Little Angel


131K 3.4K 363

''All it takes is one little angel and her father to turn my life upside down'' It began when a beautiful wom... Еще

Author note.
Chapter : 1
Chapter: 2
Chapter: 3
Chapter: 4
Chapter: 5
Chapter: 6
Chapter: 7
Chapter: 8
Chapter: 9
Author notes
Chapter: 14

Chapter: 10

4.1K 100 3

Hello guys, I am so sorry for updating so late, but my uncle died a day after the new year; he was hospitalized before that. It was all so chaotic here after that, but I will update a little faster now.

I hope you all like this chapter. It was the longest chapter I ever wrote.


Vivian Flammery.

I can't stop thinking about last night and what he told me about Daisy's mother, if you can call her that.

I mean, what mother practically sold her child, I wouldn't do it for anything.

I could see the pain in his eyes when he told me how she was going to abort the baby. I couldn't help but reach out to touch his hand in the hope of taking his pain away.

I feel some insane attraction towards that man that I never felt before. I mean, I had a boyfriend before, and I am not a virgin either, but it's something deeper than I ever felt, whatever it is.

One thing I noticed is that he kisses me a lot, not on my lips but on my forehead and cheeks. He makes me feel special.

I don't know what it means for him.
But for me, kissing someone's forehead is more intimate than kissing their lips. I remembered that my father used to do that to my mother. It's the purest form of showing someone their love, not just in a romantic way.

Every time his lips touched my skin, I felt this electricity run through my whole body, and butterflies started dancing in my stomach.

This is one of the reasons why I am hesitant to work for him, because if I agreed to become Daisy's babysitter, he would become my employer, and I don't think it is a good idea to be around him all the time when I feel hot down there whenever he is around me.

The second reason was that I had to move into his house if I agreed; he told me that last night, and I have to leave this apartment and Moly behind.

I don't know how I feel about it; Moly has always been there for me. Since I met her in high school, I don't know how she is going to react to it.

Right now, I am making pancakes and eggs for breakfast. Last night, when I came back, I thought Moly was going to eat my ears off, asking questions nonstop, but when I opened the door, she was sleeping on the couch. I didn't wake her up, but I covered her with a blanket and turned off the light.

I know she was going to wake up in any minute and start asking about last night.

I was almost finished, and I was placing the pancake on the table when I heard her footsteps. I looked up, and there she was, standing in blue jeans and a white shirt. Her blond hair was tied in a massy bun, and she had a big smile on her face.

I grunted loudly, which made her laugh hard. I know she is going to start her questions and will not let me go, not until I answer every single one of them.

She came up to me and sat down in front of me.

''So, tell me everything about how it went last night. I was waiting for you, but I must have fallen asleep because when I woke up, the light was off. So, I decided to ask you in the morning, Now tell me, How was your date?'' She started wiggling her eyebrows up and down.

''It was not a date, as I told you before; he just wanted to talk about something.'' When she heard me, she rolled her eyes.

''Did he open the car door for you?'' She asked.


''Had his arm around your waist?''

''Yes.'' I replied slowly and blushed when I remembered how he had his arm around me.

''Did he walk you to the apartment door?''


''Then it's a date; you can't convince me any other way.'' I wanted to argue, but I stopped myself. I know I can't change her mind.

We both start to eat silently; I don't like when people talk so much while they are eating. After we finished our food, Moly took both of our plates and walked towards the sink to wash them.

It's what we do when one cooks and the other washes the dishes. I go into the living room and sit on the couch.

My mind is full of thoughts. I don't know what I should do. I don't want to work in a bakery anymore. Sam makes me uncomfortable, and I really like Daisy and would love to look after her. She is such a sweetheart, but at the same time, I don't know how to tell Moly that. I don't want her to think that I abandon her as soon as I get the opportunity.

''So, what does he want to talk about?'' She walks into the living room and sits beside me.

''Hey, are you alright, Vi?'' She has noticed my troubled expressions on my face. She knows me like an open book.

I just decided to tell her and get over it.

''Gabriel wants me to become Daisy's babysitter.'' She squealed but stopped when she saw my face.

''And why's it a problem?'' she asks, confused.

''Moly, he wants me to be a full-time babysitter, which means I have to move into his house and leave our apartment.'' Her mouth fell open.

She took my hands in hers and squeezed them gentile.

''Vivian, if you think I will be angry if you take the job, then you are wrong. I always want what is best for you, and if you want to take it, just do it; don't hold yourself back because of me.'' She told me in a gentle yet serious voice.

''And besides, my best friend is going to become mom.'' She said she was weeping her invisible tears. I just roll my eyes.

''Oh, shut up. I am just going to babysit her.''

''Oh, please, that man has hot for you; sooner or later you will become her mommy, I tell you, and I can't wait till then.'' She told me with so much confidence.

''That will never happen.'' But deep down, I wish that it would come true, but in reality, I am scared.

''We will see about it, and it will not be the first time I tell you, 'I told you so'.'' She stood up and started walking toward her room, but stopped and turned around.

