The Hidden Crown: A Royal Mas...

Por Wise_Cloud

431 23 196

A princess from a Kingdom of both darkness and light, named: Luminaar. And a prince from the strongest kingdo... Más

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Chapter 1

187 8 27
Por Wise_Cloud

∘∙∘∙∘∘𝙲𝙷𝙰𝙿𝚃𝙴𝚁 𝟷: "𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙿𝚛𝚎𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜."∘∙∘∙∘∘


Two figures were seen walking with a few butlers and a royal advisor, "Have the decorations prepared by tonight. This afternoon even." A gruff voice commanded the butlers.

"Yes, Your Majesty." They bowed before some went to do the said task.

"Have the cake prepared and be ready to be sent to the hall." He added before checking the list, "Check the list of invites and give me information of who's going and who's not. And make sure that it is all perfect, there is no room for mistakes on such a day." He finished, handing the list to the royal advisor.

"Yes, Your Majesty." The rest of the butlers bowed, leaving with some maids to get the jobs done in time.

"You shouldn't be too brash on them. They're trying their best to be as fast as they possibly can." A woman spoke to the man who only scoffed, "I have every right to be 'brash'. Our daughter's 18th birthday party is on the line. I won't have anything or anyone ruin such a milestone."

Another man sighed at the statement, "As usual, you're as strict as ever." It was the royal advisor.

"Well, if you think being strict is not a good asset. Then you figure the rest out while we take care of our daughter so she won't know what's going on. And give the information to her brother before he accidentally spills the surprise." His Majesty huffed before walking with the woman. Leaving the Royal Advisor in the dust.

"And there he goes..." The advisor huffed before going to meet with the Prince.

"Your Highness? I'm coming in." He entered the large room to see the young boy training in his room, "You shouldn't be training this early. I gave you a day off."

The prince screamed when seeing the royal advisor, "AAAH! Uncle! Don't scare me like that." The said uncle only chuckled, "It seems that you've been in your world, Lloyd."

The prince who is named Lloyd only pouted, "Next time, at least tap my shoulder or something Uncle Wu." He placed his wooden sword back in its place.

Wu only tapped his head while walking by him, "OW! I didn't mean like that!" Lloyd yelled in protest as he rubbed his head, "You told me to tap your shoulder or something else. I just did as you suggested. But enough with that, we have birthday matters to speak of."

Hearing the word birthday made something click in the blonde's head, "It's my sister's birthday party! I know! Is everything almost ready yet?! How many people are invited?! Is it going to be a surprise?!" Wu only held up his hand so the boy could stop rambling, thankfully he did making the advisor sigh.

"Yes, yes, yes, and yes. We are just preparing the cake at the moment with the decorations in the hall being almost in place." Wu stated, looking through the list, "All we have to do now while waiting is to keep your sister from spoiling her surprise."

Lloyd raised his hand, "Leave it to me! I'll go distract her by taking her to the grand garden. It's a bit farther from the palace. Plus, we go there all the time when she's not busy with palace matters."

Wu gave a nod at that, "Good. Your father and mother are trying their best to keep it a secret by telling her maids and butlers to not answer her questions. But we can't go for long until she figures it out..." Wu sighed, not sure if they could pull it off without the princess knowing.

"Yeah...My sister is quite the fortune teller, haha! But don't worry, uncle. I'll get her out of the palace without suspicion!" Lloyd went to change into his normal garments from his training garments.

"Wait! Lloyd! You have to know—" But the prince was already out of his room, leaving Wu alone,"....The time...Oh, dear..."


The princess was seen in her room, going about her business. She looked out the window for a brief moment with a moment, "It's a nice day, today. I wonder how long it'll take for it to be ruined?"


The woman chuckled, "There it is!" She rose to her feet to open the door, "Ah! Hello, Lloyd! How are you this fine morning? You seem energetic today!" The princess hugged her younger brother.

