Deathwatch of UA

Bởi creed19xx

22.3K 490 266

To be a man in such times is to be one amongst untold billions. It is to live in the cruelest and most bloody... Xem Thêm

Izuku bio and Teachers.
Izuku equipment
prologue part 2
A tragic day
Holy tera
Making a primarch
Izuku equipment/ legion part 2
Back in Mha world Pt 1
Merry Christmas and happy Sanguinala
Plan training/ emperor hears the truth
Isstvan III Atrocity/ saving the loyalist.
vengeance at Isstvan V
siege of tera
Cadia stands
Returning home / USJ battle
father vs son/ passing the torch
R.i.p to gramps
sport festival dominance pt 1
sport festival dominance pt 2
Sport festival dominance finale/ hero names
internship/ Hosu attack pt 1

planning against Horus/ Prelude to Heresy

631 13 5
Bởi creed19xx

"It was treachery at first. To turn against brothers, to kill for personal advancement and power. But we have seen them, how their minds and bodies have been corrupted. Their very belief systems have been warped. This is no longer Horus's treachery. It is his heresy.


Izuku data log 

59 years has past, 59 long years has past, in my journey in this universe. In all this time i have finally master my swordman ship, Halberd skills and my psyker abilities as well. I also had to deal with my first conflict with my newly made chapter, we call ourselves the deathwatch. I've chosen this name because in the time we were forming many of my brothers' legions that Horus seem to influence were not helping our astra millitarum in certain campaigns against certain Xenos saying it was a waste of their time. I did not care if it was a waste or not I decided to act and ask if any battle brothers would join me in fighting with me. 

Surprising Horus and others laugh at the request but men from Ultramarines, Raven Guard, Blood angels, Salamanders and Imperial fist step up and came with me. Surprising some men of the night lords, and space wolves join in as well as i prepare to get ready to lead them. 

As battles rages on multiple planets the honor of my chapter grows in battle and in name where more people wanted to join from the common man to other marines that were willing to join but i always ask my brothers permission first if its ok for their man to join. Now 59 years later after many battles, planets conquer a file that was redacted by my father and grandfather we finally reach the end of the campaign on an unknown planet we found our last brother. Now it's time to begin phase one of the father plan.

End date log

Izuku Pov

Finally, it's over the galax is unified under the imperial banner, as some planets willing join us others had to be taken over with force with the death of millions of innocents which did not sit well with Izuku or his battle brothers since they believe in Vulcan teachings after understanding it better. Still, we did our best to protect the innocent and defeat our enemies. Now with it over father call all of his sons into his throne room on the ship that is heading back to Terra.

As we the sons gather Horus stood on one side of the room were brother Mortarion, Logar, Angron, Perturabo and Fulgrim were on one side, on the other stood Izuku, Rogal, Guilliman, Vulcan, Corvus, Sanguinius and Magnus. In the middle was Alpharius, Lion El 'Johnson, Konrad, Jaghatai Khan, Leman Russ and lastly Ferris. All waiting for their father to enter the room. 5 minutes later father walks into the room with grandpa besides him as he sits on the golden throne i get on my knees and bow to him as others follow my example and got on one knee to show respect the only ones that didn't were Horus and his company.

Emperor of mankind: My sons the galaxy is finally unified under our banner, one empire to rule all, it was difficult and lasted so many years with many innocent lives destroyed and lost but in the end we prevail.

Horus: Those innocents mean there were in the way of conquest and deserve to be eliminated likes the rats there were.

Fulgrim: there were excellent targets for my man to practice our skill to be perfect in swordsman ship.

As the other primarchs who with Horus talk badly about Izuku and Vulcan were enraged by what they were saying the men of the militarum and fellow brothers sacrifice their lives for the imperium to bring its in under the control. The emperor looks at his son with disappointment and was about to say something till a loud thud was heard. He looks and saw that Izuku had punch Horus so hard that it broke his jaw and made him spit out 2 teeth.

Izuku: you call our citizens rats, that they deserve to be destroyed and were in your way, and yet you wonder why you and the others here have lost more men in fighting them. they gave their lives defending their home from your aggression especially the ones that were willing to join us.

Izuku: These citizens have more heart and soul for the imperium that you have in one of your fingers, in my time and my country you know what we call people that act like you.



Horus was upset to be call this as the others as well, some of the brothers were amaze how Izuku stood up to how Horus acted towards his men and the people of the imperium. The Emperor was smiling at Izuku showing that he really does care for the Citizens of the Imperium and would do anything they could to serve them or protect them. 

As he got up, he looks at snarls at Izuku and decided to walk away and leave the throne room with his other brothers but stops and turns around.

Horus: Magnus, Konrad, Alpharius, are you coming with me and joining me in my talks on how to keep the imperium going the right direction.