''And by the way, we are going to the club tonight, and don't you dare say no. You promised me last time that you would come with me next time, and besides, we are going to celebrate your new job.'' She did even give me time to reply and walk into her room.

I just sigh and walk to my room too; damn, it's going to be a long night. Moly is crazy when it comes to clubs and parties. I have seen her all throughout our high school; she is the life of every party.



I am not going to say I don't like make-up; I actually love it, but I don't like it to the point where it's started hiding your natural beauty.

Right now, Moly and I were getting ready to go to the clue. I was wearing a short golden dress, while Moly's dress was also short but black in color. She had my makeup and my hair down.

(Vivian Dress)

(Melody Dress)

After getting ready, we got into a taxi that we had called.

Soon enough, we are at our destination, 'The Emeralds Club'. This is Moly's favorite club, and we have come here many times because the bouncer and bartender know us and are on a first-name basis with us.

It didn't take us long to get in. Moly grabbed my hand and dragged me towards the bar to get drinks.

''Hey Phile.'' She yelled Phile's name.

Phile is a bartender here; in such a short time we have known him, he has become our good friend, but I think he liked Moly but never told her for some reason.

''Hello there, ladies, and, may I say, you both look gorgeous tonight?''

''Thank you, Phile.'' Moly said.

''So what can I get you tonight?''

''Six shots, I am going to go wild tonight''
He laughed, and soon enough, we had shots in front of us.

I am not much of a drinker, so I just take two, and Moly has the rest of them down in her throat in a matter of seconds.

''Let go to the dance floor.''

Moly drags me again onto the dance floor. We start dancing and moving with the music. I feel the heat on my face, and sweat starts building up on my skin from all the dancing.

It's always the same every time we come here. Moly is so into it, and she doesn't care if people see her. We both dance till I can feel my lags anymore. That's what I like about clubs: I can just let it all go and just dance and forget everything else around me.

It's been hours since we stepped into the club; we danced, and drink a lot. Well, I danced because I love dancing and lost myself in music.

Moly, on the other hand, drank a lot and had gone to get another one, but I had lost her. A few minutes ago, she was here, and then I didn't know where she went, so I stopped dancing and started looking for her.

''Hey Phile, did you see Moly?''

''Oh no, I didn't see her. Maybe she had gone to the washroom?''

I just nod and walk away. I had to walk outside the club and look around to see if she was near, but I still couldn't find her. I walked back and forth in the club one more time, and I had to walk a little more. There was a dark corner, so I decided to check. I looked around, and then there she was in the arms of a guy. They are both so lost in eating each other's faces that they notice me standing there.

I just shake my head and decide to give them their privacy and walk back to the bar to sit there to rest my lags a little.

These heels are killing me.

I ask for water from another bartender who is working there. I had enough alcohol for one day. I pull out my phone and start checking my texts. Soon, a man approached me, sat beside me, and asked for a drink.

He is not a bad-looking guy, but I keep scrolling on my phone. I am in no mood to talk to anyone right now, and he seems drunk.

''You are here alone,'' he said.

''No, my friend is here.''

''Why are you alone and not with your friends then?''

''Well. How about none of your business?'' Rube I know, but I don't want to talk to him.

''Hey, come on, I was just asking why a beautiful girl like you is sitting alone.'' I didn't answer him; he is giving me creepy vibes.

''Why don't you join us for some fun?'' He points toward the table where more men are sitting—his friends, I guess.

I just roll my eyes.

''No thank you.''

Soon, Phile had given me my water. I sat my phone on the bar counter and took a sip from my glass.

''Hey, man, leave her alone.'' He warned him.

He put his hand up in surrender. When he was taking his drink, he didn't notice my phone, and it fell down. I sigh and band down to pick it up. This guy really started pissing me off.

When I sit again in my seat, he says sorry and walks away. I take a sip of my water and  thanks Phile for his help. I finish my glass of water as Moly comes towards me and sits beside me where the man was sitting before.

She was looking nervous, and I knew what was coming next.

''You're going to dump me for that guy, aren't you?''

''I am sorry, but if you want, I can stay with you; you are more important.''
I laughed when I heard her. I knew if I wanted, she would stay, but I didn't want to come in her way.

''Don't worry, Moly, you can go. I am going to go home anyway. ''

''Okay, then come; I will help you get a taxi; it will help me to know that you are safe.''

''Don't worry, mommy, I will be fine. I had to go to the washroom before heading back.''

I can see hesitation on her face.

''Moly, I am serious; I will be fine''
Finally, she agreed and walked away after telling me to text her when I reached home.

I start walking toward the washroom when I suddenly start feeling a little dizzy and close my eyes to try to get ride of it.

My heart was racing, and my head felt like it was filled with stones; it felt heavy. I knew something was seriously wrong. But I couldn't just sit there in the middle of the club. People were pushing past me, and the music was blaring, making it difficult to hear anything.

I managed to make my way to the washroom, grateful for the cool tiles against my cheek as I leaned against the wall. I took deep breaths, trying to calm myself down, but it was getting harder and harder to focus.

As I stumbled towards the sink, my body felt heavier with each step. I splashed some water on my face, hoping it would help clear my head. But it only seemed to make things worse.