Lloyd smiled in return before letting go of (Y/N), "Of course, I am, I get to see my sister today! Wanna walk around the palace gardens?" He offered his sibling to spend some time with him.

The woman lit up at the suggestion, "Do I?! I'd love to," the princess pulled Lloyd by his arm, "Come on!"

"Woah! Slow down, (Y/N)!" Her brother warned but it was heard by deaf ears.

In the palace gardens, the two royals spent some time to relax. Away from everybody and everybody. Lloyd practiced his sword skills, while (Y/N) hummed to herself, making flower crowns and such.

Upon having time with Lloyd, the Princess of Luminaar turned to her brother, "Lloyd?" He grunted lowly, acknowledging her.

"What have mother and father been doing since the sunrise?" Her question made Lloyd falter in his actions, "They seemed in a hurry, even our uncle Wu seems more stressed than usual."

"And I'm talking about our USUALLY stressed uncle," The princess specified.

The royal's brother turned to her, still holding the wooden blade, "Uh...Well...They have important events coming up! And uh...Father told me it was imperial matters from the capital."

(Y/N) looked at him for a few moments, the prince started to sweat and looked away from her.

"Okay!" She smiled, going back to sorting flowers.

Lloyd could be seen letting out the breath he held, "Oh...Thank The First Spinjitzu Master who's our grandfather..." He muttered so his sister couldn't hear.

"Hey, Lloyd? Have you ever wondered about the other kingdoms in Ninjago?" (Y/N) asked the prince of Luminaar.

Lloyd hummed at that while training, "Yeah, I have. Our parents have told us about the grand five kingdoms. Like by example, Corendor, Emberwyn, Crystalvale and Stormridge. And ours, Luminaar. I've heard of tales of the villages, cities and more. It'd be amazing to see them one day!"

(Y/N) gave a sound of agreement, "I'd love that as well! Mother has been suggesting that soon we all should visit someday!"

The princess looked up, seeing some birds fly up in the sky, "I wonder when that day will come?"


A boy was seen next to the window of his room, seeing birds flying in the clear sky. He sighed for the umpteenth time.

"Another sunrise, another day of boredom," He mumbled, looking out the window.

A knock got the young boy to look at his door, "Your Highness? It's me."

Hearing the familiar voice made the royal eye roll at how formal they were, "Of course it's you. And what have we spoken about being formal to each other when alone?"

The royal advisor of the boy only chuckled while entering the room, "Yes, yes I know, but it is proper etiquette to speak to you this way."

The prince huffed playfully, "Mhm. Yeah, what a good excuse, Geo."

The said Munce smiled at the prince, "Sarcasm was always a talent you had since you were young, Cole."

The prince now known as Cole laughed, "Yep! That's me!"

Geo walked towards the prince, as his advisor, he was to tend to his imperial duties and so on, "Today seems fairly light for work. Your father has matters to tend in his office so he asked me to announce what will be your duties today." Geo took out a piece of paper His Majesty wrote for his son.

Cole only groaned, "Urgh...! Not this again, Father told me specifically that I wouldn't need to worry about work if it didn't have anything to do with me." He pointed at the piece of paper, "And you said that today it wouldn't be that much. That piece of paper is as big as your hand!"

Geo gave a bemused stare at his friend, "19 years old and still whining. How absurd but phenomenal," The statement got Cole to retort, "GEO! How rude! I am a prince! I can ban you from the palace to prison!"

"Forgive me for being rude, Your Majesty, but I don't think you'd do that."

"I-...You're not wrong about the matter, though..."

Geo cleared his throat as if to move on from the conversation, "Anywho. Why not we get back to your duties as a prince, shall we?" He took out the piece of paper, "Let's see. Signing agreement papers. Reading the rules and laws of the kingdom to familiarize with it."

Geo read the last thing on the list, "And finally, the hardest one you've been avoiding since you've been 16, finding a suitable princess for the kingdom's future."

