through it."

"Not even before the Nationals?"

Aki asked, dumbfounded

"Yes, absolutely no one."

Haruna nodded in my stead

"They have weaknesses in their shooting ability, but it's this impenetrable defense of theirs that allowed them to come this far."

Impenetrable, you say? Doubt it.

The blue haired girl stated, and I nodded, flipping the page.

"Of course, there is nothing like impenetrable defense. There is always a loophole."

"I get it! Then all we have to do is break down that iron Infinite Wall defense!"

Endou proclamed. Everyone sweat dropped at his easygoing attitude.


"Break it down, he says.."

Kabeyama muttered.

"That's easier said than done.. It's because it can't be broken down that it's called an iron wall, right?"

Shourinji answered, looking into my direction as a sign of approval. I nodded as a reply, writing down few words on the page. Everyone else agreed at his words.


They chorused, Endou's face gloomed, earning a chuckle from none other than Shuuya himself. My countenance brightened as I beheld his jovial laughter, a sight that brought me immense joy.

What a nice surprise...

"Iron wall means a wall made out of iron, right?"

Endou asked Kazemaru and Shuuya.

"Well, yeah, that's what it means."

The platinum haired male answered. I raised my eyebrow, not getting brunette's point.

"Then we just have to attack it like diamonds!"

Capitan said as if it was the simplest thing on Earth.


"Attack it like diamonds?"

Shourinji asked, unsure. He imagined diamonds raining on an iron wall, and I closed my leather-bound notepad.

"Keep attacking until the iron wall falls down! That's our diamons attack!"

Endou exclaimed, as happy as ever

"And in order to do that... We train!"


The team's reply got unsure at the end, but we still went and arrived at the field soon after.

At practice, Shourinji was able to create a hissatsu technique. Megane named it as 'Kung Fu Head'.

"It's the results of my training."

The glasses wearing boy replied, his glasses shining.

"By playing all varieties of video games and
reading manga, I am researching the names for hissatsu techniques every day!"

Megana proudly stated.

"That sounds more like what you do normally every day, not training..."

A gleaming bead of perspiration gently graced my brow as I acknowledged and stated my response as a nod. What Shourinji said shattered Megane's pride.

As I looked out onto the field, I observed the other teammates, occasionally glancing at my notepad for reference.

They are progressing quite fast...

I gazed at Shishido and Kazemaru running up on the field when they tried to pass the ball, it failed to find its mark, causing Kazemaru to lose his rhythm.

Because of the fast progress, their timing doesn't match anymore.

My gaze narrowed as the thought crossed my mind, a subtle indication of my contemplation.

The timing eluded everyone's grasp, causing a disapproving frown to form on my face.

It's worse than I thought, they have no mental grasp of their strength.

Handa tossed the ball to Someoka, urging him to use the Dragon Tornado. Both Someoka and Shuuya executed the hissatsu technique flawlessly, but to their surprise, the ball lost its power just a moment after the platinum-haired male struck it. Endou, Someoka, and Shuuya were left in shock, as this was the first time they had encountered such a situation.

Despite their astonishment, the ball managed to find its way into the goal, thanks to the brunette's inability to react in time.

"You have made a goal."

Endou exclaimed, trying to hide his embarrassment with a laugh. Someoka joined in on the laughter, but Shuuya remained serious.

"Try it once more."

Shuuya urged. Despite their efforts, the outcome was identical to the first attempt. Endou effortlessly caught the ball.

"Why won't it zoom in?"

Shuuya asked curiously. Someoka responded

"I think my kick was too weak."

The platinum haired male pondered,

"No, your kick was flawless, just like mine. But still, why didn't it work?"

With an air of curiosity, Shuuya voiced his thoughts, his captivating gaze now locked onto mine.

"Well, it doesn't look good."

Author's note:

Long ass chapter! But I felt a lot of creative inspiration and will, so here we are.

-5726 words, damn.

Everyone got a sneak peak from past events of Football Frontier. I'm sure most of you already got the idea that the fact Sumire went abroad must have a significant impact, and she met someone there. Either way, stay tuned, my favourite episode of season 1 is coming!


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