Magnus/Alpharius/Konrad: No, we are not we would like to speak to Izuku more and see what he sees the future of the imperium could be. 

Horus was outrage on their answer and left with the others slamming the door of the throne room on the way out. As he finally left the tension in the room left as everyone look at Father and knew it was time to plan.

Emperor of mankind: My sons I must first do this for security purposes -activates the void shield to block any noise from leaving or being heard from the outside-. 

Emperor of mankind: Now then first I want to ask Alpharius, Konrad may I ask why you stuck around not for a bad reason but i would have though Horus would have influenced you in a way.

Konrad: I tough about what Horus had said about how we treat our citizens, and even though i was brought up in a world full or criminals, scum, rapist, etc. etc. and the numbers of people we had to kill off before the world was at peace for the moment. 

Konrad: Izuku was the first the introduce himself before you father but didn't judge me for what i did he understood me and with you learning how i became what i am you also didn't judge so i will support Izuku anyway i can and give him my support as well. 

Alpharius: I am interested as well of Izuku, he was able to detect me when I snuck into Horus chambers to fight him but also spotted my brother Omegon as well. Horus was attempting to kill me till Izuku step in and stop him. 

Izuku: I can tell you had meant no harm you were just wondering why a fleet was attacking yours, I was actually talking to your brother to finalize a treaty and peace with you and your system till Horus came and ruin it. 

Alpharius: I see i was wondering why it took my brother so long to responded to me, but it makes sense now but i may i ask why all the secrets right now this is weird even for most of you.

Emperor of mankind: well, my son this will be hard to explain so let Izuku and Magnus explain it. 

Izuku and Magnus look at their father and use there psyker powers to show the images into everyone who was presents the upcoming war bloodshed and how two of the brothers had parish.  It shows how the galaxy as in a civil war due to Horus and the others as well as Terra being attack with billions of people being kill. 

As they both stop using their powers the brothers look at Ferris and Sanguinius with sadness knowing they perish during this HERESY, but Izuku inform them they would not let that happen he will save them both anyway he can even if it meant he would die.

Emperor of mankind: Now you see my sons why this meeting was in secret we have to find a way to plan to stop Horus and the others from causing this Heresy to burn the galaxy apart. We must be preparing ourselves for battle for we do not know how long this will last.

Konrad: Why would he do something like this, i know i use terror and fear to bring a planet to it knees, but this is just too much.

Leman: Just give me a chance let me cut that fools head off right now -grips his battle axe hard-

Izuku: In time Leman we cannot act until he makes his move, when he does father will use his power to give a galaxy wide alarm of what Horus has done. This will give all planets and defense forces time to be ready as well as our men to be ready.

Alpharius: we will need a way to keep track on him and his movements especially with this type of level threat. Father i will like to Volunteer for this me and my legions are good in camouflage, and we can infiltrate their ranks gather info and send it right back.

Corvus: my men will help get the info from yours and we can take it back here to plain accordingly. But will you be safe you and your man brother we don't want too much risk for you all.

Alpharius: we will be fine, i will make sure my brother and men will know what the plan is.

Konrad: i will send some of my men to shadow there ranks we are as good with stealth we will be able to hear conversations we can't normally hear and maybe extract info in a more brutal. way.

Emperor of mankind: As much i wouldn't like that second part in this dire situation I believe it will be necessary. As such do as much as you can son i will not change or see any different for doing so.

Konrad: Thank you, father, and to you Izuku you were right that he wouldn't judge me for what i wanted to do for our future protection and safety. 

Izuku: your welcome Konrad but now we have to start building our forces, to prepare to defend many worlds as possible and slow down Horus and his Heresy. We do not know long it will be before he makes his moves, but this will give us the time to prepare.

Emperor of mankind: i second this and how about you my sons do you agree as well.  

Everyone: Yes, father we will prepare for the upcoming war.

Emperor of mankind: Thank you my sons i know we sacrifice so much already in this crusade, but I must ask you all once again to do it for the fate of our galaxy. 

As some of his sons bow and take their leave to prepare their chapters for the upcoming storm many before leaving ask Izuku for any advice to help improve their results. Izuku being the helpful person he was gave them all data logs encrypted where only they would be able to access it. Each one had a specific way of preparing and also some formulas, instructions to help further production levels for them. 

23 years later

Emperor of mankind Pov

23 years has passed since that meeting and each of my sons have improve their worlds and the worlds they control or protect defenses greatly. It's also thanked to Izuku these upgrades were done quickly and efficiently. With him the rule of not advancing technology he was able to advance the facilities of his brother's factory worlds making an abundance of tanks, siege equipment, aircraft and gunships to help support the war that is upon us. 