The prince only scoffed, "Light work? That is NOT light work, but I won't protest since you'll tell your speech of how I am to be the next king and all that," Geo smiled when knowing his lectures were getting through the young prince.

"But the one I do NOT want to finish is to find a suitable princess for me!" Cole was not adamant about finding a consort.

Geo knew he would protest, "Cole...You turned down 50 princesses from the highest to the lowest status in all of Ninjago. AND turned down another 50 noble ladies. That's 100 in total."

The raven-haired male only shrugged, "They were two-sidded. They either wanted to marry me because I was rich and handsome or just because I was next to the throne so they could elevate their status. I want a marriage with love! Nothing else."

The royal advisor sighed, "Your Highness, it has been 3 years since you've even volunteered to meet any suitable consort. Your father, his majesty told you that by the age of 20, he will choose for you instead."

Cole held an irritated face, "So now he's giving me a time limit? I now have 1 year?! I have specified multiple times that I will NOT marry a person I do not know."

Geo gave a nod, "And I completely agree with you. But, if you keep this act on, your father will surely take matters into his own hands."

"Then, I'll just speak to him about my opinion, since it's about my future and marriage," The young prince started to walk to his father's office, Geo quickly joined him, "I don't think this is a good idea, Your Highness."

Cole walked in confidence, "What else am I supposed to do? Listen to whatever he says like some lapdog?"

Upon entering the room, the king lifted his gaze to see his son and Geo.

"Ah, son, Geo. What a nice surprise visit," Lou smiled at the two who entered the room, "Forgive me for not spending time with you, imperial matters seem to pile in a lot by far this month."

"Father," Cole and Geo bowed to the king, "I'd like to speak to you about my future marriage."

Lou lit up, thinking his son had changed his mind, "Really? You have? What wonderful news, Cole!" He stood up to hug his son, "I will prepare the list of all of the suitable future queens of Corendor."

But Cole stood firm, "I don't want to marry someone from the list. I'd like to get to know them and marry them by love. Not by contract."

The words made Cole's father freeze in his tracks. Suddenly, an angered face could be seen on the king's face, "What...did you say...?" Seeing his angered face made Geo look away, knowing the inevitable.

"You know what I said, father. And I'm not changing my mind," The young prince stated.

Lou stood tall, emitting a scary aura, "You have no right! You are the heir to the kingdom and the kingdom needs you and a queen to make it last for centuries! Why won't understand the stakes?!" The king walked around in stress.

"I do see why I need to hurry and marry, but I do not want some prostitute who only wants my wealth and status to be hers!" Cole fought on.

Lou slammed a fist on his desk, "You have no say, Cole! You are prince to the Kingdom of Corendor, the heir, the next King. Marriage is how you can guarantee for a next heir for the kingdom!"

The prince still fought on, "You tell me I have to be the strongest for the kingdom. I did that! You told me I had to travel for the kingdom, I did that also! I did so many things you asked me to do for the kingdom!" He started getting annoyed at the usual lectures he'd tell him.

"But telling me to get a woman pregnant with my child only to continue our family is cruel, Father! What if she doesn't want to have a child that early?! You have no regard for the person having to carry that burden!" Cole yelled back.

Steam could be seen of how angry Lou was, "Cole Brookstone!! You are to listen to your father! That is that!!"

But Cole didn't listen, "I will not!! I want a marriage of happiness! A marriage of love! Like what mother told me I could have!"

"Marriage is not all about love! Your mother only said that to you so you would consider marriage early!" Lou exclaimed.

"Mother was saying the truth! If she were here you would understand—" Cole was cut off by his father who broke a vase.


Cole faltered when seeing how violent his father had become, "Father..."

Geo took that opportunity to stand before the prince, "Your Highness, please think rationally!"

The king only sighed, "She's not here anymore...nor will she ever come back...You must accept reality, son."

Cole didn't say anything he only thought of the last time he spoke to his mother before she disappeared, 'Mother...'

"Always find the good in people son, always," a woman was seen stroking the head of a younger Cole.