Panicking, I realized I needed to get out of the club. I needed to go back to my apartment, but my legs felt like jelly. I couldn't move properly, and the loud music was making my head throb. I walk out of the washroom and start walking to the bar. I need Phile's help right now, but it's getting harder to walk.

I collapsed against the wall, feeling completely helpless. I was scared, confused, and alone. I didn't know what was happening to me, and I couldn't even call for help. I forgot my phone at the bar counter. My heart was racing, and my head felt like it was going to spill in two.

Suddenly, a man came and stood in front of me. I looked at him and recognized him as the guy who approached me in the bar. He looked at me with a creepy grin on his face that sent shivers down my spine—not a good kind of shivers.

I tried to move past him, but he grabbed my arm roughly. His grip was strong, and I could smell the alcohol on his breath.

''Come on, let's have some now, shall we?'' he slurred, pulling me towards him and slammed me against the wall, trapping me between him and the wall.

''You know, you should have taken my offer when you had the chance; you would have saved yourself from all this pain, but you had to play hard to get it, didn't you?'' He nuzzled my neck.

Panic coursed through my body as I realized he had spiked my drink somehow. I tried to fight him off, but I don't have enough energy in my body. I tried to scream for help, but my screams were drowned out by the loud music, and no one could hear me.

I struggled and fought back as best I could, but I can't move my hands, and I can't even stand properly. He was easily overpowering me; there was no chance for me to escape.

My heart was pounding in my chest, and tears were streaming down my face as he touched me all over. He grabbed my butt and squeezed it; I felt violated, humiliated, and completely helpless. The drugs in my drink made me feel weak, and I couldn't put up much of a fight.

He tried to kiss me, but I turned my face to the right side. It just angered him more. He grabbed my hiers and pulled them back hard. I let out a scream in pain; it hurt. Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse, he kissed me and forced his tongue into my mouth.

I can test the alcohol and keep on fighting, but I am way too weak when I have given up all hope and closed my eyes tightly. Suddenly, the weight of his body on me disappeared, and I fell down on the flood.

I heard voices and groaned in pain. When I looked up toward where the voices were coming from, I saw the man who was pinning me to the wall lying down on the floor, and a man was punching him again and again.

I can't stop my tears from falling from my eyes.

I try to stand up, but I fall down again. Whatever he had mixed in my drink was so strong, I couldn't feel my lag.

A different man came toward me and kneeled by my side.

''Hey, you are safe now. My name is Archer, and I am the owner of this club.''

He said loudly over the music that I can still hear. My head feels like it's going to explode in a few minutes now, and I think he saw it too.

''Let me help you get out of here. Can you stand up'' I try to do as he asks, but my lags have other plans. Just when I stand up, I fall again, but this time he holds me.

A cry rose up in my throat as panic sat in my heart when I felt his touch. I know he is trying to help, but my mind goes into a panic mode as soon as I feel him touching me, and he feels it too, so he puts me on the floor again.

A look of depression crossed his face.

''Hey, I am not going to hurt you in any way, but I need to pick you up and take you away from here to help you. You can trust me, okay?''

He tells me this in a gentle voice. I know that I shouldn't trust some stranger, but something in his eyes and his seniority told me to do it.

I nodded my head, giving him permission to pick me up.

Soon he picked me up in bridle style and started walking. He is holding me in such a way that only his arms are holding my whole weight, and I am away from his body silently.

The pain in my head became so much that my eyes started feeling heavy, I started losing consciousness, and blackness started surrounding me.
The last thing I remember was him carrying me and telling me that everything was going to be alright


Archer Bernard.

I feel her body become heavy in my arms, and I start walking faster towards my office.

I enter the code and touch my thumb on the smooth surface for fingerprint recognition. When I hear the click, I push the door and open it.

After making her lay down in a cauch in my office and making sure the blanket covered her properly, I walked out of the door and closed it.

My office is soundproof, so the loud music can't be heard from inside. I took out my phone to call Gabriel, knowing very well he was going to be in rage when he found out what happened, but I see Marcus coming toward me.

Marcus was the one whom Gabriel gave orders to look after Vivian when Steve was away, doing god knows what for him.

''Where is that son of a bitch?'' I ask.

''I sent him to the warehouse with one of the men.''

I sigh. That stupid man doesn't know he has signed his own death warrant by touching her, let alone making her shed tears.

''You suppose to look after her. How can this scumbag be able to get her hands all over her?''

''I swear I had my eye on her all night, but then she just disappeared.''

''Save your excuses for Gabriel; you are in deep Shit, bro, and take care of your hands; they are bleading.'' he says, looking down at them and sighing.

''That fucker deserves those punches.''

''Oh, believe me, he's going to see hell on earth before he meets Lucifer himself.''

I said that and stepped back to call the devil himself.

I dial his number and wait for him to pick up.


''Hello, Gabriel...''


What do you think Gabriel will do after hearing what happened? 🤔

Well, I have a few ideas. 😜

I hope you all like it. Please vote and comment about how you like the story so far.

Until next time. ♥️

Ciao, my lovely readers. 😘

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