Izuku has also finally found a home planet to begin making his mark on the galaxy. His part of the system had 20 worlds surrounding it all design in a different way and built differently as well. The messages through vox he had send on his progress was fascinating, instead of hive worlds he build towns and city all over so it can be more spread out. His factory worlds also look more advance better protecting the Adeptus Mechanicus that join him to work those factories.

 His resource output is amazing too when he came back to visit Terra to see Me and Malcador he asks about if they had spotted an old building in the north artic. We confirm on this build, and he ask permission to check it out for a reason and with that a small adventure began which resulted in finding a vault from old terra. 

it contains seeds and he saw one from his home country meaning there was a Japan in this universe at once point, as he opens it, he was happy to see one item that will help his troops it was call rice I didn't know what it looks, shape or taste of it but Izuku invited me to come to his world to try it when I can. But it all wasn't good news, my son Horus and the others that surround him have been acting different and somewhat heretical. The reports from the Alpha legion and night lords confirm this meaning it is almost time for the great Heresy, but i still have no clue why he would turn I just hope in his heart he doesn't go down that path.

End vlog 


As the emperor sits on his throne, Malcador his right hand comes in with a message. He asks the guards to wait outside due to how valuable this information is. Guards walk outside locking the room from the outside, so no one came in, as the emperor uses his vox to call his sons. 

Emperor of mankind: My sons are you there we have vital information from one of Alpharius men within the lunar wolves. It seems the first captain of the world bearers known as Erebus has corrupted the legion and now is working deals with Horus and the Lunar wolves.

Rogal: are you saying that he is trying to turn Horus into a chaos worshiper, if he is I will guy gut him myself. 

Vulcan: it means this must be the start but where exactly is this supposed to happen Sanguinius Izuku anything on our end. 

Izuku: No i do not know who this Erebus is or how he is connected to Horus, but we must be vigilant and prepare our men also father one of Konrad man came to my world and deliver a massage.

Sanguinius: I have heard of him and i have some details on him and probably why he is starting this incursion. 

Emperor of mankind: then speak my child any details will be able to help us with what is to come and after Izuku please give us that report as well.

Sanguinius: i remember that he wanted to spread to the worlds that they have conquer you were a living god father, but you stop their legion from doing so, it looks like him and Logar have join the side of Chaos.

Izuku: a scout from Alpharius legion can confirm they have built chaotic temples on their world of Colchis and other worlds they have conquer too.

Izuku: Also, another report came in it seems a planet call Isstvan III has started a revolt against us some scouts i left on certain planets have reported that the governor is in open revolt against the imperium, and it seem the death guard are not assisting in the planets defense. 

Emperor of mankind: this is troubling news indeed it seems this is the start of the Chaos that is about to become now my sons its time we ready our forces planet defenses and supplies.

Izuku: I already started sending out supply ships to all sectors with food weapons and vehicles. this will keep them going to all our legions are ready to move out and defend them.

Guilliman: Very good Izuku that will give us a head start but now i wonder about Horus.

Sanguinius: I am too brother i hope that me and Izuku visions are wrong but if they are not then we must do everything in our power to stop the madness that will come.

Emperor of mankind: You are right my son, to all my sons please begin preparations for this situation is becoming dire and we must pretend that we knew none of this is coming.

All of his sons: Yes father

Emperor of mankind: Konrad, Alpharius and Omegon please do be diligent my sons. stay hidden and keep playing the part until it's the right time. 

Alpharius/Omegon/Konrad: Yes, father we will.

Emperor of mankind: good my sons now dismiss. 

As all left the vox to begin preparations for war and for the future Izuku sends three of his brother messages about visions he had occur and saw that will occur in the future and warn them about the events. One was to Ferris who was worn about a planet with Xenos that has weapons that will age them in an extreme measure. Mangus was warn about a confirmation with Fulgrin that he does not know about, Magnus took this to heart and began to be ready for it.

Last was his brother Sanguinius who Izuku inform that Horus knows you are the biggest threat, and he was to be sent on a campaign to a world he never seen before, full of hatred blood and Chaotic demons. Izuku offer some of his men, tanks, and a battle group of psykers to back up Sanguinius. He accepted with opens arms and was thankful for his brother concern. 

A year later


Horus Pov

Another year has passed in the Galaxy of mere mortals and my hatred for one known as Izuku Yagi grows every day. He has appeared out of thin air in our universe and instead of being kill or experiment on like the worm he is he was accepting with open arms. He should be use as a servitor and be at my feet wishing me to kill him, with him breaking the natura order of things the people are looking at him to lead the future and not me.

But for now, I will plan against him later this damn campaign on the world Darvin a rebel has taken over the world and has sided with chaotic forces and using their powers against us. it's a bloody battle where many of my sons have fallen but we will not give up this world. As we continue our battle i finally spotted the man that cause all of this Eugen Temba. 