Cole looked up at his mother in wonder, "What if that person is evil? What if I can't find the good in them, mother?"

The woman stopped her actions but still smiled, "Then you forgive them and move on," she told him.

"Cole. Remember, you are born stronger than others. You are born to love and protect your people under any circumstances," his mother lifted him in her arms to embrace him.

"Your strength alone can move mountains, sway people's hearts and minds for them to change to the good they are supposed to be. You are gifted by those above and you will use that gift to help others," The woman said to her son.

Cole hugged his mother back but faltered when thinking of the negative things that might happen, "But...What if I can't use my gift like you say before, Mother? What if I'm not strong enough...?"

The woman only chuckled, "Nonsense, Cole. You are my son, my precious child. You carry my will with father's. Only you can carry that power," she held his small hands in hers.

"Remember, always protect those around you that care for you. To stand up against tyrants that will want to bring you and them down."

'Mother...' That was the last time Cole saw his mother in person. It's been years since that day.

"You are to attend the birthday party of Princess (Y/N) of Luminaar. I asked the king and queen if you two could meet and potentially sign a marriage contract in a few weeks. And you will not oppose it. You may leave with Geo." Lou stated, not glancing at his son's shocked face as he went back to work.

"WHAT?!?!" Cole yelled in shock, "But-I" Lou only gave a signal to Geo to leave the room with the prince.

The Munce bowed to the king, "Excuse us, my king." He gave a nod to Cole to follow him, "Come along, Your Highness. We must prepare for the party."

The young prince tried to protest, but Geo gently held his hand, shaking his head, "No. I don't want you and your father to be more apart than it is. Let's just do as he says so he won't be angry. I'll help you, come on," Geo whispered to Cole, gently taking him out of the room.

Once the two left, Lou sighed in sadness, "Forgive me, son...I just wish things didn't have to end this way...I'm sorry, Lily..."

"This is insane! Preposterous! Absurd! Inhumane and so on! I have so many words I want to say but can't say them all since I'm still in shock at what my father had just done and told me!"

In Cole's room, the young prince was ranting angrily to his friend.

Geo only huffed seeing the prince so agitated, "I could understand you, Cole. But think of your father. Maybe he's doing this because he cares too much about you."

The raven-haired male only stared at his advisor, "More like he's trying to control every decision I make in my life! It's always been like this since mother disappeared..." The young man looked away in sadness at the thought of his mother.

Cole's advisor felt bad for him, "I'm sure it'll all resolve in due time, but now, why don't we choose an outfit, hm? Maybe some of your friends will attend the party?" Geo held Cole's shoulder in reassurance before trying to be positive for him.

At the thought of potentially seeing people he knew, the young prince sighed, giving in to Geo's words, "Fine. What do we have as options, Geo?"

The said Munce smiled, "I knew you'd listen. Let's see..."


An announcer from another kingdom appeared before the King and Queen of the said kingdom, "Your Highnesses. There is an announcement from the Kingdom of Luminaar. You have been invited to attend the surprise birthday party for Princess (Y/N) in 5 days."

Upon hearing the word "party" a young prince appeared, "Party?! I heard party! Are we going, father? Mother?"

Seeing the boy's enthusiasm made the elderly couple smile, "Of course we are, son. After all, the prince and king of Corendor are attending as well."

"Yes! Cole must be attending as well, I'll go prepare right now! It'll take some time to arrive!" The male ran to his room.

"Jay, honey! Be careful! Don't run in the halls!" The Queen tried to warn her son but he was already too far for him to hear her.

The King only cackled, "That's our son, isn't that right, Edna?"

Edna only sighed, "He'll hurt himself one day..."



A young boy with light brown hair slides down the railing of the spiral stairs of the palace.

There appeared a young woman in her gown. She sighed at her brother, "Kai! Mom said to not do that unless you want to get hurt."

The said male landed right next to his sister, "But I didn't get hurt! See?" He did a turn to make her see he was not injured, "I'm fine, Nya."