HorusEugen Temba you will suffer the imperium and the emperor judgement today i will make sure your death is slow and painful -slashing through his zombie infected troops-.

Eugen: come face me war master Horus for you will not make it through this day. Charge my chaotic man kill every single one of them for the Chaos gods. 

As the battle between Horus and Eugen rage on Horus man push back the chaotic forces moving them away killing them with no quarter no mercy. Horus battle with Eugen took a turn when he was able to get past Horus guard and strike him on the shoulder. the blade that struck Horus shoulder was known as Anathame, a blade corrupted and impregnated with the chaos god Nurgle power. 

 Horus took the hit and started to feel the pain imminently and the effects but not without Horus striking him and killing him. As his men saw Horus injure, they rush to him clearing out enemies to bring him to back to his flagship the vengeful spirit. 

Apothecaries try to heal the wound of Horus but they could do nothing as he continues to bleed through that wound and seeing possible pestilence grow on it as well. One Apothecary name Vaddon came to his warmaster side and examine the wound. He notice that even the cells of the primarch had stop working and couldn't heal the wounds properly.

Vaddon: Captain Gavriel Loken, his Larraman cells are not function right from the toxin in that blade, it won't close the wound we need that blade so we can study it and make a curse to heal our father.

Captain Gavriel: understood brother i will make my way back down to the planet with a squad to recovery the blade. -quickly walks out the room to gather a tactical squad for the retrieval-. 

few hours later after battling more of the chaos forces the captain brough back the blade hand it to the Apothecaries so they may begin to study it and to find a cure as quickly as possible. But footsteps were heard as they turn to see first captain Erebus came in.

Erebus:  I can save him; I can cure him of the curses blade powers all i need to do is take him to a place only I'm allow in. 

Vaddon: How do we know you are speaking the truth Erebus you have not been the same since the emperor stop you from spreading false lies.

Erebus: If you want to try to take care of this, he might not make it before you do.

As they thought about and weigh their options, they agree to let Erebus to take him the area he can go in. Erebus slowly lift up Horus took him into a gun ship and travel down on the Darvin in a secret sect. Traveling with Horus and some of his men they landed right outside a Temple. 

The Temple priest arrive right outside ready to accept informing the lunar wolves for there Primarch to come back from the healing. As they slowly brough in Horus what the Lunar Wolves didn't know was the priest were actually Chaos worshippers. A hidden Chaos cultist on the planet of Davin been there since the rebellion had begun brought into the plan that Erebus plan.

Using sorcery which was outlaw by the emperor they began to heal Horus. Horus was slowly being heal but Erebus gives a signal to the cultist to begin the corruption of Horus, using his jealousy of Izuku, the fear of him losing his status of warmaster to Izuku and his father not seeing any use of Horus to throw him away. His ambition to have the galaxy under him and him killing Izuku. Resentment of his father and how he feels after he left during the crusade. All of this help with the corruption of Horus. As he rises all heal up he look at sea Erebus.

Horus: Erebus you did this and help me for that i am grateful but now we must plot and prepare to wage war against our father.

Erebus: yes, warmaster Logar has already corrupted the world bearers, Angron of is willing to join us as well as the others need a little more time their resentment on our emperor is growing.

Horus: good we need to prepare for this it will take time to ween out the loyalist scum that are in our legions we must kill them all and deal with the threats. It time for a new reign of leadership to happen. 

As Erebus and Horus leave the temple, his son see that he is fully heal and kneel to him. heading back into the drop ship Horus begins his plan to kill the emperor to take over the imperium. To make his fellow brothers suffer for everything. But most importantly to make that worm that filth that useless brat Izuku suffer for everything he has done. To make him beg for death with his last breath. 


Author notes: Hello this is your uncorrupted (praise papa nurgle) author here i would like to thank you for waiting for me to release this chapter and apologize for the delay of it coming out. with the holidays over and work slowing down I can focus on making this story.

now to clear some information up, yes i decided in this Au that Konrad leader of the night lords and Alpharius and Omegon will be loyalist instead of traitor chapters. but that does not mean Horus and his man will be underpower I have something in mind that requires -looks at certain redated files- inspiration or the help of you all who has read this.

second yes, we are about to enter the greatest fuckery known to man so if the next chapter comes out a little later then usually its cause I'm reading the hell out of the details and watching many videos to make sure I can do the events right but with certain changes that won't effect it that much (possible) 

thirdly i would like to know if your opinions which millitarum would Izuku use most effetely. i was considering the Cadian's. but I want other people help so please don't be afraid to comment which would work with him. 

forth i want to wish everyone a happy new year's I should had said that 8 days ago but traveling in the warp you can lose track of time anyway i hope you all enjoy this chapter and get ready to enter the biggest cluster fuck know in the Warhammer universe. 

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