Nya rolled her eyes, "Whatever," she started to walk down a large hallway of the palace where she resides, Kai followed, "So? What is the amazing news you have for me?" The boy asked his sister.

"Mother and father have agreed to attend Luminaar's surprise birthday party in 5 days," Nya informed, the two walked by a few maids and butlers who bowed in their presence, "I came here to inform you to pack your things. It's not far but it still takes us a few hours to get there. Possibly a day or two if the road isn't in our favour."

Kai hummed at that, "Birthday party, huh? I bet there'd be some ladies who'd like to spend time with me.~" He smirked at the thought of it.

The woman beside him only punched his ribs, "OW!" Kai groaned but Nya ignored him and walked away, "Just make sure to represent the Kingdom of Ignis Mare right. That is all."


"You don't deserve one."



In a snowy kingdom, a group of scientists were working in a palace for their king.

"Where would you this, sir?" Asked an android made by the head scientist of the team.

The head scientist smiled at the assistant, "Oh, you can place them there next to the other supplies, thank you."

The android gave a nod before stopping and giving the scientist a letter, "I speculate that this letter is for His Majesty."

Seeing the letter confused the head scientist before being quite surprised at the contents it held, "My! What surprising news! I'll go inform the king right away. Pixal, would you please take care of things while I'm gone?" The man went to head to the throne room.

The android gave her boss a bow, "Of course, sir. You can be rest assured that I will take care of things here," Pixal stated.

"Thank you, Pixal," With that, the scientist went into the throne room.

Hearing the grand doors open, revealing the scientist, the king smiled, "Ah! Cyrus! What a wonderful surprise, how is my best friend in science doing?"

Cyrus gave a respectable bow to the ruler, "I have been doing well, your highness. It seems you're in great spirits as well," he turned to see a young boy standing next to the king, "I see that your son is doing well too."

Zane gave a bow with his head, "Indeed I have, Mr. Borg. It is a pleasure to see you," a small appeared on his face.

The king noticed something in his hand, "What is that? Is it a new invention you're working on?! Is it a blueprint of a technology that has been newly discovered?" he rambled about what the letter was about.

The scientist only chuckled at his reaction before coughing to get his attention, "Ahem! Unfortunately not, but it's about a surprise party for the Princess (Y/N) Garmadon of Luminaar. You're invited and can bring your family and advisors."

"A party? Father, the kingdom of Luminaar is a kingdom of light and darkness, no? It's based on balance, the Yin and Yang," Zane turned to his father who hummed in acknowledgement.

"Correct, son! You have been reading a lot of the other kingdoms! Haha! Well, since it's been so long since we've travelled, why don't we attend the party? Maybe you can see your friends who you've seen only at the academy." The King enthusiastically proposed that they accept the invitation with open arms.

Cryus smiled, "I would think that would be wonderful! Zane hasn't seen his friends in a long time. Since he and his friends had to study at home because of their status of being the next in line for the throne for their kingdoms."

Zane gave a nod with a smile, "Yes, it has been a long time. It'd truly be wonderful if I saw them all there," he turned to his father, "Father, could we start preparing now? It may take a while to get there."

The head scientist gave an agreeing nod, "He is right, Julien. Our kingdom is one of the most secluded of all the others. We're one of the farthest. It will take us at least 3 days or more to get there."

Julien agreed as well, "You are right," He turned to one of the butlers beside him, "Relay this information from the personal advisor to the suppliers to get ready immediately, please."

The butler smiled and gave a nod, "Yes, Your Majesty. Excuse me," he bowed before going to relay the information.

End of chapter 1!

Heyo! It's me again, welcome to the new story of an alternate universe of my Ninjago story featuring you and the other characters in the show!

I had a person ask if I could make this story and it truly intrigued me so much that I made docs to put information of what the universe will be. I had SO much fun writing this first chapter and I hope you enjoyed this first chapter.

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